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Everything posted by Tenmen10

  1. Cheers CitizenB, by controversial I presume you mean ruling in the banks favour? I've just re-read my reply from RBS and it seems my complaint I sent to the Head Office in Edinburgh has been sent back down to Southend-on-Sea and thats where the reply is from. Not even an acknowledgement of my complaint regarding them losing my last SAR. I'll copy and post everything I have from them again with a letter pointing out their continuous failings and if theres no luck I'll go through the FOS, if it takes 12 months or so then i'll wait - the FOS have already said I have a good case but I was hoping to get it done quicker and without involving them. If RBS do come back and say they have no data how much back-up do I have regarding my SAR, it says that if data has been deleted the methods used must be stated etc, etc. How much notice does a bank have to pay to this, or would this be a question for the Information Commission? Cheers again CitizenB Tenmen10
  2. Hi all, I've had a bit of time off from PPI to deal with other matters but it seems RBS are proving a hard nut to crack so here we go again. As CitizenB suggested I contacted the Information Commission and spoke with a gent who said they would take up a complaint based on what I had told him. I have since received an information pack from the I.C & replied with as much proof as I could. I also, as suggested, sent a complaint to the RBS Head Office in Edinburgh though I have not heard back from them as yet. Finally, I have sent another SAR request to RBS who have this week replied that due to my account being closed for over 6 years they have no record of me or any accounts I may have had. Could I please provide them with more information? The fact that I have provided them with all reference numbers THEY have given to my claim and the fact that back in June they actually had enough information about me to offer me some money (goodwill gesture) seems to be irrelevent. I've already got 5 claims now going through the FOS but I really do want RBS to suffer for this and don't want to give up now but I just seem to be treading water. I'm actually considering going through the courts but I understand the onus of proof is on me and without an SAR I'm struggling - plus confused! Anyone else out there had similar issues which they've managed to get around? Tenmen10
  3. Good afternoon, its all change again - I found the underwriters details in the Credit Agreement info from my SAR so rang the FOS so they could act on my behalf. . . . . The woman I spoke with this morning then said it was up to ME to contact the Underwriter and give them the 8 week to deal with the claim. The Gent I spoke with last night said the FOS would deal with it(!) Once I cleared up the fact I have already contacted Santander and they have refused without mentioning the Underwriter the FOS lady, after a discussion with a colleague, decided to take my claim on which I am surprised at. She is sending the appropriate forms and asking me to photocopy any supporting evidence. She also took into account my claim that I was temporarily employed despite me having no proof. I need to ring back this afternoon as I still have two more PPI related accounts with Santander one of which I had forgotten. Being at work I didn't have time to go through all the details on the phone. Up2mears, I asked about the 'non-advise' defense which is prominent with GE Capital/Santander and the FOS rep said it is still up to the seller of the insurance to point out the possible exceptions regarding pre-existing medical conditions. This is not classed as advice. I have also been told by the FOS that there is a good chance they will also uphold my claim. So now its a matter of filling in a couple of questionnaires and photocopying more documents and back to the FOS. Good luck up2mears, hope we both get a positive result & thanks again to ims21 and the fellow CAG helpers regards Tenmen10 I'm leaving Santander well alone
  4. All, Lloyds/TSB are currently considering my refusal to accept their Final Offer. There was no time limit on their reply so I have wrote to them giving them the same 8 weeks which they had to consider my first claim. A reply is due early August, I will update once I hear anything. Tenmen10
  5. Good evening all, an update regarding two of my PPI claims still ouitstanding. The below link is for a thread started regarding a Debenhams account but I actually have two claims through Santander which have both had a Final Refusal. One is for a Burtons account opened in 1992 and the second is for a Debenhams account opened in 1997 both through GE Capital. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?349780-*Diabetes*-Santander-refuse-claim-on-non-advise-basis Both claims are regarding the fact I had a pre-existing medical condition at the time of sale (Insulin Dependent Diabetes) and on one (Burtons) I was actually a temporary agency worker. Unfortunately, due to the passage of time (1991-1994), I have no proof of being temporarily employed and neither does the agency who employed me. I have received copies of the Credit Agreements of both accounts and although I have filled in my name and address and signed the Customer Consent section, the Card Protection (PPI) sections were pre-ticked. There is no evidence of the telephone discussion which took place for this sale in my SAR. The FOS say that as both accounts were under GE Capital at the time they have no juristiction but they may contact the PPI underwriters if I can provide details. I've read similar threads regarding the FOS & PPI underwriters and it seems to involve a lot of huffing and puffing with no positive result to speak of. Santander themselves have referred me to the FLA (the Finance and Leasing Association) but their complaints procedure does not accept a complaint without new information. http://www.fla.org.uk/consumers/complaints-process - as I can't prove I was temporarily employed when opening my Burtons account I doubt the FLA will be any help. ims21 seems to have been involved in a lot of the Santander threads from this time and most seem to have headed toward a Small Claims Court but there don't seem to be any positive end results as yet. Have I missed anything, any further suggestions before I go the court route? regards Tenmen10
  6. Nice one CitizenB, I'll get onto them and gather my notes together to do an official complaint to RBS as well, see what happens next. cheers all Tenmen10
  7. Hi Brigadier2JCS/CitizenB yes I have been able to print off my electronic proof of delivery - the woman I spoke with seemed to find this irrelevant hence the "big building" statement. Just we are sorry this has happened. I have already had to have some bank statements sent from Lloyds then get them signed at a Natwest in order for them to even deal with this SAR claim. The first time I sent the SAR they did receive it but because the account was closed they asked for the above statements to clear themselves. No cheque has been cashed. CitizenB who are the Information Commisioner??? Thats a new one on me! Tenmen10
  8. Hi again, it seems after all the above RBS have now 'lost' my SAR request delivered for a second time by Recorded Post a few weeks ago. They have no record of receiving it but have stated "our Manchester office is a big building" and their Customer Complaints department have nicely apologised which of course makes everything OK . . . . I'm now happy and my life complete(!). My PPI complaints now all seem to be heading the way of the Ombudsman which unfortunately looks to take some time but both my complaints so far have had a promising initial response from the FOS. Without hearing from the banks concerned they would look to uphold my complaints. Looks like it could be next year by the time anything is resolved though, Tenmen10
  9. Right ladies & gents, I was actually filling in an FOS questionnaire regarding the above Santander claims (Burtons & Debenhams storecards) as both were turned down despite my Pre-existing medical condition. While filling it in one of the tick boxes asks whether my employment was full/part-time and I realised my Burtons account was opened while still at school and doing temporary work. dx100uk, although I realise phoning is not recommended I took the name of the person I spoke with as well as the time and date, I also made sure she was aware of the fact. The 5 minute call informed me that although working the 25 hours a week I was doing (crap grammar I know) is covered, the fact I was temporary would have to be looked at again. She did say proof would be needed though, which seems fair enough, if not I could claim anything and they would just pay up. Its just an extra stick to hit them with and I thought I would ask some questions first. Plenty of people have been knocked back and I want to cover all bases before continuuing. My original claim was placed by letter I'm looking at going the FOS route now, I was told to ring the FOS back when I made my mind up! Emmzzi, I didn't realise there was a time constraint though one of the Manpower reps told me there is no reason why they shouldn't have some info on record. Unfortunately, her colleague at the site I worked at has said they have nothing from that time. I have this morning phoned the FOS regarding another claim (Barclays) and the Gent I spoke to said that a claim like mine where I have Diabetes would, without going into specific details, be upheld by the FOS though it could take up to 12 months. He started a claim there and then and I'm now awaiting the forms. I didn't realise the Site Team members acted on other parts of the CAG Site or I would have come straight to CitizenB and DX100uk on the PPI forum. Sorry, no offence meant ciao Tenmen
  10. Hi everyone, I need to find some proof of employment from way back in 1991. At that time I was with an Agency (Manpower) doing temporary work for 25 hours a week. I was based over the road at a company where Manpower have an office. The Manpower representative currently on site does not have any details of my employment back then, only a more recent stint there in 2009/10. The Manpower Head Office in Leeds has no record whatsoever due to the fact I was employed by Manpower at the one site for my 'career' with them (the one above). The lady at the Head Office seemed to think I would have no problem getting this information but if the info is not there I may have to take another route. The reason I need this info is for a PPI claim, at the time I took out a Burtons store card with PPI I was working for Manpower on a temporary basis and had been for 3-4 years. The Santander representative I spoke with says I need to provide proof I was working on a temporary basis at this time before my claim can be looked into! I've requested my employment/NI payment details from the HMRC though I do not know whether this specify's what type of employment I had. Does anyone out there have any other avenues I may follow? thanks in advance, regards Tenmen10
  11. Hi ims21, I just was not convinced this DSIR was what I requested, it didn't seem as in depth as other SAR's. With them seemingly 'misunderstanding' my previous SAR request I thought they were trying to pull another fast one. I have already made a claim to Egg which they have refused, they have stated that I was required to positively confirm I wished to take out this policy, I would have assumed proof of this would be in the enclosed info, also no copy of the Full Terms and Conditions were enclosed which they have also stated I was sent. I'll use the PPI calculator and get started with a claim to the FOS, cheers Tenmen10
  12. :xGood evening all, Seems my feelings about Egg refusing to make life easy for me are spot on . . . . . I've read through my recent SAR from Egg BUT it is actually called a Data Subject Information Request (DSIR). It sounds similar but is it? Although it explains what a DSIR is it also has a section explaining which information is not included which conveniently enough includes Insurance Products (including Card Protection Policy). It also explains that if I wish for this data in relation to my insurance policy I will have to write a seperate letter??? I've already paid £10, am I obliged to pay again? The DSIR does contain my Credit Card statements showing CPI/PPI payments as well as a copy of the Credit Agreement signed by myself (no mention of CPI on this) and a selection of sheets showing contact between myself & Egg - one of these sheets states that a questionnaire letter was sent regarding my PPI complaint which I have not received. The Credit Agreemnt sheet has nothing regarding possible exclusions in fact it is very brief. Egg have already sent me a letter refusing my SAR (above) and I'm getting pretty annoyed now but don't want to go dashing off and making the wrong call at this stage. Should I contact Egg (again) or go to the FOS? regards Tenmen10
  13. Hi ims21, regarding the cover letter I'll be sending Lloyds/TSB about the above PPI calculator what exactly am I claiming? (bear with me) Theres APR, compound interest and the 8% which gets banded about but I'd like to be able to explain in my letter how I came to my total especially since its so much higher than the offer they gave me. Do the banks usually add interest per monthly payment as I have done from the date of charge and where does the 8% part I've read of come in? I realise that Lloyds/TSB should know how I've come to my total but I'd rather understand my claim and tell them I know what I'm talking about (even if I don't)! The question maybe doesn't quite read right so I apologise if it reads nonsense but I'm struggling to make it clearer Any help much appreciated, Tenmen10
  14. dx100uk, I know it just seems to good to be true, I'll be interested to see Lloyds' reaction the cheeky tarts ims21, your a Diamond, the calculators are great especially with the idiots guide, cheers you two, have a good weekend, Tenmen10
  15. Sorry ims21, I meant the interest (PPI) amount as per my SAR. It totals £303.92, the PPI on my card started in December 2003 up to July 2005. The interest (compounded) is higher than the PPI paid. £956.00 is incredible considering Lloyds offered me a little over £100!!! Tenmen10
  16. Erm, by using that calculator I've got a monthly rate of interest of 1.204% which gives me an APR of 15.4% . . . My charges total of £303.92 gives me a total of £956.58 (£652.66 Compound interest) Surely thats wrong??? Tenmen10
  17. Hi again ims21, I'm just inputting my figures for a PPI reclaim using the above calculator, the only account information I can find on my statement says - your current MONTHLY rate of interest is; 1.204% for purchases 1.496% for cash is it simply a matter of multiplying the above by 12 and placing that in the APR box (may be obvious but don't want to make a cock up). If so, which of the two figures above do I use? I thought I had a reasonable head for maths but my heads in bits much appreciated Tenmen10
  18. 007coot/MrHat, Finally, just received my SAR from Egg this morning I've had a quick look through but can't seem to find any documents relating to my application but I'll have a good luck through over the next couple of days. At least something has been sent. I'll update once I get chance to check through everything, regards Tenmen
  19. Well, it took two branches of Natwest, a couple of lengthy chats and the best part of an hour but I finally got my Lloyds/TSB documents signed. Its incredible the amount of idiots who work for banks - to be asked "what is an SAR?" after five minutes of insisting I was within my rights for the documents to be signed and them insisting otherwise would almost be funny if not for the fact I have to have my wages paid to these institutes. I just hope that RBS now don't turn around and give me the old "its over 6 years & we've destroyed the records" line!!! off we go again, Tenmen10
  20. ims21, I've typed the letter out (as above) I'm just waiting to see if anyone can pick any holes in it before I send it. CitizenB seems to have kindly alerted some of the PPI guys to this thread. I've got a PPI calculator from this site so I'll have a go at that tomorrow, then I'm set, regards Tenmen10
  21. Right, I’vereceived my statements from Lloyds/TSB to use as verification as asked I justneed to get them signed. I’vealso just typed out a cover letter, what do you guys think? Thankyou for your letter dated 30th June 2012. Asyou have requested I have enclosed three months bank statements dated withinthe last six months showing my current address. As these statements are copies receivedfrom Lloyds/TSB I have taken the time to have the statements officially stampedand signed by an RBS/Natwest branch. This is in accordance with the requestmade in your letter, a copy of which has also been enclosed. Alsoin accordance with your letter I have resubmitted a copy of my SAR request anda cheque for the sum of £10 to cover your fee. Pleasebe aware of the following points from the enclosed SAR if you are unable tofind my account details; · Where any previous information or recordsheld have been deleted or disposed of, the methods used to do so, includingdates, certificates or references confirming details of destruction. Where youare unable to provide such certificates, please provide a declaration, signedby an authorised officer of your company, confirming the dates and methods ofdestruction of this data. · Full hard copy print outs of my personal orfinancial information, held in a digital, magnetic or any other format which isheld in any archives, backups or other storage devices / locations. Althoughyou have had over the 40 days from receiving the original request to comply Iam happy to give RBS a further 14 days to retrieve the information. Thankyou in advance, Yoursfaithfully, Tenmen10 Thats two letters ready to go, this seems to be taking forever!!! Cheers everyone Tenmen10
  22. CitizenB/ims21, I'll certainly wait CitizenB I've had the reply/offer for over a month but been too busy to sort it out, cheers. Regarding the figure I have ims21 I have received an SAR for loans and credit cards (I won on my loan claim recently). It only covers Just over 2 years but it adds up to £309.00 according to the statements. The first is around £20 in December 2003 and the final around £7.00 in June 2005. All I have done is add up each monthly payment made. I have NOT yet used one of the interest calculators on the CAG site but even without that its a bit more than the £100.00 Lloyds/TSB have offered. Depending on what replies I get on here that will be my next step. Unless I'm missing something very obvious??? regards Tenmen10
  23. Hi guys and girls, I've recently received an 'offer' from Lloyds/TSB regarding the PPI paid on myCredit Cards. They have not accepted any wrongdoing or liability but made the offer of justover £100. To my reckoning it should be just over £300 not including interestand I have just about finished my letter of refusal (below). In the offer letter it does say to contact them if I plan to refuse which I didso immediately - I spoke with a lady who asked why I felt I was not offered thecorrect amount and I explained that I had received an SAR from Lloyds and thatthe figures did not match up. She asked me to make copies of the appropriateSAR statements (done), a copy of the offer letter (done) as well as a statementletter explaining why I am refusing the amount offered and to send them to thePPI dept at Lloyds where they would be looked at again. She also said she would put a note on my account so that no money would be paidinto my account until the matter was resolved - the very next day the money WASpaid into my account. (I do still bank with Lloyds/TSB). As the offer letter does say 'final response' do I continue with the ladies requestand send the info to Lloyds or should I simply go straight to the FOS? Assuming I should send a cover letter should I add anything to thefollowing? Thank you for your offer dated 21st June2012. I amunable to accept this offer as I do not believe the amount offered covers theamount of PPI I have paid on these Lloyds/TSB Credit Cards plus interest accrued. As your letter requests I phoned Lloyds TSB on 0845601 2683 to explain I DID NOT wish to accept the offer on immediatereceipt of the letter, the call was made on Thursday 5thJuly 2012 at 15:55. During the call I was asked why I did not accept theoffer and I explained I had received an SAR which clearly shows the PPI paymentsmade on these accounts and I believe them to be more than the offer made. I wasinstructed to make a copy of the offer made by Lloyds/TSB, a copy of therelevant SAR statements and this cover letter by way of explanation. I was alsotold during this phone call that a note was made on my account and no refundwas to be given to me until the matter was settled. The following day (Friday6th July 2012) the amount of £102.47 was paid into my account! Enclosed with this letter is – * A copy of the offer made by Lloyds/TSB (asrequested) * Copies of the statements showing the amounts Ihave paid, this total is £303.92 (NOT including interest). * My calculations as to how much I am owed(including interest). I understand from speaking with your representativethat upon sending this information to you your decision regarding your offerwill be looked at again. If I do not receive a response from Lloyds/TSBwithin 2 weeks from receipt of this letter I will be forced to take mycomplaint to the FOS. I look forward to hearing from you again regardingthis matter, sincerely Tenmen10 Do any of the experts out there think I should addany more, or not bother with the letter at all and go straight to the FOS? Despite what the Lloyds/TSB representative said about looking again I'm cynical to say the least, Thanks as always, regards Tenmen10
  24. Brigadier2JCS, yeah makes sense, I've requested some copies of Bank statements from Lloyds/TSB this morning so should be ready to get them signed at RBS sometime next weekend, cheers Tenmen10
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