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  1. I just received confirmation from bcard of the amount i will receive for my missold ppi however they say only the balance will be paid to me as it will be initially used to offset amount owing on my credit card . My past sucesses in claiming ppi this has not been the case Barclays say they are entitled to pay off any balance hwoever small and which is not or ever has been in arrears can anyone help thanks
  2. Hi, Amongst all my issues with Barclaycard was the question of penalty charges. So while the battle with my SAR was going on, I thought I would try to reclaim penalty charges which I had, I discovered, been added to my account while paying through a DMP. So, sent off the letter asking for them back and heard nothing further. Yesterday, for the first time in 2.5 years, I received a statement from Barclaycard (another issue). On the statement were two credit entries. One for refund of penalty charges (last 6 years worth) and refund of interest. The total for penalty charges did equal what had been paid but the interest payment was nowhere near what the credit card charges spreadsheet calculated. (It works out to approx 8%). Is it usual for these payments just to appear out of the blue on statements with no formal letter of complaint being upheld and is it worth trying to get the interest paid at a higher rate? Jedicris
  3. Hi, I am a complete newb and have been reading through a lot of the old threads and think I've got a grip on what I should be doing but was hoping some kind users wouldn't mind glancing over my case before I act. I received a claim form from MKDP LLP on the 18.6.12 (well actually a lot later than that but that's when it was dated) via Northampton County Court. I owe them £3206.95 but simply do not have the funds to pay as I'm out of work and having to claim JSA. Should I try and defend this case or buy more time? Have been thinking of trying the CPR 13.14 as I really have no idea anymore how much I actually owe and have lost all records. I really don't want to have to face bailiffs so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Lucas
  4. Just after a little bit of advice regarding SAR request that was sent to Barclaycard, it seems that they have received it as well as a Telephone Harassment letter that was sent in the same envelope so I'm not sure to which they are repsonding, but I received this email today. Should I respond to the email, or telephone the number stated or just wait out the 40 days for the SAR and also hope that the amount of telephone calls stop, as of course in the telephone harassment letter it was stated that all dealings of my account should be in writing only. Regards, kingofkings
  5. Hello everyone, I am putting all my ppi charges from my Barclaycard into a spreadsheet. I am just wondering as this amount was added onto my account monthly is it correct to add the 8% interest onto each single payment? It seems alot, for example a £26.38 ppi charge on my account one month in 2004, now has £21 interest on it? so this makes the claim 47.38? is this right? I have been paying ppi for many years on this account and this would add up to quite a high figure. Many thanks for any help in advance xxx
  6. Having recently sent out the FOS questionaire to Barclaycard, ref to the EGG card I took out in 2001, as many others I had there card protector on it. I have answered the questionaire as with the box was prechecked and following phonecalls nothing was mentioned about there insurance. As anybody actually had any success with claims on EGG cards in this time period. It was paid from when I took out the card until Barclaycard took it over last year, then it stopped
  7. Hello, I hope someone can help me. I took out an Egg credit card about 2001 / 2002 & I have received from BarclayCard a copy of the credit agreement. The copy they have sent me (which I presume must be the only one they have) is not signed by myself as I applied for it online and I cannot remember being sent something in the post to sign and send back. Is this agreement legally enforceable and if it's not what should my next step be? Many thanks in advance.
  8. Hi all I have been trying to help a friend with his PPI claim from BarclayCard. We got to the stage where he sent them the FSA form back, but they have come back with a rejection of the claim! He doesn't remember ever having been told or sold a PPI when he took out the credit card. He used to pay them by DD on a monthly basis. But, this was rejected by his bank last year and he decided to pay them by telephone going forward. It was during one of his calls to the customer service dept of BarclayCard that he was told he has been paying £60 per month for a PPI since the card was issued (2001)!! Unfortunately he doesn't have any proof of this, only the fact that he's been paying the PPI every month. Apparently the lady he spoke with at BarclayCard told him to continue paying his PPI until he's managed to claim ALL the money back! Any advice would be much appreciated. Rgds.
  9. Can someone give me some advice please. I was with Morgan Stanley for years, it briefly changed to Egg, then bought as you all know by Barclays. When it changed to Barclays they sent me a new agreement and indicated where I should sign, they had indicated by a cross against PPI and I foolishly signed. I admit I was being treated for breast cancer at the time so concentration was not there on that issue. My Morgan Stanley was an online and I know I said no to PPI but it was still on there and everytime I tried to cancel it, they told me I had to contact the insurance company, which they said was on the policy, but I did not have a policy so I kept going around in circles. My question is as Barclaycard sent me a new cca when they took over do I just claim for mis-selling on that, or do I still claim for MS and Barclays together even though one is signed for and one was not?
  10. Hi everyone, This is a great website with tons of info. Love it! This is my first time posting on here. I am trying to deal with a court summons, and could really do with some help with the N9B defence form. ************************************************************* This is the background to the case: I have had a Barclaycard since 2000. The balance at January 2010 was £8,900. Due to various financial problems, I stopped paying them. Also in January 2010, I sent them a CCA request, and they sent me a reconstituted copy of a credit card agreement. I have not paid them or contacted them since then, however now they have sent me a claim form from Northampton county court bulk centre for £9,900 (although MKDP are named as claimants). The particulars of the claim are: " the claimant claims the sum of £9,900 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and Barclaycard 4929************ and assigned to the claimant on 10-10-2011, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the consumer credit act 1974. The claimant claims the sum of £9,900 and costs. The claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. " ************************************************************* Can I first be clear that I am not trying to get out of this debt, but I do not have the means to pay. I do not know if MKDP collections are just trying it on at court, or whether they have something solid to back them up. So now I need help with these questions: 1. Barclaycard only sent a reconstituted agreement in response to my CCA request. Is the debt unenforceable in court because of this? 2. Barclaycard only sent a reconstituted agreement in response to my CCA request. Does this mean they don't have the original executed agreement with my signature, and because of this, is the debt unenforceable in court? - Or is this just wishful thinking on my part? 3. What are the prescribed terms and what should I be looking for in the details of the reconstituted agreement that they sent me? 4. Part of the defence form says "if you fail to deny any allegation it may be taken that you admit it". I do not want to admit to anything, in case it is used against me at a later stage. In light of that, how could I word my defence and/or what should I include or leave out? ANY help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
  11. Hi all, Having some problems with mercers, looking for some advice please. A bit of background 1st, I have a outstanding debt with barclaycard for 12k, I had a very well paying job and was paying off my card balance every month without fail, until 7 months ago. I was on leave from work when I felt very unwell, I went to see the doc and was taken to hospital where I found out I had chronic kidney failure. I was in the ICU for 4 weeks then on the ward for a month while lines and a fistula were inserted into me. I am now on dailysis 3 times a week and unable to work. I explained all this to barclaycard when I got out of hospital and asked for a payment plan to be started, I got no help from them, they said they were not willing to enter a payment plan as it would take too long to pay off. They then said they would take me to court etc etc(normal threats) so I told them to go ahead and we would sort it out there. Now since then i havent paid anything, and now mercers are involved, to date over the last 4 weeks I have had 27 phone calls, I dont tell them who I am when I answer, I just say I will not discuss anything on the phone and to put it in writing. So far nothing has been sent. I sent then a stop calling letter by recorded delivery which they got 10 days ago yet the calls are still coming. what I need to know is what do I do next and what can I expect from them next? I am not bothered about the threats, currently I am staying at my sisters house, own nothing in the UK, no house/car or possessions so even if they did get bailiffs there is nothing for them to take, my house car etc are all in south africa where i was working before the kidneys gave up. And good luck to them trying to get anything there, LoL. thx in advance.
  12. Hi Everyone I am new to all these and I have a baby and not much time on my hands at the moment. I wonder if you could help me. I have a credit card with Barclaycard for around 7 years. I have not been using it for a long time but repaying the credit by small amounts (I have about £280 left). I had a PPI on it for several yers and canceled it. I am trying to claim it back myself. I was missold it when I was given a credit card as a purk to my account I do not remember anybody explaing to me about PPI and my English was not that great at the time. I wrote to the Barclay card to provide me my credit agreement on 23rd April and included a cheque for £1. About 3 weeks later they send ma a letter that they were dealing with my request. A week later I posted them another letter by recorded delivery reminding them that they obliged to provide me the credit agreement within 28 days. I have nothing from them. What can I do next? Thank you very much for your time to answer me Vita
  13. I had an egg credit card from 1999 to 2003, at the end of last year it was moved to Barclaycard. In 2003 i cancelled the PPI. It is so long that I cant be 100% sure why, but I think it was because I had been unaware that I had even had it up to that point. Although cannot be certain. I am unsure if I applied for the credit card online or over the phone, but think it was probably online, do Barclaycard have to tell me which method I used and whether it was one of the opt out tick boxes? I phoned b'card to commence a claim and they have now written to me asking for me to complete an FOS questionaire, because its so long ago I'm not sure how to answer this questionaire. They have stated that if i Do not complete this they will use the information they have to decide on my claim. Am I best to allow them to do this?? Now the matter is with Barclaycard are they paying out properly, where Egg wasn't always? Any advice on what to do next?
  14. Hi Ladies and Gents, well, I sent a claim to Barclaycard regarding a Mastercard and Visa which I took out way back in 1995. One of the cards was closed in 2004, the other in 2005 but I thought I've got nothing to lose by sending a letter, so off I went. I'm lucky that I still have my letters received when I closed these accounts as well as letters from the Insurers. I also have a report from Checkmyfile from a few years back so all my dates for these accounts are in order. I would certainly recommend to everyone on CAG using this and Experian for checking on your debts and outgoings, I've found them invaluable. Anyway, this and my other claims for mis-selling are based on the fact I have a pre-existing medical condition (Diabetes, I'm on Insulin) which I've suffered for 34 years. I've never been asked and its certainly never been put forward that any claim could be rejected due to my condition. I've sent 2 letters to Barclaycard the first request in March giving them the 8 weeks allowed to reply, then in May a second giving a further 2 week both letters sent by Recorded Post and both signed for. Up to now (31st May) I've not had any correspondence from Barclaycard regarding these accounts!! My question is what or who next? Due to the length of time since the accounts were opened and closed would I be best going through the FOS or the FLA who I've been referred to in similar cases? I've not heard too much positive with the FLA they seem pretty toothless from what I've read but then what do I know? Is there another body someone might recommend? I'm fighting on a few fronts at the moment and its refusal after refusal lately but I've started so may as well try and finish. Any suggestions on this one would be appreciated, Theres more to come, Tenmen10
  15. Hi all, I posted two SAR requests on 17/4/2012, one to MBNA and one to Barclaycard. Last week I received one from MBNA, so far I have received an acknowledgement from Barclaycard almost 4 weeks ago but still no information. Are they outside the 40 day period now or is it 40 working days they are allowed? Thanks
  16. Hi, I've been on this site for sometime now generally browsing and what not but finally decided to try and reclaim some of the money wrongly taken from me by our nations finest after successfuly claiming £1000 from Capital One using one of those companies advertised here online a couple of years ago. Anyway lucky for me i already had a list of my charges after asking barclaycard sometime ago for all my past statements with a SAR so with using the spreadsheet on moneysavingexperts site i worked out my total charges and added 8% interest (as i saw many people do on this site and successfully claim back) Anyway i sent the prelim letter with scheduled charges + interest and got the usual auto reply so i then went on to send another letter which im assuming was the letter before action inwhich i got another reply trying to fob me off saying that they consider there charges to be fair etc etc and that if imdisappointed with the outcome i should make a complaint with FOS. maybe i should've done abit more reading because at this moment in time im stuck as to what to do.. do i file for a claim via the courts or give them another bash using another angle!? Please find attached all correspondence as i know it may help King Regards Tyrone *PS - Barclaycard Response L2 Dated 5th May... Was only recieved today 30th May 2012 and with it they attached a photocopy of my second letter i sent which was dated 10th May so i guess there already at fault and trying to discount the second letter????? BarclayCard Charges First Letter Dated 23rd April 2012.doc BarclayCard Charges Second Letter Dated 10th May 2012.doc
  17. Barclaycard is axing its loyalty points scheme 'Freedom', giving customers two months to redeem their rewards. Barclaycard said that the scheme – which is available to the majority of its 12 million customers – is being scrapped because it wants to focus on 'other product development'. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2148253/Barclaycard-scraps-Freedom-loyalty-scheme-giving-customers-months-redeem-points.html
  18. Dear all, I got a little carried away recently trying to get the ball rolling in claiming back ppi and looking at my old statements I thought I would try and claim back some late payment/overlimit charges on my accounts.. I sent a letter to Barclaycard requesting my charges back with an attached spreadsheet of the individual charges and dates, which tallyed up to approx £700, I think I have made a huge mistake as I calculated 8% interest on each individual charge from the date of the charge to the present date.... making the total to around £1000 with interest. Have I got this all completly wrong?? As I have sent the letter already what should I do? Compose another? Im so cross with myself I rush ahead and end up getting it all wrong!!!!! Thanks for listeninga nd any advice will be welcome xxxxxxx
  19. Hi, I'm after some advice for my father-in-law. He has recently had a visit from Resolvecall but he wasnt in at the time so they left a card saying this was their first visit and to call the office before 8pm. It is regarding a credit card debt with Barclays from about 5 yrs ago. Basically he was made redundant and due to ill health couldnt get another job, had to sell their house and are now renting. They struggle to make ends meet as it is so there's no chance of him being able to afford any repayments. He has had letters over the yrs but has ignored them and this is the first time he has had a doorstep visit. After looking on this site I emailed them the letter (from my husbands email address) telling them he did not wish to make a home visit appointment but they have replied saying they will not stop any future visits until my father-in-law gets in touch with them directly. He is scared to death of them coming round again which is why I am dealing with it. What should we do now? Any advice appreciated. Thank you
  20. Hi all !! I am about to send Barclaycard an SAR for a card they 'bought' from MSDW. It would appear they added PPI to the card after it fell into their hands. I have only recently picked this up as the PPI was provided by Axa, who also do my health insurance for teeth and glasses and they also made the mistake of paying a (cancelled) rolling payment to the RAC which put the card over it's limit. So as well as PPI there are going to be Over Limit fees to deal with aswell. Quick question, is £10 enough for the SAR as I want to see the/any CCA they may hold or is it worth adding the extra £1 to make sure. Really the £10 should be enough as I want everything they hold on me, but knowing how slippery Barclays are, I don't want any hold ups. ( I think I have just answered my own question!!) Thanks for taking the time to read this, Lex
  21. Hi, after some advice regarding the above company, I have read some of the threads already regarding them but some specific advice would be nice. last month I received a letter from HFO regarding a debt with Barclaycard many years ago they were asking for £462 if I remember correctly the original debt was for about £100, I then received another letter about 2 weeks ago asking for me to contact them regarding the debt, I then looked into the company via this forum and followed some advice given on one of the threads and contacted Barclaycard asking them when the last payment was made to that account and when and who the debt was sold to. They confirmed that the debt had been sold to HFO in July 2007 and that the last payment on the account was February 2004, I did ask the man to confirm what he had said to me in writing but he said that he couldn't do that to which I replied that I wasn't asking for anything that he hadn't told me on the telephone, he still refused, I then explained that I would put in a request for all my information which they would then have to give me the details , the man said that all requests like that would have to go through HFO, I explained to him that this was incorrect as they hold the information on me so they would have to disclose their records under data protection etc, he was very nonchalant and said it would still have to go through HFO, at this point I ended the call stating that they would receive my request in writing (as I had read that I need to do in another post). As far as I aware I was never told that the debt had been sold and haven't had any communication for many years I even think that the debt might come under the 6 year rule but I don't think I will know this until I request the information from Barclaycard, I still haven't contacted HFO but today received the 72 hour litigation letter from them. I plan to send the letter to Barclaycard requesting my records next week (payday!) and will send HFO a CCA request, am I doing the right things? Also with regards to HFO I have checked my Credit report and they have a log on my history that the debt defaulted in 2007 (this is when they bought the debt not when it defaulted which was in 2004 how would I get this changed? and also with regards to the interest that HFO have added to this debt it is my understanding that if they add interest they need to write to you confirming the interest rate and also send yearly statements is this correct ( I have not received any of these the first contact being from them last month). Sorry for the long post but wanted to cover everything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. In 2009 I requested a CCA from Barclaycard and SAR. No response. I put the account in dispute until I received relevant terms and conditions applicable to me at time I signed Barclaycard in 1998. They kept sending me current terms and conditions. At this point I no longer had use of the card and had not made payment for some years. in 2010 unknown to me Barclarcard has entered a default for the same credit card twice. What should I do? Do I dispute the default? Any advice appreciated.
  23. EDIT: please note the dates of the posts, as I've bumped my own thread which was active over a year ago! This is my first post, although I've searched the forums and read up a lot on HFO Services so far but wanted to start my own post instead of hijacking someone else's. Basically, I had a Barclaycard years ago which I ended up missing payments for. I had actually moved house and sent them TWO change of address forms and simply heard nothing back from them, and just kept forgetting to call them... A little later I lost my job at the time and was obviously concerned with my immediate situation, so my creditcard issues were put to one side for quite some time. (I've actually been made redundant from SIX different jobs and suffered a couple more redundancies during this period of time.) A couple of years or so later and I received mail saying I had been passed onto a DCA (although I cannot remember the name of them) and managed to actually pay some of my debt off. The DCA were meant to send me a payment plan in the post but I never received this. After moving house again I sent them a change of address form and still heard nothing back. At the end of last year my girlfriend and I began looking for a house. Our mortgage advisor ran an online credit check on us both (with our permission, of course) and I was surprised to see that the only defaults that came up were from Barclaycard 2 years ago -- no mention of the DCA. We successfully got a mortgage and bought our house, which we have lived in happily for 6 months now. A few weeks ago I received a call from someone saying they had purchased my Barclaycard Debt and wanted to confirm my address - which I gave them - in order to send me some details. I assume these were HFO Services but found the person on the phone very difficult to understand at the time. Last week I received a call from someone at HFO Services asking me for the balance in full of around £1600, which I said I was unable to pay. The caller then said the minimum they would accept as a monthly payment was £140 and asked me for my debit card details to take the first payment over the phone. I said that I had not received anything in writing from them and under no circumstances was I going to give my debit card details over the phone, as I had no guarantee of who they were. The caller took my email address and said she would email me the appropriate paperwork and asked if I could call back the following day -- I said that this was OK but it had to be mid-afternoon as I had an important client meeting in the morning. Sure enough, during my important meeting I faintly heard my phone vibrating in my jacket and checked the message to confirm it was from HFO -- ringing at precisely the time I had asked them NOT to call. I have not returned their call as I wanted to ask for advice before doing so. I have received an email from the caller, containing a poorly layed out and quite unprofessional looking Word document but have not replied. Firstly, (for once) I am in a much better situation financially and DO want to be free of my debt, however, £140 a month is way more than 10% of my disposable income (which I understand is what I would be ordered to pay if taken to court?). What options do I have -- can they really dictate how much I must pay monthly, or is this purely scare tactics? Last year I successfully reclaimed my bank charges from my bank account -- is this something I could potentially do with my Barclaycard also, even though it has now been passed onto a DCA? From my dealings so far, I do NOT like this company at all and if I were to pay back my debt I would much rather do it through some other debt consolidation service -- any recommendations as to where to look for this? I appreciate my questions have probably been asked millions of times before but frank and honest advice would be much appreciated!! Thank you in advance!
  24. Hi, Barclaycard have verbally agreed a short settlement of 30% on a balance of about £4000.Result! However, the letter I received from them stated the when I had made the payment, I would receive a new payment plan. When I spoke to BC on the phone originally, they confirmed the debt would not be sold on and they would not seek further payments, but that it would show as a short settlement on my credit history. I spoke with them again today to ask for further clarification writing. They refused but stated our agreement was valid and that details of the agreement was recorded on their systems and our calls were recorded. That is all well and good for them but I feel it leaves me vulnerable. I am keen to get rid of this debt. Would I be safer if I send them a third party cheque with a covering letter explainnig the cheques is only to be cashed if no further action is to be taken against ?
  25. Hello Caggers, I hope you can help me. I have an old Barclaycard debt which I started paying through JB Debt Recovery in December 2011. I made a card payment on condition that they sent me some paperwork detailing what I owe, what payment arrangements were in place, etc. I have received no paperwork from JB whatsoever. However, as well as the initial card payment, they started taking further payments from my card. They took two payments on successive days (charging me an extra £1.50 per transaction) and did the same again 2 weeks later. I was away over Christmas so I couldn't deal with it until my return. I contacted JB on my return and explained that not only had the paperwork not arrived, but the payments were taken incorrectly. They said they have sent the paperwork (which I still to this day have not received) and that I had authorised running payments on the card. I am sure I didn't do this, but even if I did, I would certainly not have agreed to taking payments on successive days. Who would do that - make a payment today (and get charged for it) then make another payment tomorrow for the same debt, and get charged for it again. I stopped the card payments and set up a standing order directly from the bank account. As far as I was concerned; that was that - I just make the payments each fortnight until the balance is clear, and put the problems down to being a blip. However, last week I received two calls from Buchanan Clark and Wells (BCW) saying that I owed Barclaycard (the same debt) a sum of money and that I have paid nothing. I told them about what happened and that I was currently paying JBDR. They insisted that they had held the account since January 10th, and that no money had been paid. We argued back and forth, and I have now received a formal demand from BCW for the balance. I rang BCW and they insist they have received the debt from Capquest (who acquired it from Barclaycard as far as I know) and I should cancel my payments to JBDR and start paying BCW. My personal choice would be to cancel the whole thing of course, but if I have to pay someone I would rather pay BCW as they have been more professional about how things are handled. BCW are ringing me back tomorrow expecting the debt to be transferred to them. Where do I stand in all of this? What rights and responsibilities do I have, and what would you advise me to do next? If it matters, the balance on the account is just under £2,000 and I am on state benefits (ESA and DLA) so money is tight.
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