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Everything posted by tyshamitdeb

  1. Nope turns out the stay is being continued until the end of the test case:rolleyes:
  2. I have received a letter today it says General Form Of Judgment or Order Then just says before DISTRICT JUDGE RHODES sitting at watford county court, cassiobury house, 11/19 station road, watford WD17 IEZ Dated 15 october 2008 So ive just rang them as i was baffled by this letter and the lady said you should have received another letter with that i said no theres no other letter ive got to ring her back in 5 minutes Does this look like im going to court now?
  3. Thanks GuidoT cant believe its taking soooo long! theres a programme on tonight about the banks
  4. Hello All Has anyone some news on how its going?
  5. Thanks Michael blimey we got to wait till then! keeping fingers crossed for good news:)
  6. Thanks Michael Does anyone know how the test case is going?
  7. Hi All Glad the test case has now started! but im really angry got a letter from lloyds the other day saying they are taking out £60 of charges (sorry fees!) from my account on the 1st of feb ive been doing so well havent had charges for months and i only went overdrawn a few times and as little as £2 they did write to me recently about their new "fees" and its something like £15 for every time you go over and £15 for an unauthourised overdraft i thought they were putting on hold charging people until the end of this test case?
  8. Hi guys Its been a while since i posted just updating and letting you know i didnt bother to get my stay lifted will just see what the outcome of this test case will be hopefully good news! See you later Debbie
  9. I shall have a look and read thank you zootscoot
  10. Ive had a letter from watford county court my case has been stayed by the courts own initiative.
  11. Hi guys I got a letter the other day from lloyds solicitors saying about the test case and my claim maybe stayed Today i got a letter from the court saying that my claim is stayed! This is what the letter says Before District judge rhodes sitting at watford county court, cassiobury house, 11/19 station road, watford, WD17 1EZ Upon Reading the court file and upon the court noting that a test case has been issued in the High court between the office of fair trading and certain banks, with a view to determining issues of legal principle in relation to the recovery of charges made on bank current accounts. And upon it appearing that the issues raised in the test case are similar to those in this case. THE COURT OF ITS OWN INITIATIVE ORDERS THAT 1. This claim is stayed until 31 march 2008 with a view to awaiting the decision in the test case. Either party may apply at any time, by application on notice in accordance with CPR 23, to lift the stay. 2. If no such application is made, the cort will give directions of its own initiative on the expiry of the stay. 3. The hearing listed for the 12-oct-2007 is vacated. What do i do? Thank you
  12. Hi maxine Thats great news congratulations! i hope i have some luck i shall give them a call thank you!
  13. Hi GuidoT i havent received anything from you? Can someone please tell me about this test case thats going on with the office of fair trading? i read in the daily mail that if the banks win consumers will have to accept the charges or be forced to leave their bank but if the banks lose they could face a multi billion payout to customers Lets hope they lose! But my question is if they win will my case be closed? will i still be able to get my court fees of £220?
  14. Hi guys I got a letter from the court the date for the hearing is 12th of october it is at watford court now im panicing what do i need in my bundle?! This is what the letter says DISTRICT JUDGE RHODES has considered the statements of case and allocation questionnaires files and allocated the claim to the small claims track. The hearing of the claim will take place at 14.00 on the 12 october 2007 at watford county court, cassiobury house 11/19 station road, watford, WD17 1EZ. The court must be informed immediately if the case is settled by agreement before the hearing date. Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents (including any experts report) on which he intends to rely at the hearing no later than 14 days before the hearing. The original documents shall be brought to the hearing. Witness statements (including those of the parties themselves) must be included in the documents filed and served. A party failing to comly with this direction will not be able to call/give that evidence without the permission of the judge hearing the case. The parties are encouraged to contact each other with a view to trying to settle the case or narrow the issues. However the court must be informed immediatly if the case is settled by agreement before hearing date. No party may rely at the hearing on any report from an expert unless express permission has been granted by the court beforehand. Anyone wishing to rely on an expert must write to the court immediately on receipt of this order and seek permission, giving an explaination why the assisitance of an expert is necessary. Thanks
  15. Hi guys can anyone tell me if the banks won or lost yesterday in the test case with OFT? Thanks
  16. Hi Ive just phoned the court to find out whats going on and the lady said my case was referred to the judge on the 17th and that it will probably be at least another week before i hear from them depending how fast they are working
  17. Hi guys Ive heard nothing from the court yet and the cheque for the AQ fee cleared 2 weeks ago is it normal for them to take this long? should i give them a ring? Thanks
  18. Hi guys I checked my account today and the cheque for the AQ fee has cleared will i hear from the court soon? should i start preparing my bundle now? Thank you.
  19. Hi guys The court didnt send me an AQ so does that mean they didnt send lloyds one? and if they did send them one what happens if they dont get it in on time does that mean they default? Thank you
  20. Thank you Barty Im going to send the cheque next week for the fee
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