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  1. Hi I've been out of work for nearly a year, have done supply teaching in that period but very infrequently, 2 or 3 days a month (often less). I've been lucky enough to have secured an interview with Ingeus as an employment advisor, helping the long term unemployed, I've already passed the telephone interview part and so now have face to face interview coming up. I would love this job, I'd be VERY, VERY HAPPY to never see a classroom again!!!! I'm a bit worried about the CRB check though. Last year I received a caution, I'm actually really angry with myself for accepting it, I guess I took the advice of the young solicitor who spoke to me, but wish I'd fought it. I wont go into too much detail but basically I had a sports bag with me when I entered a football ground in England, inside were 4 cans of lager, I was told that I'd committed an offence. To cut a long story short, I've a police caution: POSSESSION OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR WHEN ENTERING A SPORTS GROUND (SPORTING EVENTS CONTROL OF ALCOHOL ETC) ACT 1985. If this wasn't on my CRB I am convinced that I would have a very good chance of getting this job, but pretty much as the last 5 years have gone since qualifying as a teacher it seems this may thwart me. How shall I play this in the interview. I've also got a letter from the solicitor which corroborates my version of events as I type here. Thank you
  2. Hello, * Background info: 5 years ago, I lost my photocard driving licence (on a night out) and around 2 years after that, it was returned to me by the police. They would not give any details as to what the ID was used for during that time. * Now, I am undergoing regular employment screening for a new job. Never had any trouble with the police, no cautions/charges/convictions. I recently had a phone call from the organisation conducting the screening, asking a few questions about where I have lived/worked/etc. Referring to an address in the city where I have never lived before. Apparently, my details are 'similar' to another person who has been involved in criminal activity. They concluded that I would need to have my fingerprints taken to confirm that this person is not me. I will soon receive information in the post and will have to arrange an appointment at the police station to have this done. I have a strong feeling that whilst my driving licence was in the wrong hands, it was being used for something foolish. I called the police about this, but they were not helpful and simply suggested I complete the data protection form (and pay £10) to release any information held about me. My concerns: 1. Will this false information stick with me on the PNC for the rest of my life, or can it be removed? 2. What if I fail the fingerprint check too, for whatever reason? For instance, my house was burgled a few years ago and the police took my fingerprints so that when dusting the house, they could disregard my prints. What if these are the prints they have on file for me! Please advise me on what to do. Many thanks.
  3. Hi, im a new user here and dont understand forums that well at the moment. But i need some help!!! I work in a nursing home and have done for about a year now. Last month i was very stupid and stole a sample perfume from debenhams, i was caught and taken to a room where i was spoken to about this and handed over the perfume. A pcso arrived and also spoke to me, i had to sign a form agreeing that i wouldnt come back in to debenhams again! I got given a fine from debenhams store of £125 but not heard from the police about an £80 fine yet. my crb check is coming up very shortly for work and im scared it will come up would it show on the crb check 'fine' or 'theft'?? please help, really need some advice thanks x
  4. Hi folks, I need a little advice. I was convicted of drink driving 14yrs ago this month '(Hit by an unmarked police car while stationary but no excuses 15month ban and £300 fine) I started with the NHS the following year and at the time with no computer or forums like this to seek advice I didnt think that a driving offence went on my check. 6yrs later and a further check and now knowing a little I declared my offence and was dragged before HR who gave me a written warning. Last week my new enhanced CRB check was done and the offence was on there. I had an email from my trust asking for a little information on the issue which I provided. They emailed me back thanking me and said it was going to panel 21 of June. Just been reading up on these panels and it says I could lose my job if they think fit. Any advice help please as am stressing here. Convicted done it and was very ashamed.
  5. I have a record of battery (minor assault) Using a vehicle without insurance Making off with payment of petrol All from juvenile court and i just applied at hospital (BMI Merdian) and lost my job before i started because i thought these went after 5 years, is there anyway to get them removed?
  6. Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone could help, I am 21 and have had quite severe mental health problems for the last five years. I am now fully recovered and currently working towards getting a place ona nursing degree, I need to hold a health care assisstant job for a while to strengthen my uni application, however whilst I was unwell I had quite alot of police involvement when I ran away from hospitals, and had to be searched for and returned or when I did dangerous things during which they had to intervene. On one occasion, I was classified as being at risk of harming others, without going into detail ... during a very unwell episode I threatened to attack a friend. I have had an enhanced CRB done in the past, and on the other relevant info box the chief police officer disclosed how many times the police had had to attend to me (frequently) during which periods 2008-2010 (however now it will be until the end of last year... and went into brief detail about the risk to myself Ive caused and very detailed about the event where I threatened to attack a friend. I understand they cannot overlook what happened completely however I feel they have gone into too much detail. I phoned the CRB office last year and they said it would remain on there for five years, but I feel it will severely hamper my chances of working in healthcare, which is and always has been my dream. I have worked hard and been through therapy to address my issues which are all born from trauma... and I feel now this is going to make it very hard for me to get a job, even though I am desperate to take the next step into adulthood and life, and not be reliant on benefits. My question is ... How can I try and get this sorted, have the content toned down or taken off? Absolutely none of what I recorded is remotely criminal... it is all purely because I was unwell! I have considered contacting my local police HQ and asking if my psychiatrist writes a letter saying I am of no risk to vulnerable adults or children at all, whether this would help? Sorry for the long ramble, it's just I've worked too hard to let a bit of paper get in my way! Any help appreciated, happy to answer further questions about what happened etc... Just please post any ideas!! Thanks, studentnurse2b (Hopefully!)
  7. I searched for threads about this and found one which dealt with convictions and Royal Mail, so apologies if anybody feels I should not have started a fresh thread. I recently started to apply for a job as a Post Person with Royal Mail (in Scotland) and the questionnaire asked if I had ever received a police caution. I was cautioned over five years ago (in England) for a bit of freelance art a friend and I did and was advised that it would expire after five years - which was last October. I am a bit concerned that I have even been asked whether I have EVER been cautioned as this does not seem legal to me. I have worked with vulnerable people and have obtained several CRBs without any problem - even though I declared the caution but why should I be asked to declare something which no longer legally exists? I would simply not bother to apply as it isn't my normal kind of occupation but the Job Centre exert significant pressure to seek work even when the prospects of actually getting the job are slim beyond reasonable expectation. [edit] BTW - this seems to indicate that cautions should expire after five years: http://www.lawontheweb.co.uk/Road_Traffic_Law/Rehabiliation_of_Offenders_Act
  8. hi, yesterday i was caught shoplifting fake tan from tesco im 17 and live in the UK i got piven a penatly notice of 80pounds im worried if i pay this (which i will) will it give me a criminal record? will it be on CRB checks? im applying for uni can i fill in the question Do you have any criminal convictions? with the answer NO ?? someone help me please! on the back of my ticket it says PAYMENT OF THE PENALTY INVOLVES NO ADMISSION OF GUILT AND WILL NOT RESULT IN A RECORD OF CRIMINAL CONVICTION BEING MADE AGAINST YOU help? i dont understand
  9. Does anyone know if IT firms request standard CRB requests for sales people? I have a spend conviction that goes back 23 years. I am worried that the firm will request a standard CRB even though I will not be working with vulnerable people. Job will involve selling IT solutions.
  10. Hi, I was charged of Shoplifting at a Store where I had paid for one set of stuff that i purchased, before leaving the store i recalled buying sum more stuff, sum of which I forgetfully put into the bag carrying the previously purchased items and bills. Their camera noticed this and they said i was guilty of shoplifting, they called the police and asked me to pay double the price of the item that was unbilled & in my bag, I agreed for that but got very nervous and started crying. They also accused me of possessing other used stuff that I was carrying in my purse to have been shoplifted. However, the police arrived and questioned me, I admit that I picked the item but it was by an accident that I did not paid for it. Seeing me cry & nervous, they checked on my status & found that I was having enough money in my wallet to pay for the articles and agreed that I did it by accident. They asked me to write a paper admitting the same with my signature on it. The store authority banned me from entering their store for a year & later I received a paper from court stating that I was found guilty of 'shoplifting' and if I feel it is a wrong decision I should appeal against it in the court in some stipulated time (which I dont remember now as I tore the paper & threw it away....) or otherwise I would stand guilty and the decision would stay in records for 2 yrs. and then will be taken off the record. Now there are 3 questions I need to know: 1. What kind of offence it is: Criminal, Civil, Convicted? 2. What way can I get another copy of the court judgement (as I threw the one I received), as I have to fill in my Tier1 (PSW) visa application and need to mention the details of the court judgement? 3. Does the above have a negative bearing on getting a visa and also does it affects my chances of employment in UK or can I hide this in my job applications if it is a minor offence/ judgement? Your reply would be of great help to me as it is getting me worried days & nights from all the above 3 respects. Thanks in advance.
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