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  1. I appealed to Ilford council I was parking in a loading bay on Aug bank holiday Mon , I have just got a knock back about the appeal they said they are sending a notice to owner but I am no longer the owner , they took 50 plus days to get back in touch to say I have to pay is this reasonable ? I thought they had only so long to get back in touch? can anyone help
  2. hi, just joined just after a bit of help, at the beginning of february i replaced my thirsty old vw for something more economical, the insurance was transferred leaving the vw uninsured. under the dvla rules i had to sorn the passat and send back the tax disc for a refund. a few weeks later the car was sold. the v5 was filled out in the new keepers name, and a copy of the buyers insurance certificate, were taken to the post office to re tax the vehicle to allow him to legally drive it home the following sunday. i have since found out that because the post office sent off the green slip (v5c?) instead of the main log book part, my application for a refund has been rejected. if i appeal, any refund due will be dated from the date of successful appeal. so thats 2 months gone already. also I am still on their database as the registered keeper, luckily i have managed to contact the buyer through ebay and have advised him to send off the v5 he found with all the paperwork that came with the car. i have tried to get this sorted with dvla over the phone but have had no success, so I have written and emailed all of the details to the refunds dept and customer services to see where i stand. when i went to the same post office last week to tax my other car, the cashier tried to fill in and take the new keeper part of my log book. is this a new thing? wouldn't you just keep getting new log books?
  3. I would like some advice about a situation my nephew is currently in. This week in our local paper under the Magistrates named & shamed bit my nephews name appeared for the following offence: Failed to deliver notification of transfer of a vehicle to a person who was not a vehicle trader. Fined £200, costs £110. T he address given for my nephew was his mother's address which he left in difficult circumstances 18 months ago. This was the first he had heard of any court proceedings as he obviously hasn't received any letters about it as they would have gone to his mothers address, plus he has never owned a vehicle, in fact he only has a provisional licence. We suspect his mother has something to do with this. She is no stranger to fraud and dishonest behaviour. I have spent the last 2 years clearing my mums name for unpaid mobile phone accounts and pay day loans she took out using my mums name so no love lost there. As soon as my nephew was old enough she used hs name to get catalogue credit etc so he has no credit rating now either! I have also been told that she posted on FB that " after 18 months what goes around has finally come around" so she is obviously feeling pleased with herself. My nephew has phoned the Magistrates, they said the only thing they could tell him was it related to a "large" vehicle like a van, people carrier or a 4 x4 but he needs to write to DVLA to explain the circumstances & ask them to write to the court to have the conviction set aside. As I said he has never owned a vehicle so it is definitely not his. Has anyone come across this situation before and can give advice on what will happen next? He obviously has no court paperwork or any documentation whatsoever. Also is there anything I can do to find out more about the vehicle this relates to with a view to finding out who has done this?. Any help would be appreciated
  4. Hi I am yet another unfairly treated by the DVLA regarding change of keepers. I have read up on the subject and am preparing my defence. The purpose of this thread is to ask if anyone who won their case is willing to provide me details that I can submit in defence of my position. I will not bow down. Layla
  5. Hi, I'm trying to resolve this issue with a PCN that has gone to Bailiffs for parking without a Blue Badge issue, (because the BB fell from the dashboard) on behalf of my partner and i would like to know if anyone is able to clarify 1- Who has the actual responsibility over this PCN under the law... Is it the Owner, Keeper or Driver? and 2- point me towards the legislation and/or case law that supports this? I am asking this because 3- i was wondering if it is still possible to submit a late TE9 appeal to the court on the basis that the notice to owner and/or PCN was never actually served to the owner? 4- And has anyone tried this before? Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. My 20 year old daughter recently bought a car on HP and the finance agreement is in her name. For some reason her (new) boyfriend sent off to be the registered keeper. I'm not sure of all the details but he is the registered keeper but she is the legal owner. The finance is over a 4 year period and I'm really not sure what the boyfriend's intentions are. I'm thinking he is going to sell the car leaving her with the burden of repaying something she doesn't even have access too. I've also learned that he has restraining orders by his 2 previous girlfriends which is why I would like my daughter to cut all ties with him, this is also what she wants. Question is how can we get the car transferred to her name? We have possession of the car and also have the V5 logbook. Many thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Hi all, This is my first time posting, I have spent the majority of this evening reading many different internet sites about private land parking and although I'm mostly happier after reading many posts, I am still a bit worried that some of the advice and information I have read might be out of date and maybe the companies have changed their terms and conditions since. The notice is demanding £85.00 or a reduced amount of £50.00 if paid within 14 days. It includes two pictures of my car apparently entering and leaving a park and lists the "arrival time" and "departure time" and a "time in car park". It admits "as we do not know the driver's name or current postal address, if you were not the driver at the time you should tell us the name and current postal address of the driver and pass this notice to them". Now I was not the driver at the time. One cheeky idea that popped in my head was to ask them to pay me £50 for my admin time to inform them of the identity of the driver. And that if they couldn't do that - then I couldn't afford to take the time to do it myself. Anyhow - any advice would be appreciated - what's the most up-to-date advice? Ignore? Write to the land owner (who is not identified)? Look forward to your advice and taking on these bottom-feeders.
  8. I want to buy a car for my daughter's partner to keep and use and make it clear that I retain ownership. They live elsewhere so he needs to be the registered keeper and the insurance be in his name. I know 'the registered keeper is not necessarily the owner' but how do I go about making the distinction clear?
  9. I received a speculative invoice from VCS in July and have since got the first two threatening letters from them. Since Oct 1st Roxburghe have sent me their usual threat of passing to thier solicitors for actions. I've not replied to them in any way, but I'm curious if they now have a legal course against me as the RK after the fact of the 'offense' as it would still be an 'unpaid parking fine' albeit an old one.
  10. The following is a VERY interesting speech given by Martin Cutts at the Parking Review Enforcement Summit 2012 a few days ago. I have not as yet had time to take the contents of Mr Cutts speech into consideration but...from a brief glance.......this frankly hopeless part of the Freedoms Bill should be stopped in it's tracks!!!! This is the speech: http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pl...ly2012copy.pdf
  11. Hi, I was involved in an accident a month ago, probably my fault. My car is a total loss. I have sent in the V5 etc and the insurance company are querying the registered keeper. When I filled in the policy application online I indicated that I was the RK, as it turns out the RK is infact in the name of the business, which I am a partner of. How do I stand?
  12. I sold my car and moved house during the summer of last year... I say moved house - I actually became temporarily homeless and stayed with some friends until I got back on my feet. Fast forward to today when I returned home after a short period at a friends place, to find a letter from HM Courts and Tribunals service calling itself a further steps notice over a fine of £305. Needless to say that this was quite a shock. I was unaware of any original steps, let alone further ones. I called up the number, and the rather lovely lady on the other end informed me that in November last year, I had been found liable, in absentia, for the offence of failure to notify the Secretary of State of the change of ownership of a vehicle (notwithstanding that keeper and owner are two separate terms, of course). Had I not sent the V5 off, I may well have expected this, of course, which is the very reason I sent it to them, quite aside from the fact that I didn't especially want tax reminders and speeding fines coming my way because of someone else's mistakes or disregard for the rules of the road. The lady I called listened to what I had to say, and sent off a message to somewhere indicating that I'd called and stated that I was not aware that I'd been summonsed at all until today, and advised that the fie will probably now be struck down along with the verdict of the court, and that I'd be required to make a statutory declaration regarding my being unaware of the summons and why... after which I would be re-prosecuted for the offence at a local court, giving me the chance to make representation. I have three issues with this... I have had absolutely no contact with the DVLA about any of this since sending off the V5c to them, and yet I can end up summonsed just like that, at the click of a finger? (having bought another car just after selling the old one, they have me in their records, and I don't have the most common of full names - they could have contacted me at the address to which my current vehicle is registered.) I am not well. Going to a magistrates court to defend myself against prosecution for something which I know damned well I didn't do would be most unwelcome at this juncture, and would be the perfect thing to set off my anxiety and panic attacks. At some point between 4 and 8 weeks away from now, I'm liable to be away from home briefly. Knowing my luck, this could be on any date that ends up set for any hearing, meaning that I'd be unable to attend in person. Does anybody have any suggestions regarding where I go from here with this issue? I did not commit the offence described (I sent the thing) but I'm seriously worried that I'm going to end up with a hefty fine I can't afford to pay.
  13. Hi all I'm new to the site. Can anyone help me I'm at my wits end now with debt. I had a company go bust on me 18month ago, taking me for 26k leaving me in alot of debt. I am fighting a court claim at the moment for 2k with a blind company. Awaiting a court date. I have returned home today to find a letter from hceo saying they will be removing goods. The total is now 3k? I have checked my credit file and there is a ccj listed against me with the creditors details. Could I have missed the court date? What situation am I in with regards to the officer? Can he enter my home? Can he take the car? ( my wife needs it for work and to get kids to school) im only working 16hrs wk at the moment. We are 20k in mortgage arrears and thinking of BR or an IVA. Most of our stuff is joint owned. The reason I'm taking the company to court is because the credit was in a company name and they are Persuing me. I'm really at my wits end now. Please help. Looney
  14. Hi, Last year we kept our Peugeot 407 off the road, due to the front needing looking at, and we have another car. I declared this SORN 12 days before the current tax ran out (30/06/08). End of, or so I thought. In late Aug early Sept, we received a letter from DVLA saying we had to pay £80 fine as we had not declared SORN. I immediately called them and told them that I had on 18/06/08. Then they asked me if I have received a letter from them within 4 weeks. No I said, then I asked why they have not sent me one. I was old it was MY responsibly to chase them.......about this letter. They told me they would look into this and get back to me, I left my number. Well, you gussed it, no letter, and no call............ Incidently I have another tax reminder here for mymotorcycle, and it says nothing on this about 4 weeks chasing DVLA atall.....this should be made clear by DVLA.. Then yesterday we received a letter from Philips Collection Services Ltd demanding £80, and that I tax the vehicle. Well the car was retaxed in october last year as we gor the front sorted out, and MOT'd. I called them and they told me they had been instructed to collect this £80 by DVLA, they would not enter into any conversation on the matter. I called DVLA and they told me I had to pay £80. I questioned whyI had to pay £80 for their mistake of not sending me this letter, to be told that unless I have a letter from them saying they have on record that the car is (was) SORN I an liable. If I fail to pay this they will take me to court and I will be liable for all costs.... Government bullying this is. How can they get away with behaving like this??? What is my best course of action re DVLA and Philips Collection Services Ltd. Thanks in advance. Bob
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