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  1. Hey Guys, Just a quick update about the things happening to me. I had a letter from Barclays saying they were passing my details onto "Sanclare Financial". Which I thought was odd as most of you had Mercers. That was 20th August. I yesterday had a business card posted through from a company called "Resolvecall ltd." It was posted in a brown envelope with my name and "URGENT.DO NOT IGNORE" written on. So they had been to my house. On the business card, it says " I called today for the 1st time regarding your account(s). Please contact (name) on (tel no.) or our office qouting reference Barclays Partner Finance." This was all in handwriting. Including the envelope. Who are these companies and has anybody else had to deal with them? I also thought they couldn't come to your house and pressurise you. Or was that they just couldnt come in. What shall I do now? Just send the letter saying that the account is in dispute? Is it worth mentioning the outlines that they cannot harass me as mentioned on the website? Cheers Guys P.S I've just had a look at the number (0844 257) and it costs 4p per minute not including connection charges. I dont have a house phone so this would cost more i guess from my mobile. Not that i'm going to call them but, would this fall under the unfair practise of 'asking or instructing debtors to make contact on premium rate telephone numbers' or is 4p not premium. I'm really not sure. lol.
  2. hello guys, did anyone had visits from resolvecall so far? i had a bloke this afternoon at my doorstep begging for money..i wrote to mercers with my situation n also mentioned that i'm part of action group. I send this letter with the attachment of BPF response to my complaint (saying as a gesture of goodwill, we are willing to reimburse you with the charges we added on your account). I did send this letter by recorded next day delivery...when i called them 3days back, they said there was no such remark on my account n asked me to resend BPF's response again, also agreed to put my account on hold for 14days. Today when this guy asked to clear my arrers, i just lost my temper n had a right go at him.he called mercers n told them about bpf's letter. All he did is just apologise to me n left quietly..it shows how stupid they are..no communication between any of them. Luckily i got bpf's response..or else i dont know how to handle the situation..that bloke doesn't know anything about our case, just need money from me..i'm little bit worried now with the situation n am totally stressed up..sorry for the long post. i will feel better if i share information with u guyz!! Thanx.
  3. Calder and mercers are just different departments of Barclaycard, never heard of resolvecall, may be a DCA. The DN must be from the OC, but its thin point if mercers sent it, the fact that its not in the prescribed form would bear more weight in court To help others, how old is the alleged MSDW account? Have you sent a proper CCA request by recorded delivery?, and have you had a reply within 14 days?, if not why have you not formally put the account in dispute?
  4. well i had final response from BPf saying all crap about computeaach and agreed to clear only arrears they added on my account since may'10. but still i'm getting letters from mercers n resolvecall asking to clear those arrears. i sent bpf's response to mercers n when i called them, they said they had lots of letters everyday n asking me to give them the ref. no from bpf's letter..so its just waste of my money on recorded deliveries:mad:.. This morning i had a letter from bpf again stating: " despite our previous correspondence and attempts to contact you, your account with Advent consulting Ltd remains in arrears. This matter has now been passed to our debt collection agency for escalated recovery action. Sanclare Financial 0844 555 2123. You have previously been advised that Advent consulting Ltd shares information with licensed credit reference agencies. Your account is seriously behind with payments, and as such will be registering adversely at these agencies. This will affect your ability to obtain future credit. If a third party is assisting you in your financial affairs you should notify them on this so they can update their records accordingly." so now we are goin to get harassments from another f****rs, sanclare..excellent, so they will pass the same file to many debt collectors as they wish:?. Are they referring to Hausfled in their response regards third party? Also Advent consulting LTd is sharing information with CRA's, not BPF.. Has anyone else got this letter? going mad with all these s**t! Please advice me what to do next..thanx.
  5. I had Resolvecall Ltd come to my house today, but i wasnt home so they left me a note. Anyone else had these guys round yet?
  6. By the "Failed" letter ..... do you mean the letter asking if docs sent in response to CCA are true copies of what I signed etc as I do not recognise them and at the same time putting account into dispute ...................... hence send that to Barclaycard .................. and then letters to Mercers and Resolvecall saying account in dispute suggest you contact Barclaycard??? Onwards and Upwards Chalkitup
  7. Yes Telmicus that is exactly the situation. I found the documents I needed on CAG and they couldn't or wouldn't provide a CCA and I received no response. The letters I was receiving from the debt collection agencies i.e. Mercers and Resolvecall, have ceased and I have insisted that my data on their files be removed. If I do hear from any of them again I will know that they have still retained info on me. As this would constitute a criminal offence and I would contact the information commissionaire immediately.
  8. Had 3 knock my door, all answered by OH. 2 just gave a card with a phone number on to call (power2contact) and the other Gentleman just asked my OH if he would discuss it (Resolvecall on behalf of Mercers for BC) he just said no, as he had been victim of credit card fraud. Gentleman agreed with him and went on his business. In my previous life I worked with collections and the people I sent out were lovely people, it was a long time ago though, before the credit world went mad. Some were probably more apprehensive of knocking a door than the person inside answering it!
  9. Today I received 1st letter from resolvecall... pay or someone will come to ur door bla bla.. but i don't give a sh**t.
  10. I suppose snakes can't reach very high. That would be from one of Resolvecall/Scotcall's team of self employed collectors. Ignore it and if they call when you are there - just tell them to get off your property. David
  11. I have had a card through the door today saying "I called today for the first time regarding your account Please contact Gareth on telephone number 07816501824 or our office on 0844 257 8535 quoting (my acc no)". From Resolvecall ltd, spectrum building, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow G2 7AT Has anyone else had this card? Mine came through the catflap for some reason....
  12. Hi all, I had a cc with Skycard (See http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/180584-skycard-cca-valid.html ) This was "sold" to capquest in early 2010. When i received my first letter from capquest i sent them the usual CCA request etc. I heard nothing until i got a letter on saturday stating: On 26 may 2010 a SD for bankruptcy was sent to you which we have not received a positive contact from. I received no such letter. They then go on to say that their field agents Resolvecall will attend my address to serve the SD. Blah blah blah. I sent them another letter stating no cca has been forthcoming etc. My question is what do i do next? If resolvepooh do attend what should be my action? accept the demand etc? Thanks, BTK
  13. For the benefit of those on the receiving end of Barclays/Mercers. Mercers is of course Barclays as is Calder Finance (another name they also use). Resolvecall is a contractor working out of Glasgow which provide call centre services. A related organisation, (has the same address as Resolvecal), is Scotcall. Scotcall has a network of self employed collectors who make house calls. 1. 99% of threatened visits never happen - they hope the threat will make you pay. 2. In the event someone does turn up, they will say they represent Barclays, (their ID will say Scotcall however). 3. They have no legal powers whatsoever - simply tell them to get off your property and not come back - job done. David
  14. I received this letter today so have written back with the template letter to Mercers with a copy to Resolvecall.
  15. Hi, this has probably been posted somewhere else but I have resolvecall hounding me and had a visit from one of their bods yesterday. No-one was in but he left a card. Basically the situation is I'm £150 over my £1750 barclaycard limit and cannot due to other payments afford even the minimum payments. I've been reading through the forum and I am going to send them a CCA letter but I'm worried that if they're sending people round it's already maybe too late. I can probably steal from Peter to pat Paul and offer them 10 or 15% as a full and final payment but should I wait for the CCA or just send them to F&F letter (if anyone has a template for this letter I would appreciate that)? I also intend to send them a letter telling them not to send anyone else round.
  16. Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right forum but ahwell. I've been reading this site for a while and it's given me a lot of relief regarding DCAs and how little power they have. It's also given me the confidence to sort it out instead of unplugging my phone and not reading my mail. I've managed to get myself in debt since the day i turned 18, BoS was at my college advertising interest free overdrafts for students. I'd recently passed my driving test and wanted a nice car, so i took out as much as i could. Ever since then i've taken credit where i could get it and i've got myself in such a big hole i can't even get a mobile phone contract. So i want to sort it out. I've been on a debt management plan since October 2009 but it's barely putting a dent in my debt. I pay £137 a month devided between the 4 creditors. My debts are: Bank of Scotland - £1800 The limit is £1600 and it was up about £2000 in charges because of late direct debits and being overdrawn. I opened an account with RBS that has no overdraft which all my money goes into now. They are getting £32 a month. Barclays Partner Finance - £3537.62 (Arrears £557.46) This was a loan i took out to buy a newer car, it's not finance or hire purchase as i sold the car a long time ago and checked with them to see if i could. I've been receiving letters from 'Mercers Debt Collections' which i have completely ignored. Recently, i got a letter from 'resolvecall' who said, "We are acting on behalf of Mercers Debt Collections LTD. We have been instructed to collect the outstanding arrears due on your Barclays Partner Finance account used to purchase a, registration number." That made me laugh, also got me thinking if they have a copy of my credit agreement as they don't know what the loan was for. They are currently getting £52 a month. Vanquis Card - £670 First card i took out, limit is £500, alot been spent on charges although the interest and charges have now been frozen. Currently getting £8 a month. Aqua credit card - £350 Second card, limit is £250. Again, mostly charges, however they have not frozen the interest. They are charging £4ish interest a month and are currently getting £5. So my question is what next? I've been cutting back on my spending and trying to get more hours at work. Should i send CCAs to all 4 creditors? My goal is to get everything paid off and repair my credit rating. All help and advice is greatly appreciated! ,Scott
  17. I had a housecall from some parasite at resolvecall today, but nobody was home so he was kind enough to leave his business card with his mobile number on it. So i decided to venture into a gay chat room (at 12:30am) and ask for phone sex... very bad with phone numbers... i might have made a mistake since nobody has called me yet... ahwell
  18. What legislation do Crapquest intend to use. Have the actually said. Resolvecall is the new name for Belfast Collection Services. I doubt whether a Northern Ireland company would have any legal standing in the Free State. Crapquest are probably talking through their rear downward pointing orrifices with regard to making you bankrupt. Any action would have to be taken in the ROI Courts
  19. Hi guys, I've been having a read over the threads today due to receiving a letter from Capquest regarding a Statutory Demand for Bankruptcy. I'll give a little background on it first. I got the letter today, dated the 28th of June, for an amount of £6112.79 assigned to them from Halifax, I assume for a credit card I had many years ago. The issue is I haven't actually been in the country for the past 5 and a half years, as I was back in South Africa, where I was born, tending to family business. The long and short of it is I've no idea when I last spoke to the Halifax about this as initially I thought I'd only be out of the country a few months at the most. I've just returned to Northern Ireland where I had been living and visited a few friends I had when I was here. They had a few letters for me, one of them being this letter. They said letters had been coming to the address, where I had rented a room, on and off for the past 5 years, they had returned them stating no longer at this address but they kept coming, albeit less frequently. So they stopped bothering sending them back and binned them periodicaly. So my question is, when does the 6 year Statute barred period start from? And how do I obtain a date for this? The amount being requested is far greater than the limit of the card so I assume it's interest and charges. The letter itself is also poorly written, starts of with the line "On the a statutory demand...", like they've forgotten to include a date, and goes on to mention Resolvecall being sent out for a doorstep visit. I don't live at this property anymore, so I'm assuming this is a fishing letter, but at the same time would like to try resolve the matter for my own peace of mind. Apologies for the waffle! Any help on obtaining this detail or any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Peggysuit, I'm in the same situation as you, old debt from the UK not yet statute barred. I ignored the Stat Demand letter and yesterday got a letter saying that they would 'instruct out field agents ResolveCall to attend your address and personally serve the statutory demand for bankruptcy.' Just wondering if you've had any visits from them yet. I'm assuming that if they could legally do that they would have just gone ahead rather than sending another letter. I'm hoping this is just another empty threat.
  21. Hi Leilani, You must be feeling really shaken. I think you must be unlucky in that you have one of their collectors living close to you. You must write to Barclaycard telling them that as they have failed to provide a signed copy of the alleged credit agreement this account is in dispute. There is a template letter for this. Send a copy of that letter to Resolvecall stating that you will be calling the police if one of their representatives calls again as they have been advised that they must not visit your property and are trespassing. I think that you must make it a priority to go through the statements you can find and see what you have paid in late fees, penalty charges, etc. Even if you can't find them all (because they may owe you more than you owe them) if you can find enough to cancel out the payment they are trying to get from you then you may be able to settle and get rid of them. DDx
  22. Help me please!!! I have been away for the last week, my boyfriend took me away before I had a nervous breakdown. During this week Resolvecall called again (my son didn't answer the door) and today they actually came again and left a letter. They do visit more than once! I am so sick of being harrassed by these people for only a couple of hundred pounds! I just lost the plot I am afraid, I stormed outside and gave him the prepared letter and he kept shouting to me is this you...and I said I had nothing to say to him. He sat in his car intimidating me for over 10 mins, he's gone now but I am getting to the point of wanting to just run away! I can't even go in my front garden to mow the lawn! I am trying to work just to put food on the table and I can't because of the pressure is clouding my brain...let alone looking through the statements to see what penalty charges that have accrued. What can I do? They ignore my letters...I have asked for the agreement but what use is it?
  23. A few months ago I started receiving DCA letters regarding a very old date nearly 9 years now and I was advised to send the statute barred letter which I did and then got a letter saying the all preceding had been stopped while the account was under investigation this was in February. On the 23rd of June I received a letter saying the following. "On the 28 JUL 08 a statutory demand for bankruptcy was sent to you, which we have not received a positive response from. (I never got this letter) We therefore fine ourselves with no other alternative but to instruct our field agents ResolveCall to attend your address and personally serve the statutory demand for bankruptcy. If satisfactory service had been achieved by the agent, they will sign a witness statement that a personal service has been achieved which may be required by the court. We do not take this step lightly, there are obvious costs incurred by this company by this personal service and witness statement. However, it is also necessary for the court, upon issue of a bankruptcy petition, to be satisfied that the creditor has done all that is reasonable to bring a statutory demand to your attention." I need some advice on what to do now please???
  24. I don't believe it is illegal for them to send a doorstep collector, when you had not told them in advance that you did not wish this to happen. The bit that is against the OFT debt collection rules, is for the Resolvecall person to have called on your neighbour. You could complain about this by calling Consumer Direct.
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