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  1. Hi, I am currently with the fos with a claim for mis-selling of account and o/d charges reclaim for financial hardship. The FOS seems to side with the bank and is asking for t&cs of the accounts I held at the time, Additions, Additions plus and Premier. The bank has lied about products provided on these accounts and I need access to welcome packs and terms of conditions for the said accounts. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jun/20/sfo-charges-barclays-bank-executives-ceo-2008-qatar-fundraising I reckon they will get off with a slap on the wrist and a fine.. this after the SFO will have spent £thousands if not £millions of tax payers money trying to make a case against them.
  3. Hi all I sent a SAR off to barclays on the 20th of May - I got a reply today from them saying they could not process the request as the "cheque is not valid" I had enclosed a blank postal order for £10 They have not returned it or told me why it was not valid What is my next move Thanks
  4. 3 weeks ago I asked for a redemption statement so I could repay my mortgage. The first statement that sent included £195 final repayment charge an interest payment that I couldn't understand how it had been calculated and a monthly payment that had not been credited to the account. I questioned these and was told that Id agreed to the final repayment charge when I took out the mortgage and the interest payment was calculated pursuant to terms id agreed. The next redemption statement was correct save for the interest Of £84 and the £195 fee. I took issue with this again but got no where. I rang the FOS and they contacted Barclays and registered a complaint. Ive just spoken with their complaints dept and they now acknowledge that my mortgage offer did not include a repayment charge and they have failed to justify the £84 interest they've debited and are now saying the two redemption statements were just for illustration purposes. I accused them of Fraud pursuant to section 2 Fraud Act 2006. I await their next response. Naughty, naughty. Regards
  5. I visited a Barclays bank branch in February. Whilst there, I paid a cheque into my current account. I then asked for funds to be transferred from my current account to my Barclaycard Visa card, in order to clear the outstanding balance. The cashier asked for my debit card PIN, which I had never been given, after which she refused to process my instruction. This is despite my being able to use the card for online payments. By refusing to transfer the funds, the bank had effectively declined to allow me access to my own money. The cashier then said she could arrange for a new PIN to be sent to me, and then proceeded to ask for my mother’s maiden name. I told her I was not prepared to disclose this verbally in a bank full of customers. She then pushed a piece of paper under the window so I could write down the answers to the security questions. Once I had correctly answered them, she proceeded to order a new PIN for me, but still refused to process the payment I had requested. I wrote to their customer services department to complain, and to ask for their assurance that such a regrettable situation would not be repeated. I explained that there is no conceivable scenario under which anyone would attempt to pay off my Barclaycard from my Barclays current account for fraudulent reasons, and of course, nobody other than myself would attempt to do it because the only person who would benefit is me. I then received a text message from Barclays, despite having previously written to them to say I did not wish to be contacted by text. I followed up my original complaint letter and asked them to remove my mobile number from their system. I then received a letter from them in which they acknowledged my complaint, and asked me to confirm that the mobile number they had for me was up to date (yes, that’s right folks, the one I’d already asked them not to contact me on.) I didn’t get a reply to my next letter so I wrote again and asked them for their response. About a month later, they wrote to me and said that because they had taken so long to address the issues raised in my complaint, I was now entitled to ask the FOS to become involved. I wrote back and said I thought it was ludicrous that they were happy for this to happen rather than deal with it themselves. I asked for £150 compensation for the time I’d had to spend dealing with the matter. A few more weeks later, I received a letter telling me they’d finished their investigation. In this letter, amongst other things, they said, “If a customer does not have their PIN with them, we would then attempt to identify the customer by asking security questions instead.” This kind of misses the point I’d made in my initial letter to them, which is that the cashier did ask me security questions, which I answered correctly, but she still refused to process the transaction. The letter went on to say that no bank error occurred, and they thought they had followed the correct procedure. They did add however, that because of the time they had taken to resolve the complaint, they had credited my account with £100. The interesting thing here, is that they haven’t resolved the complaint. The statement in their letter regarding attempting to identify customers by asking security questions is at odds with what happened next. I visited the same branch yesterday, this time armed with the PIN they’d recently sent me. I asked if I could transfer funds from my current account to pay off a Barclaycard balance, a nd when I keyed in the PIN, the terminal said it was incorrect. I offered to sign for the transaction instead, but the cashier refused to accept this. I offered to answer security questions, but this was refused as well. I explained the statement made in their most recent letter regarding identifying customers by asking security questions, but the answer was still no. I told them I’d already made a formal complaint about the first time they’d refused to allow me access to my own money and that I intended to do the same again. By the time I left, there was a queue of at least six other customers behind me. One of them congratulated me for my persistence as I was leaving, and said he’d experienced similar problems with them. On the basis of the above, I have now filed a complaint with the FOS, who were very helpful when I had a dispute last year with Santander, and who obtained a satisfactory outcome for me. I’ll let you know what happens with this one. In the meantime, has anyone else had any similar experiences with Barclays or any of the other banks ?
  6. I have just received a reply to my on line request for a refund of premiums paid on a loan taken out in December 2007. The loan was a top up from a previous loan , In 2008 I suffered a very big downturn in my business and was unable to pay the loan , it is now statue barred . In the letter today it says the account is still active ! They have sent a cheque today for a part payment and have offset the rest to the debt , can they do this with a statue barred debt ? Thanks for looking Tonks
  7. Our company has experienced gross mistreatment by Barclays Bank and its Business Banking Relationship Manager, [removed]. After the request for an overdraft facility, we were forced to sell assets to fund investigative work for an external accountant, arranged by [removed]. Barclays Bank unilaterally changed the interest rates via side letters and charged us unnecessarily with arrangement, valuation and business consultancy fees. The Barclays Bank continued to charge us but never offered us any support. Did anyone have similar dealings with [removed]. or Barclays Bank you would like to share, so we can possibly build a case for potential legal actions?
  8. Anybody else had something similar?? My small building company had a bit of a cash flow problem so we decided to sell some land. We had a site on the market with local estate agents for £750K, 9 years ago. Barclays insisted, and I mean INSISTED, we place it with a company in Leeds. They were reluctantly employed by us as estate agents in June 2007. By July 2008 they hadn't even placed a 'for sale' board outside or advertised the land in any way, despite angry calls from me. 13 months of doing absolutely nothing, and in which time, our debt to Barclays had increased by over £75K. Due to no interest in the land, not surprisingly as it wasn't advertised, Barclays called in the debt and appointed the very same man from the very same company as Receiver. After lots of arguing and highlighting this guys dodgy dealings, the Receiver resigned his position and we were given control, not ownership, but control of our land back. It has cost our family approx £1.3M as a whole, and although I keep complaining, Barclays insist they have done nothing wrong. How do i get the truth?? Constructive Liquidation I have called it. Anybody experienced anything similar??
  9. Hi all, My father has held a credit agreement between himself & Barclays since October 2014 (Credit intermediary is Cathedral Motor Co). He's already had a phone call from the dealer about refinance / settlement for a newer model & he asked me to take a look at his agreement and see if I could work out a rough settlement figure. However I've read the agreement a couple of times now, I dont know if its late and I'm tired but I dont think it's been worked out correctly. On the Pre-Contract Credit Information it shows that the cars cash price is £10,145.00, of which my father traded in a car for £1000 as a deposit. This shows that the total amount of Credit is £9,145.00. It then lays out the Repayments as "First Monthly repayment £259.67, followed by 46 monthly payments of £160.67 and a final repayment of £4,049.00". The total amount you will have to pay states "£12,860.16 (This includes any deposit you have already paid)" Now the conditional sale agreement shows figures as follows: Cash Price: £10,145.00 Advance Payment: £1,000 Credit Amount (less Advance Payment): £9415.00 -- There is a line of text saying "We use the amount of credit to by the vehicle from the dealer" Total Charge for credit: Credit Facility Fee: £99.00; Completion Fee: £199.00; Interest: £2,417.16 . Total £2715.16 Total Amount Payable: £12,860.16 First Payment: £259.67 Monthly Repayments: 47 repayments of £160.67 Final Repayment: £4049.00 Interest Rate: 4.65% per year Fixed; APR 10.4% fixed This is where both of us are confused.... Pre Credit agreement: £259.67 + (46 x 160.67) + £4049.00 = £11,699.49 Conditional Sale Agreement: £9415.00 + £99.00 + £199.00 + £2417.16 = £11,860.16 Conditional Sale Agreement Repayments: £259.67 + (47 x 160.67) + £4049.00 = £11,860.16 The statement from Barclays each year shows at the top right: Total Amount of Credit: £9,145.00 Total Interest Amount: £2,417.16 This of course gives the total of £11,860.16 - so why does the agreement state the £12,860.16 is payable, where has the £1,000 difference gone, plus is it 47 or 46 payments? If anyone knows how to work out approx settlement on the above info it would also be greatly appreciated.
  10. MY 16-19 account had been opened in december 2016 and yesterday, the 23rd of February, I received a letter that my account was being closed, and that Barclays were unable to continue being my bankers. It offers no other explanation. I realized yesterday that my card was missing when I attempted to call them and tried to find my account number and sort code. I decided to go into a branch and was told that my account did not exist. I'm concerned whether there is any way I can reverse this decision and whether I will be able to open an account with another bank or building society such as Nationwide or Santander? There is no issue of money being stuck, more the inconvenience of having my account closed down and having no idea about it
  11. I returned my partner's account to zero early last year. Unfortunately there was a pending charge, and my partner didn't use her account or check the balance again until late last year. It had ballooned into a large amount of overdraft from that one pending charge. Barclays were unwilling to generously be sensible about it, and my partner wouldn't accept the terms of my offer of help, which was that I'd return it to zero (for the nth time) if she closes her account, as Barclays don't deserve our blood to suck on, and she doesn't need a spare account. Since then I imagine it's continued to balloon. I imagine DCAs and court action have happened or will happen soon. My options are: 1) Cave in and pay. 2) Refuse to cave in. Tell her to point out she has no income of her own, and they should accept the one charge with say a staggering 100% annual APR added, which is still a lot less than they want but they're still accepting something that sounds eye watering. I have no idea about implications to credit ratings, so I think that will influence the decision. Thank you very much for any advice.
  12. Hello I wrote a complaint letter to Barclays asking for a refund of my charges due to hardship and the fact i blamed them for irresponsible lending. Back around 2003/4 barclays allowed me to go overdrawn on my account ,it gad no overdraft facilities. I was charged £30 then £30 for being £30 overdrawn then so on and so on. However, whilst overdrawn even upto £500 barclays never declined or stopped me using my debit card, (I know j should have stopped but i was you stupid ans was suffering awful post natal depression) Barclays have replied to my letter saying they will not refund me, We do offer our customers tools to keep track of thier banking (not me) Your acct went overdrawn as you continued to make payments from your account, you knew about these charges as they were set out in our terms and conditions. Then goes on about section 5.1.4,treating customers in hardship fairly, however the court ruling on 25.11.09 confirmed bank charges are a part of the price of having a current account so are not unfair, We dont believe we have treated you unfair or caused you any hardship. Having reviewed your history I can see in 2007 you made a payment of £399 to haven holiday , we would class this as a luxury ( my 8 year old sons 1st holiday! 4 nights in a caravan. .. paid for by his grandmother,hiw very luxurious. ...) As of this luxurious purchase you should have considered the financial impact as you continued to be overdrawn till oct 2011 when you clised your acct. I therefore conclude Barclays are not at fault. Please can someone help me, do I have a leg to stand on? Or shoukd i just accept this? Many thanks in advance. Sorry for all the typing errors,I hope its readable
  13. Hi All I have opened a claim for refund of Additions account fee's and have received a questionnaire to complete; which I would like some advice on how best to proceed. Here are some background details first: I first became aware of Package Bank Accounts last year when a colleague at work told me that he had reclaimed some money. I was shocked; having only ever banked with barclays for the last 24years I genuinely thought that I had to pay for my bank account and that the insurances etc. were free perks. I decided to pursue a claim myself; I only have statements from 2011 I did an SAR request on the internet in around May last year. After 45 days I had not heard or received anything I rang the number given on Barclays site; the telephone banking agent gave me a number to ring for the SAR team. I rang the number several times but it was a dud number. Made an appointment at the Bank, spoke to an advisor who gave me an SAR request form to fill in; I filled this in and sent it recorded delivery with my cheque for £10. They received the form but again after 45 Days nothing. At this point I gave up. In December I recieved the letter from Barclays saying Additions was being removed and offering the Fee Free Account; In January I went to the bank and cancelled the Tech and Travel pack. This spurred me to look at claiming again. I read on the internet that even with an SAR they only go back 6 Years; so I thought well I won't gain much from it anyway. Is this true that they only go back 6 years? this is what I know: I opened my current account with Barclays in March 1993 at the age of 21; this was my first current account and to this day is the only current account I have ever held. Through research I found that the Additions account wasn't introduced until 1996 I must initially have had a fee free account? I do not recall ever agreeing to the Additions account; I do not recall agreeing to iot being upgraded to Additions Plus. I do not recall agreeing to the cost of the account being hiked up over the years. As long as I can remember I have paid a fee; I definitely remember it being £6.50 a long long time ago it may have even been £5.00 but not sure of this. I remember it being Additions then Additions Plus; before I opted for the Fee Free account without the Tech or Travel pack in Jan this year the fee was £16.00. Over the years the fee increased; I rember it being £13.50 at one point. I think I may have had it from the beginning before Breakdown cover was included; I know I had CPP card protection and I have a vague recollection of having a tag to go on your keys incase you lost them? I suspect that my account was upgraded to Additions from my original fee free account without my knowledge. Initially I did not have an overdraft with the account; I asked for one at some point many years after I had opened the account somewhere between 2000-2005. I only asked for a small overdraft for emergencies only and it was only a small one I would have only wanted £100 and probably wouldn't have used it in the beginning. Maybe I was conned into having additions at this point; but I am sure I already had it. Regarding the insurances; I have only ever used the Breakdown cover and only once bcause I thought it was a free benefit to an account I had to pay for anyway. I have never had any expensive gadgets or a mobile worth insuring I have never used gadget insurance. I only holiday in the UK and would never use travel insurance. Over the latter years I have used my overdraft but again only because I thought it was a free perk to an account I had to pay for. If I had had a fee free account I would have managed my money differently and could have done without the overdraft. On January the 24th I this to file a claim: Packaged Bank Account Claim: Barclays Sort code or branch name: xx-xx-xx Existing complaint reference: N/A xxxxxxxxxxx I am writing to you as I believe the packaged bank account which I have had since some time after March 25th, 1993 was mis-sold/inappropriate for me. This is because... - I don’t remember ever agreeing to having this account. - I was upgraded without my knowledge Additional information: - The addressess that I have lived at whilst holding the packaged bank account are: xxxxxxxxxxxx I have no recollection of ever having opened a package bank account. I started banking with Barclays on 25/03/1993 when I opened a current account; I think that the reason for opening the account was that I needed an account to have my wages paid into. You are the only bank that I have ever banked with and this is the only current account that I ever held. At some point it seems, my current account became a packaged bank account but I do not remember ever agreeing to this; I remember along time ago on my statements paying a £6.50 account fee which has been risen over the years to £16.00 without my consent! I thought that this account fee on my statements was exactly what it stated; a fee for my account that I had to pay to have a current account; I did not know that the fee was for the additional benefits such as travel insurance, breakdown cover etc.. I thought that these came FREE with the account and that the account fee was for the account itself and NOT to pay for these benefits; which I never requested anyway. Upon receipt of your recent letter informing me that Additions is being removed and giving me the option of removing the benefits; I have cancelled the tech and travel packs and now have a fee free account whilst retaining my overdaft facility which is all I have ever required from my bank account. [removed template details - dx] Today I recieved a reply and a questionnaire to fill in. After researching on this site; I think that my strongest complaint is that Additions was applied to my account without my knowledge or approval rather than it being mis-sold. I think that this is reflected in my Complaint letter above. Reading the questionnaire: Section A asks for details of my Package Account. Section B asks - Am I complaining about the sale of the account. - If NO go straight to Section F Selecting NO here skips all of the questions in the questionnaire and takes me to Section F - any additional information Section G - Your declaration. End of Questionnaire. Should I select 'NO' in Section B and skip all the questions. Can anyone advise what additional Information I can give? Also If the question is asked of when I became aware that I could have a fee free account and could make a complaint; should I say December 2016 when I received the letter which is simpler ( But will they be suspiciouse of my earlier SAR requests and visit to the bank regarding them). Or should I be honest and say that I heard through a colleague early in 2016 ( They may ask why it took me so long to switch to a fee free account and to make a complaint - which was because I was waiting for my two SAR requests). Any advice on how to proceed with my claim will be gratefully accepted; I will keep an eye on my thread, respond to any replies and update my progress. If I am succesfull I will make a donation to the the forum in thanks. Thankyou in advance. Alice
  14. hi took out a Barclays loan in 2000 for 3 years the loan was 5600 and 899.98 added to the start of the loan monthly repayment s was 225.36 for 36 months around 8460. round about 1800 is interest for loan and ppi interest but looking at statement they sent they have added interest charged each month on top over the 36 monthly repayments which then comes to around 9870.00 my loan was only 5600 loan was paid off ppi over 36 months how do I calculated my refund and can I claim this extra interest charged aswell added they wont give me apr but its around 19 per cent id say as its 16 years ago but half way through the statements from june 2002 until dec 2002 they don't have copys of monthly repayment which strange
  15. Blimey, it's been a while - hello lovely people! I'll save the recap of the last 8 years for another thread (all good though, largely thanks to CAG!) I was shredding old statements last weekend and noticed payments to Barclays Select (the revolving credit/loan facility they provided way back when) On the offchance I called Barclays PPI claim number and after a great deal of faffing around he managed to get a useable reference from the old statements (as the computer denied I ever hair a Select Loan!) After he admitted I did actually have a Select Loan he went through the mis-selling spiel and has submitted a my (potential) PPI claim online I have no idea if there was PPI on there or not, although on a few threads I see there was a box to be ticked if I did/did not require insurance - which I would not have ever ticked hence zero PPI claims for me! However it does seem some people had copies of CCA's with both unticked boxes and PPI was still applied. Anyway, will let you know what they say, and unless it's a "yes you have PPI" will SAR/CCA just to be sure - for now will sit on my hands and wait. Interested if anybody has any successful Barclays Select Loan PPI refunds? Cheers for now
  16. Hi I took out a Barclays Income Protection insurance around 2008. http://www.barclays.co.uk/Insurance/Incomeinsurance/IncomeInsurance/P1242614107744 Barclays stopped selling this policy years ago. This was a policy that covered me for sickness and unemployment. I paid around a £100 a month and would get around £2000 a month in the event of making a claim for up to 2 years. I have been paying this policy for the last six 7 years. I was recently made unemployed due to a disagreement with my employer (over 7 years working there) - without going into details I was being asked to act immorally. I sought legal advice. It was clear the relationship had broken down. I did not resign, I was not fired - but a settlement agreement was put in place, which i decided to accept rather than going down the long and painful road of employment tribunals. Even if i had gone down a employment triberinal route - as I have read it, the polciy still would not have covered me as this would have been considered me resigning. The law around this was updated around this in 2010 in the Equality Act and further changes were recommended in 2013. Since I took out the policy i have never been contacted by Barclays with any statements or policy changes etc. I pay my money and they have been silent. When I signed up to the agreement I specifically asked about “Compromise Agreements” and was told that these were covered, as this is what had happened to me at a previous company. These are now called "settlement agreements" and widly used by employers for senior managers to deal with someone leaving. I feel I was mis-sold this policy and that I want to claim back my premiums i have paid to date. it would have been impossible for me to make a claim. If settlement agreements are now the norm and the policy does not cover it - it is worthless. I am wondering what the best course of action is - would this type of policy fall under PPI or is it something else ? Thanks in advance Simon
  17. Hi all First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all forum moderators and members that are always on, answering all of our threads and questions. Well done to all of you. This site is the most helpful of all. I'm trying to claim back the PPI for my O/H from Barclays. The account was opened back in 2004. I SAR Barclays already and I just received the pack thru the post. At a quick look, I found that there were more payments going out to Barclays from this account such as: 1. PPI 2. Unpaids out 3. Paid Referral 4. Account Fee - this suddenly appeared at one point in the statements without any changes in the account type, and the fee was gradually going up. 5. Interest charged We still got a lot of stuff from back then, that was received from Barclays, but we couldn't find anything (like letters or even an account Ts and Cs or anything that bears any signature). Does anybody know if all these can be claimed back from Barclays along with PPI? Thanks in advance TFD
  18. Be careful when Googling for Barclays. If you click on it, it looks, at first glance, like Barclays. But it is actually Barccays It's a sca mmers site, where you are asked to submit all your usual on-line banking details. Your account would be emptied before you were any the wiser. Always double check the address bar before entering any details
  19. I'm a court appointed deputy for my husband. In 2008 he was placed under the court of protection due to a severe head injury, at that time he had a Barclays Bank account with an overdraft of £600. When the CoP was put in place he had been in to his local branch and they refused to serve him or talk to him. He was lied to about why and we only found out a few weeks later that it was due to the CoP which had taken over a year to be put in place. His original Deputy was extremely incompetent and cause no end of problems. In a nutshell they began paying his overdraft off at £15 per month but they continued to add charges and interest. In July 2104 the amount owed was down to £126 despite over £900 having been paid, the following month they changed the interest rate and his next interest payment was £18.75, more than was being paid into the account each month. His deputy failed to notice this. I took over as his Deputy in September 2015 and only discovered this around January 2016 when the previous Deputy forwarded a bank statement for him. I then sent required CoP court rulings showing change of deputy to Barclays, who basically ignored them and I also opened a complaint with them regarding the amounts and what had been paid etc. They offered to refund the amount owed and close the account, I asked that they return some of the money that had been paid as it was far beyond what was owed. They declined so the complaint continued. They continued to try and contact the prior Deputy, who having had their duty discharged duly stopped responding or indeed forwarding paperwork to me. The updated deputy court order they had received they continued to ignore. I again contacted them in May or June this year to be told that we now needed to go into the bank to process the deputy change. Which we did, they then very quickly sent through telephone banking details and immediately afterwards a letter saying that the account had been closed and that they would be taking action to recover the outstanding amount which had now built up to £405 overdrawn again. They have closed the complaint and are refusing to refund the overdraft that they had originally offered to do and have told me to contact the Financial Ombudsman if I'm unhappy. Anyone got any suggestions how to progress this please? I'm more than happy to open court proceedings. My husband, with my help successfully won a case against them after his head injury. For bank charges etc, so we're happy to go ahead with that.
  20. I'm new to this and not experienced with dealing with the courts and the big lawyers, in fact it is quite scary.. Below is an outline of what has happened to date but now I really need some help to guide me best way through this mess. Background: I had a credit card debt with barclays of £9k and this has gone up to £11k with court fees, Legal and with interest charged from 04/2014 making a total of £11k (All figures have been rounded up.) I missed payment in 2014 which shows up in 2014 on my credit file as a default and not made any payments since, I had the card for 35 years during which it was faultless. In May 2016 ,i got a claim form from County Court Business centre and sent in a acknowledgment of service: Claimants are: Hoist Portfilio Holdings 2 Ltd and Howard Cohen are their acting Solicitors. Next:24 June 2106 I emailed the following to hmcts.gsi as a defence statement: Stating the following: This claim is for the sum of £9000 in respect of monies owing under an Agreement with the Account No. XXXXXXXX pursuant to the The Consumer Credit ACT 1974 (CCA). The debt was legally assigned by MKDP LLP (Ex Barclaycard) to the claimant and notice has been served. The Defendant has failed to make contractual payments under the terms of the Agreement. A default notice has been served upon the Defendant pursuant to s.87(1) CCA. The Claimant claims The sum of 9000 Interest pursuant to s69 of the Count Court Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00 percent from 01/04/14 to the date hereof xxx is the sum £1500 Future interest accruing at the daily rate of 1.96 4. Costs Defence: With reference to the defence i would like to mention the following points and request the information to assist in my defence: Information of the original debt with Barclaycard of £9000 and any copies of a default notice served by Barclaycard. It is my understanding that through Lovell Portfolio Ltd in 28/01/2014 that a default notice was served on my account without my consent or my authority or signature to them as a third party. Claimants to supply a copy of the executed deed of assignment from Barclaycard to Lovell Porffolio, MKDPP LLP and to Claimant Hoist Portfolio Holdings Ltd a for the above referenced agreement An issue of confusion has been created in this case and seek clarification in having this matter properly resolved. As this has been done without my knowledge, consent or my authority and that the claimant as a third party may have wrongly taken this matter to County Court Business Centre. I would like to put this matter into mediation to have it resolved and establish how best this cane satisfied without going to court. In my defence it should be noted that i have with assistance cleared a majority of my debts and have had stated Barclaycard for 35 years, during which the account has traded without any problems and without any defaults being issued. it was in fact a surprise to me that a default notice has been served by Lowell Portfolio Ltd who had not informed me of this and not had any correspondence from Barclaycard on this matter. In terms of the cost please note this is refuted and will be discussed or best resolved through Mediation, any documentation regarding this and supporting documentation from claimants on this case should be sent to me for the my attention. To Note: I have had problems going through the website in filing this defence and proof copy is attached of that information, I subsequently rang the County Court Business Centre to seek how I could best file this defence claim. After speaking to XXXX who was very helpful i was informed that it was satisfactory to file it via email and the deadline was Saturday 25th June 2016 and gave me the email address to which it can be sent. Before this I have also sought advice from CAB and XXXXX from Legal firm XXXXXX who are based in XXXXX who kindly assisted me on the phone. It is with regret that this matter has been taken to Court and would urge a resolution that is satisfactory to all parties. Thank you for your attention to the above and request confirmation of this defence as i am experiencing difficulty with the internet whilst away. Please confirm that this has been received and will wait response Yours Faithfully XXXXXXXX .. Next: 31st August 2106 I received a Letter from Howard Cohen And Co on 31st August with details of Draft Directions. 1) Pursuant to CPR 26.7(2) Claim to be allocated to Small Claims Court 2) A stay or proceedings for 1 month to allow both parties to negotiate settlement of claim by way of Small Claims Mediation 3) Both parties to inform the court by 30th September 2106 if a settlement has been agreed or if an extension of stay is required. 4) If a settlement has not been agreed, then the claim be transferred to the Defendants local Court to be allocated to the Small Claims Track and listed for a hearing on a date to be fixed by the court with a time estimated of 1 hour 5) Claimant pay the hearing fee on a date to be fixed by the Court 6) No experts evidence being necessary, no party has permission to call or reply on experts evidence 7) Each party shall deliver to every party and to the Court Office, copies of all documents on which they intend to rely upon no later that 14 days before the hearing along with signed statements of truth ... Next: 01/09/16 to the Courts. I submitted a Directions Questionnaire (Fast Track and Multi Track) Stating that I wished to settle the claim and I wanted a month stay, required assist of mediation, acknowledged request for local court, NO witness and it would be less than a day in court. ... Next:10 September 2106 I received a Order of Stay which now runs out on 24th October and not received any communication or information from the Claimants to try and resolve this matter out of court. I have heard nothing from the claimants to try and get this matter resolved. I need HELP now to try and sort this out the best way, I am getting mixed messages that I should try and speak to their Solicitors 'Howard Cohen And Co' find out whats going on but I am scared of that and also try speak to MKDDP or Barclays ??? Sorry for the late action but it was becoming quite embarrassing to handle this.. Hope someone can help. I can try ask for some money from family and friends but not anywhere near the amount requested I also need to know if it will help resolve all this first and how much, before approaching outsiders to help.. as I have little left over after the bills and food. I am in full time work but do not have that kinda money to settle. Please Help if you can.
  21. Hi Experts, Please advise on the matter. Barclays have closed my current account without giving any reason. I was holding the account since 2008 and it was in satisfactory condition, never used any overdraft, always in credit. Also have barclay credit card. I was not using current account on regular basis as it wasn't my main account. 2 weeks ago I sold my cars due to investing money somewhere and given my barclay account to the car dealer to transfer money in to my barclays account. Money got transferred and barclays fraud team have restricted my account as well as funds, then they have verified from the dealer and confirmed that money was legitimate and released all funds and account was back as normal. After few days I have received a text message that my card is temporarily deactivated to prevent any fraudulent activity. I called as well as visited the branch and they told me that account is under review and it should be fine in few days. After few days I called the bank and they told me my account is closed with immediate effect due to section 15 in terms and conditions. I have got few questions that I need some advice on. 1. I am thinking about writing a letter/formal complain to CEO and ask for an explanation for the closure and mentioning BCOBS in it. Is it going to be of any help? 2. Would this account closure effect my barclay credit card (seems fine at this moment of time). 3. Would this account closure effect my other than barclays bank accounts, mortgage accounts, loan/credit accounts and other bank's business accounts, etc. 4. Would this account closure effect my credit score (which is excellent at this moment of time). 5. All closed bank account marked as settled in credit file, Would this be marked as settled or something else/negative due to bank closing my account. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks
  22. Hi, on 25th I was taken 244,61f from my account by Direct Debit from O2. They said it was mistake but I know people that was edited like that before. O2 said to use Indemnity Claim (firstly they said they are refunding me but after few chats they said they didn't - pure edited). I contacted Barclays like 5-6 times. Everyone edited or ignores the matter. I have proof on chatts that different customer service write that indemnity claim is succesful and I will get my money back but after 2.5 days I don't have nothing. I have just called on barclays helpline and some guy edited told me that they need 2 more days (he didn't even check anything). I told that I want to speak with Branch Manager - he told ok and put me on hold and then he disconnected !! I have a problem because now I am abroad - normally I would go to the bank and won't leave without my money. Just a good thing I know now that Barclays are edited same as O2. Never go to them. I am taking my money from their accounts as soon as I can. What should I do with 244,61f - should I sue them? Barclays as an UK bank is obligated to use in this matter DD guarantee - and I should get my money asap. Tomorrow I will propably call a lawyer and will see how it goes from there.
  23. Hello. Posting this on behalf of my friend. Sadly, a few weeks ago, his wife died due to cancer. They were a married couple. During the marriage, she took a loan from barclays and had a ISA with them too (roughly about 5 grand savings in there). My friend phoned them up to ask about what's going to happen with the loan after she passed. They said he will not have to pay this loan, but it turns out they've used the money from ISA account to settle some of it. My question is - is this a legal process ? Thanks in advance for your help guys.
  24. Hi, Before I start, a big thanks to CAG for past help with different matters. If you read any of my other posts you will see I had debt problems in 2007, with a failed company and business / personal debts to near £150k, its taken 9 years to clear everything, finally debt free I'm looking back over accounts to see where I can claim back some of the huge interest amounts and fees whilst paying off credit cards overdrafts etc.. my wife has a Barclays account, it's still her current account and its been active for over 30 years, due to our extreme financial hardship in 2007, we had big monthly charges, as I mentioned we had cci's and £150k of debt to repay, we had to sell the house, remortgaging with a sub prime lender, DB, Yep DB! it was a real nightmare, looking at her account you can see our mortgage, gas, electric and all necessity bills bouncing every month for years, I have statements, letters etc to prove hardship... To be honest we are not in financial trouble anymore, after 8 years working 24 hours a day, we have cleared every debt, and have brought a house and live mortgage free, I know its been said in a few posts that you have to still be in hardship and that its maybe to late to claim now. I had a thought about this though today, the figures are: Barclays current account, charges including reserve charges up to £200 a month max, we had charges every month from April 2008 to September 2015 total charges nearly £5,000 If hardship and the 2009 time scale is out of the question how about the fact we have just had three PPI claims upheld against Barclays one on this account dating back nearly 25 years, we had a payout of just over £9,000 (which is great) could I not use this as a argument that if she had not been paying these monthly amount (which they agree was mis sold and have paid) she would not been overdrawn and therefore would not have received these charges. Thinking about it there is a note on the PPI payout letter which asks if you incurred any other financial costs... Should she be going down that route or treating it separately this way? I have gone through every statement and noted the date and cost for each charge, put them on an excel sheet and used the template for hardship, I wanted to get feedback first before sending, and only thought of the note on the PPI payout letter whilst typing As always thanks for your comments in advance! Dave
  25. Hello all My sister in law accidentally paid £200 into my Barclays bank account instead of to my brother. This was an old business account I have which I had not used for about three years. The charges and interest has mounted up in I to the extent that it is £1200 overdrawn. I had not heard from Barclays at all for several years despite this being an unauthorised overdraft, no phone calls, no attempts to get me to credit the account, no letters. They just let it go. And so did I. Anyway my sister in law contacted me straight away and I said the best way to tackle this was for her to contact her bank and ask for the money to be returned via the Industry standard process for mistaken payments. This process allows for the return of the money within twenty days if I do not object and of course I do not. I then received a phone call from Barclays stating that they had received a request from my sister in law's bank (Lloyds) and they asked me how I intended to credit the account (with some £1200) so that they could return the money. I told them that it was not necessary for the account to be credited. I told them they should follow the industry standard process and return the money. There then followed a lengthy and unsuccessful (on their part) attempt to get me to restore the account. I told them that whether or not I did so should not be linked with their duty to return the money in line with the industry code as I (clearly stated) I was not objecting to it's return. Eventually they agreed they would do so. Much to my surprise my sister in law contacted me to say she had received a letter from her bank Lloyds saying they could not get the money back because I had objected!! This is entirely at odds with what I said to Barclays which was that I DID NOT object to the money being returned and that they SHOULD follow the industry Code of Practice. (I am somewhat familiar with this situation and the Code of Practice as I had earlier in the year made a payment into the wrong account in our business much to the annoyance of my partner and researched what to do though in this case the recipient was known to us and he returned it less £17 for a bottle of whiskey!). Barclays have taken no other action with regard to the account in the intervening two weeks except to keep it alive in their system and have just added another month of fee and interest charges. I have had no default notice, account suspension or anything else. Can I ask fellow CAGers the following: 1. Am I right to believe that not withstanding the state or status of my account that if a payment is mistakenly made into it and I do not object to its return then that return must be done and within a twenty day time scale? 2. Presuming the answer to 1. is yes then what should I do now? Many thanks for reading and I hope this thread will be interesting and entertaining!
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