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  1. We have received a Requistion Notice from the DVLA under sections 29 and 30 of the Vehicle Excise and Registrations Act. I failed to pay the registration on our car by 28 May 2010. We had moved house and it got lost in the paperwork. On 7 July the car was clamped and an infringement notice attached to the car. I paid it immediately and the car was unclamped later that day. I thought that that was the end of the matter. Today (28 January 2011) we received the notice. I am very confused as I thought that it had been sorted...Can anyone offer any advice here as to whether we are in the wrong still or whether there has been a mistake as we have already paid a substantial fine. Although it pales into nothing when faced with a possible £1000 plus fine.
  2. Hello All, Help please? The DVLA have sent me a letter saying i need to pay outstanding tax on a vehicle I have never been the registered keeper for!! It was on loan to my ex, who left me 4 months ago, it has been parked on my driveway ever since. I have asked them to collect it but knowone has, any advice on this by the by? Anyway, i called the DVLA and they said that someone had wrote in saying it was my car! do they not check their registration certifactes before writting letters and fining people? Luckily i have a copy of the V5 certificate she left, and i sent a copy of it in a letter to the DVLA, i dont even know who the car belongs to, 'Sue' someone who I have never met. Can they get away with this? Furthermore, will the person who sent the letter (hopefully) get in trouble with the police or something? can i claim compensation? how do i get this retrid car off my driveway? Any advice would be appreciated. John
  3. Two years ago I moved house and the only company I forgot to notify is the DVLA regarding my bike. Dec 2009 my tax disk expired. My bike was sitting in the garage for the winter. As I lived at another address I didn't get the renewal notice and once I realized my tax disk expired (3months late) I notified dvla of my new address then renewed my tax disk. Now close to a year later I have just recieved 3 letters from Inter-Credit International Ltd. The first letter said to contact them and they would disclose what the letter is about. I ignored and finally they send one with more info saying they want £80 for my bike being unlicensed a year ago otherwise they will take legal action through County Court. I called the dvla and they wouldn't give me any answers. Is there a way of getting out of paying this?
  4. Hello All !! new to this, but really could do with some help / advise. My partner had a minor car accident back in March.... the police attended and asked her to produce her license. Some weeks before the accident, she had sent her license off to the DVLA for a change of address, and had not received it back at the time of the accident. So she called them to see where it was. The DVLA told her they had not received her license in the post, and moreover, they did not have records of ever issuing one to her. DVLA confirmed she passed her test in 2006, but they dont have records of her applying for, and then issuing the full license...... subsequently, her provisional which she passed on has expired. Therefore, in October, her insurance company revoked her insurance, She's been to court and charged with driving without a license, 6 points and a fine, and DVLA are saying she has to retake her test. On top of that, I am really concerned that the insurance company will come after us for the costs of her accident in March, as (According to DLVA), she was diving without a full license, and therefore, the insurance would be void !! She has never had an accident before, no speeding ticket, no producer....... so no-one has a copy of the license and she did not make a copy before sending it off to the DVLA!!! I am continuing to write letters of complaint to DVLA and been in touch with my MP on the matter, but it this doesn't work, where to i go for here ? Do i keep on fighting them, or give up, and accept the possibility of a) Paying for additional Test b) Paying £4k+ each year for insuring her (coz she now has 6 Points on her license) c) Possibly pay £10k+ for her accident We have family and friends (all who are professionals) who can vouch that they have psychically seen her license at some point over the past 4years, including me, but just because DVLA computer says "no", its could ruin us financially. Thanks for reading this.........any advise welcomed
  5. Short story: A friend of mine used my car while in SORN. He was insured but the car was untaxed for about three months. Police stopped him and issued a red notification slip ("this vehicle has been seen on the road...etc...you risk up to 1000...etc). He also signed something, but he did not read it. After that I immediately taxed the car. Questions: What should I expect now? Is there something I can do? The police suggested him to backdate the tax but at the DVLA told me that this was not possible. Thanks in advance.
  6. My husband pranged his car in January after skidding on ice on a country lane and turning the vehicle over. There was substantial damage to the side of the car and due to the engine being upturned for some time this resulted in it 'blowing'. Undrivable (due to engine failure) we arranged for our friend to tow the car back to our private property. My husband claimed on his insurance - Groupama - who immediately sent an engineer to view the car, deeming it a 'write-off'. He liaised with Groupama over the phone and negotiated a settlement figure and agreed that he could keep the vehicle in order for him to sell the parts for spares. He received a letter from Groupama with his settlement cheque stating that the vehicle was a Category C write off, that his insurance policy was now terminated and that in order to re-insure the vehicle, he must apply for a VIC. He was also asked to surrender the MOT. The car in question has stayed on our land ever since, until this week, we finally found a buyer the spares. Yesterday my husband and a friend, pushed the car (remember it has no engine) from its resting point to another position (still within our land) so that the buyer could easily push it on to a trailer. He then popped to the shops, returning 45 minutes later to find it clamped! It was a DVLA clamp! What a nightmare, the buyer was due to turn up within another hour, and my husband had to go to a funeral, so his secretary called the number on the warrant to be told that the vehicle had been clamped as it had no TAX and had not been declared SORN. She was told that regardless of the vehicle being on our private property, they were allowed to clamp the car. Obviously due to the iminant arrival of the buyer of the scrap he needed to have the clamp removed asap so the secretary paid £260 fine. We were under the impression that as the car had been written off that we did not need to apply for SORN as it states this on the Direct Gov website: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/UntaxedVehicle/DG_069727 and as my husband had surrendered the MOT, and the vehicle cannot be insured until it has passed a VIC then it would have been impossible to tax it! Anyway, husband called the DVLA this morning, to be told that there was no record on their system of the car being written off, only that it had been involved in an accident and that it was my husbands resosponsibilty to SORN the car. My question is this - surely it is the responsibilty of the Insurer to notify the DVLA that the vehicle is written off? Don't they have to log this fact with the ' motor insurance anti fraud and theft register' and the 'Motor Insurance Database' ??? What should we do next? Ideally we would like to claim back the £260 from the DVLA Any ideas????
  7. I am having a nightmare with the DVLA. We have a Sprinter motor caravan whch we brought with us to France on UK plates and kept it taxed and insured in England until such time as it had passed its French safety checks etc, when we re-registered it here. The officious woman at the French Prefecture insisted on keeping all of the V5 and would not let me take the export slip to send off to the DVLA. I somewhat rashly assumed therefore that the French vehicle authorities would communicate the change of registration to the UK. Que je suis idiote! There was only just over a month's tax left to run so I did not bother to send it back to the UK for a refund, as I reckoned by the time it got there I would not have been eligible for anything back anyway. In due course the DVLA sent me a tax disc reminder by post (forwarded on from the UK) and I immediately used the DVLA's online messaging system to tell them that the vehicle had been exported. I have copies of my original text and their acknowledgment. However, today I received a letter saying I was to be fined, and threatening to prosecute me for non-declaration of SORN! We have been trying for most of the morning to phone the DVLA but they have put up an effective Chinese wall between them and the public and we cannot get hold of anyone who will deal with this. Some of the numbers you can find on the site (if you look really really hard) are just recorded messages and others don't work at all. Some are just fine collection clerks who say "you'll have to write in". I am going to send off photocopies to Swansea of the old V5 (which I made before I gave it to the Prefecture) and of the new Carte Grise. I have emailed the MP in my old constituency to ask if she can help. Is there anything else I can or should do? Hell, why should I have to do anything?
  8. My husband bought a motorbike from a website. It's a Chinese import and is brand new. He paid the deposit and it was imported and built for him. It was delivered today and he checked it over and paid the remaining balance. But once he'd signed for it he was given some paperwork and then told he'd have to register it himself, and pay duty to the DVLA - which he was not told about. We're looked all over the website and it says nothing about this anywhere. At no point did the guy he was dealing with mention that he would have to register the bike himself in order to get a reg plate and insure and tax it. Where do we stand? Should the company refund this money?
  9. Hi all, I'm trying to sort out a problem my girlfriend made for herself by purchasing a 2nd hand car six years ago. The problem is that she didn't actually get her drivers licence and just left the car in her parents' driveway. out of sight, out of mind situation...please don't ask. As far as I know, its not registered in her name (we got some paper work that came with the car and that is in the name of the previous owner). She never attempted to take it on the road, and certainly didn't apply for a SORN. MOT is gone by now, too. She'd like to sell it now, but we don't know how to put the paper work in order first so we can do that. Any advice on how to go about putting all the papers right? Thank you!
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