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Everything posted by Marilyn22

  1. Hi not really a contract I've just had an information booklet about how the umbrella company works. We were told the rates of pay on the training days but they've obviously exaggerated. They even said some people earn up to £800 a week. Just feel a bit of a fool. I left another job as I thought I'd be on more pay here!
  2. I have just started work for a delivery company on a self employed basis. I was told when I started that my rate of pay would be £80-100 a day. I did 2 days training and was told I would be paid £80 per day for the training. However since working for the company my pay has been £300 for 6 days work. Working from 8-8. I also have not been paid for the training days I did. Basically the company have lied to me and other workers about pay rates and are now refusing to pay for the training we have done. I'm worried as I'm in a tough predicament. I have a house and a family to provide for. I have rang the umbrella company I get paid through who just keep passing me from pillar to post. I have also just seen my job advertised at the £80-100 a day they originally stated so the advert is basically a lie! Is there anyway I can take this further?
  3. who do i speak to, to do that? The bank obviously dont want to help me:o
  4. Yes I realise that but I was soooo p*ssed off with the way I was delt with by lloyds. How can I claim the charges back through the court? I have closed the account now but lloyds have said it will remain open until 1st July so they can collect the £45 charge:-(
  5. so basically they only want people who will go overdraw to rip them off!!
  6. I have been a lloyds tsb customer since I was 16 and now im 24. I recieved my statement today saying i had gone ovedrawn by the huge amount of £2.20 and would be charged £45 by going over drawn for 4 days. Anyway I rang their customer service and explained to the woman that this is the first time i have EVER been overdrawn in my life, I also told her I thought it was a bit steep £45 for £2.20. She was really rude told me that I 'shouldnt have gone overdrawn in the first place' and that it was 'my own fault!' She then fobbed me off and put me through to my local branch who didnt pick up the phone! Anyway I went to my local branch straight away and was faced with the same rudeness (do these people not have any training??). I had already explained the over drawn amount, that I had been a customer since i was a child, that i had never been over drawn and how upset I was that it had cost me £45!! she just fobbed me off and said they did it as a 'lesson' to stop customers doing it. Anyway when i said to the member of staff I wanted to close my account she said 'fine then we dont want people who go over drawn anyway!!!':-x:-x:-x So now I have closed my account with them and i have had all my direct debits etc transeferd to Halifax who I must say were much nicer!
  7. I rang up and said I will go through with court action but they have said they do not have the money, so cant reimburse money they have not recieved all I know is that its gone somewhere either to river island or lloyds tsb (who my account is with) has got it!
  8. well i still have not seen my £80! River island are claiming that they dont have it and my bank are even more unhelpful. Customer care at river island offered to speak to my bank but the bank are saying that they cant share and info with river island because of data protection (which is understandable) does anyone have any advice? ive kinda hit a brick wall!!
  9. Thank you all for your advice. I will go back to my bank and speak to them again on Tuesday and hopefully they can sort it out:)
  10. Thanks for your replies! Can I still as the bank to reverse the charges though? When I spoke to my bank they said that I wasnt covered because I didnt pay by credit card, I used my visa debit card.
  11. Ok seems like im talking to myself on here... anyway this problem is STILL going on neary 7 weeks after I got these stupid over charges! River Island did contact me and said they needed me to contact my bank and ask them where the two charges on £39.99 went. I did this and the bank said the charges left my account at the EXACT same time as the £108 total charge. The statement even says the 2 charges £39.99 went to River Island. This is gettin absolutely ridiculous now all I know is River Island has £80 of MY money and Im still waiting for them to do something about it!! Could I contact trading standards? Also can anyone give me the email for Trading Standards? I cant seem to find it on their website!? Thanks
  12. i have been to my bank and they have said that they cannot give me a charge back on the transaction?? Anyway after speaking to 4 different people and being fobbed off from one person to the next, riverisland said i need to send a copy of my bank statement etc to them. I have done this....a week ago and still i have not got my money back!!! can anyone please help me on what to do next!??
  13. I paid by debit card though can i still do this?
  14. I bought some items from riverisland.com which came to a total of £108.32 I recieved the items fine and the correct amount was on the bill that came with the package. However I recieved my bank statement last week and saw that I was charged £39.99, £39.99 and then the correct £108.32 by river island. So I emailed them and got a reply saying 'unfortunately we cannot help you with this matter' and they gave me a number to ring. I rang the number and they said they cant help me and told me to email riverisland (which i had already done) anyway i managed to get a London number from them which i eventually rang. I rang the London number and they have fobbed me off with an address which they say I should write to and another email!!! Im at my wits end all I want is my £80 which THEY have overcharged me and which was THEIR mistake!!! Feel like im getting passed from pillar to post!! Where can i go from now???
  15. When i rang the tech guys i said that i had not used the laptop for a week, it has been on my desk in its hard protective bag with nothing on top of it. When i went to use it again i described the screen as being one half white one half blue with black spots over it. They just replied youve dropped it it will cost you £350 to be repaired. When i took it into PC world the bloke said he wasnt an expert didnt even turn the thing on and then said no youve dropped it!! I then replied but your not an expert so how would you know? Which he repiled ive seen it before and its been dropped! Its amazing how they could diagnose it without turning it on isnt it!!?! There is not a scratch on the laptop and i know for a fact i have not misused droped or roughly used it! Still waiting on the replies by the way!!
  16. Nope i didnt pay by credit card Still waiting for a reply to those letters!!
  17. I know its a joke! Is just a good job i didnt get rid of my PC so can still access the internet etc. Thanks again for all your help
  18. Thanks for all your help. Well i stupidly decided to give PC World a second chance, my boyfriend went in for me this time, I didnt think they would argue with a guy but it seems they will! He went in armed with all your good advice as well as other advice we found on the citizens advice bureu and they basically threw it back in our face. The staff again were ignorant vindictive and spiteful im sure these people are cloned!!! Again they just said it was my fault that the laptop is broke no matter how much i said that it has not been dropped stood on or hit! Im writing letters and sending them out tomorrow! I didnt realise you could get con artists on the highstreet in England in the year 2007 but it seems you can!
  19. thanks for that shall i write it to that particular store or to head office?
  20. HI, everyone Im new here and im sorry to say Ive had nothing but trouble with PC World. I bought a laptop from them in October its an Advent and cost £499 (it was part of some special offer). Now and again the screen would flicker on and off but to be honest i didnt have time to take it back (I live miles away from the store) anyway yesterday the screen completely broke, it has black spots all over it, one side is white and the other is blue. I rang up PC World who said they will swap it for me which i was happy with, however when i went to the store I was met with two members of staff with a serious bad attitude problem. Thay said that the screen breaking was my fault that i must have dropped it or something. I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say that I have not done anything to damage the laptop. Anyway i explained this and in the end they gave me a phone number to ring for The Tech Guys, i rang them and they said thay it will cost ME £350 to get the laptop fixed then advised me to 'just buy a new one'. Im at my wits end and do not know what to do next, i had my proof of purchase the laptop does not have a scratch on it and its only 3 months old. I thought goods were covered for 12 months from purchase from fault. It seems I got nowhere today, i found the staff very rude, and The Tech Guys even ruder! It annoys me that Im getting blamed for something I honestly have not done. I took good care of the laptop and it was always kept in a hard case when not in use on top of a desk. Can anyone help me??
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