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  1. Around 7 months ago I wrote to all my creditors to say I was struggling to maintain payments. While I am working full time my wage was badly affected by the downturn and I was using credit to live as my whole income was going onto priority debts. I was diagnosed with a mental health condition in 2009 and the stress was making me so ill I had to do something. I prepared an I&E form and wrote to each of my creditors offering this amount and this was excepted. I was surprised to get a reply from barclaycard requesting only 5.45 per month which was much less than the £30 approx I offered them. I have never missed a payment on any of these plans which range from £5 to £28 and these were set up before I stopped paying my contractual amount so there was never a missed month. The biggest debt is Barclaycard with a balance outstanding of around £12k. BC are aware of my medical condition as doctors proof was provided, I thought it was practice to deal with these debts themselves. I received a letter from BC on the 17th November saying they had assigned the debt to IDR and in the same envelope a letter from IDR saying I should forward all future payments to them and my payment plan would be honored for 6 months. As I had paid BC on the 7 th Nov by standing order I changed the next payment due on the 7th Dec to Link. However, I have received a letter yesterday from them saying I have missed a payment on the 16th Nov and so the whole amount will be due!!! I didnt even know it had been assigned to someone else on this date!!! I emailed Link and explained and received an email back saying they admit there was limited time between the assignment and the first payment so the 7th Dec will be accepted and my account will be reviewed in 6 mths. I told them the stress of this letter demanding the full amount was making me physically ill and they told me they have no information whatsoever that I have a diagnosed mental health problem despite BC having doctors proof of this. After looking online I found out that the CSA code of practice states that 3rd parties should be informed if a debtor has mental health problems and this info should be passed on if another company has been instructed to collect. I cant believe BC have sold this on so quickly when I have paid every arranged payment on time. They have another one that was originally with egg but no mention of that one being sold and that's a much older account with a much smaller balance. Do you think they have sold it as I owe such a large amount? I am a homeowner but on an interest only basis and with the drop in house prices I still believe I am in negative equity. I do not think there is much point in CCA as the account was only opened in 2008 so I expect the agreement to be available quite easily. I am terrified what this lot will do in 6 months time judging by the wording in this first letter. I haven't ate or slept since I received this letter on Thursday and I fell like I am not coping very well. I am grateful for any advice
  2. I was contacted by Capquest last year in writing to say that they have taken over a debt from Barclaycard for £2,700. The account dates back to 1990. I denied any knowledge, but they have now written to be again and claimed to have added the debt to my credit file. Here are some facts 1. I moved from the address in 2000, divorced and moved overseas 2. I moved back to the UK in 2003 and my credit file only has my current address, with no previous addresses recorded. I have no loans or credit agreements ongoing from the old address. 3. I believe that the card was not used beyond 2005 (by my ex partner) 4. My ex partner may have made some payment against the card using a debit card direct to Barclaycard on their online system in 2009, but she cannot recall as she moved from that address also, but kept the card unbeknown to me (although it is in my name). Capquest have traced a person matching my details (name, dob) to my address and attached the account to me. I have denied any knowledge or liability. I suspect that my ex partner had retained replacement cards after I had left, as it was rarely used by me but clearly used by her and she probably tried to make payments to barclaycard direct before moving away on her new life and forgetting the whole episode. I have been advised, by someone trying to help, that the fact that I have the same details as that person who once lived at that address more than ten years ago is no proof that it is me, and that my electoral role, credit file does not have that previous address removes any link. I thought that a year ago that they had gone away, but am now concerned that they are back. I am really now very concerned and confused and would appreciate any advice from this forum. many thanks.
  3. Hi, Requested CCA and SAR from Barclaycard late March 2012 Received reply seven days later saying they are dealing with my request for CCA Then received SAR response, 6 years of minimal info copy statements with nothing else. Sent follow up letter Re no CCA , "account in dispute" second week of May, this letter was sent recorded delivery, First Class, along with duplicate standard First Class letter, both to the same address as the initial CCA request. Royal mail tracking states recorded item being "processed through the system".. sent it to : P.O. Box 9131 51 Saffron Road LE18 9DE Have received nothing more in reply to initial CCA request from Barclaycard since. I'll follow up with Royal Mail Re pocessing letter, to move it on, are these actions feasible : 1. Send another recorded letter to address on Barclaycards letter of acknowledging the receipt of CCA request, stating the account in dispute. 2. Send notice of failure to comply with SAR/DPA request and begin a court claim with a complaint to Information commisioner to get the full information. My credit reference file shows the account is in arrears, nothing else. I have an agreement to make a monthly token payment which I made with Egg. Should I continue to make the token payment, and how do I deal with the SAR failure (as I want to reclaim charges from when the account began) ?
  4. Can anyone advise me and confirm my own thoughts on this situation please? I have had a letter from Barclaycard about a debt that I had accrued due to my lack of employment. The matter came to a head in June 2009 when I took issue with them sending me a formal demand as I had been paying for PPI.........or so I thought. They said not and I took them to the FOS for a decision. I won the claim and in February 2010 Barclaycard offered a payment of about 10% of the debt outstanding. I suggested, via the FOS, that given my employment status, Barclaycard took this themselves in full and final settlement. In March 2010 their Senior Customs Relations Manager wrote to me saying they would pay the refunded charges as a credit to my account in full and final settlement, I subsequently heard no more from them at all for 4 years and therefore assumed it was all was over and done with. Today I received a letter from Barclaycard, as attached, claiming the original full amount they wanted in 2009. There was a second letter which was a formal demand for the full amount payable within 28 days. Clearly they have not paid themselves the amount agreed with the FOS or, if they have paid it, it has not been credited to my account and certainly not used in full and final settlement.... ..so who has had it I wonder? It is now 4 years since the awarded amount was accepted by me and Barclaycard have not made a single phone call, nor have they sent any letter or statement to me in that time. 4 Years and no contact until now, one has to wonder, why not? Their letter says they have identified and error and apologise to me for it. to me, it simply looks like an effort to cover up their continued ineptitude and get me to call them, thereby accepting the debt and making it “live” again! So a simple question, do they have a leg to stand on here?
  5. CCA reply from Barclaycard re my old Egg card today - they admit they are 'prevented from enforcing . . . while this state of affairs continues' - because they are unable to provide a copy of the terms of the credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82 (1). They kindly inform me that they will take any action short of enforcement, which includes instructing a 'third party to demand payment or otherwise seek to procure payment'. I'll expect some letters then. if Barclaycard can't enforce this then I don't suppose the DCA will be able to either, but I'm happy to send them a CCA Request too if necessary.
  6. All creditors were written to by letter dated 21.08.06, to inform them of financial difficulties. I enclosed £1 token payment and cont’d to pay this for some months until payments increased. The original payments amounted to £500-£550 per month. I am still currently making payments as below. I would like to resolve all this but, as I have not had any statements etc from the EGG account and have still been paying them, I am unsure where I stand and what I can do, if anything, and do not want to open a can of worms as I have been off work with bereavement/stress/anxiety and as a result I am now unemployed. As such I am doubting my ability to deal with all these debts. Any help appreciated. thank you. 1. Barclaycard - Credit Card still paying original creditor Showing on Equifax file as ‘up to date’, with some AP’s from 2010/2011 Owe £382.93 I pay £18.00 I receive regular statements I have 2 statements dated Nov 06 and Dec 06 showing late payment charges, PPI and interest. Showing on Equifax file as XXXXXXXXXXXX6000 statements show account as xxxxxxxxxxxx7002 2. Egg Card - Credit card (now being paid to Barclaycard) Not showing on Equifax file Balance outstanding was £776.54 on 24.10.06 I pay £2.01 Last contact from Egg was ‘account has been cancelled’ letter dated 24.10.06 No evidence of PPI charges
  7. Similar to the other thread recently started I also received the sorry we have been reporting to CRA wrong and heres the default notice. Default date is end Jan-2010. Background for me is got into trouble due to lack of work in 2009 after some back and forth with BC (a lot via their internal DCA's) trying to reduce payment to £1 a week they agreed to stop charging interest and eventually a 1% a month payment was agreed and direct debit setup, this was Jan 2010 they never took any payments and have had no contact from them since so the default date is probably in line with last contact/payment. I also previously had the default notice letter for each account from Mercers in the past which I suspect from reading here and other sites that was never a 'real' one, that dated a few months earlier in 2009. The accounts date from the early 90's and I did CCA then in the past but they sent the reconstituted agreement they seem to send as standard so am pretty confident they don't have a signed agreement. Balances are @2k and @14k What is my best plan here have 28 days to contact them if want before the default (my credit record is full of defaults from this time so not worried about it on my file) but my feeling is to wait for the default date to pass and see what their next response is? Suspect will get passed to Mercers and at that point can start again down the CCA or SAR route? Does this seem sensible or should I contact them now and try and get a f&f offer from them. They are also my mortgage provider in case that complicates matters. Was just getting back on my feet financially and out this comes from the woodwork got that stressed feeling all over again.
  8. Hi, First time posting and hoping for a little advice. Just had a letter land on my door mat from Credit Solutions Ltd with regard an £80,000 secured debt with Barclaycard Secured Loans. No other details apart from the usual "give us a call, we are really nice and helpful". the property that this loan was secured against was repossessed over 5 years ago ( I won't go into details as it was the same story for a lot of us back then). I have sent off the prove it letter and am awaiting a reply. I cannot actually remember the amount that was outstanding and think that the sum quoted is really high? I have no paperwork relating to the loan and even though I had contacted them years ago about being made redundant and unable to afford payments on both the main mortgage and their loan, I heard nothing back until last week through this DCA? I am not sure what I can actually do about this but one thing they cannot do is kick me out of that house! I have no fear of the DCA's and cannot be intimidated with silly threats. What I would like to know is what my next step should be? As I say the loan is no longer secured, I have no possessions as such, not much money left at the end of the month etc and was wandering what they can actually do to me? Thanks in advance for any advice you may have. Cheers
  9. Hi, I am experincing some issues with Barclaycard via MKDP PLL. The story is that I had an barclaycard around 2006/7 which I am 100% paid off as payment plan. I haven't had another card from since the pay off, but I had a few issues in that I was paying them off some reason they would contact me and say that I had not paid, which I did as I showed them the proof from my bank statement. Now whats happening theyre saying that I still owe £597.98. This has only recently only started up last Year via some other less reputable DCA, and all after I challenge them stopped citing no information to be had. That was that until I heard from MKDP taking up the now worn batton up from barclaycard. I have sent to MKDP a form a asking for the proof of this only to be told twice that they have not got enough documentation and requesting that I should wait while they contact previous creditors. This has now passed the 40 days and strangely enough I got via registered post today a letter from MKDP and a letter attached inside from barclaycard, stating "that the information given under consumer credit act 1974 section 78 receives a request the creditor shall give the debtor a copy of the executed agreement (and any document referred to in it) and a statement of the account." This continues "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we no longer hold a copy of your excuted agreement. Regulation 9 of the CNC regulations conforms that, in these circumstances, for accounts open before 19 May 1985 (such as yours) the copy of the current terms of agreement. I enclose a copy of the terms of your credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the act. This is a statement of the terms of your abreement with us and incorporates any variations to the terms made since you entered into this agreement. However, the intreast rates, fees and charbes set out in the agreement, may differ from those we have discussed with you, (really never spoke to them since paying them off via the paymentnplan). Due to the current status of your account, the full outstanding balance is now due. This completes our obligations under section 78 of the act." In the letter from MKDP they say "reconstituted copy of the credit agreement enclosed, please note statements of account have also bee requested and will be forwarded to you upon receipt". Makes intreasting reading but has nothing in the detail, so based on the information given where does this stand and whatbis the next best move, to be honest this is so near or is statued barred anyway so why keep it going. Any useful advise, pointers, even what to send back to these guys would be very helpful, as I know and how grateful I am as yij have helped me in the past so I trust your valued experience. Kind regards
  10. Morning all. It seems that I have received the same 2 letters relating to some Barclaycard accounts as others have done so over the weekend. My last letter to them was back in 2009 requesting a CCA, and received a reconstituted version which I promptly rejected and told them to Foxtrot Oscar. Having not heard from them since, I was happy to quietly wait out the 6 year statute barred. It seems that Barlcaycard have other ideas. What is the general consensus, with a response. Should it be responded to, and if so how? I'm minded to leave it alone, but I dont want them selling the account to Lowells, as once they have their teeth into you, they never seem to let go.
  11. I would really, really like some help and feedback with my enquiry. Within the last few weeks I have applied for a refund for the Barclays PPI that I paid into. In February 2005 I was advised to take out a PPI policy. From memory I think this was done face to face with the advisor. When I took out the policy I was working full time (over 30hrs). Later on that year I found out that I would get made redundant as the firm had lost their contract. At that point I decided to work part time so I could do a degree; and in September 2005 I started part time. After being made redundant from that job, I got another part time job to fit around the degree. When this job ended I went to university full time to get my degree finished and by now I was relying solely on student loans and struggling to make some of the repayments. Eventually the PPI ended at the start of 2008. I believe I was sold this PPI face to face, and as such, I would like to obtain the evidence summarising the discussion that took place when the policy was taken out. I think this is called a demands and needs statement. Would I need to pay for this in the same way that I would need to pay for SAR? When I started my degree full time I went into my Barclays bank to set up a student account, and from memory I don't believe my PPI was discussed upon. Should it have been up to me to discuss this with an advisor or should Barclays have contacted me to discuss the terms of my policy? I have read on this forum that students are ineligible to take out a PPI, but I became a student AFTER taking out my PPI first. In doing this, would I have suddenly become ineligible for this policy? Even though I was still paying into it? To date, Barclaycard have refused me a refund because they stated that "they could not find any evidence that they mis-sold me PPI." They also stated that I "met the requirements of the policy and that the sale of my PPI policy had been appropriate." I plan to contact them again to request the details of their "no evidence" because I'm just not buying that at all. Would I also need to pay for this in the same way if I want the evidence of both the initial PPI sale and the SAR? Another point I would like to make is that I also suffer from a bad back which I pulled when I was about 16. Again, I cannot remember if this was initially mentioned and if it was, does this make the selling of PPI to me a complete mis-sale? Would I be refused a PPI refund if I mentioned the bad back and yet I still went ahead with the policy regardlessly? Again, I honestly cannot remember if this is what happened. If you have read this far, then thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
  12. With the help of this forum I was able to put together a letter and FOS questionnaire to submit a claim for mis-selling of PPI. I managed to find statements going back to December 1994 which I thought would help my case. I must admit I could not remember how I applied for the card so went with telephone. I received a reply back which said that they were unable to find any evidence that they had mis-sold me PPi and are unable to give me a refund. They say that my application for PPi was submitted by post (it may well have been I just cant remember) this means that at the point of applying for PPI we did not give you any advice and the process required you to select the specific type of cover you required. Our investigation also shows that when you made your application you were provided with information to help you decide if PPi was suitable for you. We therefore cannot agree that you were not given enough information when you took the policy out. Back in September 2011 I submitted a SAR for all the various credit cards I had with Barclays, the only one that they returned information on ie copies of agreements etc was from a credit card I took out in 2004. The cards I have submitted a claim for were from 1994-2001, the only paperwork evidence I have is statements I am not quite sure how they have paperwork evidence for something that they could not provide me with back in 2011. Your advice would be greatly appreciated,Thank-you for looking.
  13. I wonder if you can help. As i have stated elsewhere I am in a bit of a financial pickle I am trying to wade through it. I wrote to barclaycard about 6 weeks ago telling them that I was in financial hardship and could only pay a token amount £2 for 6 months etc - following the advice dx100uk has given to others. since that time they have written to me twice and bombarded me with phone attempts - up to 20 times a day! but they have not even acknowledged that i have written to them. Today i got a pay up or its Mercers for you boy letter. What should I do? Should I write again? I have kind of been assuming up until now that my letter was playing catch up with their system, but now i am wondering if they are either ignoring it or it got lost in the post/ lost internally.
  14. Hi all - I've successfully claimed from MBNA for missold PPI - incredibly easy so I thought I'd have a go at Barclaycard. I submitted SAR and got 6 years of statements showing my PPI active from 2006 - 2007 when I cancelled it (I realised it was a pointless expense). However I noted PPI has been on the account since 1989. Now initially BC turned down the complaint so I went to the FOS and strangely they've caved in as soon as the FOS process was started. I've received a letter from the FOS telling me I will receive an offer by the 4/1/13 however I'm not sure what a fair offer would be - ie will it only be for the year I can show PPI payments or should it include the payments back to 1989? As I can't prove how much I paid can I be paid an amount based on a average yearly balance etc and do barclays keep records like that? Thanks all
  15. Hello I have a second BC debt being collected by MKDP, it's for £2,500 and is not SB. I made a CCA request during summer last year and followed that with a failed CCA letter. This week my failed CCA request letter has been answered with a few pages of T&C's and some copy statements from BC. MKDP state that I am liable for the debt and they will now resume collection activity. There is nothing with either mine or BC's signature, even a letter they included supposedly from BC responding to my CCA request wasn't signed and looked a bit suspect, was dated June 2013! I was wondering what I should do next? From what I understand it's not enforceable as there's nothing signed, I want to send the failed letter again but I don't think the wording would suit this case and don't want to come across as if I don't know what I'm doing. Thanks for any suggestions on my next move.
  16. Hi Guys, I have one late payment marker from Barclaycard from 3 years ago which I have been told may affect my chances of getting a mortgage in the near future. This is the only late payment I have on my Credit Report in the past 5 years so would like to try and get it taken off if possible. I think the payment was literally 3 days late due to a banking error on my behalf but it is still there either way! I do have some other marks on my credit report which are 5+ years old but they are due to drop off after this year so aren't such an issue. I was just wondering if any of you guys have seen or had any success with getting things like this amended by BC with a good will letter and if so could advise on what is the best way to go about it? Thanks in advance!
  17. I put a claim in to Barclays for a business loan I took out back in 99 which had PPI attached to it, I was and still am self employed so reclaiming on the grounds that i would never have been eligible to make a claim, today I received a letter from them informing me my claim has been rejected as they can't find any evidence the policy was mis-sold and that the letter is their final response to my complaint, they also enclosed a leaflet explaining I can refer my complaint to the FOS. After reading on here using the FOS could take up to two years is there another step I can take?
  18. Hi Could anyone kindly advise me please. My complaint has been sitting with FOS for approx. 2years, it was upheld in initial assessment, then BC disputed it, In Dec 2013 I received a letter from FOS team leader saying following their involvement BC would be making an offer of compensation. I then telephoned BC who said that it was over a year ago that they had heard from FOS.# and did not know about their decision. So i phoned FOS who said that they wait for a few hundred (!!!) before submitting to BC.- anyone know how long this takes??!! I would like to know if BC can dispute this once again? The letter was not from an Ombudsman The card was taken out in 2000- so how would the interest be calculated? is it compounded?I have done a SAR to BC Thank you for your help
  19. Hi, I need to do a SARS request for my barclaycard and egg cards (egg now owned by barclays) I'm a bit confused as to who I should send this too? And exactly the name I should writ eon the £10 cheque? Any help would be great. Thanks
  20. Hi everyone, really quick question really... According to Experian I have a 'Very Poor' Credit score of 458... Put simply, as a bit of a summary, I have: - Amount of available credit (excluding mortgages) = £100 Amount of outstanding debt (excluding mortgages) = £4,559 The outstanding debt is soon to be paid in full so that's not so much an issue... The issue really is it seems that Experian don't know enough about me... *The available credit that they know about is my small Current Account Overdraft... The available credit is wrong... I have had and still have and use a Barclaycard, I've had it for around 3 years now and there is approx. £3,900 of available credit on it... Why when I view my accounts does Experian not know about this? I've read somewhere that Barclays deal with Equifax not Experian but I've also read that some people have their Barclaycard showing on their Experian report so I'm confused... 2 questions really, firstly, do you think this might benefit my score if they knew I had that additional credit available to me? and secondly, if so, how the hell do I go about getting it onto my Experian Report? Thanks so much! Adam.
  21. I have a compulsive gambling problem. I took out a 8k loan in Sept to pay off two credit cards MBNA and Barclaycard. After I cleared these two cards off, I took what I felt was responsible actions to close both of these credit lines and to remove temptation. I contacted both MBNA and Barclaycard through their online messaging consoles. MBNA cancelled and closed my account within 24 hours of contact. Barlcaycard I received this response about 30 mins later However I never heard from Barclaycard as per my simple request to close down the account ASAP. The account remained opened and about 12 days later I started to gamble using a card I had requested in writing to close. I gambled about 4.6k on this card. I take full responsablity for my compulsive problems/illness, however I feel that Barclaycard should have took action when I contacted them (like MBNA did), they were quick enough to respond, so why didn't they just close down the account? The balance was 0 is was an easy action surely. If they looked at my previous statements they would see the problems I have. I think I took reasonable steps to close the account, and would like an explanation as to why it was left open despite my request. I have now lodged a complaint with them, because despite my admission to gambling problems, if the account had been closed on my instruction I would not have been in a position to **** away more funds.
  22. Hello, Barclaycard sent a questionnaire to me a month ago about PPI possibly being missold to me. I filled in all the questions and was informed that yes I was entitled to £1200. Well I phoned on the day of the letter and they said that they would pay me either by cheque or bank transfer whichever I wanted. As it was a week before Xmas I opted for the bank transfer option, I was told that with Xmas approaching I should have the money by Friday past at the latest. I called them on Saturday and I spoke to a gentleman who to be honest didn't have a clue and told me that my refund would be in my account by today. Low and behold no money appeared in the account today but a letter arrived and I was told my credit limit would be decreased by almost the same figure as the PPI refund! Very convenient. I also received my PPI cheque in the post which was supposed to be a BACS transfer. My questions are :- !) Can they decrease my credit limit at 3 days notice? I will be overdrawn because of this. 2) If I lodge this cheque with the bank is there a chance of them cancelling it as I am now overdrawn with my credit card and I don't want them to take the money back. They said that if they cancel the cheque and do a BACS bank transfer it will take a month for it all to be processed! I specifically told them I wanted a bank transfer and now they are saying that their system had automatically sent out the cheque which in turn has left me in debt as I overspent at Xmas. As I am a Barclaycard holder can I go into the branch to cash it? I have no savings or current account with them. Is there anything I can do? Also, I want to freeze my interest and make token payments but not until I get my PPI sorted. Are they obliged to freeze interest, My hours of work are lower than they were before and I need to reduce and I need to reduce payments, I am sure this will be an uphill battle!! Thank you
  23. Hi forum goers! This is my first post so I hope I've got it in the right place. My situation is quite standard but need some advice on what to do next and some clarification of my position. Some years ago I had a Barclaycard which I was unable to meet the payments. Eventually I stopped paying and forgot about it. I sought debt advice at the time and stopped worrying about it. The debt got transferred to Lowell who chased me for years and my credit rating was shot. A few years ago though I started getting accepted for credit. Opened bank accounts, got a credit card everything seemed a ok. I checked my credit reports from each of the providers and it was all good. Not the best but good enough. I then wanted to return to study and got accepted on a masters. To pay for it I was going to take a professional development loan but got turned down. I decided to go back and check my reports to see what the problem was. I checked Noddle first and there on my report was Lowell listed as a lender who had placed defaults in my name for the past few months. I checked again a few months later and all of a sudden the defaults had been backdated all the way back to 2010. I decided to investigate as I was pretty sure I was near the statute barred time limit on this debt. I used a SARS with Barclaycard and they sent me all the info. Very interesting. Here are the main points. 1. My statements with Barclaycard continue to the present day???? 2. I made my last payment to Barclaycard on 27/03/2006. 3. The statements then continue until 26/06/2008 at which point several transactions coded CHRGOFF appear. 4. After this date all the statements list a balance of zero. 5. Prior to my last payment I had arranged to make a token payment of £1 a month until my situation improved. There are a few other interesting details but these are the main ones. Now I assume the code CHRGOFF is a reference to Barclaycard selling the debt. On my Noddle credit report Lowell lists the date of default as 27/06/2008, the day after Barclaycard may have sold it. As I understand: 1. Statute Barred debts run from the date of last payment or communication (there has never been any communication from myself). 2. Barclaycard was unfair/wrong to wait 2 years from my last payment to declare the debt defaulted (unless my payment arrangement of £1 affects this?) So I guess what I need help with is: 1. Is this debt statute barred? 2. If it is can I get Lowell to remove it from my credit report? 3. If so are there any good template letters I can use? 4. Should I just wait until June this year to be certain that six years have elapsed? One final point is that I am now receiving letters from Fredrickson International saying they have been authorised by Lowell to collect the debt. Can they do this? I reckon Lowell know it's ended and want to sell it off to someone else. Hope this wasn't too long.
  24. Bryan Carter have written to me saying they have been instructed by Fredrickson (acting on behalf of Lowell re. an old pre-2006 Barclaycard account) to issue court proceedings in a few days if payment is not made. I dispute this account and wanted to check what I need to do. Presumably I need to a) inform Lowell the account is in dispute in writing (I have only done this by telephone a couple of years ago) b) CCA Lowell and c) inform Carter of the account being in dispute? Is this course of action correct? Any advice would be appreciated. Also, I can't find the Lowell letters - is there a particular address I need to use?
  25. Hi all, Barclaycard have agreed to pay back all fees charged to my account plus compound interest after I took them to small claims, however, the say that because this is compensation the are going to subtract income tax @ 20% on the compound interest portion of the claim. Is this normal procedure?? I used the unjust enrichment approach. Thanks in anticipation
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