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  1. Hi, I have recently received a letter from Aktiv Capital chasing an old debt they purchased in April 2004. This debt had a judgement set against it in February 2003 for the balance of £1600. The debt was originally with GE Capital (know owned by Santander) or sold it on to CL Finance (The Lewis Group) and it is now being chased by Aktiv Kapital. This is the first I have heard from then in many years. They are offering me a one off payment of £320 to clear the debt in full and final settlement. Am I right in saying that this debt is not statute barred as it still has a CCJ against it, even though this is not recorded on my credit file anymore? Where do I stand in regards to this debt, would they have to go back to the court to enforce the CCJ? Any advice will be of great help.
  2. Hi guys BT are trying to chase me for £461 i have never been one for debt but when i don't get a service i for one will not pay for it. Back in October 2011 i had BT installed and originally had a BT line in this house the reason for this was we was going to move to a private rent and they didnt have cable services in that area when i had Virgin at the time so i cancelled Virgin and went to BT. One day in October BT arrived to install my services i asked the engineer if he could install it upstairs as my PC was in the back room, He refused as there was already a phone socket behind our TV in the living room so when he left i could not get a wireless signal in my home so i contacted BT about this only to get through to a non English person as usual brain dead muppets so i gave up and went through to the CEO office via email to have a big argument with a non cooperating woman saying all customers are treated fairly this was after i refused to pay them £130 for a phone box relocation to my room after the engineer refused to put it where i wanted it. So i lost my rag with this woman via email told them that BT are nothing but rip of merchants and dont treat any customer fairly whats so ever kept coming back saying this is how everyone is treated so unless i pay the £130 they won't relocate it. So i had 8 weeks of non working internet as i couldn't get a signal and i couldn't use an Ethernet cable due to renovation work and nothing to put the cable under etc carpet. So i escalated my claim to OS Communications where as i expected told me via letter they was happy with BT's decision and would not take any further action and i was liable to pay all costs but i could appeal so i appealed saying i was not happy with the decision and they said they would look into it but not heard nothing back in 3 months i sent them an email i was ignored. BT seem to think its the structure of my home but im now back with Virgin Media had one hiccup and it was sorted quickly and i can connect to the internet the same place where the BT hub was so its not the structure BT has sent me a letter this morning saying they will pass the debt of £461 to a debt recovery agency which i will face other costs and penaltys. What makes me laugh with BT is when i took out the broadband with them i had 14 days to cancel my services, it took them 17 days to install it when i did want to cancel using my cooling off period they said ive passed it so they started the cooling off period before they even installed the services (the day i ordered it)
  3. After notifying council on shutting down my business last year (Oct 2011), I kept getting business rate bill, irrespective of the fact that they are aware that the same premises had been taken over by another business and had since their commencement received their own new business rate bill. The next thing I received from them was a court summons which on attending the court, the council official did not allow me to attend or see the presiding judge in order for me to explain myself. All I got after the court attendance was a phone call asking me to get a letter from the landlord whom I know gives a kick back to the council officials in order to save himself from the empty property business rate. I am sure the landlord will not give me such letter as we are not in good terms because of his dodgy and cowboy dealings with tenants. Please advice, how can I go about dealing with this and clearing my name from this unnecessary debt.
  4. I was involved in an accident back in 2000, in which i hit a car from the rear.As the car was a works car i had borrowed i believed i was covered by my employer, But this turned out Not to be the case. 2 days later i was sacked. I recieved no conviction for no insurance and just assumed the matter had gone away However i have recieved a few letters from MID stating they paid out the 3rd party almost $17,580, and they believe it was me and want a payment in full. Surely an incident that happened 12 years ago cant be brought up now, or can it? does my case fall into statute barred? please help Regards
  5. Afternoon people, I have just received a nice telephone call from restons solicitors. They would not tell me what the call is regarding as i am not the account holder. OK Im reluctant to call them and just wait for some correspondence via the royal mail. I have my suspiscions that it is for a Littlewoods debt going back quite some time. But unsure how long and i dont want to call them to find out tbh id rather wait for some sort of letter. Initially the debt was accrued through a catalogue agent...It wasnt possible to pay the catalogue agent the monthly payment so the debt was transferred to ourselves to try to arrange a manageble monthly payment. For some reason this was never done and now we are receiving calls from restons. I may be wrong and it may be for some other strange obscure debt but im guessing its them as i beleive HFC bank and littlewoods were the same. Any advice would be much appreciated guys and if any further infor is required just shout. Thanks
  6. Hi Everyone! I read through this site last week after receiving a letter from Ruthbridge and you guys look like you know what you are talking about. Today (11/5/12) I received a second letter from Ruthbridge and would like to know the best way forward. I received the first letter about 10 days ago, the content of the letter was along the lines of: Dear Mr..... We are trying to contact you..............please call us on XXXXX The letter was longer, but it felt like a phishing letter so I ignored it. Today I have received a letter:- Dear Mr..... We note that you have failed to respond to mail directed to you YOU HAVE BEEN TRACED AT THE ADDRESS STATED ABOVE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR RECOVERY DIVISION IMMEDIATELY ON 00000 If you have not established contact with this department within the next five days, an agent ay telephone between the of hours of: (gives times) Yours sincerely Yvonne Richards So, what should I do? I was out of the country between 2005 and 2010, I believe that some debts may have been incurred in late 2007/early 2008 (credit card/bank account), however i have not heard from either the bank or credit card company since 2008. I certainly haven't paid anything to them since 2007. I have checked my credit report and there is nothing showing on it, my rating is not great, but as i have only been back in the country for 2 years it wouldn't be fantastic. There is nothing adverse showing. Should I write to Ruthbridge and ask them what they want? and if so what should I say? or should I just ignore them? I look forward to your assistance/suggestions. If you have any questions please let me know
  7. Hi all, I lived in a property with 4 other people (5 of us) for the last year and we moved out in July/August. I gave the electric company the final meter readings and they said they will calculate a final bill to pay. It came in on the weekend and I have got 2 of the house-mates rent, but I have no idea on how to contact the other 2. The landlord won't give me the full names and/or addresses of the other 2. The bill is a large one and I can barely afford to pay my share of the bill, let alone the other 2 peoples share. What position am I in to collect the remaining funds from the other house-mates? I have eventually got the names of the two names but no addresses. Do I get solicitors in to help me solve my problem? And do I get them on the landlord or tenants? And what can the electric company do? Cheers in advance
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