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  1. Good Afternoon Everyone, I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to provide me with some guidance. What started out as one PDL with one company to finance car repairs following a failed MOT and assist with buying birthday presents for my two children who were born on consecutive days, has now spiralled completely out of control and has resulted in me owing circa £4,600 on my next payday, 26th July. I have bitten off more than I can chew and simply do not have the resources to pay these off. This amount is spread between five companies as follows: Quick Quid £1,819 Payday Express £938 Wage Day Advance £775 Lending Stream £635 PaydayUK £440 Paying deferment fees will not only leave me and my family with nothing to live on for the next month, but will also see me in an identical position next month. I feel like the only way forward is to e-mail all five companies explaining my position and ask if they would consider a repayment plan. I am not seeking to have anything reduced and it is my intention to pay off every penny I owe as they are my debts and the money was issued to me in good faith, it will just now take longer than I originally anticipated. I am embarrassed and sick with worry about this situation which is aggravated by my wife having been Sectioned under the Mental Health Act and also the death of an extremely close relative. Having had a look around the sub-forum, I fear I am going to have severe difficulties with Quick Quid and Payday Express and perhaps others. I have also today applied online for a Lloyds TSB Basic Account as I note that it may be prudent to open a new account. Any advice would be gratefully received. Many thanks in anticipation. Kind regards Chris
  2. oh dear..i need advice..i took out 2 payday loans..and were due to be paid back...unfortunately had my hours greatly reduced last month and now being made redundant at christmas..i could not pay as my income i received just payed my rent and council tax...i emailed them to let them know...and as a good will gesture would pay them 10.00 per month paid into there account...they have emailed me back...saying i dont meet there criteria..and need to send in proof of my payslips ..employment letter...i am not lying..and dont see why i should...i emailed them back..to say this is not negotiable and to give me there account details to pay the 10.00....i sent them a income and expenditure sheet..and basically my outgoings are more than my income..so am stuck and really worried...can i get some advice please..as i know i took them out..but wasnt expecting a sudden change in hours..i also informed them to make all communication via email..and to stop telephoning me 10 times a day..this is becoming a pain...xxx
  3. Hi, Just wanted to say this is an amazing forum who has given me so much hope. I am anotherwho got themselves into trouble. Got a small Wonga loan ages ago, then found it was hard to pay off, so got another one to pay off etc etc. Feel so stupid. Makes it worse that for 10 years now I have been with Payplan (absolutely brilliant) However i got these loan whilst with Payplan. I swallowed my pride and emailed them and they were great. So loans were all due about a week ago (25th). Have 4 Wonga - 1442.64 (5.80) PayDayUK - 613.48 (2.47) PaydayExpress - 800 (3.22) PoundsTillPayDay - 1143.82 (4.60) After talking to Payplan they sent off my financial statement that day. I pay £200 pcm to Payplan and upped it to £250 per month - this for me is stretch big style but was on their advice. The numbers in brackets are the offers to them as Payplan pay on a ratio system. Payplan told me that PayDayExpress accepted immediately. I cancelled my card and stopped all CPA with bank. Issues 1. Heard nothing from PPT. Worried sick! Isn't that odd? 2. Wonga did send me email asking for I & E but spoke to Payplan who said ignore it as they were sent one anyway. Email says charges will stop for 38 days while they assess it (oddly today got an email from them saying they have charged me £20) so I emailed back and asked why based upon the email that said there would be NO charges. 3. PayDayUK are calling 4 times a day with all different numbers. Ignoring them. Again oddly they do not leave a message. Any advice on what I should be doing would be gratefully received. Swanleyboy
  4. Similar problem and same story. I have finally coming to terms that little flutter with online betting is anything but little, and i'm now starting to count the cost of falling into the payday loan trap. I managed to haul myself from a similar problem only a few months back, and now I find its out of control again. So the current total stands at: Wonga: 202 Minicredit: 125 Cash Genie: 69 Swift Sterling: 350 Payday UK: 141 After discovering this site late last night (couldn't sleep - I wonder why) I emailed all of these companies, except cash genie I intend to clear that this month, with a letter stating that I was in a dire financial position and offered them all six month payment plans (I really dont want this to drag out - even that long). Minicredit have came back right away - asked to send a budget which I did. No response yet - they say it take 5 working days to reply - but there is a snag, which I will reveal in a second. Swift Sterling, emailed to say they have passed it to a team and I had to call. Now I know people on here say dont call, but I did, and a very rude woman said there is nothing they can do to help, and I should default and let the account go an account manager. They didn't want to entertain a replayment plan. Should I do default? There is an additional 58 quid for this, cant let this get any higher. Wonga - No reply so far to my two emails to everyone of their email addresses. Payday UK, responded asking for my dob, post code and other particulars to locate my account. No response since. Now the big snag with all of this, they are all due in a matter of days between the 15 - 17 Sept. So I pretty much up a creek here. Do I pay what I can to some and rollover the loans - back in the same boat next month. SS will take the full 350 on Monday, I don't have it, or it will leave my very skint. Should I cancel my card this weekend? Your help or advice is required......
  5. Hello Caggers, I hope you can help me find some information which will assist me with my PPI mis-selling claim against Direct Line personal loans. I understand from the FSA findings that 22 firms’ financial incentive schemes have been found "wanting" - my interpretation, not their's. My question is does anybody know if Direct Line Financial Services personel were insentivised or rewarded by way of a bonus or commission for selling PPI in 2003 when my loan was taken out. Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks DP.
  6. Hi, i need to no if were i stand and if i being o.t.t. but i taken a cash genie loan on12/02.2012 for £200 the month i had a rollover charging me £75 and the same in aprial as i just could not afford 275 at the time after being put on the short time at work also begin a single parent of 3 indepents then to be put on the sick i rang cash genie on the 22nd may agreeing once my fiances had been sorted via with job center i will be able to set a payment plan up with them telling the adviser that i will need up to 3 weeks as as its the jubilee bank holidays and well jobcentre /income support don't rush really ,so any way me not even relising that i had a payment Friday 1st of June until i had a letter on the Saturday stating that i had a payment in to my bank before i could even look at my accounts cash genie had put a e mark on my account leaving me with nothing after calling them also being spoken to like i was a nobody explaining that i have no electric gas and no food being told thats not there problem the only way i can have a refund is to send 1 months of bank statments so i did this heard nothing so wednesday6th june i rang bank asking to stop this payment as it was haning in my account but not able to touch it the reply i got from the bank was nothing we can do untill payment as gone so then i went to cash genie website and placed a complaint i have now recieved a email from them stating they need to see bank statments but why i have sent them already as i was so upset with tsb i switch accounts and have no statments to show gash genie who from the feb 2012 uptill today have had nearly £500 for a £200 loan do i sit and just except this as i did take the loan out or do i stick to guns as i did ring and explain my situation them just not giving me the time to sort anything out let alone comfirm payment plan , i have emailed cash genie again saying pay half the loan back and for the rest of the paymen ill pay instulments no still not good enough am i within my rights ???
  7. Hello Sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum but I am new and I am having a bit of a panic. I have just checked my email and I have some emails from quick quid and Loans direct saying that I have registered with them. As far as I can tell these emails are genuine however I did not register with them or any other loan company! The last name contained in the email is mine but the first name is wrong. I am slightly worried about this. Does anyone have any advice on what I should? I have now just checked the spam folder and I have an email from quickquid that says; "Thank you for applying for a payday loan from QuickQuid. After careful review of your application, we regret to inform you that we are unable to issue you a loan at this time. This decision was made based on identity verification, banking information and/or your financial history." So does this mean someone is applying for loans using my email address?
  8. Ive been getting mail from Link Financial Outsourcing regarding an old student loan. I was deferring the payment as I was unemployed at the time then about 6 years ago I forgot to defer the payment and was asked to pay about 6 months worth of repayments, I told them I was unemployed and I didnt have it but they didnt care so I broke off contact completely with them. It looks like they have sold the debt to Link Outsourcing, my question is this, should I contact them and ask for the original credit agreement and use the statute of limitations defence or should I ignore it? Im not sure if its been over 6 years since I last contacted the student loans company (but I think its been over 6 years) If I contact them and its been under 6 years the debt becomes "live" again as I understand it. Any information would be gratefully received.
  9. Hi all, I've been scrutinising my Noddle credit report and will be comparing balances to what I've paid off over the last 12mths or so. What I wanted to query was about some high street payday loan lenders, such as H&T, Albemarle & Bond etc. I have standing orders set up to repay such loans but there is no sign of any of them on my credit file. I am going to stop the SO to Albemarle & Bond as they sent me a statement recently in which the balance is growing, not reducing. But, whats the deal with the other lenders?? I know morally I have to repay them and I am but what is the legal stand point? I ask because dx100uk often talks about debts not being on cra's and so being a 'cash cow'. Maybe I've grabbed the wrong end of the stick and it is strange that some of them havent even contacted me about outstanding balances. Just wondered what the dealio was with this situation.......
  10. Sorry for such a long post on my first post but I'm in a bit of a mess.... OK so in my own stupidity a while ago I took out a few different payday loans. They were with QuickQuid, Minicredit and Speedcredit (I think one of them was as txtloan.co.uk). I'm now unemployed - I was doing some temp work at the time but that stopped - and receiving lots of different letters/emails/voicemails from various companies threatening me with bailiffs and court proceedings. I have no money, no possessions, (just debt) am staying at my mum's and on JSA - a sh*t situation after happily graduating from uni. The original amount for each loan was between £100-£200 but all the letters are saying I owe around £1000 each but they give a different amount every time and don't explain where from. Now I'm trying to work out how to deal with it it's very confusing because of all the different DCAs etc saying they now own the loans and I don't even know which is which anymore or how much. I've had NDR, Marshall Hoares and Appleton Massey solicitors all on behalf of Speedcredit, Mackenzie Hall for QuickQuid and I think a few others too. I haven't been responding because I don't want to accept dealing with all these different companies and and their ridiculous charges (although from what I read most end up being the same company..) This site seems great for info but I'm a bit overwhelmed there's so much! From what I gather I think I need a template letter to send each of the original creditors to basically say I have literally no money at the moment and please stop threatening to go round my mum's house and take her stuff? But I'm not sure where to start, and I can't event find addresses to write to for each payday loan company. They just give me call center numbers. Or do I have to deal with Mackenzie Hall/NDR/Marshall Hoares etc/ now they 'own' the debts?? Can anyone recommend what letters to send and where to? To top it off I think I took one with Wonga too, but I've heard nothing from them so I'll try deal with all these first.. A bit of a mess as I said!
  11. Hi guys I have a few pay day loan that i have been paying back to get to a better financial place. I phoned a company called [EDIT] to make an arrangement and they agreed 3 monthly installments. Any way on the day they were supposed to take the first payment they took the whole lot. This is wrong because they promised they wouldn't. Luckily i had the call recorded. I want to make a complaint about this company to the FOS and I have also complained to the BCCA who haven't really done anything as of yet. Anyway i have created a blog about my experience with this company in the hope it will help others. You cam also listen to the recording of the call and how they offer to extend my loan even though they know i cant pay it back. I dont know what out come i will get but i want to make other people aware
  12. Hi, Thank you for the reply on my other thread re Toothfairy. These are the payday loans I have outstanding, could you advise me of the email addresses or address to write to in order to offer them a payment plan. i note from other threads not to send a ie or pay any way other than standing order. I have a parachute account, which i have implmented, i jsut want to make contact now and get this all sorted (thank you) Text Loan £ 117.00 Toothfairy £ 260.00 Swift £ 423.60 Pounds to Pocket £ 1,200.00 Wonga £ 461.63 Payday Express £ 645.00 Due 15th August but I can't pay Wageday Advabnce £ 259.00
  13. Hi, I have tried to set up a repayment plan for my payday loans most I have not had a problem with but two won't set one up, they are CLO and Quickquid. They say they don't have to set one up as I agreed to this loan. I have sent emails back to them with the budget speadsheet from this website and mentioning the other creditors have complied. Can anyone advise me where to go from here?
  14. Company responsible for scheme has taken £36.5m more than it was owed from wages The controversial company in charge of collecting student loan repayments for the Government has taken tens of millions of pounds extra from unwitting graduates. Tens of thousands of people have been advised to apply for refunds from the Student Loans Company (SLC) after it emerged that the firm had collected an additional £36.5m from them in 2010-11 alone. More than 63,000 former students carried on repaying from their salary, often for months, after they had paid off loans taken out to fund university education. The average amount overpaid was £577, although several graduates claim they paid out several thousand pounds more than they owed. The total "over-repaid" by graduates is the highest amount ever taken by the SLC, despite assurances that it had made strenuous attempts to ensure it didn't collect more than was due. Graduates overpaid by £22m in 2009-10, compared to £19m in 2008-09 and almost £16m in 2007-08. Student groups last night blamed a lack of communication between the SLC and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for the millions disappearing from graduates' incomes. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/thousands-of-exstudents-overpay-loans-8007767.html
  15. I have been using pay day loans for almost 3 years now and as expected, my luck has run out and after numerous deferrals, all 6 are due in full on 26th July, which will equate to £4500. My salary is only £1917 per month so obviously I cannot pay in full. My usual monthly payments to all loans exceeds £1500 so every month I pay one loan and take out another to pay the hosueold bills, etc. I knew this was going to happen and tried to juggle them so I could still cope but have now accepted that I'm in trouble. I'm aware from reading many posts that some companies won't accept payment plans until you default so I won't be emailing those companies until 26th July. So, I have some questions and would be very grateful for any advice: I have closed my main bank account completely and my salary will now be paid into a new bank account with a different bank. Does this protect my income? I once used an existing debit card to pay part payment towards Wonga. Unlike my primary card used for payments, Wonga do not have my account number / sort code for the 2nd card. This card has now been reported stolen so Wonga no longer hold the debit details for the 2nd card. Is this enough to stop them debiting from the 2nd card? I can afford to continue paying in full for Pay Day UK but am I at risk of PDUK sharing my new account details with the other loan companies? My main concern is having my new bank account raided but this account has never been used for loans. I am completely commited to paying back my loans in full but as you can imagine the stress and pressure of paying over £1500 has become too much. I actually feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders for making the decision to default, if that makes sense. At one point I had 12 pay day loans so am now very anti credit for myself. Even though I had never defaulted some of the previous 12 companies refused to give me credit, actually stating I had too may pay day loans. Many thanks
  16. Hi there, I got myself into a complete mess with payday loans. I am already fighting my way out, but would need further guidance from all the experienced people here how to proceed. The very short version of my story is that I started taking out my first payday loan back in 2009. I then was unable to repay in full (well actually I repaid in full but had to take the loan out again later in the month, so effectively "rolled over") and the amounts gradually increased. In December 2011 I was at a point where the sum of my outstanding payday loans were nearly 11000 GBP and where I paid nearly 2000 GBP month after month on interest alone. I must have paid over 20000 GBP on interest over these years and this makes me so angry with myself... Then beginning of this year came the breaking point. Lucky for me I found this forum and so I cancelled my debit card, contacted the payday lenders and tried to arrange repayment plans. Some (a few) were surprisingly helpful, others were not so helpful, but I managed to get a plan with most of them. The issue was that my aim was to not have a default on my credit rating. So despite paying off monthly to them, some lenders did not agree to my proposed 12 months repayment plan and insisted on shorter periods (some 6 months, some even shorter). So I paid these higher amounts with the "help" of "fresh" payday loans. After 6 months of repayment I managed to reduce my payday loan debt from 10732 GBP in Jan 12 to 5352 GBP today. Some of these 5352 GBP are "fresh" rolled over payday loans, some are outstanding balances of repayment plans. I can see the amount rising again so I think I will not be able to avoid a default on my credit rating, so I am prepared to simply default on some of the fresh loans as this definitely has to stop now and I will not take out another payday loan next motnh (or roll over). Here is an overview of the companies and amounts (incl interest): Microlend 780 GBP - "fresh" loan, due 31 Jul Wonga 620 GBP - "fresh" loan, due 31 Jul (I already repaid over 6 months a 200 GBP my previous Wonga loan, no idea why I even got a new one coming fresh off a repayment plan!!) Lending stream 600 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 75 GBP Toothfairy 544 GBP - "fresh" loan MrLender 520 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 65 GBP British Pearl/Spondoolies 450 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 50 GBP SafeLoans 440 GBP - "fresh" loan QuickQuid 438 GBP - on repayment plan - the 438 GBP is the last payment due on 31 Jul MEM/PaydayUK 300 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 60 GBP Pounds2Pocket 212 GBP - 212 GBP is the last rate due on 31 Jul TxtLoan 150 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 40 GBP Minicredit 130 GBP - "fresh" loan WageDayAdvance 85 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 85 GBP Speed-E-Loans 52 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 52 GBP CashOnGo/Peachy 26 GBP - on repayment plan - monthly 13 GBP My "available" money each month to pay these off is 1150 GBP. But with the "fresh" loans above I would need to pay over 3600 GBP on 31 Jul to satisfy all. Now the advice I need, if anyone has experience with: - Do some of these companies accept full and final settlement offers, or is this something you can only offer the DCAs? - If yes, what percentage is reasonable? - Some of the above I read here add exorbitant charges if I default (e.g. Toothfairy, Minicredit). I am afraid that these charges will bring me further in debt. Anyone has experience how to deal with these and if they "write off" some of the charges later on in the process? - Will Wonga set me on a repayment plan again?? - Any idea who to pay on 31 Jul and who can wait?? Any help on the above questions, or any other help is so much appreciated. Thank you very much!
  17. Hi A couple of recent articles on Payday lending / loans People doing their best / struggling to manage their finances and then these payday loans there to 'help' them through! Not getting any better this payday loan stuff if you ask me - charter or no charter... nothing has really changed has it? http://www.insolvencynews.com/article/14214/personal/payday-loan-debt-calls-soar-116 http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/pressoffice/press_index/press_20120725.htm Another problem with these payday loans on occasions is....that I keep having to copy extra unsecured creditor pages on the 6.28 bankruptcy petition form to get them all on.
  18. Hi Everyone, New to this so bear with me! A few years ago i took out a loan with Welcome Finance after a few payments i couldn't afford to keep paying so stupidly i just stopped. They decided to re finance my loan at a lower rate to help but lost my original agreement. They decided to just re finance the loan but at a rate i still couldn't afford so i couldn't pay it. After a year i moved and I've never heard nothing from them. Not log ago i went onto my credit file and saw the welcome loan on my file, now they have not defaulted me after 4 years of having the loan. They keep registering late payments even 4 years down the line and they have added stupid amounts of interest against it. Now i want to start sorting this out and getting it off my file. I have been trying to contact them by telephone but cannot get through and the office where i took out the original loan has closed down. I want to come to some sort of agreement to start paying this off but the amount stating on my file seems to have added stupid amounts of interest and i know i was sold the PPI so the amount stating i owe i know is incorrect. The original loan i took out was £2,000 I guess I'm asking what the best way is to sorting this out?? Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  19. Hi. I have a problem and I would value some advise please. We are in the middle of a claim. My husband had a lot of debt, including defaults and two ccjs. The loan relevant to this aplication was sold to a third party. After some time, we made an agreement with this new company, to pay a large lump sum to settle the debt. It has now been settled for over three years, which is reflected in our improving credit report. Will the bank be able to keep some of the money from our claim, to compensate themselves for the deficit between the total loan and what we paid off? No one in the bank will tell us for certain. In my mind there is no loan now, but some of my friends have said that they might take the difference back.
  20. To cut a long story short, I was inbetween jobs and had a 2 month gap without pay due to the way the previous employer and the new employer pays wages. I took out a wonga loan initially, but when I got paid it turned into the vicious cycle that you all know about. I have loans with the following companies: Wonga: £600 on promise date Payday UK: £130? (I deferred this and now it says I owe £30.43 on my pay date) Cash Genie: £260 I need to figure out a way to pay them back. I have started by getting my wages paid into a new bank account. What I need to do now is set out a payment plan with all 3 companies. I am relying on overtime so it can be hard to figure out how much I will get in next months pay, but my initial costs each month are: Rent £350 Living expenses: £60 Family loan: £50 Other: £40 Total = £500 I usually earn around £700, so that leaves £200 a month for PDL repayments, but id like to leave a variance of £100 just incase I can not get overtime. I was thinking of paying the payday uk loan off in full and then paying Wonga and Cash genie £50 PCM until clear.But I need a way to pay payday UK as my bank account is now closed and my new one doesnt have a debit card.. I think my plan is good, but I have no idea how to contact them.. do i wait until next friday or call up asap?
  21. I took a loan out with Speed e loans in March. As I was unable to pay the balance or the interest, I proposed a repayment plan to speed e loans before my actual loan due date. I received no response. So i wrote a complaint. Still received no response. Instead, I keep getting voicemails being left on my phone asking to contact them. But everytime they have left a voicemail, I email them advising that I will only communcate via writing/email and that I have proposed a repayment plan and willing to start paying asap towards the account if a sort code or account number is provided. Guess again...no response by speed e loans. Speed e loans then left a voicemail that a payment can be made online. So I emailed them that I would not like to pay online as they would have my card details which they would swipe my account, so would like their sort code/account number....but again, no response. The complaint has now been escalated to the Financial Ombudsman, however my concern is, the loan balance is increasing all the time - hence unsure what to do? the balance is already doubled any advice would be appreciated. thanks
  22. for some reason this company(myloans)has taken a £1 out of my account on 25th june and on the 29th june taken another £69 out of my account,i havent even looked for a loan so why would they do this,im on job seekers allowance so ger about £70 a week and now its gone,just rang them and they said they would refund it but could take 30 days but i need it now!!!why the hell would they do this i dont understand,any help would be nice thanks
  23. Evening all, I've been having a rough time lately trying to make ends meet, supporting my partner who is unable to work, and my mum, who has been struggling since my dad sadly passed away recently. I have an overdraft and a small-ish personal loan, but I've also stupidly fallen into the trap of payday loans, though I must admit out of pure desperation. However, I now have four payday loans due to be paid this payday (29/06/12), totalling over £2,000. The loans are with Wonga, Wageday Advance, Swiftsterling and 247Moneybox. I am certainly not trying to run away from these loans, and I want to pay them back, but I simply do not have the funds in my bank for these all to come out on payday, as it will leave me with nothing with which to pay my rent, buy food etc etc. I am planning to enter into a financial management plan, but need to wait until Monday to seek advice from them. Will they be able to help freeze these payday loans at such a short notice?? Or should I cancel my debit card, and will that stop them from being able to take the money? I am at my wits end panicking as I will be in Spain from 24th June until 4th July for the scattering of my father's ashes, and will be unable to really check on my finances over payday. I also don't want to be stuck in Spain without being able to withdraw any money when I land back here! As I say I do not want to run away from these loans, but I know they are ruthless and will gladly bleed my account dry on payday which I just cannot afford to happen. So should I cancel my debit card while I wait for a financial management plan to be put in place?? Many thanks for your much needed advice...
  24. Hi, I took out a loan with logbook loans in Dec 2011, on which I have fallen into arrears, due to various reasons. My situation is about to be drastically different and have offered to pay the whole loan off at the end of next week but they are not prepared to give me any longer than today. Is there anything I can do to delay this for 9 days?? Thanks in advance.
  25. I am writing in the hope that someone else has experienced this and may be able to clarify things for me. I can't seem to find any information about this anywhere. I have taken out 5 loans in total with Next credit. I can't remember the exact application process I went through with the first loan but all other 4 loans were applied for using their "fast-track SMS service" where you text the word LOAN followed by your surname to a certain number. You then get a reply asking you to send another text containing the word LOAN followed by the amount you want (100, 200, 300 or 400). Then you get another text about 5 minutes later saying that the money had been transferred meaning the loan is active. Now the last loan I took out is in default and has escalated from the original £400 to £1374 within about 6 weeks (a complete joke I know). I have CCA'd them and they have responded with something that vaguely resembles a credit agreement. Along with the document they wrote that: "You should note that you have demonstrated acceptance of the published terms and conditions by virtue of the compliant digital signature (double email) inherent in the audited application process (as per the 2006 European Commission Electronic Signatures Directive)." The thing is I never entered my email twice anywhere during any part of the application process (for this loan). I just sent the 2 text messages as described above. Do they mean the possible double signature I gave them for my first loan? Surely they have to get a new double signature for every new loan that's taken out, correct? I'm in no way trying to get out of paying them back but I want the upper hand when I negotiate what I am prepared to pay them back (certainly not £1374!) This way I can say that, should this go to court, they don't have a leg to stand on without a properly executed credit agreement and that any offer I make them is is purely to close the account once and for all. Either that or we can slug this out in court (which I am getting more and more prepared to do). Of all 7 creditors I'm currently dealing with this lot are by FAR the most difficult to deal with. Sorry that this post is so long winded but I hope that someone else could make use of this information (should I get a response ) Thanks guys
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