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  1. Have got a directions hearing on Monday 21st. Getting very nervous now, just wanted to clarify a few things. Although it's a directions hearing I have prepared a basic court bundle. It includes:- Correspondence Latest schedule of charges Satements Relevant case law summary Early day motion from the house of parliament Dunlop v New Garage UTCCR 1999 UCTA 1977 SOGA 1982 OFT Statement Summary Other Evidence-including Mcnamara interview, list of concluded cases, Martin Orton Letter, Business banking standard charges list, and other charges list. Is there anything else that needs to go in? oh yes and I'm preparing my witness statement at the moment to include also. Could really do with some support now cos I feel way over my head with all the legal jargon.
  2. Have started my basic court bundle just in case it is needed at my Directions Hearing (Plymouth CC 21st May). Just wanted to know if I need to put in a Witness Statement and if anybody could point me in the right direction as to it's contents. Am finding it really tough now as my court date gets nearer I really feel unprepared. Surely you need to have a law degree to even begin to understand all the jargon. Feel totally out of my depth as I trawl through page after page. I think my head might burst:eek:
  3. Has anybody else been sent a Notice of Directions hearing date. Mine is for Plymouth County Court 21st May. Looked through the site so much but can't seem to find anybody having been sent one of these. Don't know whether I've done something wrong along the way and thats why I have a Directions hearing.
  4. Thanks Micheal will read through and get my head round it all.:o
  5. Thank you Barty, have now sent off my AQ and today have received a Notice of directions. The letter states that the Directions will take place on 21st May at 10.30 and that I should attend. It also states that the case may be released to another judge, possibly at a different court. Is this usual? Am about to start preparing my court bundle, have read threads advising that I don't need to take anything to the Directions hearing is this right? What do I do now? Getting a bit nervous now and don't want to mess up at this stage.
  6. Having filed a claim against Lloyds 1/2/07 I have now been issued with an Acknowledgement of Service 8/2/07 allowing the Defendant 28 days to file a defence. Do I now wait for Lloyds to send an AQ form? Meanwhile I have recieved a letter from Lloyds 7/2/07 offering me Ex Gratia payments to the value of £105, £80, £40 respectively for the three accounts that I am claiming on. Although, as usual they accept no responsibility and have suggested that if I am not happy with this decision as it is their final response that I should refer my complaint to the FOS. Is this normal and what do I do with the cheques when recieved.
  7. Thanks Barty I'll post an update soon but for now fight the good fight!!
  8. On my claim form I have the question-Do you want to reserve the right to claim interest? Do I answer yes to that. Think I do but just checking.
  9. The numbers I have are 01264 834307 and 01264 832297 don't know if these will be any better. Good Luck!!
  10. Unfortunatlely dont know if I've messed up or not. Looked at so many sites and found this site one on the Moneysavingexpert site. Until now I was following the advice on that site and used the templates there. I am now in disarray as I took the option of claiming 8% Interest on top of the charges and added them in my preliminary letter before action and now I've read that I shouldn't have done this. Have already sent my letter before action and am at the point of starting court proceedings. Now I'm in a panic. Dont know what to do about interest claimed or how to continue:-? Wish I had found this site at the beginning. SAR - 16/11/06 Statements rec -8/12/06 Preliminary letter-3/1/07 Reply-15/1/07 Fobbed off-18/1/07 Letter before action sent-19/1/07
  11. Hi another newbie to this forum. About to start court proceedings against Lloyds. Bit unsure of stuff :-? but this site is excellent in guiding you through. Good to see that others are fobbed off by the usual letters form one department and another, makes you more determined to keep on going and that its all part of the merry-go-round.
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