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  1. Please can someone help. My daughter is taking her horse's vet to small claims court. The vet treated her horse for a period of 3 weeks and during that time failed to conclusively diagnose the animal (it progressively got sicker). The vet also mistreated the animal whilst it was hospitalised for three days for a 'standing sedation' operation. He could not get the horse under sedation but continued to adminster 4 x sedation, used a twitch and in his words wrestled the horse down claiming it was dangerous. The horse is an inexperienced 4year old and was actually very sick. The horse became adrenalin fuelled and was extremely distressed - on her visit later that day the horse was in a bad way. Another week later and still no diagnosis,following yet another yard visit the vet left my daughter in tears with a very sick horse, claiming that he would carry out pus cultures which would take a further 5 working days to get results. In all this time, the vet ignored information regarding the horse's inability to chew and flex its neck, the fact that the horse was worsening and now appeared depressed with a purulent open wound to its face which was getting bigger etc. This same day I instructed another vet practice for a second opinion. Within one hour of admittance the horse was x-rayed and scanned, examined thoroughly and treated with patience and understanding, and a definitive diagnosis made of bone infection and fractured jaw. The horse was immediately hospitalised and placed on strong intravenous antibiotics, painkillers and sedation. The horse remained hospitalised for 7 days, and 6 weeks later has not yet been discharged. Bone infections can be fatal. My daughter has two vet bills, one of which (the second vet) is paid up, the other is in dispute. So, we have the allocation questionnaire and G. Other Information - what do we put here? Letters have gone back and forth quoting Sale of Goods Act, supply reasonable care and skill, and provide in a timely manner. Also, the first vet contacted my daughter's colleague for information regarding the horse and breached data protection. \Never having been to small claims we are finding the process difficult as can't find any examples of how to fill out this form and what is and isn't relevant. Any help and advice is much appreciated pls jacobina
  2. I have a claim against me by my bank : POC : 1.unsecured loan agreement 2.defendant indebted to claimant sum £9000 3.in breach of agreement .The claimant issued default notice 4.by letter on xxxxxx, from claimants to defendant demanded repayment of the said sum 5.In the premises the defendant is indeted to the claimant in the sum of £9000 6.The claimant therefore claim the balance of £9000 I sent a CPR 31.14 I only got back the credit agreement from the the claimant. default notice they state they dont keep a copy under CCA 1974 my defence was based on: A) Unfair relation under section 140a of the CCA I approached the claimant ( Bank lending manager) for help when i was under financial difficulties For 6 months no help besides : *1 month payment break with interest *suggesting a re-mortgage to convert the loan form unsecured to secured. but it failled after credit check. *offering another 3 payment break with interest ..i refused *defaulted after 6 months of negotiations seeking help *complaint to bank they offered apology with redress, temporary arrangement with 6 months interest refund and apology letter with £50 cheque for inconvenience. B)RENGING ON AGREEMENT : *While under above arrangement DCA got involved and harassement letters received unil court proceedings received by Bank. *The outstanding balance in the POC claim is wrong as the interest refund was never deducted. C)BREACH of section 77A of the CCA 1974 required statement for fixed sum credit agreement *After first year of the loan i requested the annual statement under s77a of the CCA 1974I never got a reponse nor statement. *year 2 of loan i got the annual statement as required, year 1 never sent. D)Loan was provided instantly without checks and high interest rate 25% APR over 7 years, hte loan was for consolidation ( the credit cards interest was about 15%) E)Breach of section 87 Need of Default notice not sent to me : put the claimant to strict proof to produce it and proof of postage. I received the ALLOCATION QUESTIONAIRE N150 I need urgently help to fill it especially SECTION D Case M anagement: What amount of the claim is in dispute : Is the whole balance or if using breach of section 77A no interest during the period of non-compliance or anything else regarding unfair relation under section 140a? Applications have you made an application(s) in this claim yes no if yes, what for? witnesses:?? SECTION I "Other information" : what shall i put in here ? Thanks in advance for your help
  3. Hi there I've started a PPI reclaim procedure against Nationwide. I heard nothing for 4 weeks, and now they've sent me the FOS questionnaire to fill out. The accompanying letter says that without the questionnaire they may be unable to complete their investigation. The original letter I sent them had quite a lot of detail. Is this just a delaying tactic?
  4. I have recently sent off my initial letter to Barclaycard claiming that I had been missold my PPI on my Credit Card. they have responded with a letter containing a questionnaire. Some of the questions refer to how I made the original application etc... Sadly I do not remember a lot of the information they are requesting. Is it my responsibility to answer these questions (even though they presumably know the answers themselves) or should I ignore it and go to the next stage? In addition I would like some advise regarding over limit charges. I have ALWAYS paid the minimum repayment on my card each month. however, at some stage a year or so ago my card has gone over its limit. This must have been to do with charges as I have not paid for anything on the card for many years. As my direct debit is instructed to take the minimum payment surely this should always take enough to avoid my account rising above the agreed limit. I am now being charged £12.00 per month along with PPI insurance and interest. It is staggering and because my card is over the limit I am unable to take out a 0% deal with MBNA. My credit file is otherwise unblemished and (for what its worth) currently reads 999/1000 with Experian. Please advise!!!
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