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  1. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
  2. Hi members, I'm a muslim and I'm working in European Retail super market for more than two years. If I guide muslim customers about halal food, then do I do something wrong? Today one muslim man bought some food item, which was not halal, i told him that the food item, what you have bought is not halal. Then he asked me to do refund that food-item. I did refund. But my supervisor did my complaint to my manager and my manager got very angry on me and spoke with me very harshly. He was just about to kick me out of my job. I just want to know that 1) did I do anything wrong? 2) Is this valid reason to terminate my job? 3) I felt that now they will deal me in different way, and they will try their best to get rid of me? what I should suppose to do in this situation? I will be thankful to you guy, if you will share your knowledge with me. Looking forward for replies. thanks
  3. I have tried emailing the boss but been completely ignored. Need advice on what way to proceed (this is my story copied from facebook but it's pretty much what has happened) since september I started getting calls from a 0845 number (I ignored at first) 1 night I happened to log on to my t-mobile account and noticed I had upgrade options. I clicked the no sim only as it was unlimited everything (no 4G) unsurprisingly a couple of days later the order refused to go through. Meanwhile, the 0845 calls on my phone increased (sometimes to 2/3 calls a day) eventually last thursday gave in and answered. She was very convincing on the phone promised me FREE cinema tickets and FREE EE films (I thought sounded too good to be true but OK) Imagine my surprise when I noticed I had a bill on saturday (and I hadn't even received the sim card yet) immediately phoned customer services and had a hassle with their call staff (couldn't understand them) but eventually billing was sorted to keep me happy. I done some digging though and I noticed that the promised FREE cinema tickets and the promised FREE EE films are not free at all (35P per ticket and per charge to rent a movie which I wasn't told about) immediately I emailed the CEO and still awaiting a response as I refuse to contact customer services again (oh and I was also promised my contract length would be cut) Guess what? Nothing has changed either. Forced to go on to 4G hounded to go on to 4G with false promises and still no sign of any contact to discuss this (and I did email the tmobile page and EE page on here as requested and still no response either)
  4. Hi, I am asking this question on behalf of my son, he rented a room in a houseshare whilst at uni. They were all verbally told that the contract ended on 31st may 2013 and that the rent would be so much per week/month. Anyway they were all sent a copy of the contract by email, with no signatures, which said that the tenancy ran for (9)(10) months from 1st september 2012 and that the tennancy would come to an end (31st may)(30th june). Nothing was crossed out, apparently they all signed a different contract but he then sent then this revised contract before they took up residence there. To cut a long story short, they all paid £300 deposit each, he is not giving it back to them as he says that they owe him rent until the end of June and in fact they actually owe him more money as he miscalculated the monthly payments and didnt realise, even though he took the keys off them before the end of may, because thats what was agreed in the contract. the first contract that they signed wasnt even until end of june. If the contract has nothing crossed out which date is applicable? Can he really take them to court for this if he verbally agreed the end of may as the end date? Just wondering if anyone knew what our sons options were, thanks for any advice
  5. hi - i have had 2 mortgages with GMAC - one 2005-2007 and the other prior to that. i haven't got any of the documents or the account numbers. Can I see claim anything back and how would I do this. thanks
  6. I left my job on 28th January - I haven't claimed anything as we were just about managing OK on my American husband's US pension and his part-time earnings. However last Friday he was given notice so will now be out of a job this Friday. Im 55 - never claimed a penny from anyone before and so am not quite sure what - if - we are entitled to anything. His pension is £1,080 a month and rent is £475. No savings. Im still waiting for my P45 and my last two wageslips - I've made some rough calculations to see if I'd have tax rebate but is there any way I can go about claiming that without my P45? Things are getting pretty desperate - can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  7. Hi, I've jus found out that my best friends house was repossessed yesterday. I'm still waiting to get to the bottom of the issue but the following is what I know: Mortgage is with Skipptons He has missed the last 4 consecutive payments He had missed payments before and caught up He has missed payments, been to court and was grated a stay order if he payed a set amount which he did His mortgage payments were £600 but after the court stay order they increased them to £800 (not sure why yet) He had plenty of notice that this was going to happen but dug his head in the sand, didn't ask for help, didn't speak to the Mortgage company and tried to resolve his issues with beer He is currently unemployed (own farming business recently failed) He has just got divorced but has joint custody of his 18 month old daughter for 3 days/2 nights per week All of his possessions are still in his house and there is a notice on the door saying he has 7 days from yesterday to contact them to arrange removal of his possessions Council have said there is nothing they can do for him as the child care allowance for his daughter is not in his name Couple of key questions: If he grants me authority to speak to his mortgage company do you think there is any hope of getting him back in his house if I pay the outstanding arrears? Has anyone ever managed to get back in their home after the house has been repossessed? I'm pretty savvy with financial matters but this is an area that I really don't know much about (and I hope that I never have to learn for myself! - off to touch some wood). Any suggestions or ideas would be very much appreciated! Thanks M
  8. This is all new to me so any help would be greatly appreciated. I tried searching but i figured every case is different. I have two accounts with Metropolitan Collection agency. One which is for a personal loan and current account with overdraft. The other was for a credit card. The credit card one has now been payed off. The other still has an outstanding balance which I have agreed payment to pay off. At the time these accounts fell behind I was struggling financially and couldnt keep up the payments and HSBC were unable to accomodate my offers. Thankfully I am now back on my feet and doing well. I constantly get calls regarding PPI claims but if I want to do it I want to do it myself. am I able to file a PPI claim even though I still have outstanding debt from it? Secondly, is there a possibility of claiming any of the overdraft fees, missed payments etc that were applied to my account over the years? thirdly, this seems a daunting task so what do i do if I can claim? Thanks
  9. Myself and my partner are both unemployed; we have a two year old child. I have been the main claimant for us both because I am the one returning to work whilst he looks after our child. He has no qualifications, I have many (not that it's helped me find work so far, I keep being told I'm over qualified ). We claim JSA and get child tax credits. Anyway, to cut a long story short, my partner has just been signed off as ill by the GP (yesterday). He's actually very ill and will be seeing a neurologist for tests. He's been getting progressively worse over time and he isn't fit to care for our child for now. The fact is, I won't stop looking for and applying for work but my child is being looked after by me whilst he is in this state. We are both worried sick about this sudden change in circumstances as we don't know how it will affect our benefits. What will happen? Will we actually be entitled to anything now? Or would it be better to keep my mouth shut and just burnt the candle both ends in my job search (I've been doing this more and more of late anyway with my partners illness). I might be able to pull favours for babysitting with interviews, would have to cross the bridge about childcare if I find work although I suspect we'd be worse off than ever now this has happened. I am coming up to the one year mark on JSA soon and I've been told I will attend a job programme run by an outside agency so my child would have to come with me, another huge issue. I'm looking forward to the work programme to be honest as they might be able to pull some strings and get me a job lol... Thanks for any advice.
  10. Hi Last year we were in mortgage arrears and were told we would be taken to court, they were after a possession order. Stupidly I didn't get legal advice due to cost and my local CAB being unavailable pretty much all the time. The Mortgage company said if I arranged an amount per month with them in additional to my payments they would just get a suspended possession order and I needn't attend court (bad advice it seems but I was naive). so they got their suspended order and we started paying it, but then had some work difficulties and went through a period of not being able to pay the full amounts. Now they are saying they are going for an eviction though no date is through yet. There want a large lump sum, I don't have one. Help! I have filled in an income and expenditure which proves I can now afford the regular monthly payment, the spo amount and a small additional amount towards the arrears but it sounds as if they won't agree and just want possession now. Will they get it? There are a few hundred £'s of insurance payments on there which they say they will remove due to me already having buildings insurance elsewhere. They have bought this mortgage off another company which were charging me arrears charges of around £55 a month too. Can anything be done about that? Because if all of those things came off we would be a bit nearer to making a dent in the arrears? Basically help! I have three kids and am worried sick!
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