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  1. Following a marketing call from BT I signed up to a broadband package which included anytime phone calls and line rental. I was already with Tiscali who provided the same package, also including the line rental but the BT package was a lot cheaper ( BT option 1 ). My wife and I went through the process of changing email addresses for everything etc. Soon after signing up I went through the process of providing a MAC code to BT however later the same day I got to wondering about an aspect of the package and so I contacted BT in order to clarify what I had signed up for. The person I spoke to went through the details of the broadband package and I realised that the package increased in price considerably after the first 6 months which I was never informed of in either the initial signing up over the phone, or in the confirmation that was sent. In addition I was led to believe it was a 12 month contract but it seems it was 18 months. I told the person that I had been mis sold the package and that I was no longer interested and wanted to cancel both everything and remain with Tiscali. Several days later I recieved further correspondence from BT regarding the the package that I thought I had cancelled. I contacted BT and was told that the broadband aspect of the package had been cancelled but not the phone. I requested it to be cancelled and was told that it had been done and that I was no longer signed up for any services with BT. Brilliant I thought, I can now get on with everything as if I hadn't even heard from BT. On Friday a BT homehub was delivered to my door. I phoned BT to see why and was told that it was another department has sent it and they would send me details next week of how to return it (more inconvenience). Later on during Friday my internet stopped working. I contacted Tiscali who told me that BT had taken over my line and I would have to contact them. I rang BT but was told that they do not know anything about it as the package had been cancelled. I ended up going back and forth between BT and Tiscali for several hours. I found my self being on hold at BT for periods up to 40 minutes where I would be put through to a different person than before and have to explain my long winded problem yet again. Several times I was put on hold and the cut off after 30 minutes and ended up starting again. When I eventually got sense from someone at BT it seems that my contract was cancelled but not for the part that deals with controlling the line. In order to rectify it I had to obtain a MAC code from BT and give that to Tiscali in order to put things back to normal. However, I now have no internet for up to 10 days while this change takes place. I tried to complain over the phone but after spending all afternoon talking to people and repeating the same story over and over I was very very cheesed off by then and sick of dealing with idiots. It is proving very inconvenient as I run a business which is pretty much all done via email and my website. In addition the kids have got studying and homework to do. I would like to write to someone high up at BT in order to complain and was wondering if anyone had any contact details to do this. In addition is it worth taking it up with Ofcom or should I wait for a response from BT first? Thanks for any input.
  2. Many thanks for your replies. My relative had only completed 3 weeks of service prior to having her employment terminated. She was told that they were more than happy with the work she had done but because of the situation with the other applicant they were obliged to give the position to them instead. Unfortunatly she is not a member of a trade union.
  3. A relative recently started work for a large supermarket chain (you know the one - begins with T and ends with O) where she was taken on for a probationary period. After being trained and completing several weeks of work on the shop floor she was told that they did not need her any longer due to the fact that an existing employee had applied for the job (when they were recruiting for that particular position) but their application form was lost but had recently turned up. When they found it (after my relative had started work) they were obliged to give the position to the existing employee, thus making my relative surplus to requirement but there is a chance that she 'might' be taken on again in the future. All this is in the last week, ie. leading up to Christmas week. When my relative was initially told of being taken on by the company she handed in her notice at her existing job and subsequently is now unable to return. I would appreciate any advice on whether she can take this matter any further or are her former supermarket employers with their rights to treat her this way. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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