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  1. I have posted complaints about 2 lenders to the FOS and passed the reference numbers to them, yet they are both still chasing, one quite aggressively. Are they meant to suspend action while complaints are being investigated?
  2. apparently according to various news reports, 15 lenders heave left the payday market ahead of the oft/fsa deadline to sort out there business practices. Does anyone know what ones have closed up shop?
  3. hi,im attempting to fight back against a few payday lenders and their unfair practices,,can anyone tell me if they can refuse to deal with a debt management company ,heres a short bit of an email I was sent from unclebuck. We acknowledge receipt of your email regarding your financial circumstances. We are not required by law to accept payment proposals from debt management companies, unless in the case of an IVA/Trust Deed or Bankruptcy proceedings. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, we can offer to deal with you directly and, depending on your circumstances, may agree to a repayment plan with reduced or suspended charges if deemed appropriate.
  4. New evidence from Citizens Advice finds 7 in 10 put under pressure to extend loan. Citizens Advice is urging the OFT to take tough and immediate action against payday lenders as new evidence reveals lenders are pressurising struggling borrowers to extend loans, lending to people under 18 and harassing people in debt. The new findings, from the Citizens Advice’s payday loan tracker and evidence from across the service, are revealed today, Tuesday 28 May, 12 weeks since the OFT launched its investigation into the payday lending industry. Citizens Advice found that 12 in 14 promises to treat customers fairly were broken. It also found 3 out of 4 people struggled to repay the loan (1,539 cases) with 84% saying lenders did not offer to freeze interest rates or charges, despite vowing to do so. Citizens Advice wants the OFT to use its powers to immediately ban payday lenders its investigation finds are causing harm to borrowers. An in depth analysis of 780 cases reported to the Citizens Advice consumer service between 26 November and 13 May revealed evidence of: Irresponsible lending: lending to under 18s, people with mental health issues and people who were drunk at the time. Inadequate checks on borrowers: chasing people for debts when the loan had actually be taken out by someone else using their identity. Taking more than owed: lenders taking more than they are owed then refusing to refund it. Draining bank accounts: misuse of Continuous Payment Authorities by persistently raiding bank accounts without any warning leaving no money to live on. Harassment: pestering people who are in debt and also hounding others at the same address in a bid to shame the borrower. Refusal to agree to repayment plans: not helping people who are struggling to repay by agreeing a reasonable repayment plan. During the same six month period 24,575 people sought online advice about payday loans from Citizens Advice. The Citizens Advice payday loan tracker studied customer feedback on 2,000 payday loans, from 113 different payday lenders, from 26 November 2012 to 17 May 2013. The tracker monitors whether lenders are abiding by their own customer charter. The study did find that lenders are being much clearer about how much loans will cost in total (79%). But major failings unveiled by the study include: 87% didn’t ask the borrower to provide documents to prove they can afford to repay the loan. 58% did not warn that a payday loan should not be used for long-term borrowing or to deal with money troubles. 84% of people who had repayment problems were not offered the chance to freeze interest and charges when they were struggling to pay it back. 7 in 10 (72%) actually put pressure on people struggling to repay to extend their loan. 83% did not highlight the risks of extending the loan to those already in difficulties with their payday loan. 95% did not check that borrowers with repayment problems could afford to pay back the loan if it was extended. Citizens Advice Chief Executive Gillian Guy said: “The payday loan industry is out of control and is acting as a law unto itself. It has showed a complete disregard for its customers. Many have been driven into debt by irresponsible lending and their debts ballooned as lenders put pressure on them to extend the loans. ”The OFT has an opportunity to wipe out the distress caused by this industry and make sure it is transformed into a responsible short-term credit market. It is vital that, following the investigation, the OFT takes swift action to protect consumers from the harm caused by these unscrupulous lenders.” Last month Citizens Advice called on high-street banks to offer personal micro-loans as a responsible alternative to a payday loan..... Read more from today Report: Citizens Advice exposes payday lenders’ failings as OFT closes in on unscrupulous lenders
  5. In 2013 my mortgage lenders have been approached**by the freeholder informing them of a 2012 LVTribunal determination to pay for service charges arrears (which we still dispute) amounting to almost £12,000. The Tribunal determined we had to pay for £12k plus some of the freeholder legal costs. To that bill the freeholder added a bill of almost £100.000 to cover his costs awarded against the leaseholders increasing our service charge bill to almost 20k per flat. We presented two appeals in 2012 (to the LVT and to the Upper Tribunal) both rejected with great surprise given the evidence available. I must add that there is no County Court injunction to back up the tribunal determination and I have never received a section 146 Notice from the freeholder. I contested the services charges bill explaining to the lenders all the reasons why we dispute the service charge bill and I informed the lenders that they were refused the authorisation to pay the freeholder's bill explainin also stating that the case is still in dispute as a judicial review case was going to be filed (it is filed now). In the last two months I asked the lenders to provide the lawful evidence authorising them to pay on my behalf and against my will. So far, no replies from them after 2 months and 4 letters. I also added that I would sue the bank if they pay the sum.* In March 2013, surprisingly for us, the lenders decided to pay anyway adding the sum to my mortgage with interests**to protect 'its security' as they claimed that they were presented with a section 146 Notice by the freeholder. How is it possible that they took the responsibility to pay on my behalf without a successful County Court Injunction determination and without me receiving a section 146 Notice by the freeholder? I am aware that if the alleged breach relates to arrears, you cannot serve a valid section 146 notice where the amount of service charges, administration charges or ground rent owed (or a combination of all of these) total less than £350, or have been outstanding for less than three years.* In actual fact not only the £12k bill issued in summer 2012 is not more than 3 years old but also the legal costs (7k) were added by the freeholder only in late in 2012. Given the FSO bad reputation for handling cases against consumers I will have to start legal proceedings against the lenders because I do not believe that they could act in a such way without having and providing us with the lawful evidence necessary? Thanks in advance for any opinion if you have any, tired Gullyver
  6. Hello, I am currently looking for previous versions of the CML Lenders Handbook Part 2 (Birmingham Midshires) from 2001 to 2013. I have looked on the CML website and they do not appear to have previous versions in their archives. If somebody could suggest other sources it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21683739 The Office of Fair Trading says it has uncovered widespread evidence of irresponsible lending among the UK's 50 biggest payday loans companies. It is giving them 12 weeks to change their behaviour, or risk losing their licences. It will also refer the issue to the Competition Commission, after it found evidence of problems in the way that payday loan companies compete with each other. The companies have not been named. Among the poor practices identified was a failure to work out whether people could afford to pay new loans.
  8. Lord Sugar wades into the PayDay loan trap.. Read more.. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/personal-finance/lord-sugar-blasts-legal-loan-1460508
  9. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/110-12
  10. Hi. I appreciate that the general advice is not to take these payday loans and I understand the dangers of relying on them. However, I would appreciate a little info. I have defaulted on a loan with wonga and currently require another loan. I'm struggling to find a lender who will loan me the money although I'm certain there are some that loan cash to people who already owe other lenders. I would appreciate any information regarding this. Thank you.
  11. Hi, Just obtained all my credit reports as needed to check everything is in order for future house purchase.All is well with Experian and Equifax, however I have found a CCJ in 2008 from Callcredit which has alarmed me. I think I know what it relates to - management fees for a property I own were late a few years ago but I did pay them off in full and still do (the property is now rented out). However I never received any letters regarding the CCJ. Also, interestingly, the CCJ on my Callcredit file has an incorrect postcode, the rest of the address is correct. e.g. the property address I lived at is 42 coronation street, LS3 3WJ, and the CCJ says 42 coronation street, LS3 3NN. This probably explains why I never received any documentation about the CCJ. The CCJ bothers me and I would like to get it removed, but I will be applying for a mortgage soon and wondering will mortgage lenders even check with Callcredit, as I thought they only check Experian and Equifax ? Im wondering if I started disputing this CCJ if it would trigger some sort of alert and maybe end up with the CCJ showing on my Experian and Equifax reports, which I really dont want. Im just wondering if its best to leave chasing the Callcredit CCJ until after I have got my mortgage taken out, as I dont think lenders check Callcredit ?
  12. Have there been any recent changes in what cca request we send ie Credit card cca and loan cca? Mr W
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