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  1. Sent a claim to Santander re my Wallis Card which is now cancelled. This is the response. Any help would be appreciated
  2. Hi. Over the last two years I have been fighting it out with Santander and Paypal, and I am coming to the end of my tether... I will start at the beginning. Shortly after joining paypal I noticed that for some reason PayPal were telling me that small transactions had been completed when I had no money in my bank. This struck me as odd (as it had never done this before). So I made some massive test purchases (about £7000) although they were declined I still cancelled them instantly (just incase anything had gone through and I recieved any goods). The next thing I know is Santander are telling me I have bounced funds.. I check my statement and see that I have a load of bounced direct debits that were set up by paypal on there. At the time it said they funds were going as an "echeque" whatever the hell that is... It did not say direct debit. Anyway. I thought Santander was to blame so I took them to the ombudsman who said that Santander was only acting on information given to them by PayPal. I rang PayPal today and they said that all they do is advance the funds then claim it back from the bank. I said that that didn't matter to me, and as far as I am concerned when I cancel a transaction I expect it to be cancelled and not to go on undercover then hit me out of the blue. They kept repeating the same lines. This, has of course affected my credit rating, and santander keeps sending me letters over the last two years asking for money. I am not paying anyone anything. I made no transactions. No money was sent from me. No money was recieved. No one sent or recieved any goods at all. What do I do now? Should I take paypal to the ombudsman? I just want this situation over with and my credit rating sorted out. I am 20, and I need to be able to get credit! I should also add that aside from this my credit history is perfect. I have never missed a payment to anyone. Thanks
  3. Hi. Over the last two years I have been fighting it out with Santander and paypal, and I am coming to the end of my tether... I will start at the beginning. Shortly after joining paypal I noticed that for some reason PayPal were telling me that small transactions had been completed when I had no money in my bank. This struck me as odd (as it had never done this before). So I made some massive test purchases (about £7000) although they were declined I still cancelled them instantly (just incase anything had gone through and I recieved any goods). The next thing I know is Santander are telling me I have bounced funds.. I check my statement and see that I have a load of bounced direct debits that were set up by paypal on there. At the time it said they funds were going as an "echeque" whatever the hell that is... It did not say direct debit. Anyway. I thought Santander was to blame so I took them to the Ombudsman who said that Santander was only acting on information given to them by PayPal. I rang PayPal today and they said that all they do is advance the funds then claim it back from the bank. I said that that didn't matter to me, and as far as I am concerned when I cancel a transaction I expect it to be cancelled and not to go on undercover then hit me out of the blue. They kept repeating the same lines. This, has of course affected my credit rating, and santander keeps sending me letters over the last two years asking for money. I am not paying anyone anything. I made no transactions. No money was sent from me. No money was recieved. No one sent or recieved any goods at all. What do I do now? Should I take paypal to the ombudsman? I just want this situation over with and my credit rating sorted out. I am 20, and I need to be able to get credit! I should also add that aside from this my credit history is perfect. I have never missed a payment to anyone. Thanks
  4. hi i sent psa finance t/a citreon finance, a ppi request, with the original agreement and ppi paperwork. i got a reply from santander saying they have no paperwork in my name, dont know what i am on about and that they only supply car finance, not ppi. any ideas out there, it seems i have got a fight on my hands. all help would be much appreciated. pt.
  5. Santander had basically messed me around in one form or another since they took over my old bank, so I had decided to leave them. I didn't owe them anything (no overdraft etc), so decided to move all my direct debits to my new bank. Unfortunately one direct debit for my mobile phone was a real pain to move and despite several phone calls to my provider (and them saying it had changed) would still come out of my old Santander account. On one occasion I didn't have enough money in there making me £21 into an 'unarranged overdraft'. I've only got myself to blame but I left it and having changed everything over to my new bank, wasn't reading the statements -until I checked the old account and it is now around £400 with all the charges that have built up. I received one letter from a debt company, so now think it's gone to them. Anything I can send to Santander to get them to remove the charges? I'm prepared to pay the £21 I owe.
  6. I had a student account with santander, a few times I dipped over my overdraft limit and had to pay astronomical penalties so I decided to have nothing to do with them and close my account. With some help of my parents I managed to pay off money I owed them, decided to have my overdraft cancelled and have my account closed. Queue 6 months later and I still keep getting charged £50 per month, I've had numerous phone conversations with them, called into my local branch to have my account closed but it seems their reluctant to close it cos there's still charges due to be applied into the account from the previous month. I paid the charges just so I can have it closed and be over and done with, yet every single month they tell me its not closed yet and more charges from the previous month are due. Every time I ring them up to confirm the account closure at one point they told me it will be closed within 14days and a letter will be sent home to confirm it. I also called into the branch to pay off the charges and tell them I want it closed yet every month I still get an email telling me about further pending overdraft charges. I paid it off in full and made sure I cancelled my overdraft back in March when I told them I wanted it closed but they seem to be reluctant to close it and are happy to keep charging me for full unauthorised overdraft fee. They offered to "waive" charges for 1month as a goodwill gesture, I thought great that would be the end of it and it can be closed, but they fail to inform me my account is still active and charges will still be due the next month! Im at my wits end I cant afford to keep paying it and only be told its still active. Please Advice.
  7. Hi guys Today we found a car we wanted £12,800 it was Audi A3 in White 59 plate Went to apply for a Santander Loan tonight for £10,500 as i have the rest. I have a good credit history paid a previous Santander Loan off for 4 years without missing a payment this was for £6500. I was shocked when i was declined tonight i have a £30.00 a month contract with Virgin Mobile never missed a payment taken out a Washing Maching, Ipad, and 50 Inch Tv on Finace all paid up apart from the Ipad taken them all out on a buy now pay 9 months later with comet. Paid the TV and washing machine up early ipad im still paying for per month. Never missed payments on loans, utilities or personal credit Only problem might be is i opened a joint account with my partner who hasnt got the best credit history. could this effect me ? i asked noodle to take her off my report last month they said it will be done in 14 days but she is still on there. Someone also mentioned i might have used my max credit and thats why im declined. Im only 26 by the way if age is a reason why which is discrimination to be completly fair im in a job which pays £18,500 a year
  8. Hi people, Looking for a little help here for my parents. In 2004 they moved to the area they live in and my mother took out a store card at her local Debenhams, well its was a Mastercard but she's not that clued up. She doesn't work and is supported by my father. Anyway, recently retired and exceptional credit my father noticed PPI payments of £90 pm. So over the last 2 months he's trying to cancel the PPI and claim it back. Santander are being tough and are fighting the claim. They have received a letter from Santander about a final decision saying that it is not a miss selling case and here is the original agreement with the PPI ticked. Strange thing is the agreement has my mothers signature, no other details and is dated 1996! There is no way that have had this card for 16 years. Do you think they are falsifying the agreement, got her mixed up with another of the same name? Should my father CCA request or SAR them for a full breakdown? They lived 100 miles away prior to 2004 and my mother had never stepped foot in the store.... Thanks in advance.
  9. I have a Santander basic account on which i will need to setup several standing orders to pay amounts between 50 and 250 on a specific date in which my pay goes into this account . My question is how reliable is their faster payments service? There would be penalties set by my creditors if they did'nt receive the transfer on the same day.
  10. Hi all This is the story of how Santander treats not only their own customers but also the bereaved relatives of one of their customers. My mother passed away back in January 2009 and I was named the sole beneficiary in her will and the executor of her estate. All in all an upsetting time, with lots of paperwork to do, people and organizations to inform, arrangements and claims to make ect, ect. All the organizations I had to contact were very helpful and sympathetic and tried to make things as easy as possible to resolve, insurance companies the pensions office and the local branch of the Santander where my mother did her banking. However the nice chap at the local branch of Santander was not able to do anything with regard to my mother’s accounts or even the Santander shares that she held from the Santander take over of the abbey. He asked for her documents and copied them all, death cert, marriage cert will and my id, He photocopied them all and said that he would have to send them to the probate department to be processed. He said it would take 7 to 10 days but it was a strait forward case and would be quickly dealt with. It went downhill from there! I left it for two weeks trusting that what I had been told was correct but having not heard anything I thought I would check on the progress. I called the local branch and spoke to the account rep who said he had sent the paper work in and was surprised I had not had any reply. He then spoke to the probate dept who asked him to resubmit the paperwork and that they would then deal with it. Another week goes by and the same thing happens again ... paperwork resubmitted yet again and calls made to the probate dept by the account rep. This time the probate dept are getting snotty with the account rep but he resubmits the paperwork as they request. Another week and still nothing so I chase it up and the account rep tries to call the probate dept who hang up on him, so he calls the manager of the probate dept and complains about what has happened. The manager promises to look into it and call him back. Of course this does not happen. So further calls are made and the bank manager gets involved and eventually some of my mother’s accounts are closed. The probate dept then sends out a series of cheques from these accounts most of which were for a few pounds each. At last I think a light at the end of the tunnel it has taken some 7 weeks but finally a resolution. But of course it is not at all finished. Another couple ofweeks go by and nothing further from Santander so I call the account rep again who tries to chase it up but gets nowhere. At this point he tells me that the shares have to be resolved separately and to contact Santander directly to get the claim form. So 3 calls to the Santander shareholders helpline over three weeks produces no claim form So I had to call to Santander complaints line to even get a claim form sent out and I am sure this will be another epic battle. (still not resolved some 3 years later) Back to the rest of the accounts and another week goes by so I call the complaints dept to complain and I am told they cannot do anything as the branch are dealing with it. So I call the branch who tell me, no the complaints dept are now dealing withit. So I give it a few days and call complaints again who insist that no the branch is dealing with it and they cannot touch it until the branch writes tome and tells me they have failed to resolve it. So I call the branch again and they tell me they are sending me this letter. At which point I lose it, I call the chairman’s office and lodge an official complaint with them, this is supposed to be the top level complaint in the whole organization. I speak to a polite lady who expresses concern and says that they will take over the complaint at head office and resolve it quickly. So I leave it another week and hear nothing so I call them again and am told that they have sent out an acknowledgment letter and someone will be assigned to investigate my complaint. So in other words they have done nothing for yet another week! I have had to deal with the death of my mother and all the pain and trauma that that has caused but I am not even been allowed to try and begin the healing process because Santander are forcing me to confront her death on a daily basis and rubbing my face in it buy making me fight and chase them every day now. Santander were unlawfully holding my mother’s money with no excuse, they cannot explain why.They claim there is no problem but refuse to process the paperwork And to cap it all........ The best bit now! I got a letter from their debt recovery department demanding that I, as the executor of her estate clear a small overdraft that was left on her current account. This despite the fact that Santander are holding over ten times that amount still in her other accounts. And of course the probate department are supposed to clear any debts or overdrafts ECT as part of the process of closing the accounts before they release any funds to the estate. When I first went into the branch to formally inform them of my mothers death and give them all the paper work they had requested, they had print outs of all my mother's accounts with balances and totals. I was given this information but alas not the actual documents so that I could do the required probate steps and make all the arrangements.The final figure paid from Santander was £5000 less than this amount. With no explanation as to why. And the complaint to the chairman’s office well after a few weeks of, you guessed it no contact or information I got a garbled phone call saying that they had investigated and yes it had not gone a sit should and lessons had been learned, no disciplinary action at the probate dept, denial of the missing £5000 and an offer of £500 compensation. My reply to that was unprintable. At that point I pretty much gave up as I could not take the stress and upset any more Now jump forward to 2012 and the saga continues. I am now getting threatening letters from the German government and the solicitors they have hired in London because once again Santander lied to me and have stolen money again from my late mother. When I reported her death to Santander and went through the whole horrible process I described above, I was told that all of my mother’s accounts were closed and all activity was suspended on them, not so! I find out from the German government who have been paying a pension to my late mother and this pension has been happily taken by Santander and kept by them. No mention to me about it and into a supposedly closed account. Naturally the German government want this over paid money back and Santander are refusing to return it either to the pension provider or to me so I could return it. So let this saga be a warning to you all………. If you think you may die one day and if you have relatives who will have to deal with things after you are gone........ Then make sure you do not bank with Santander Andy
  11. need some help with this. my missus has a santander account, she got laid off couple of weeks ago. account had an overdraft of 100 quid and she's been on it for a while. due to this she was being charged every now and then for arranged/unarranged overdraft and charge for no money coming into the account. now it's 159 overdrawn with probably more charges coming. i want to close this account and work out a payment plan. dont want to call them, as after my fight with hsbc - i need everything on paper. is ther some kind of a letter template and address I can write to ? basically want to stop them adding charges, close the account and work out a payment plan to pay this off. let me know guys, as this account will probably be charged again in a couple of days.
  12. Hi all, my first post here, i'm a little nervous here and not sure what the heck to do... OK here it is, it appears my 21 yr old step son has been spending money like water and like its going out of fashion since starting up his job at 18, he has been applying for credit cards, shop cards, bank loans, payday loans and anything else he can get his hands on... I tried to talk to him about this last year when i discovered he had letters from Capital One saying he owed money, I told him to call the CCCS if he could not afford to pay and that I would help him go through the paperwork, but he just got the hump and told us he would sort it out... It seems he hasn't been paying anyone for a while now, just spending the money by drawing out as much as he can when he gets paid...and now his bank, Lloyds, are chasing him every month cos he has been racking up stacks of default charges for missed payments and other similar things... he got a note through the door yesterday, it says: 'I have been unable to see you, during my recent visits to your area with reference to a Pre-Enforcement case being dealt with on behalf of Santander by The Lewis Group. Please Telephone me URGENTLY on - Mobile Tel Number' from The Lewis Group Ltd, now this card, came in a stamped envelope, no one has been here, I know this cos I work from home most days of the week and for the last 2 weeks I've been here solid, and my work room is right next to the front door. ..so I know if people have come to the door... of course I decided this was as good any place to start as it looks fairly serious, and that we needed to figure out what exactly he has or hasn't been doing, he has stacks of unopened letter and I asked him to find any letters relating Santander and The Lewis Group but he claims he cant find them, I am sure they where there but knowing his attitude now hes probably just thrown them out... I tried to call the person on the card, as my step son is at work most days 7-7 and they were quite rude, they said they could not discuss it, but I said I don't need to discuss it, he just wants you to send a letter confirming how much he owes and to whom exactly, they said they couldn't do it because of the Data Protection Act and that if they didn't hear from him in the next 2 days then they would deal with it at the doorstep. I told them that this is 'our' property, in his mothers and my name, and this is our own private residence and the only thing he owns in this his house are his clothes, so there is not point turning up here because he has nothing to take of any value and I will not let you in and if you turn up I will ask you to leave. They said I was acting in a threatening manner and they do not have to put up with such behavior, I decided to put the phone down on them while they were still talking as they were clearly not going to help and would probably just claim I was abusive and angry, which I wasn't, honestly...so figured it was best just not to say anymore... So everyone, i'm so sad to have to ask but please help me figure this out, I have no idea where to start, what to do, I want to help him but I am clueless as to how this can happen but more importantly, how to try to get this fixed... Thank you all in advance and I look forward to hearing from you all... cheeseburger ps i tried to post an image of the card but dont know how...when i figure it out i will try to post it...
  13. Hi I made a claim for charges for my old Time Card which is now Santander in July 2011. I have now received a final response!! Pretty much standard result.. "default charges levied were properly charged, therefore unable to uphold complaint". Should I go to FOS? Will they care about my unfair charges?! When I originally claimed in 2011 all of the charges were within 6 year time limit but some have now dropped out of the time limit, so can I still claim for them? Any thoughts appreciated?
  14. Hi My vehicle is on HP with Santander (originally with GE money but I think Santander bought them out) Whilst it was with GE money it ran up £165 worth of late payment charges. Now I keep getting letters every couple of weeks from Santander saying I must pay these now, they tried to collect the £165 by direct Debit but I had my bank reverse it as they did not give notice of this. I then cancelled the DD and now send payment off each month by cheque so they can't attempt to do this again. I phoned and asked them to write them off as sometimes you can get through to someone in a good mood on the phone willing to help and will do this but all the person offered was to pay these charges in installments. My repayments are upto date for the hp agreement so will they, and can they take back my vehicle just because I refuse to pay these fees/charges? Also how should I proceed to get this charges scrapped? Thanks
  15. Santander charged me £25 to transfer some cash from my account to a friends account in the Netherlands, they didnt even tell me that there would be this charge! Next time I will blooming get a flight there and had the cash over. Dont get me started about all the questions they asked me about why I was transferring the money, the 30 mins they kept me standing at the counter whilst the faffed about trying to fill in the transfer forms, they could see I am disabled but not once did they offer me a seat! Santander if you are reading this get your act together :mad2:
  16. hi all A the beginning of july 2012 I wrote to santander cards related to 2 loans I had pay off with first national. The loans were made the 1st in 12/2001 with £ 33.99 per month with a time span of 48 months, this was to buy a PC from the extinct TINY computers. For this loan I remember like it was yesterday I was told I had to take the PPI otherwise I would not get the loan. I still have the initial letter they sent me with the detalis of payment and loan, but I did not mention any PPI, I know I bought the PC for £999 and the interest or was 26.9% or 29.6, but I am sure it had PPI. The 2nd loan of £500 made in 08/2002 also first national, of which I still have the original credit agreement where it clear shpws a £65 PPi premiun added to the loan, even I was never told or asked about it, you just presumed it belong to the loan. This loan also as been paid off. For my surprise on 18/07/2012 I got a a response from them saying that the older or the 1st loan they could see there was no PPI and oddly enough for the 2nd they say is too old and they do not have the file anymore, even after I sent them a copy of credit agreement. I can smell a rat miles away, 1st how come they saying the older file they can see is no PPI but the 2nd they cannot have it anymore , even though I sent them a copy of the credit agreement which clear shows the PPI policy? My question is what should I do? Sent a SAR to the data commissioner or what? Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks in advance,
  17. I have done a claim for my Father, who was a policeman at the time - both Santander AND the FOS have declined his claim partly saying that it was ages ago and have also said that he could have claimed on the policy had he been made redundant. I don't really understand how they can say that when he was a policeman at the time (now retired) and also had high blood pressure. I guess the next stage is court? The problem is, the claim was made a few years ago - can I just send the prelim letter to them now threatening it, or do I have to start the claim again?
  18. Recently my partner replied to a job advert "Financial Services Officer". Basically the job was about receiving money trough Giro transfer into personal account and transfer them further using Western Union. The company issued all terms and conditions, invoices for transactions, they have a website which is still online and they are registered in the UK. My partner did two transactions for this company, for £1600 total. After that Santander locked her account due to suspicious activity. The company ceased contact after finding that out and Santander started investigation. No one ever contact my partner in regards to this investigation, no one asked for any documents nor details of her employer. It was just decided that her account will be closed and that she will need to pay a 'readjustment fee' of £1600 as the money was fraudulent. The bank recognises that she might not have been knowingly committing fraud but from their point of view she is held responsible. We appealed from the decision however the bank did not agree to re-investigate. No one seems to be interested, Police, Action Fraud, no one. Only Revenues registered a complaint against the fraudulent company, however their website and job advert still stands (tech-inserviceltd.com - beware!). What can we do?
  19. Hi, looking for some help, I took out a car loan with GE money, in 2008 and settled early in 2010 but I have no paperwork. I sent a template letter from the site off to get my paperwork to Santander Consumer Finance as they took over my loan before I settled but I received the following reply; Dear.... Agreement Number ....... We are in receipt of your request under s77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, in respect of your agreement, numbered above. After checking our records, I can confirm that all monies required under the terms and conditions of the agreement have been paid and the account is now closed. Therefore, s77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 no longer applies Yours Sincerely Jeff Kearns Complaints Handler Now I dont know if I had PPI with this loan however this responce makes me think I did as HBOS and Honda Finance sent me my agreements straight away with no hastle. Thanks in advance for any help.
  20. Hi there It's been a while since I posted here but I am having a issue with compare the market and santander regarding my car insurance, basically what happened is this: My insurance is due Tuesday, the renewal I had was far to expensive so I went to compare the market 20 days ago to search for new quotes and found one for £388, which was great, the quote stated that it would last 30 days so I was very happy. However on friday when I went to get it all sorted out, I went into compare the market hit the view and buy on the Santander quote and it searched again updating all the quotes and it changed from £388 to £527 I was as expected very angry especially when it stated that the quote for Santander would last 30 days! I rang Santander the guy on the phone was to start with very helpful, I forwarded the email that I had to prove the quote and also asked if it was correct that it lasted 30 days and he confirmed this, however after waiting 30 minutes (alot of this on hold) he kept repeating that he could not give me that price he could only give me £527, which I told him was surely incorrect when he stated the quote lasted 30 days and I have proof of the quote via email. He then told me he would see what he could do with underwriters and call me back in 20 minutes, its now Sunday and they have still not called me back, which in all honestly I am not surprised at usually that happens when someone says I will call you back. What I wish to know is if I can take this further to anyone? Its not acceptable and I would if possible like to complain to some higher body about them not issuing me with my original quote within the 30 day period. Because its now due I am forced to go with another company which I didn't want to go with but I have little choice. Anyone have any advice? Thanks Lucy note: its compare the market not go compare sorry abou that
  21. Santander has staged an about-turn and will no longer withdraw its "free banking forever" account from 230,000 small business customers. The original decision, first revealed in late July, upset some customers who thought the bank was reneging on an unbreakable promise to them. They would have had to pay either £7.50 or £12.50 a month for a business bank account that was previously free. Santander had previously said it was within its right to change the account. But less than two months after first announcing the change, it has reversed its policy. "After listening to feedback from our existing customers, a small number of whom do not feel their businesses would benefit from these changes, we will be retaining the fee-free option for existing customers," a spokesman said. One factor that may have weighed on the bank's mind is that every one of the affected customers could have taken their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). This would have cost the bank £500 each time in FOS administration fees and could, theoretically, have landed it with a bill of £115m if every customer had taken this route. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19506634
  22. Hello, Fellow Santander greed sufferers please, please sign the petition on Change.org and send it on to others. Let's at least try for change. http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/santander-stop-charging-an-astronomical-25-every-time-a-direct-debit-is-refused?share_id=aOHDCSQpkh&utm_campaign=petition_creator_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
  23. Hello, Hope I can some more advice after being helped previously. Part of my debts is a Santander account - which I haven't heard much from. Yesterday I receieved a letter from Howard Cohen Solicitors with a notice of pending legal action. States that they have been instructed to issue a claim against me in the County Court in respect of the above debt. Should I fail to contact them a claim will be issued without further notice. Our client has asked that we take this final opportunity to remind you of the implications of action being taken against me through the court. Then says I can stop this action and avoid futher costs by paying the whole amount now. Call Lewis Debt Recovery. (never heard from them before!) Obviously I dont want to go to court, but not sure what I should be doing now - as I know from on here, never to ring them. Could someone help me with my next step please? Been about a year since I last paid. Many thanks for anyone taking the time on this.
  24. Hi all, A bit of background I had a Santander account with an £800 overdraft when I lost my job 5 months ago. A direct debit that I thought I had cancelled came out and put me £5 over the overdraft. I was then hit with the punitive charges that I had signed up for, these worked out at £100 over the month. This had the affect of wiping out the JSA I was claiming at the time. I rang Santander and asked if they could scrap the charges due to my circumstances and the small initial error. This was refused but they said so I could 'access' the JSA money they would increase my overdraft to £1100 but I would now have to start paying the overdraft back. Not sure about the ethics of this but it was the only thing I could do. They asked how much I could afford. I said only about £5 considering I had £280 a month to live on and other creditors. They said I would have to pay £50 a month. Needless to say I moved the JSA payments to another bank account. Last week, now that I am getting back on my feet, I sent Santander the letter from national debt line advising them I was trying to sort out my finances and asking them to freeze interest etc. (balance is now -£1350 with 0 overdraft). Today I received a letter from them saying they had recently reviewed my account and found that: 'the balance was in part due to account fees' 'These fees were incorrectly charged during a period when we had agreed to suspend all account fees' (don't remember this) 'We will be refunding these fees, totalling £150, within 28 days' (28 days!) Seems like a pre-emptive offer to me?
  25. Hi First of great site been such a help reading over the posts. I have a number of complaints on going with santander one of which i have had a final response to they offer me a £100. I have written a letter before action that i want to send to them i do not want to use the ombudsman as to prove my case i need them to provide documents which they refuse to send as part of my SAR request. I have used bits out of a few templates to put my letter together ( i have never written a letter shocking i know ) I am also dyslexic plus not that great at expressing my thoughts on paper and would love your opinions and suggestions on my letter i have added it below. I have never really complained before i tend to find it easier to moan and forget but santander make my blood boil
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