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  1. Hi Folks, May I ask a question please? I am unsure what address Resolvecall have for me and want to ensure I receive any correspondence from them (which will go unanswered of course). They could have 1 of 3 address and one of them is my elderly fathers (86), 2 is my mother in law and finally 3 is my current address. Would I be in any danger of writing to them to advise my current & correct address and if so how would I word it? I just want to make sure my father or in laws are not at the receiving end of a door knock from them, its not fair on them. The earlier letter, and in fact the only letter received from any DCA in the last 15 years was Capquest ( who Resolvecall do work for I understand) who wrote to my in laws address. That letter was returned to them by me a few months back recorded delivery stating 'not known at this address'. Thanks
  2. i would seriously suggest this is your old capquest backdoor ccj debacle as resolvecall do most of their work for capquest. now it would be funny, whilst filming to actually ask what it was about and i bet the 1st thing he will state is there is a ccj against you that is unsettled, as that will make him believe he has some magical power over you that the court doesnt have but he does to collect money. they are always total chancers and will be empowered in his mind s eye by the old CCJ..hoping that people dont know a dca is not a bailiff , and hell get free money for the pub tonight. id love to see his reaction when told he is not a bailiff and would you like me to call northants bulk court now and ask them have you been dispatched mr xxx to demand money from me.
  3. No was definitely Cabot (Aqua)saw his badge ...resolvecall came yesterday got same treatment door shut in face They’re for the vanquis one ,vanquis still not replied to sar request in a month of receiving it.
  4. thanks dx. I can’t find one from vanquis but I found this from Arrow (if pdf has worked) . I’ve also found about 8 letters from them from before march 2021 (the states default date on my credit file) Also in the last year or so they sent a letter saying ‘here is info I should have received but didn’t ‘, that was basically just copies of old letters from ‘19 onwards ResolveCall’s mind trick attempt with their name didn’t work I didn’t call or resolve anything 2019-10-28 Arrows NOA.pdf
  5. capquest are arrows just another trading name and resolvecall are simply a for hire doorstepping DCA but of course like all DCA's they have no powers whatsoever and are not BAILIFFS. vanquis are notorious for not defaulting a debt in a timely manner, i hope this was before it was sold to arrows? have you a notice of assignment for when it was sold on? so intrum will vanish nov this year PRA oct cabot next feb nice clean file then. dx
  6. Thanks dx. The vanquis one is listed as being Arrow (though I only hear from capquest or resolvecall) and for some reason is only listed as default date 2021 which is strange as I’ve not paid it since ‘19 Others are Feb 18 Cabot , Oct ‘17 pra grp, intrum Nov ‘17
  7. Hi everyone new member here I'm looking for advice as Im having threats of home visits now with some of these. I currently have 4 credit card debts from 2017/18 . I submitted an offer to pay £1 per month in 2018 which I continued/continue to pay which I’ll list the current details of below for each debt . Tesco Bank - Intrum was paying £1 per month from (at least) 2018-April 23. In April Their system wouldn’t let me make a payment . I called them up to be told the debt had been sold two+ years ago (but they’d still been accepting my £1 payments and refused to send a statement of payments made) Debt was sold to intrum and I received a letter this month from them which was just offering a 50% discount off the amount to settle the account... I haven’t been in touch with them or made any payments. Vanquis-capquest/resolvecall I had a standing order or dd for £1 month from at least 2018 . In October 19 they cancelled the standing order and sold the debt to capquest. I have never had any contact with them nor made any payments to them. I’ve received a letter from them recently saying that the account will be managed by resolvecall who will make home visit. So last payment October 19 Aqua(new day?)- Cabot/Orbit Again I had been paying them £1 per month from 2018 til May/June this year . All through the last 2and half years they kept sending me a letter stating I needed to have a payment plan and “it’s not you it’s us” whatever that means. So I last made payment in May 23. I’ve since had letters from them stating that they’ve asked “Orbit” to visit my home to put me in touch with their debt collection team. I have not responded or been visited yet. Barclaycard- PRA Group I set up a standing order and been paying them £1 per month since 2018. They have passed the debt on to “PRA Group” about 2years ago but I’ve never responded to the company who have wrote and told me to cancel standing order and pay them direct. This continues to be taken £1 per month by barclaycard. Any help appreciated ,sorry it’s a bit of a minefield/essay. The total of all the debts are approx. £2650 I can’t work due to sickness and my anxiety, which is obviously worse with the worry of home visits. Thank you
  8. capquest are still part of the arrows group.....?? or is this resolvecall wanting to collect her doorstep.. .or even dryden fairfax their own internal solicitors...next letter will be a latter of claim that you do not ignore (shame you sent that silly prove it letter..that died 10yrs ago) i expect they've not sold the debt as you've not received a notice of assignment. so its gone nowhere nothing needs doing.. as for the DN, they dont have to physically send it , just prove one was sent. but that doesnt mean you start paying again...
  9. sadly as with your other thread, this comes from running away from debt and not keeping debt owners updated with your details. i will suspect capquest are resolve calls client as with the last thread? no need to gather data no. but i will guess paperwork has gone elsewhere as their client doesnt have your correct and current address? if you know you've not paid or used this supply in 6yrs then as before fire off our sb letter to the debt owner. i was reading on another source the otherday that this latest run of capquest sending out resolvecall doorsteppers on statute barred debts has proved very fruitful..earning capquest some £3m in payments on debts people dont even legally owe, but they think a doorstepping dca is some kind of a bailiff . ...mugs... the doorstepper gets 17% of any free money collected to his pocket.... people are mugs!! or run straight to the phone and get lied too setting up payment plans dx
  10. Hi, had another knock at the door today from resolve call I didn't answer but they spoke to my neighbour giving my name and asking who lives at the address. I feel so embarrassed I know they have no power but it's not very nice having someone knocking at your door. This is an old catalogue debt from about 10 years ago which is statue barred. How can I get them to stop? Should I contact them? I did try to contact Capquest who say they no longer manage the debt.
  11. you'll be even more ashamed if one of your old debts became a backdoor CCJ because you didnt update the owner of your correct & current address, they'd get a backdoor CCJ by default then the 1st you'd know is REAL BAILIFFS at your door...not a fake resolvecall doorstepper..which appears an imminent probability!! .WAKE UP! send the sb letter it doesnt matter what you remember or not, its not been paid or used in +6yrs ...end of the matter.
  12. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/search/?q=Resolvecall&quick=1
  13. I recently received a letter from Capquest informing me that they are transferring a debt that they claim I owe to Capital One, from themselves to another company called Resolvecall. Today another letter arrives and I received a text message stating that they would be sending someone to my home address. About twenty years ago I defaulted on some unsecured debt, I genuinely do not remember having a credit card with Capital One, in fact I have an account with them that I opened about four years ago which is in credit and I’ve always paid off in full every month. I have emailed them a standard prove it letter today and received a reply about half an hour later which contained this gem: “Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that there are certain websites purporting to provide information which will allow their users to avoid repayment or discussion of debts. It is our belief these sites are disseminating misinformation which is both unhelpful and harmful to the consumer. The letter you have sent is one of these templates. It appears to be a letter of dispute but simply lists the regulations around disputed debt and it does not explain to us why you are specifically disputing this debt.” I absolutely won’t be paying them anything, however I do not want any letters or visits as this would cause me terrible problems at home. I’ve replied to their email stating clearly that I don’t recognise the debt and that it would be statute barred anyway and not to contact me again. What can I do if they persist in chasing me? This is causing me considerable alarm and distress - I’ve made huge efforts to sort my life out and become a responsible and productive member of society over the last decade.
  14. Thank you HB Just an update and wondering when to ignore or update creditors and is it time to set up pro rata. No payments have been made to any debt for around a year now and all have defaulted except Starling. Do we need to keep OC and sold on owners informed that we have a deficit and payment plans with council tax and ground rent until April 2024 and little chance of health improving. Worried they may assume we have money and are refusing to pay rather than cannot pay and then they do a letter of claim, is it important to have kept creditors/debt owners updated, especially as we have no pro rata set up for any and especially if ever it got to court. If an OC knows we have hardship troubles and then sells the debt on, do I re- inform the new owner of hardship or ignore them. Not sure with data protection if they pass the info on or not and therefore it helps them to be updated. So far I’ve just ignored most, though I think some know but not all know. The reason I ask is Oakbrook (likely loans) sold it to ACI. ACI have written saying they have a note that we are in financial difficulty. Should `I confirm this with them or do a CCA, haven’t paid for 18 months so can a CCA wait. I want to try and avoid court claims where possible and not sure but I’ve read there’s a time to ignore and be radio silent and a time to keep them updated so they know what’s going on. Writing an update to them acknowledges it and resets the statue barred clock though, is that correct, as does making a payment. I’ve read up and see that after default I should set up payment plans. Nothing has been paid in about a year. In post no23 you said to wait and see where they go, no rush, I’m just checking if it’s time yet to set up a pro rata plan. This keeps happening how is it handled please: we wrote and changed all addresses from when we moved but some creditors agents and debt owners are using the wrong address, should I let them know in case they issue a letter of claim, or is it their fault if they use the wrong address once informed in writing of the correct address, they’re getting the flat number and house number wrong and post code. The original creditors did or have used the correct address so it’s the new owners or debt agents that are getting it wrong. My Scottish debts living in Scotland: Monzo Overdraft, flex and loan; Capital one credit card …haven’t heard anything since default. I don’t think Monzo sent a default notice for at least one, unless it’s on the app but they’ve closed it down so I can’t see any info anymore. Should I offer a pro rata yet and is it right we wouldn’t get a letter of claim but a sheriff delivering papers, would we get any pre warning. Fluid credit card have got resolvecall involved, RC are using the wrong address. Should I tell them or leave it. Fluid have it correct. Wife’s English debts living in Scotland: Clydesdale Virgin know we have a problem with deficit and health, they asked for a letter from GP and IE form be filled in. She doesn’t want to do a GP letter but could easily get one. Should we keep them updated, will it help for when they sell it. She won’t be able to pay anytime soon. Nationwide and Tesco are now with Opus and Moorcroft but not sold yet. Should we do a pro rata plan yet or keep them updated. Starling overdraft have still not defaulted and adding interest each month. They know the situation but seem to have forgotten and it’s like it’s all gone back to the beginning of collection again, which makes me wonder if they keep any info they were told or not. The two Aqua, you have already said are unenforceable, Cabot are writing asking about the situation, Cabot gave it to Orbit to manage who got the wrong address and now today Cabot have written with the correct address saying they are taking it back over again and want me to do a payment plan. Should I ignore or update them on the situation, to hopefully stop them doing a court claim. I know you said to ignore Link until letter of claim but wondered if same applied to Cabot and wondered why are they taking it over again. I think I’m struggling to work out when to keep them updated and when to ignore, because getting lots of phone calls (we don’t answer) but happy to write if it helps them to know for sure it’s a waste of time trying to take us to court, also happy to ignore but if it comes to court in time, want to have done everything correct from keeping them updated on the situation if necessary and to setting up pro rata, rather than them say to a judge we’ve ignored it, just I’m getting lost off with who knows what but it’s written down and screenshot somewhere apart form the apps, I lost all that info I had so what I’m saying is if they’ve been told once is that enough even when sold on and do I need proof or does it even matter. Several had refused £1 a month because of the deficit. I’ve read you should pay OC and enforceable £1 as way as good faith. I haven’t done this in the last year and not sure if it’s time I should. Most were ok at taking no payment for a year but now the year is up do I contact them and when they contact me do I reply and update them. Thank you Stuckfast
  15. Sent letters as you previously advised back in May last year. I'll send another. Resolvecall visit, thanks. Seemed pointless.
  16. you need to be writing to each simply informing them of your correct and current address never run from debt. as for the resolvecall visit well done. dx
  17. Hello dx100uk, All fine here under the current economic circumstances. Definitely more secure financially by selling and getting a cheaper property. We were only able to do that by managing, with the advice from CAG, the restriction K's. I think if we haven't of sold and moved, we would have gone under by now given what has happened in relation to inflation and interest rates. We carried on paying the two creditors that we had already made a payment arrangement with, although that is under review given the inflation impact on our finances. Nothing heard from any of the creditors except one who has been issuing lots of letters to our new address, making telephone calls, and sending text messages. We have ignored all of it. They have sent Resolvecall to do a home visit. I answered the door and politely told their agent to leave, which he did after leaving a card, with a reference number asking me to call them. I haven't called and we are now getting text messages from them marked URGENT. Is it written off? If it were all written off, excluding the two we pay it would be circa £35K, which includes charges, interest, legal and court fees. That's the CCJ amounts. Sorry make that £51.7K in total. Here's an update on the 7 CCJ's / 5 restriction K's £3K HSBC with final charging order (credit card) STILL PAYING A SMALL MONTHLY AMOUNT. RECEIVED LETTERS AND A STATMENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS, REDIRECTED BY ROYAL MAIL. NO OTHER ACTIVITY. £4.8K Northern Rock with final charging order (personal loan) JUST AN ANNUAL STATEMENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS REDIRECTED BY ROYAL MAIL. NO OTHER ACTIVITY. £11.6K MBNA with final charging order (credit card) STILL PAYING A SMALL MONTHLY AMOUNT. OCASSIONAL LETTERS. £12K MBNA with final charging order (credit card). STILL WRITING (ANNUAL LETTER) TO MY OLD ADDRESS (REDIRECTED BY ROYAL MAIL) AND REFERENCING THE FINAL CHARGING ORDER. £9.5K HBOS with final charging order (credit card) REGULAR LETTERS, CALLS AND TEXT MESSAGES. SENT A DCA TO DO A HOME VISIT, WHO I TOLD TO LEAVE. STILL SENDING TEXT MESSAGES. £3.2K HBOS no charging order(bank overdraft) NOTHING HEARD. £7.6K Yorkshire Bank no charging order (credit card) REGULAR LETTERS VARYING FROM 1 A MONTH TO 1 EVERY 3 MONTHS TO NEW ADDRESS. Having reread the whole thread I guess I still do nothing and see what action/follow up is taken if any. Is that correct, especially in relation to #5?
  18. I had a Resolvecall bod turn up , it was laughable. Chasing a debt that went statute barred in 2020. I told them how old the debt was and she seemed really embarassed, and apologised and said I'd be taken off the list
  19. no debt managers were sold/bought the debt from GMAC Finance resolvecall are merely operating for their stated client DM. intrum bought their debt portfolio Intrum signs agreement to acquire Debt Managers portfolio from the Secure Trust Bank group | Intrum WWW.INTRUM.CO.UK Credit management group Intrum UK has agreed to purchase the entire loan portfolio (the ‘Portfolio’) currently owned by Debt Managers (Services) Ltd... the debt is nowhere near statute barring, they are quite entitled to ask for payment you are equally entitled to ignore them until/unless you ever get a letter of claim. not moved have you?
  20. It's now Intrum. They have taken control from Debt Mamgement services who took control from resolvecall lol. I'll scan the letter. Please bare with as I normally get told off for not uploading files correctly lol.
  21. Today I had a man at my door chasing a debt, the date of birth he had was incorrect, so because of that he gave me a number to call and after a call to them I found that all the other details were correct such as email address etc. The year was incorrect on the debt. Apparently I owe Great Universal Catalogue over £300 which I think is ridiculous considering they no longer exist. ResolveCall had the debt passed to them by someone else but they wouldn't say who. Is it right they are chasing me for this debt that I have no knowledge about after 21 years?! I dont even live in the same city. I cannot for the life of me think why I would've used GUS back in 2001 at 19 years old.
  22. so i will suspect this is resolvecall for their client CAbot as they are trying to sCAM people out of money on lots of statute barred debts here recently. you do realise a DCA has ZERO legal powers and ARE NOT BAILIFFS don't you> you cat has more powers than they do. dx
  23. RC knocked at the door to speak to my husband. He was quite unhelpful with the guy so was just handed a piece of paper with details to contact the Resolve office. Afterwards, my husband admitted to me that he has ignored a few letters from them for £1100 which is an old credit card debt which he defaulted on 16 years ago. I knew he'd left behind a bit of debt from his younger years, and had 1 ccj (neither of us can remember what it was for) when we moved abroad 12 years ago We've been back in the UK for several years now. He's not been chased for any of the debts until this. We have a mortgage and clear credit files which I've seen and re checked today. Anyway the knock on the door has totally stressed me out! We're not able to pay that sort of money and I do worry this could tip hubby back into depression? Don't know what we should do now? I really don't want them knocking again. I'd be really grateful for any advice on what to do next?
  24. Hi, I received a letter from Resolve saying they would visit my home in 7 days to which they did, although I only got the letter 3 days beforehand. The Original Creditor was Bluestone finance for a motor vehicle, then Cabot got it and tried various attempts etc, Then it all went quiet for a number of years until the resolve letter arrived. This Account is over 15 yr old and no payments have been made in this time either. Thank you Is there a letter I can hand to the resolve Rep when they come knocking again? or what is the best way of dealing with this The letter is as below. Resolve Ref......... Acc Num Balance ........ Original Creditor Bluestone HP Conditional Sale Re Cabot Financial We are acting on behalf of Cabot who have purchased the account from Bluestone and we have been instructed by them to collect the balance. It is in your interest to contact resolve to help us understand your circumstances etc etc, if you don't we will call to your home to discuss and enable us to discuss the account and your options to resolve this matter.
  25. Hi, ive just had an email back from resolvecall, they are no longer dealing with the account! Their client…. Arrow global ltd has requested the account be returned to them! Still no idea who the alleged original debt is from. Is it likely Arrow will try elsewhere ?! Having checked all credit agencies, I have no defaults at all.
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