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  1. I almost dare not say it but, so far all quiet still on the B/cd front - let's hope this post does not start off another round of phone calls and pointless letters from them! Sit back enjoy the pollution levels today and let's see what, if anything, transpires. Cloggy
  2. Here we are 3 weeks on and dare I say, all quiet. Has anyone else had any additional contact or calls at all? I am assuming not as there have been no updates on any other posts.
  3. Hi Slick132, I felt the "Very good friend" comment was entirely real as in "we have great contacts with the people at B'cd", this is what decided me to leave it alone and not involve the FOS, I just could not help but think it may be more trouble than it is worth! I have no intention of taking them (B'cd) to court at the moment but instead will leave it all to fester and see what comes up next. It is interesting to see how many of us have received this c*$p from them so, equally, it will be interesting to see how many of us get to see the next stage of their strategy, if they have any. I cannot help but think this is all a ruse to get some of us to contact them and make offers of payment/clearance. So I think I will wait it out and see what happens, maybe it will be another 4 years before they do anything else!
  4. I have just had a long conversation with a lady from FOS. She told me they cannot open my old case as it is over 4 years old and they probably do not have the files anyway. She offered to look into it for me if I send her the letters from BC. When I explained that I do not want to reopen an old sore and asked if Barclaycard should have been in touch before this time, I was told "if the account is still open then they should have written to me every year to advise of the state of the account and of any charges or payments applied to it". Needless to say I have decided not to send the FOS anything at this stage as she went on to say they would simply "call one of our very good contacts at Barclyacard" and discussed the matter with them and see what it is all about & then come back to me". Silly me, I thought the FOS were there to help us not the Banks! I think I will wait their next move and make a decision on where to go from there. If they start to chase all of us who have had this dumb letter they are going to be very busy… …maybe this is another job creation scheme for one of Dave's mates? The only slightly positive thing to come out of my conversation with the FOS is that clearly B'cd seem to think the account is still active as they are only just issuing a formal demand (albeit again) but after 4 years of no contact and not applying the agreed £1000+ to my account in full and final settlement as offered and agreed 4 years ago, me thinks they may just be up a gum tree if I decided to take them to court. Any thoughts anybody? Any similar experiences anybody? Cloggy
  5. It may well be a good idea to have one thread, I have no issue with this if the Mods think it a good idea. Cloggy
  6. Snap. My last communication with them was in 2009 and then I took them to FOS and won a payout in early 2010 in full and final which it seems they have omitted to credit to the account if their figures are correct. It does seem like a broad brush effort to see if they can scare anyone to pay them anything.
  7. Same as me then! I would not have wanted their postal costs on the 31st January. Seems they are buys trying this on with lots of us.
  8. Spoken to FOS and they are calling me back later today……that was over 4 hours ago so still waiting.
  9. Morning all and thanks for the many helpful comments. Sorry for the delay in reply but I left the computer alone for a day yesterday! I am loathe to reply to this silly letter because I do not want to mess up any possible situation where Barclays are, yet again, in the wrong. I had understood that under Consumer Credit Act legislation any debt had to be kept alive by at least an annual statement being sent to the debtor. I have had absolutely nothing from these guys for 4 years until now. The letter from their Customer Relations Manager says "I can confirm that I have credited your account in the amount of £XXXX.XX in full and final settlement" . As I have never had a statement from them since well before this letter was written I was unaware until Saturday last that the account had NEVER received this credit and had just assumed that no communications from them was their way of dealing with it and it was the end of the matter. I am going to call the Ombudsman that dealt with the situation back in 2009/2010 and see what they think about it. Not expecting anything useful or helpful to come of it but I will report back from there.
  10. Can anyone advise me and confirm my own thoughts on this situation please? I have had a letter from Barclaycard about a debt that I had accrued due to my lack of employment. The matter came to a head in June 2009 when I took issue with them sending me a formal demand as I had been paying for PPI.........or so I thought. They said not and I took them to the FOS for a decision. I won the claim and in February 2010 Barclaycard offered a payment of about 10% of the debt outstanding. I suggested, via the FOS, that given my employment status, Barclaycard took this themselves in full and final settlement. In March 2010 their Senior Customs Relations Manager wrote to me saying they would pay the refunded charges as a credit to my account in full and final settlement, I subsequently heard no more from them at all for 4 years and therefore assumed it was all was over and done with. Today I received a letter from Barclaycard, as attached, claiming the original full amount they wanted in 2009. There was a second letter which was a formal demand for the full amount payable within 28 days. Clearly they have not paid themselves the amount agreed with the FOS or, if they have paid it, it has not been credited to my account and certainly not used in full and final settlement.... ..so who has had it I wonder? It is now 4 years since the awarded amount was accepted by me and Barclaycard have not made a single phone call, nor have they sent any letter or statement to me in that time. 4 Years and no contact until now, one has to wonder, why not? Their letter says they have identified and error and apologise to me for it. to me, it simply looks like an effort to cover up their continued ineptitude and get me to call them, thereby accepting the debt and making it “live” again! So a simple question, do they have a leg to stand on here?
  11. Dizzyhead90, Been there myself, these guys are complete ar**@^&)>! Follow the advice here on the forum. Tell them to go away, log every call they make to you but do not tell them anything, send them the 'communicate in writing only letter'. Send them 'the you are not welcome on my premises letter'. I had the same grief from them, they would phone up to 8 times a day from 08.30 to 21.00. even on a Sunday. Always ask them for their full name, direct dial telephone number, Consumer Credit Lic (they never have this) as it takes them off script. Then keep them hanging on for as long as you like, then hang up. Sooner or later they get the message and give up calling. I took my complaint to the FOS and have just been awarded (???) a credit of the interest and charges added to the account since a year ago when I offered them £25 a month and they refused it. The FOS said the business should have listened to my offer. I am no further forward but I have not paid a bean to BC'd/Mercers/Calders for over a year. They never sent anyone to me despite the constant threat just harassed us on the phone until the message dropped that it was getting them nowhere. The advice on this forum is very good, use it and you should get through it all
  12. Slick, Yes, its a goer...... Just back from B&Q having bought all my bricks, portcullis, steps and a nice big cauldron and a bottle of Patio Gas. All bought on my Barclaycard of course. :grin: About to go and drain the oil out of my wifes car ready for the boil up - cant have mine being off the road!8) Cloggy.
  13. Update on CSL/Barclaycard and Cloggy! I wrote to CSL with the Bog off letter and received the following from them today - "I can confirm that we have removed your telephone number from our system and further correspondance will be by letter. CSL offer a doorstep collection service whereby field agents visit a property to discuss repayment of an outstanding amount. This is simply anopther optuion available to our customers to assist them in repaying their debts. In relation to field visits in subsection 2.12 of OFT guidelines doorstep visits must give adequate notice of the time and date of visit. The armstrong v Sheppard (1959) case you quoted is dependant on each individual circumstance and only such order to refuse access can come from a Court and not from the individual." Barclaycard still have not been able to produce a signed agreement and CSL say Bcd have sent me a copy of their T&C's so that fulfills my requests under CCA sect 74. NAturally, I have NOT made a CCA request but have used CPR instead. Oddly enough, I have not even seen the current T&C's let alone any agreement. So I will drop these oiks a line to remind them I have already told them I do not want a field visit............how do they know if I have a field anyway? I guess its time to pull up the drawbridge and start to boil some oil. Apparently as a tactic to repel those who would wish to gain entry to an Englishmans Castle in the old days, it is said to have worked well enough. More later, no doubt. Cloggy.
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