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  1. Hello. I am just about to edit a Subject Access Request to a company for my friend who has had a relatively long running dispute over the amount they charged him for work they did. Other than requesting copies of any and all letters between them and any internal memos or emails that he is mentioned in, is there anything else that you would recommend I include? Thank you.
  2. Hi All, I applied to Lloyds for an SAR. The SAR was correctly made and accepted by Lloyds. I contacted Lloyds SAR Team via telephone, several times (at least three times) during the 40 day statutory period, and on each occasion, they advised me that there were no issues, and that they would be dispatching the SAR data, within the 40 day statutory period. The day before the 40 day statutory period was due to expire, I contacted them one last time. On this occasion Lloyds advised that because I had phoned them 3 weeks into the SAR period, and asked for specific information (i.e. PPI and Loan information), they had reset the 40 day statutory period, and that my SAR request would now not be sent until the end of this month. When I phoned Lloyds asking for this specific information, I firstly clarified with them, that by asking for this specific data, there would be no delay in the original SAR date. The SAR Team advisor i spoke to confirmed that there would be no delay. The whole purpose of asking Lloyds for this specific information was so that they didn't have to trawl through years and years worth of data. Had i been told at this point that there would be a delay or the statutory 40 day period would be rest, i would have left the SAR request as is, and got them to send me everything. My fault for trying to be helpful towards Lloyds. Lloyds stated that they had sent me a letter advising me that they were delaying the SAR disclosure. They stated that they had sent me the letter on 7th March 2018, yet as speaking to them on 12th March 2018, I had nothing through the post. I eventually received a letter from them on 16th March 2018. My issue here is, if they had known they were delaying my SAR when i originally phoned them (3 weeks into the SAR 40 days), why did they leave it for over 2 weeks to notify me that it was being delayed. Also, i have phoned them on a number of occasions and at no point have they advised it was delayed. The 40 day statutory date has come and past, so i issued Lloyds with a Letter Before Action (LBA), giving them an extra five working days to send me the SAR. They failed to do this so i have now issued an N1 Particulars of Claim for breach of SAR Request. This was done via money claim online. I have confirmed that Lloyds received the N1 Particulars of Claim, via a signature on special recorded delivery. I have also submitted an N215 Certificate of Service in relation to this. I have now received correspondence from Lloyds who have instructed solicitors on their behalf and are defending the claim. I am not sure on what actions i need to take next. I am not legally trained and have limited knowledge of civil court proceedings. Please can i have some advise and help on what i need to do next. Aside from the N1 Particulars of Claim, i have also submitted a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office, for the breach of data protection.
  3. Hello fellow Caggers my question concerns PPI on an American Express credit card, does anyone know what this appeared as on the monthly statement? I have some old statements from 2004 which states "Creditors Insurance Premium" could this be PPI? TIA
  4. Hi.. Sent a SAR request last week to Lowell for a Vanquis CC debt and Halifax loan . Got a letter back today to say they have received and sending all paperwork from when they purchased the debts but if I require anything before that i need to SAR the OC. Surely as the supposed owner of the debt they should contact the OC or have all original paperwork such as statements etc sent to them once purchased ..or do I indeed have to contact OC ? Wanted to check before I send a curt reply letter back to Lowell
  5. Hi there. Just on the off chance my husband sent a request to Barclays to see if he had PPI on any of his cards. It turns out he had it on his Barclaycard Mastercard from Sept '97 until Dec 2004 and on his Barclaycard Visa from Sept '97 until Aug 2015. What would be our next step forward please? Thank you.
  6. Hello all. I've just found this forum and have been reading through some of the very helpful guides regarding PPI. I am currently in the process of helping my sister with a PPI claim against Capital One. We've never done this sort of thing before so do have a few questions we were hoping you could help with. Initially we contacted Capital One to ask if she had PPI. They emailed back and said yes. I then sent off a SAR to see what information they hold on her as we're not sure if she was mis-sold, so are trying to establish a few facts. They responded with a pack that contained loads of statements, memos etc. I don't think it included everything I asked for, they said to ask again for specifics (like which telephone call exactly) and they will provide them. In the statements it shows PPI, there is also a signed copy of the CCA which indicates my sister asked for PPI. She is a bit suspicious of this but that is neither here nor there, the fact is it's signed and she has signed up to it according to this document. We want to know whether it is possible she was still mis-sold though. Ideally, we need a copy of the literature explaining what exactly PPI is and its policies that you would expect to have been sent out at the time. This will allow us to check if she was eligible or not and perhaps claim on those grounds if she wasn't. If she was eligible then we can at least draw a line under this and not bother complaining. Is there any way of obtaining this document or information? I understand a CCA request will just be the loan agreement which they already provided a copy of in the SAR. I imagine they must have sent out a PPI leaflet as opposed to discussing it over the phone with her, as the memos do not indicate any phone calls prior to the start of the PPI agreement (although they are hard to comprehend). She was in part time employment at the time, had not been in full time employment for six months prior to the agreement which elsewhere I have read may be deemed as reasons for ineligibility and thus a mis-sale. So we're not really sure how to proceed from here, if at all. Thanks for reading, I appreciate any help regarding this.
  7. Would someone please kindly point me in direction of some recent schedule of costs examples for circumstances like this? Thanks
  8. Quick summary: - I owed about £200 in tax, which was passed to Rossendales - Tax was paid directly via HMRC website - Rossendales requested proof, which I sent - Rossendales then tell me HMRC say this relates to another debt (even though the payment reference shows the correct debt) and for me to send a payment proposal. - I send an SAR to Rossendales requesting among other things, a transcript of the conversation with HMRC about this being the "wrong debt". - Rossendales write back saying: "Sorry, we are not the Data Controller, send your SAR to HMRC" Question - is Rossendales obliged to deal with my SAR or can they pass the buck to HMRC?
  9. Firstly, I apologise for this post!! I am looking for a SAR template letter to send to Brighthouse. I had an account with them many years ago (no paperwork or account number), and would like them to send me any information as I want to know if I was mis-sold PPI. Can someone please direct me in the right direction. I have tried searching the CAG library withou much luck Many thanks T
  10. Hello everyone, I have applied for current accounts with Natwest and RBS which have both been denied (even though I was originally accepted) I want to know why they have refused me as my credit file is in good condition, no defaults etc so do I need to send an SAR? if so, is there a specific template? Any help or advice would be appreciated.
  11. Hi all I sent a SAR off to barclays on the 20th of May - I got a reply today from them saying they could not process the request as the "cheque is not valid" I had enclosed a blank postal order for £10 They have not returned it or told me why it was not valid What is my next move Thanks
  12. I have been in writing to Drydensfairfax Solicitors back in March 2016. They are acting on behalf of their client Max Recovery Limited who purchased a debt. I had previously asked them for a credit agreement and copy of the deed of assignment. Back in March 2016, they wrote to me in reply. They provided me with a basic office copy of a credit agreement. They claimed that their client, Max Recovery, had provided them with a copy deed of assignment, and that they had attached this to the document for my perusal. Upon checking the documentation, this assignment was not present as stated in the covering letter. For the past year, I have had no response from Drydensfairfax. Today, I checked my credit agreement, and I am horrified that they have placed a default on my credit file on the 30th May 2017. Under section 87(1) Consumer Credit Act 1974, I have NOT been provided with a written default notice prior to this default being placed. Can anyone please advise me what to do next as I feel that the default is illegal!? The other concern is that Drydens should not have put the default in their name as the debt belongs to their client Max Recovery Limited. Am I correct in thinking Drydens have done this default incorrectly it should be their client!?
  13. Hi all, Sorry for this but where is the appropriate sub-forum for BT complaints?
  14. Today my gf has had back two letters, one from Mint & the other from Natwest after requests for CCA (mint) and SAR request with Natwest. Mint have stated the following: Does this mean I would also be unable to request SAR from Mint & reclaim PPI charges? As for Natwest, they have asked her to sign a form, provide evidence of identification "certified by a member of staff at any branch or a solicitor!" & "As the purpose of your request is unclear, we require some further information from you to help clarify what you are looking for" Are they for real? She'd have to take a day off work to be able to goto the bank just to get the ID authorised. I used the template letter from here & quoted 4 Credit Card account numbers and an insurance policy number.
  15. Hi, I'm in a regulated tenancy. The rent's just gone up. The council, who pay my rent (I was on ESA in the SG long term, now I'm on GPC), are now complaining they overpaid on the old rent. They are threatening to suspend my HB claim or get the alleged overpayments back, presumably by underpaying the existing rent till they think we're square. They aren't offering any evidence of overpayment, however. My landlords, who have contacted them about this by email and ccd me on it, say the council always have been and are paying the correct rent, and have briefly broken down how the rent is arrived at for them. The council refuse to accept their figures and insist they've been overpaying. I want to see evidence of what they've been paying so I'd like to do a SAR; to whom should I address it please? I have the details of the head of housing benefit and they'd seem to be the right person. Perhaps you could either confirm that or make a better suggestion? Many thanks, SWLABR
  16. I've just sent off (with the £10 postal order) a Formal DSAR request to 1st Crud. All info required to be supplied, including a signature was provided in my formal and detailed letter. I've just received one of their 'please fill out this 5 page form' before we are obliged to do anything, however I'm not happy with what they are requesting I provide. There is no way I am ever going to provide them a copy of my driving licence, or bank statements and I'm back on here for some advice. I've been completing DSAR requests for approx 10 years, and apart from (almost) starting legal action with BC whilst some have been a struggle to get all info from and in a timely manner most have been compliant and not made me jump through too many hoops. (Oh apart from the DWP completely ignoring me for over 2 months! Still ongoing - but I class them in a different category to the CC companies and DCAs etc). Have the rules changed? I am now legally obliged to provide any of the following on the attached picture? Considering I've lived at the same address for over 10 years, and they've contacted me for 3-4 different companies at this same address, and threatened legal action to me at the same address, and supplied alleged CCA agreements, I would think that they should be fairly confident of my identity? Can I take this route, or will they likely play up and delay provision even though I don't (I think) have to legally provide the documents they have requested I send? Thanks ME_TOO
  17. A while ago we had HMRC chasing us for a Tax Credit over-payment. We paid it in the end to get them off our backs but I still suspect there was a mistake made somewhere. I'm not looking for help on this one but I thought folks might like to know that there is an online SAR form on the HMRC website... https://www.gov.uk/guidance/hmrc-subject-access-request Here's the acknowledgement: Thank you for your email. We will process your Subject Access Request (SAR) as soon as we can. I should explain that under the terms of the Data Protection Act we have 40 calendar days to deal with this SAR. For further information on this please go to: www.hmrc.gov.uk/freedom/foi-01.htm If you have any further queries please write to: Freedom of Information Unit, 100 Parliament Street, London, SW1A 2BQ. I'll let you know how I get on.
  18. I am about to send a SAR to a health insurance Company who have prevaricated, back tracked on their agreement and generally caused unneccessary pain and anxiety before during and after an operation. Should I be able to get details of conversations, messages etc between the surgeons dealing with the Insurance company or just communications between the Company and me? It would help if I knew what to expect to get from them.
  19. Hi I sent a SAR to Halifax on 13th December but have so far received no reply. Is it advisable to send them a letter regarding this? Other creditors were sent SAR's the same time and I have received them. Many thanks
  20. Some years ago, Cabot acquired five credit card debts I had with BOS/Halifax/IF/Barclays/Lloyds. This amounted to a substantial sum and was the result of 'getting my fingers burnt' in property development. There is no entry in my Credit report for any of these amounts, or from Cabot. For the past several years I have been paying an agreed £1/month on each account to Cabot, no payments missed or late. They seem quite happy with this and don't bother me. This amounts to the princely sum of £60 / year in reduction of the substantial debt, less whatever they spend on administration/letters etc. I am almost seventy and have negotiated substantial debt write-offs with NatWest, Capital One and Tesco directly. Cabot would not write their debts off. With my sisters help I have tried to negotiate a settlement of £2000, (ok the total debt is around £40,000), but they keep saying no. I have pointed out to them that if I live to 80 they will only get £600 and to 90 they will get £1200... ..and I will have no assets to leave, but they are adament I keep paying £1/month each account. I could simply keep paying this and let it die with me, but I want a 'clean sheet'. I have requested a SAR within 40 days. 1) Assuming they respond in the timescale but do not send any signed novation agreement or original /certified copies of the original agreements bearing my signature, can they actuallly DO anything if I stop payment? 2) I am selling the modest house I have in the UK (no equity) and going to live with family in France. If I just leave the UK and don't give any French adress what would/could they do? 3) If I did either of 1 or 2 can they retrospectively place entries on my credit report? thanks
  21. I know that my telecommunications provider has been overcharging me but not by how much and over what period (they acknowledge as much but are being awkward in (not) helping me arrive at the amount they have overcharged, for me to reclaim and have said they will arrive at "an arbitrary sum" of their own if I am unable to provide them with full details of dates and amounts). So I sent them a properly worded SAR but they have replied with an in-house "SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST FORM" for me to fill in (which suggests they receive a few requests) and told me I must return it to their "Legal Team", directly. 1) Do I have to complete their form or can I insist they respond to my formal SAR, as already provided to them? 2) Is it for me to approach their legal team or is it for them to pass the request over to it? Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
  22. Hi do you have the contact details for Monument please?
  23. Sorry if this is in the wrong section . I would like to send a subject access request to a housing association but i am not sure on how to proceed. We think there has been some major mistakes [ deliberate ] in procedure in dealing with complaints & we feel that there is cover up being covered up . Who do we SAR What legally can can we request , we would really like internal cross department communications if possible but all data held on this case is our aim. Apologies if this sounds stupid but we really have no idea on the SAR procedure & how to obtain all information & data that pertains to us . Thanks in advance Snowy .
  24. I need some advice as to what I should do... here are the details of my situation. I purchased in to a property scheme run by a vendor in Nov 2008 , where you pay the vendor £2000 and for this they find a buy to let property for you where the rent covers the mortgage payment , the vendor takes care of the purchase of the property, they take care of the solicitor, all the management, (renting, any bills) all bills after two years you have the option to sell the property or to continue to use their services. The Solicitor used was in this with the vendor, the valuation from the surveyor showed that the property was worth more than what I was paying After three months after purchasing the property, the rents stopped coming in I started to chase the vendor who told me they were having some cash flow problems and I will get the rents to cover the mortgage, this went on for a two to three months and soon the vendor had disappeared. I visited the property I had purchased and asked the tenant for the rent and to pay me directly, and found out that that the rent came very short of the monthly mortgage payment , I got a local estate to come and value the property and they valued it less than £120K of the purchase price. I went to the police and told them about this, they said there is nothing they can do as this is a civil case I then instructed a solicitor to investigate and their findings showed that the property was bought and sold in a very short period less than a month, where the price sold at was over inflated by 120k, without any work done to the property. I told the mortgage company and told them there is no way I can afford the to pay the mortgage, this was around June 2009, The mortgage company repossessed the property and sold it in 2010, this is where the shortfall of 110K is. The conveyancing solicitor was part of a fraud, the solicitor is now no longer around, they were an LLP and I have tried to take them to court and sue them and claim damages from their indemnity insurance, but the indemnity insurers have said they will not cover this as this was a fraudulent act intentionally done by the solicitor. Now the bank has passed the debt to a number of debt collectors , this is the third one who is contacting me. To make things even worse, at the time, back in 2008 I actually bought three properties via this vendor, so I actually have three mortgage shortfalls that I need to deal with. I have been living with a lot of stress ever since this has happened, it is really getting me down, has affected my whole life, mentally, physically, affecting my family. I feel I have been let down by the whole system, I purchased these properties in good faith, thinking this will be an investment for the future but in reality it has been nothing but a nightmare. I need to find out what I can do to stop the debt or not pay the shortfall the debt collectors are asking for. Can anyone help and point me in the right direction
  25. Need some advice on dealing with Vodafone. I submitted a SAR request asking for all the usual (Contract Details, Pricing Structure, Allowance, statement.. the works) and eventually received less of a "Data Subject Access Request" but more a summary of screen notes: For instance I called to change my address and this is what they have given me in the SAR Now I agree, it notifys me of an address change, and could be considered screen notes however WHERE IS THE ACTUAL DATA? Changed address to what??? Now I know where I changed the address to as I have a tenancy agreement and could prove that however subsequently the following happens: So I asked for a Signed copy of my default notice from the CS Agent who sent my SAR: Now I was extremely confused because I knew that I 100% hadn't received the note at my new address however until just shortly I had lost all hope then suddenly while speaking to the new owners of my old address, they informed me that they did indeed have a pile of old mail for me in their cupboard: Incase you haven't guessed THIS WAS SENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS DESPITE ME CHANGING IT
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