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  1. “LG Life’s not so Good” TV developed fault just after 2 years.........! Sent an email to Currys and got a response: ‘As a company, we do understand our obligation to provide a remedy for products that fault following the expiry of the guarantee in certain situations. I do appreciate that manufacturing defects may not manifest themselves until after the initial warranty period has expired… Alternatively, you are able to obtain an independent engineer to inspect your television, you can send us the engineers report. The report should outline the diagnoses of fault/s that has occurred, the cost of repair, also if the television is not repairable then the report should state this also….” Sent independent engineer’s report and they called to organize collection to repair the TV, which they did within 7 days. Also will refund my £30 for the engineer's report. Well done Currys and the KNOWHOW team. P.S. Background: avforums.com/forums/lcd-led-lcd-tvs/1802165-lg-tv-no-picture-sound-hdmi-usb-lan-don-t-work-distorted-freeview.html
  2. ASA Adjudication on We Buy Any Car Ltd We Buy Any Car Ltd Pennine House Zebra Court White Moss View Middleton Manchester M24 1UN Ad A radio ad, for We Buy Any Car, a car buying service, included the claim "86% of people said they were well happy and got a really fair price with us". Issue A listener challenged whether the claim was misleading and could be substantiated. CAP Code (Edition 12) Response We Buy Any Car said they surveyed all customers who had sold vehicles to them and 86% of those who responded said they were happy with the price given. They said all customers were also sent an e-mail or SMS message. They asked how likely customers were to recommend We Buy Any Car to friends and family, on a scale of one to ten. We Buy Any Car said the average score of customers who thought the price they received was fair was 9.1, which meant those customers also recommended them. They believed it was logical that a customer who would recommend the company was happy. Based on that score, they were comfortable with the claim that 86% were happy and got a fair price. They submitted the results of the relevant survey questions and said they proposed to amend the ad to state "of people asked". The RACC said at script clearance stage they asked for the ad to make clear the satisfaction rating did not represent the whole customer base. The final version did not include that qualification, which they saw as an oversight. They said future ads with the claim had been qualified to stated "86% of people asked". Assessment Upheld The ASA acknowledged the ad had been amended to make clear the claim related only to those who had been surveyed. We noted that, while a small number of participants had skipped the question "How do you feel about the price that you got from webuyanycar.com for your car? Was it fair or unfair?" and we considered those participants should have been taken into account, the proportion of those asked who said the price was fair nevertheless amounted to 86%. However, we noted that the question included in the e-mail and SMS survey did not relate specifically to price and considered results that related to whether customers would recommend the company to friends and family on a general basis did not constitute sufficient evidence that 86% of customers were "well happy", or similar. We considered "well happy", in the context in which it appeared, was not likely to be understood as a separate claim related to the willingness of those customers' who believed they had received a fair price to recommend We Buy Any Car to others. Rather, we considered the overall impression of the ad, in particular given the references to people being "well happy" and having received a "really fair" price, was that customers of We Buy Any Car were very satisfied with the price they had received, whereas the relevant survey questions asked only whether the price was "fair" or "unfair" and whether customers would recommend the company to friends more generally. We therefore concluded that the claim was misleading. The ad breached BCAP Code rules 3.1 and 3.2 (Misleading advertising) and 3.9 (Substantiation). Action The ad must not be broadcast again in its current form. We told We Buy Any Car to ensure they were in a position to adequately substantiate objective claims before they made them in future.
  3. After a monumental cock up by the DWP,the decision to refuse me ESA has now been allegedly confirmed a second time,but they've sent me none of the paperwork that was sent to me the first time - which makes me suspicious. What documents can I demand from the DWP to show they actually did a 2nd reconsideration?
  4. Hello, A week ago some local kids damaged my car by throwing stones in it. I have few scratches on both of the doors and the roof. When i first heard a stone hitting my car i reprimanded those kids and told them to stop it. They totally ignored me. I also have a witness who saw it. I talked their mother, of course at the beginning she was denying that they were her kids but then she admitted it. Police came over and she admitted her kids caused damage to my car and she agreed to pay it once I get written estimate to repair the scratches they caused. I've been quoted around £500 to get it done properly (painting both doors and the roof). I didn't expect her to pay £500 for few scratches so when i was at the garage i asked them if there was any other way to repair it. They told me they can polish those scratches and touch it up with paint and that's around £96 including VAT. Next day I provided her with written estimate and she agreed to pay on next Friday. Week after ( on Friday ) i knocked to her doors to get my money to cover the costs and she told me she can get it cheaper. Then she said she will bring her own solicitor to have a look at it. He came on Sunday (yesterday) to have a look at it. He wasn't even a solicitor but a man of her daughter. About half an hour after he inspected my car she sent me a txt saying she has been advised not to pay for the scratches and now she is denying to pay for the damaged. She also said that if i knock to her doors once again she will report me for harassment and intimidation, funny. It's not first time i have to deal with them because her kids already broke 5 windows in my house by throwing stones. What would be the best solution to get out of this situation and get money to cover the damage? I wanted to be nice for them as a neighbor and dont make them pay too much for the damage but i dont see why i would be so nice for them now. Also I dont want to do it through my car insurance company because I'll lose NCB. Thanks for advise Michael
  5. Ive had a 'friend' staying with me for 5 months. I drafted a written tenancy agreement with him and stated I was happy to wait until he had sorted out housing benefit to pay rent to me or to the housing association that the house belongs to. Written permission from the association was sought and granted, and the application was put in. After 5 months of him piddling about I finally had enough as I hadn't received a penny. I told him rent in a week or your out. He subsequently did a bunk leaving the house in a disgusting state as I had been away for a couple of weeks looking after an ill relative. I have an address that he has post sent to but not the address where hes actually living. Ive spoken to housing benefit who inform me that he failed to return documents they had asked for so his claim had been rejected. I am unable to appeal to recover rent Ive paid as he has to be the one to register an appeal. The housing association have said theres very little they can do but recommend legal action. Ive started a claim on moneyclaim.gov but havent finalised it yet as £70 is a lot of money to start the claim when Im unsure of my legal stance. Advice anyone?????
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160617/Argentine-tennis-player-David-Nalbandian-booted-Queens-Club-final-wild-kick-line-judge.html?ito=feeds-newsxml http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/tennis/4378332/David-Nalbandian-disqualifed-from-Queens-final-for-injuring-tennis-official-with-kick.html
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