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  1. I recieved a stat demand from crapquest in july 08, i ignored it and heard nothing until july 10 when i recieved another letter stating "on the xx july 08 a statutory demand for bankruptcy was sent to you, which we have not recieved a positive contact from. Wetherefore find ourselves with no other alternative but to instruct our field agents resolvecall to attend your address and personally serve the statutory demand for bankruptcy. If satisfactory service has been achieved by the agent, they will sign a witness statement that a personal service has been achieved which may be required by the court. We do not take this step lightly, there are obvious costs incurred by this company by this personal service and witness statement. However, it is also necessary for the court, upon issue of a bankruptcy petition, to be satisfied that the creditor has done all that is reasonable to bring a statutory demand to your attention. You can avoid an agent visiting your address and any further action being persued in relation to this debt by contacting us on 0871....... before (assuming they meant to add a date here but never bothered themselves) If you contact us and agree a proposal for payment we will not accept any further failure without good reason and will move your account immediately to our field agents". They more or less say in the letter that it was served 2nd class mail (incorrectly?) just to get a response and will have to serve it correctly if they wish to go any further with it. Proof if ever it was needed they are just using sd's as a collection tool and have no intention of following up on ignored sd's. By the way this letter was also ignored as the debt is stat barred and i have heard nothing from them since.
  2. Have a look here. Looks like Phoenix are offloading to Marlin. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?306118-Still-No-CCA-from-Marlin-now-Resolvecall-letter.
  3. I would just ignore it, Resolvecall are about as much use collecting debts as I am at sewing. Thinks the are part of Scotcall, they share the same address. I by any chance one of their ' feild agents' does darken your doorstep, just tell them to leave at once. The have no powers whatsoever.
  4. Well an update for this one.Received a hand delivered brown envelope which contained a resolvecall calling card for my urgent attention and telling me to contact their head office along in the normal post with a letter from Marlin or rather a Notice of assignment saying that MCE Portfolio Limited has had assigned to it all right, title, interes and benefit in my account. Wat now???????????????
  5. A short history of this case for your info donkey, although a historic thread will exist somewhere within this site referring to the original post. This was an HFC/MARBLES credit card which was referred to Restons and payments were being made monthly towards it without fail. Then all of a sudden I try to pay Restons and they tell me over the phone they are no longer handling this debt and someone would probably contact me and I should be paying them. This somebody was Marlin and when I spoke to them they wanted more than double what I was paying and wouldn't budge. I then CCA'd Marlin and there reply was to issue a Stat Demand for the outstanding amount which I subsequently applied to have set aside filing my defence with the court and attending on the hearing date only to find Mortimer Clarke for Marlin didn't bother to turn up and upon reading my evidence the judge set the stat demand aside. Then despite my request still not being complied with Marlin continually rang to speak to me which I always refused their request telling to fulfill my request and I would speak to them which of course hasn't happened culminating in the letter from resolvecall today.
  6. SORREEE... just realised it’s an SD, not a court claim. (I’m a menace to society so I can’t edit my own posts... have asked a mod to edit) SOOO... yes, letter to Resolvecall, copied to Marlin, stating the fact that as a valid CCA request remains outstanding, the account remains in dispute. Copy your correspondence to the OFT.
  7. Hi tronny Given your sucessful set aside and the on going CCA failure I think we can safely say that the account is in dispute Have a read of this letter from the Library . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?426-A-letter-when-the-account-has-been-passed-to-another-debt-collection-agency Amend it to suit your circumstances including a mention of the set aside, send it to Resolvecall and let them get on with it This is just my opinion and I'm sure that CAGGERS with more experience of this sort of situation will give more/better options Good luck R
  8. Hi, Wife came in from collecting the kids from school and a hand written envelope from Resolvecall was through the door. Think these monkeys will come back? I had sent an email and leter to them telling them i will not accept home visits. Not sure if the letter will be there in time? There first letter was recieved on the 12th May and "agent" knocked today. Polite if he comes back or give hime 5 seconds to get to the car? Thanks
  9. Hi, new to the group and delighted I have found it. I was trying to PM the Scottish Power rep Colin directly but cannot until I have posted 5 messages so here goes with my first, and apologies it is a little lengthy... If anyone can help or advise on the following situation I would be very grateful. We have a small business in Scotland supplied with electricity by Scottish Power (SP). We are missing bills from November and December which have been requested but not received, this and tough cashflow left us behind on our payments; the situation spiralled a bit and were visited in February by ResolveCall (RC) regarding the debt, they left us with certain paperwork. Acting on the paperwork, on 10.2.11 I called RC but lines were busy and message stated I should try later or email so I emailed both RC and SP with a proposal to pay the outstanding debt over 10 payments and received an automated reply from SP that my email had been received and would be responded to within 5 days or so. On the 12.2.11 we received an email from RC stating the account was closed with them and was being dealt with by SP so I emailed SP the same day asking if the payment plan was acceptable and received same automated reply No response has been received from SP to either of those emails! On 4/3/11 a telephone message was taken by a member of staff that we were about to be cut off and had to call a number, we called the number and it was RC who knew nothing about the message, stated they had not called us and were not dealing with our account and that it must have been SP, so we emailed SP again (to have a written record) and again no response (other than the automated receipt). We emailed both RC and SP again on 17/3/11 31/3/11 5/4/11 and last Friday 22/4/11 Again not one response. We received a letter on 12.4.11 stating that we would be visited on 27.4.11 for our supply to be disconnected unless the total amount due of just under £6,000 was paid before then - but have received no other warning, court documentation, communications or paperwork until today when we received another telephone message which we returned this morning to be informed that representatives would be visiting our premises tomorrow (26th, a day earlier than the letter states) to disconnect our supply unless we paid £8700 immediately by debit card. In addition to trying to set up a payment plan (which would have cleared the majority of the debt by now had we been able to set it up at our first email), we have requested the missing bills and we have advised in writing of a dangerous live pipe which is coming into the property and has not yet been made safe - we have had no response to this either although we have been visited twice by a hydro electric engineer who has been unable to resolve the issue and has not been back since. We explained during our call that (in the absence of any response to our emails) we had set up a bank transfer for tomorrow for the circa £6k on the original disconnection letter but have been told that is insufficient to stop the action, even though that is the full amount requested in the letter. We tried many times to set up a payment plan to clear the debt and get our on-going account in order and did not receive the courtesy of even one response to our written communications. We don't have a debit card with a spare £8700 on it! Surely SP/RC cannot simply turn up and disconnect us a day earlier than we have been advised, for a sum nearly a third higher in two weeks than in the original letter and without a court order or Sheriff's Officer in tow? Any help very much appreciated.
  10. Updated... Have recieved another letter from Capquest saying......... ' On the xx March 2011 a statutory demand for bankruptcy was sent to you which we have not recieved a positive contact from. We therefore find ourselves with no other alternative but to instruct our field agent ResolveCall to attend your address and personally serve the statutory demand for bankruptcy. if satisfactory service has been achieved by the agent, they will sign a witness statement that a personal service has been achieved which may be required by the court. We do not take this step lightly......blah blah blah ' Think this shows that the majority of these posted SDs are never actually lodged with the courts ( because they 'have not recieved a positive contact' from it - they are now threatening to send some muppet to my home to deliver it in person ). My intention is to wait to see if this 'personal serving' of the SD actually happens (having read other posts - it could fail to materialise and just be another scare tactic), and if so, I will send a dispute letter and contact the court to have it set aside as I am disputing it. Advice / Comments on this strategy would be welcome Thanks
  11. I received an sd from crapquest in july 2008. I ignored it which i know is not recommended but in my situation at the time i thought if they want to make me bankrupt feel free as i had nothing and would have gladly thrown a few more debts in to get rid of. It was delivered incorrectly which i never knew at the time as it was only standard mail and not signed for. Two years later (july 2010) and nothing happening reguarding the sd i received another letter from capquest stating "On the xx july 08 a statutory demand for bankruptcy was set to you, which we have not received a positive contact from. We therefore find ourselves with no other alternative but to instruct our field agents resolvecall to attend your address and personally serve the statutory demand for bankruptcy If satisfactory service has been achieved by the agent, they will sign a witness statement that a personal service has been achieved which may be required by the court. We do not take this step lightly, there are obvious costs incurred by this company by this personal service and witness statement. However, it is also necessary for the court, upon issue of a bankruptcy petition, to be satisfied that the creditor has done all that is resonable to bring a statutory demand to your attention You can avoid an agent visiting your address and any further action being pursued in relation to this debt by contacting us on 0871 527 0327 before If you cantact us and agree a proposal for payment we will not accept any further failure without good reason and will move your account immediately to our field agents" I ignored this letter too as the debt in now statute barred and eight months later not a peep from crapquest. I do expect more letters at some point threatening doom etc but i can live with that. This shows that they do use sd's as a debt collection tool when they have no intention of following it through. I believe they have had a slapped wrist for doing this as in my letter they openly admit incorrect service. Since they have being writing to me which to be honest isn't that often ( 9 times in nearly five years including scotcall and hl legal) they have managed to add on to the alleged debt over a grand in interest which as it is well and truly stat barred is all just numbers to me. They can add on another ten, twenty or fifty thousand to me as they will be receiving absolutely nothing. This is my case and not to say they wouldn't follow up a stat demand and thats why most people on here recommend not to ignore it, but in my case they never followed it up and i don't believe they ever had any intention of doing so. Why would they as in my case i had nothing so it would cost them however much to do so with the knowledge they would receive absolutely nothing in return for their efforts.
  12. Hi bubbsie Something like; I note your letter dated November xx which I received today. I note your comment that, “For the purposes of the Financial Ombudsman Service please consider this to be our final response.” And that you invite me, “...to ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to review your complaint and that you have six months from the date of this letter to do so.” I have no record of the complaint to which your answers in your final response refers. Your final response appears to bear no relationship to the correspondence that I have sent to you. I understand that you say that, “Our agents are trained to gather and understand information so that they can make decisions regarding your accounts, with the intention of helping you resolve any problems you may be experiencing.” To be helpful to you, FOS guidance indicates that your final response should include: ‘Our understanding of your complaint’ ‘Our findings from the investigation’ ‘Our decision’ Should you choose to clarify your position in accordance with FOS guidance I might be happy to accept your invitation. For the avoidance of doubt, I have had no point stated that I using a Debt Management Company, because I have no surplus income, I have, however, taken advice from National Debtline, part of Money Advice Trust. Enclosed is a updated copy of a Personal Budget Sheet for our household as agreed with National Debtline that I first sent to you on July 2010. You will no doubt take cognizance of David Chan’s, Chief Executive of Barclaycard Consumer Europe, comments of November 9th: “Barclaycard has been a long term supporter of the free debt advice sector and the Money Advice Trust.”, when launching ‘My Money Steps’ on which I based by I&E statement. The outstanding balances claimed by each creditor will now be out of date because of ongoing penalty charges and interest. I will of course reclaim all unlawful charges and interest thereon and will happily give you a more accurate picture as this emerges. As you can see, we have no money left to make offers of payment to my creditors and have been advised by National Debtline to request a moratorium on payments, charges and interest. Having been subjected to continual harassment, in breach of OFT guidelines, from creditors, including excessive and repetitive telephone calls; the use of multiple agents; doorsteps visits, and threatening letters, I have, under severe duress, agreed payments of £1 per month subject to the freezing of interest payments and cessation of penalty charges with Santander, NatWest and Bank of America. I am advised by National Debtline that I should treat all creditors equally and accordingly I make the same offer to you. I note that your agents, Mercers, have issued a Default Notice and Notice of Termination, of sorts, and I understand the implications of these as a prerequisite to legal proceedings. I reiterate that I am attempting to deal with this matter in an honest and responsible manner. However, just as ‘weighing a pig does not make it fatter’, repetitive telephone calls and doorstep visits from Resolvecall do not increase my income, but do decrease my potential to earn income, and increase your costs for no apparently meaningful business purpose. I look forward to hearing from you in writing as soon as possible in response to my proposal. cc. Mr David Chan, Chief Executive of Barclaycard Consumer Europe" x v
  13. Great advice for Oilyrag, so far I have only had BC, Mercers, Calders, Moorcroft and their idiot agents Resolvecall? and now Westcott. In my case little or no communication seemed to be the answer. I never answered the phone to these people, on the few occasions I was caught out by a different number I simply told them to F### off. After a couple of months the calls stopped. As I mentioned I have a badly botched CCA (not sure if this is of any use in the light of recent court cases), a 12 day DN from Mercers, and demand for the full balance as Oilyrag mentioned above from Calders.
  14. Hi Fred, although perfectly correct, I find the template doorstep visit letter a bit tame and passive. I have only written twice to Barclaycard; once for a CCA, and the other time for clarification on the botched cut & paste rubbish they sent. My final letter was in response to a home visit letter from Moorcroft/Resolvecall/Scotcall? I can't remember who. I sent the following; READ THIS CAREFULLY - FINAL NOTICE Dear Morons, I refer to your letter ref; ### and respond as follows; Legal bit - implied licence etc. The only possible reason for someone to visit me in my home is to threaten and intimidate me and my family. Anyone visiting the above property will be removed in under 10 seconds with whatever force is necessary. Should an incident occur, I will of course arrange for the ambulance service to remove your employee. Any further threatening or intimidating letters received from you will be subject to an administration fee of £35 for my time and effort. Be advised I will have no hesitation in persuing this claim against your company through the Small Claims Court. It obviously worked because I heard nothing for months and BC have now passed it to Westcotts.
  15. http://www.resolvecall.co.uk/ Started calling at my address, gave them nothing, I ask them the questions and they have no answers...anyways I had a look at their website and the "agent" was very casual, matey type but looking at their intro video and their slogan....intelligence gathering for the credit industry....who the hell decided this was ok? They proudly report on their status updates of "assignments" debts...they are basically stalking and watching people....can this not be sent to OFT???
  16. Hi Chairy Echo oilyrag. Mercers harass and tell fibs. They will put you through all sorts of hoops but refuse any affordable offer. Then I got Resolvecall on doorstep (no prob), Calders, Credit Solutions ltd, power2contact (threatening doorstep - I don't think so, but am I bovvered?). So, to be fair, Mercers are no more shifty than everyone else in this edit run extortion industry, including Barclaycard. I continue to make my affordable offer in accordance with recent OFT v. MBNA ruling and add to my extant complaint to fos. love vic
  17. Hi joquest 2 CCAs then, 1 per account. They'll reply with any old recon crap and then you need to decide tactics and end-game - read other threads and we'll take it from there, one step at a time. Mercers will issue the DN, Resolvecall may visit along the way (no real problem), and eventually go away to be replaced by Calders to be replaced by.... x v
  18. Hi all, This is my first post and am looking for a bit of advice. I have 2 Natwest credit cards and a natwest loan, The two cards are approx £1300 each on them and the loan is approx £9.5k remaining, I have not been able to make the last few payments to natwest on all 3 of these due to a downgrade in job/pay at work. I spoke to natwest about this BEFORE i missed any payments to let them know that in the coming months i would probably be having difficulty meeting payments, I have now missed serveral payments (approx 4) on both the cards and the loan. Today have recieved letters headed from a company called "resolvecall" basically saying that the bank have lost touch with me and that i need to contact them in the next 3 days or they will send someone to my house, Now up until now i have (propably quite wrongly) been ignoring them but want to start to contact them but still cant afford to make the payments. How should i go about this, should i call natwest so that i dont get some guy turning up on my doorstep or is there another way? Im just really wanting a bit of advice on this as i probably could ignore it but then who knows what may happen. Any advice ASAP would be really appreciated and thanks in advance for any replys posted.
  19. Hi amh It would be wise to write to Natwest and state your current financial position; Nationaldebt line are quite helpful. Resolvecall are cheap doorsteppers but are nothing to worry about; I've had a visit and just told them to leave. Once you've had one visit the fear and the threat goes away. love vic
  20. Hi I I've been through all this with Mercers(in house) calders (in house) resolvecall(doorstep) and then Credit Solutions. BCard will not accept my token offer so I made a formal complaint based on the recent OFT MBNA ruling which I have 6 months to take to fos. To be truthful I don't think it much matters what you do, they carry on regardless. It's up to you whether you make the payments anyway; I think much depends on the status of the original alleged debt (CCA etc). x vic
  21. Hi alf Receiving a doorstep visit (REsolvecall - BCard) early in this game was the best thing that could have happened for me; having mastered the 6th and 15th letters of the NATO alphabet, door-steppers no longer frighten me or my family. DCAs I talk to appear bemused that door-steppers do not work as a threat. love vic
  22. Hi guys Brief update to help others on DCA tactics: I've just called Credit Solutions (I know, but they weren't harassing me so I thought I'd call them). They immediately offered a discount (unspecified) and helpfully went through what we might sell so that we might clear this debt (lots of wees, so we must all be in this together). I repeated my token offer made to BCard, Mercers, Calder: they are welcome to call round (again - last was resolvecall) or take me to court or accept my offer, but I have no money. It will be interesting to see if they harass or just pass it back. x v
  23. Hello, first time posting on these forums, but i think the reason is right. Todays my day off from college and i was sat downstairs when there was a knock on the door, when i answered a very big built man asked to speak to my mom, i told him she was at work and he gave me a letter saying my mom owed British power money. (the debt collector was from resolve call by the way). he didnt ask me if he could look at our meters but just went "are you meters in here" and opened my shed door. he also waited till i closed my front door before he looked at them. I rang my mom straight away at work and told her about it and she said she knew about the debt. But the letter is a notification to apply for a right for entry or something to disconnect our meters. My mom said everythings fine, but im not sure if she understands how resolvecall or any other businesses like this work, should my mom pay the debt off via resolve call or could she pay the debt directly to british power? ive looked on these forums and saw how shady they are an im just abit shook up from all of this.
  24. OK firstly, try not to worry....easier said than done I know. Regards to your old address and the other tenant, inform her that if they should arrive again and sit outside the property, to ring the Police 999, and report that there are two males sat outside in a car watching the house, I guarantee that once these fools have been spoken to by the Police they will not try the same stunt twice. This also need to be reported to the OFT&TS via http://www.consumerdirect.gov.uk/contact I'm actually in two minds whether to advise that she should report this little incident to the Police anyway, as it must have been very intimidating! In fact that is probably a good thing to do, that way then if the morons try it again then the police will already be aware of it and turn up a lot quicker. Do you know exactly who they were? Resolvecall? Robbers way? Secondly, do not be at all worried they can come in and take anything away from you, they can't, these idiots are NOT bailiffs, they are deluded bullies, who like to make you believe that they have some sort of legal know how and the ability to intimidate you, well they don't. The postman has more legal rights than these deluded saddos. They are merely members of the public employed by outfits that are way above their station and far too big for their boots, they cannot enter your property, they cannot take any money off you, they cannot sit outside your property, they cannot and should not be allowed to intimidate you on your own doorstep! If they do turn up again, tell them to foxtrot oscar, if they remain call the Police 999 and tell them that their is someone on your property who won't leave when asked to do so, and you believe he will cause a breach of the peace. Currently, if you want to show willing then £1 a month is ALL you should pay, this is the legal token payment allowed, and I do know of it being 50p a month ordered by a Judge in one case. However, can you list your debts and who the creditors are and what they are, loans cc etc? Hiding from them won't help, I really want to give you more advice but i have to go out, others will hopefully pick this up and carry on, but in a nutshell, they cannot come to your proerty unless they make an appointment with you, which you have no desire to do, so everything MUST be in writing, NO phone conversations, ALL IN WRITING. Read this; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?441-If-you-do-receive-a-doorstep-visit-we-give-these-suggestions-to-Members. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?410-LETTER-USED-WHEN-A-DCA-THREATENS-A-DOORSTEP-VISIT You have a lot more rights than these deluded fools know about, so don't worry.
  25. And sadly it will go on. BC have this inviolable faith that they are above the law and any other regulation that may affect their highly suspect activities at times. In our case they have ignored our solicitors, every communication sent to them or their cohorts and even an injunction. It is a very long game but once you get to the outside hooligans like Moorcroft CSL, Scotcall, resolvecall Matthew Arnold and Baldwin solicitors they do run away after a bit of aggro once any whiff of anything legal coming their way comes on the scene. The comfort is that you sit back and et them spend money, there is NOTHING they can do without going to court and as we have professional legal representation none of them or BC is willing to go to court. In fact they have shot themselves in the foot with invalid default notices s 87(1) (Mercers), dodgy termination on the back of that default (Calders) and Robinson Way breaching just about every controlling regulation of the DPA by sending letters from private addreses in the name of their "branch managers". There is more but I won't bore the group. Its a long game as vic says but we are at stalemate (three years), we don't pay a penny and they won't or risk going to court and gusees what they haven't dared yet to make an entry on our credit file infact all reference to our credit cards has been removed altogether and we had cards for a very long time. regards oilyrag.
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