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  1. Hello guys, I wonder if someone can advise? On 3rd of March an enforcement officer from a company called Collectica came to our house and presented my wife with a "Notice of intention to enter & search your premises-removal notice". It transpires that this was in relation to an outstanding speeding ticket my wife thought she had cleared off via an automated payment back in December. She has had no communication from any body until that morning when the gentleman arrived. The outstanding balance of £65 is include in the new bailiff balance of £375, a massive jump in anyone's book. Now I've looked into bailiff charges and understand that there is a visiting fee of £235, rip off!, and a "Compliance" fee of 75 quid but up to now we've had no breakdown of the charges. The bailiff also states that he has a warrant in his possession but has not shown it as he is "NOT OBLIGED TOO". I spoke to the bailiff on my wife's behalf and he's given her 30 days to clear the whole balance, starting with £100 this coming Friday, or he's coming in and taking goods! Please somebody advise where she/we stand on this and in particular time scales for payment. WE HAVE NEVER RECEIVED A NOTICE OF ENFORCEMENT. Many thanks in anticipation :0)
  2. Hi everyone I'm having problems with vodafone at the moment trying to Bill me £190.86 for getting a replacement of a brand new iPhone 6 plus that didn't work straight out of the box! I ordered the phone online on the pre order date on the 12th September and I got an email on the 19th September to say it was going to be delivered that day. I was on holiday in America when the package arrived but my parents were there to accept the delivery and just put it in my bedroom for when I got home on the 29th September onlyl or me to find it didn't work! I contacted vodafone customer service imidietly who informed me that they would get a new one sent out to me next day but never mentioned anything about charges or a 7 day returns policy so I presumed eventing would be fine and I would just be charged the £220 for the phone upfront and my usual Monthly bill, but Instead I got a bill through for £547! Cut a long story short Ive made 3 calls to Vodafone about this and everytime someone just says you didn't return it within 7 days so you have to pay the repair bill!? Surely that would be covered under apples warranty! The advisors I've spoken to just say I need to wait for a text within 48 hours confirming if the extra charge will be dropped and it doesn't happen! Reading vodafones returns policy online it says "How do I return a faulty product? We’ll help you sort out any faulty product as long as: You bought it from us It has a genuine fault If the fault’s covered by a manufacturer's warranty, fixing it will be free." Never mentions anything about 7 days and neither does any other section in there returns policy! They all say 14 days! Many Thanks in advance!
  3. I previously wrote post titled ‘housingbenefit overpayment due to rent free weeks being paid’ 7 days ago. I receivednumber of responses and also tried to clarify a few points. ID6052 may have hitthe nail on the head but the landlord say the arrears refer only to the currentproperty! My last contact with landlord was 2 daysago, Monday, when landlord employee said she would post out to me a printout ofMothers rent account and a few paragraphs as to how they see the rent arrearshave arisen. At least with this it would be something tangible and in writing.The only way the landlord has dealt with this is via 2 calls and 1 visit frommyself to their offices (when I spoke to different member of staff). Haven’treceived this information in writing yet-at time of posting. I did yesterday, speak with my Mother,again 7 days after she, and then I, were made aware of the rent arrears accruedaccording to landlord, as explained in earlier post. Mother told me she had received letterfrom landlord head office demanding that she pay rent account arrears (of over£500) within 3 days or further action will be taken. This is the 1stletter that has been received regarding this problem. No explanation in writingas to how arrears accrued, just a straight forward demand for payment within 3days. How can landlord be allowed to send aletter of demand when they have not even explained fully how they arrears havearisen? Don’t know of each of other 40 affectedtenants have been treated similarly but find the landlords practicedisgraceful. Surely there is protocol which they must follow before sending outdemand for payment? So enraged that a pensioner with health problems and dementia is allowed to be treated this way. Comments welcome.
  4. I would be most grateful of some clarification from you great folks on CAG please. Background Had an original CC with MSDW long time back. This then followed the Goldfish to Barclaycard route. CCA made to Barclaycard who failed to satisfy my request. Upon the 6th alleged missed payment they assigned it to a DCA (will not name at this stage). DCA made usual threats. More interestingly, the DCA applied a Default to my credit reference file only 6 days after the date of assignment. Questions From my understanding a default notice must be provided prior to recording a default with any CRAs. This notice must provide the info prescribed in S88(1) of CCA74 and as such a way to remedy any alleged breach and must afford the debtor 14 days from service to carry out remedy before a default can be recorded with CRAs. Is this your understanding too? As Barclaycard never added a default (and if they did then the DCA would have needed to have recorded the same date with the CRAs in my credit reference file) and the DCA did not follow the correct procedure, where do I stand now with regards to a) the Default entry, b) the alleged debt (that I deny) and c) my chances of suing the DCA for stress and actual loss suffered from affecting my credit rating by applying Default? Does the alleged debt become unenforceable now? Many thanks in advance and any further questions do not hesitate to ask! Cheers Wormy
  5. B-I-L had an accident two days ago from what ive heard he came through a junction on green at which point another car came through the other side on red and hit him at about 40mph, he ended up in A+E with no serious injuries in the end (had to be x-rayed etc) but large amounts of brusing and side pains at the scene the woman said in front of witnesses "sorry i was on my phone and didnt see the lights" this was infront of BIL + His brother + people from the car behind fast forward to yesterday and shes told her insurance company that it wasnt her fault, BIL says that if the witness replies that she said that they will push for 100% liability if not it will end up at 50/50 now hes worried that the witness (who was very friendly at the time) might not reply now here comes the cheeky part, the woman lives in portsmouth, i had her name, i set up a fake facebook profile, with profile pictures as "pets", roughly same age, and same school history. found the woman on facebook - confirmed it through her pictures which had the car in question (bmw 5 series) ive managed to get onto her friends list by saying i vagely remembered her from school, and asked about the car accident if shes ok etc, if she actually admits the being on the phone again how useful is this, as its a fake account theres no issue giving the insurer the login to read the message themselves or a print off any ideas?
  6. Hi Guys, I'm new to this site, seems like a great resource. Any of your help will be greatly appreciated. I have uploaded a couple of files of the PCNs in question. Anyway the story... I came home from work on Friday to be greeted by two PCNs. You can imagine how blue the air was. On closer inspection they are for two offences committed within a minute of each other. One is for parking in a loading bay for about five minutes(while loading for a local business) the other is for entering a no entry zone, all of this on the same road. With regard to the the no entry one, I think I may just have to pay it, but I had no idea I was entering a no entry otherwise I wouldn't have done it, but ignorance is no excuse and I imagine this is the line the Hammersmith and Fulham council will take, but if any of you guys can find a technicality then great. It is the loading bay one that is my major annoyance. The PCN states that I was parked in the loading bay for a few minutes and I should not have parked there in my class of vehicle. Granted I don't drive a HGV, but my car is a work car, I am an IT field engineer working across London using my own vehicle. It is insured as a work car by myself so I fail to see how they can charge me for this. I would have been loading a computer/it equipment to one of the estate agents we have all over London. I guess my question on this would be, Can i use a loading bay to load to a local business in a normal car that is insured for business use. Surely this is the very definition of a loading bay, and why it was placed there in the first place. I don't drive like an idiot, in fact i consider myself a considerate driver. Why are these councils allowed to keep handing these out willy nilly to make u the funding short falls. It makes me extremely angry. Frankly I think they are taking the ****, and are abusing their powers to extract money out of the easiest targets ie motorists. Anyway rant over. If any of you rather wonderful people can help me it it would be greatly appreciated. Kindest regards Rich3423
  7. In Mount Pleasant, St Albans, there is a parking bay with two spaces marked out with white lines but no accompanying sign at the roadside. This is similar to a number of other bays in the neighbourhood except that all the others do have accompanying signs showing restrictions eg Mon-Fri 10.30am-12.30pm and Mon-Sat 8am-8.30pm. There are no white lines linking separate bays. Each bay is marked out with white lines and has kerbing at the end of each bay to clearly define their extent. There is a sign on the other side of the road from the unsigned bay. This sign overlooks an old bay where the remains of white lines delineating previous parking bays have all but disappeared, with newer double yellow lines at the roadside. I am guessing that the local authority has simply omitted to move the sign showing the hours of restriction to the other side of the road when the newer bays were created. If I were to park in the unsigned bay, would I have a strong case if I were to receive a PCN?
  8. hi,just wondering if anyone could give me a little advice on behalf of a friend. he bought a toshiba laptop around 8 months ago and the hdd is starting to fail,when switched on,it takes a long time to load up,when it does get to the home screen,it comes up with a message stating "Windows detected a hard disk problem",it gives 2 options,"start the backup process", or,"Ask me again later". fortunately,there is nothing he is concerned about losing on the hdd,as it is all on an external hdd,,so my question is this---can he go to the pcworld store where he bought it and expect a free repair and probable replacement if faulty? i've had personal experience with pcworld with products still under 12 months warranty,none of it good,so he will have to go to the store without me,as i will shout at the top of my voice if i get the usual reaction of 'oh,its not down to us,you have to contact the manufacturer yourself',yada yada yada and so on,which quite frankly is b***s***. so if i can tell him that he is entitled to free repair(with rights on his side)he can go to the store and leave it in the capable(lol) hands of pcworld. sorry for the little rant,but i have absolutely no time,or respect for pcworld or their staff,i did warn him about buying from them,but he made his own choice! thx for any help offered on this subject.
  9. Very disturbing http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14557/online-news/one-in-five-will-seek-payday-loan
  10. Hi, My role has recently been made redundant and as a result I am in my notice period. Due to the offshoring of my role I am not required to attend the office during the notice period. The first two weeks of the notice period coincided with a period of Jury Service. Question is - does this period of Jury Service impact my notice period (i.e. does it extend it by two weeks)? Thanks, Monoceros
  11. Hi All, I have recently taken on a new member of staff as my assistant manager and she is on a 13 week probation period. I have grave concerns regarding her commitment and have discovered that she has been working elsewhere while supposedly being off sick for the last few days. Her absence has caused major upheaval for myself and the rest of the team and now I feel any trust or confidence I had in her has been broken. I do not want to waste any more time on training etc for someone who is clearly going to be unsuitable. Can I dismiss her for those reasons and would she have any legal recourse?
  12. Hello, i bought a car on 21st august from Honda garage in Norwich. i drove from there to scotland and covered 600 miles. in the morning i started the car and engine was making knocking noises. car went to local honda dealer and told me that the engine has failed. Honda uk investigated by stripping the engine and came to the conclusion that due to lack of oil the engine had failed. The car was taken to the selling dealer by honda uk. they have taken liability. Now my concern is that they might fix the existing engine but personally would like a new engine as it may comprise reliability in the future. Now i was wondering what rights i have to return the car and get a refund? thanks
  13. Hi there I am one of a number of employees that will be TUPEd into a new company that was created to 'hive off' part of the business and provide a specific function. The function is moving it's head office to a part of the country with low wages - cost cutting is the primary reason for these TUPEs and proposed redundancies. There will be over 200 of us TUPEing and we have been already told that there will be redundancies as part of the process (as some of the roles have simply too many people assigned to them). The process has been going on for some time and information has been trickling out at a fairly poor pace. Any information we have received has been of poor quality and some of the information has simply been incorrect. We dont even know where we might be based as yet. Can anyone confirm the answers to a few questions, the above info (or about the process in general) please? - If we choose to TUPE and do not like the roles that we TUPE into, do we have 30 days to try out the role and are we legally able to choose to take redundancy if we do not like the role. - We are worried (collectively) about benefits received at our originating parts of the company and that these will disappear over time after TUPEing. Are company cars, pensions (and contributions), holiday entitlements protected? If moving to a new role within the new company, can we potentially lose them? - We have heard that certain salaries within the same role type will be frozen to allow other salaries within the same job type to catch up. Is this legal? It amounts to an effective pay cut for some. - We are also worried that in a lot of cases, the company is not replying to some requests for information and seems to be not too keen to put certain information down on paper. Should we be and are there any legal protection for employees on this? Many thanks for your time. GB
  14. I have never had an account with Wonga and never will have one but that did not stop them from taking £521.29 out of my bank account! Despite contacting the police and getting a crime number and six telephone calls to Wonga, 6 days later and they still have not paid the money back into my account. They apparently have a fraud department but none of the telephone operators that I spoke to have a direct telephone link with this department and despite promising five times that someone from their fraud department will contact me, no one has. I have now asked them to return the money with the same amount of exhorbitant interest that they charge their customers. To date they now owe me £564. I am told by the company that they are expereincing a huge amount of fraud at the moment so it appears that you do not need to be a customer of theirs in order for them to take money from your bank account.
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