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  1. Had Log-in problems last night so could not gain acces to my thread. I am very happy to report a success the Nationwide paid up all charges on 27 April one day short of the court deadline. They paid the interest and court fee yesterday. I have sent a letter of thanks to the Nationwide and sent a letter to the county court to inform them I wish to withdraw the claim. I am off to the successes thread now to make the donation to CAG. Can I express my thanks to all at CAG who have helped me and wish to urge everyone else to persist as you WILL WIN IN THE END
  2. Hopefully on the last roundup now but I would be grateful for some advice. My claim was deemed to have been served on the Nationwide on 5 April as acknowldeged by the court. I have had a further letter from the court to say that the Nationwide intend to defend the claim and filed an acknowledgement of service on 12 April. The letter ends by saying that the defendant has 28 days from the date of service to file a defence. My question is does the 28 days run from 5 April or from 12 April when the Nationwide filed an acknowledgement of service. An answer to this question would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  3. A further update for my thread. I received confirmation from the County Court that my claim was sent to the Nationwide on 3 April and deemed to be served on 5 April. The Nationwide have until 19 April 07 to respond
  4. Just a quick update, visted the County Court today and lodged the N1 claim forms which will be served by the Court in five to ten days
  5. Hi Nick Just tried to tip your scales but think I pressed the send button too soon. I was going to say thanks for the advice and reassurance as I'll be going to my local County Court next Wednesday Richard
  6. MilkTrayMan Thanks for the confirmations above. I have now completed the N1 Claim Form ready for taking to the County Court next week. One small point please. On the front page I have shown the address as the Nationwide Head Office address at Pipers Way. However in other threads I have read today I note that claims are dealt with by Charles Bacon Solicitor Legal Compliance Corporate (Corporate Affairs) should I use Mr Bacon's particulars to prefix the Nationwife Head Office Address in the Defendant's name and address box at the bottom of page one of the N1 form. Thank you. Richard414
  7. Allyxia Thanks for your message I have been busy this evening preparing the N1 Claim Form X 3, ready to lodge the claim on 28 March 07, two questions please, once the court accepts the claims, does the court serve the claim on the Nationwide, or do I get their copy back from the court in order to serve it myself by recorded delivery, and I believe I attached a schedule of details of the charges levied by the bank with my interest calulations to the N1 form am I correct. Thank you
  8. Just a quick update on my thread. Parachute account now up and running. Preliminary letter sent to Nationwide on 3 March 2007 by recorded delivery, no response, letter before action sent to Nationwide on 14 March 2007. Preparation of court bundle now underway
  9. I have now set-up a parachute account with the Alliance & Leicester for which the papers will come through in the next few days. I have decided to limit my claim to the last five years plus one month for which I have complete banking records as suggested in the post by Rooster on 30 December 2006. The total amount claimed will be £ 792.50. I will send a letter before action next week once my Alliance & Leicester account is up and running. Richard414
  10. Thanks for your further reply Rooster . I have tried to print off the Data Protection Act letter from the Template Library to get the ball rolling but I am still experiencing problems with the print out not including al the page on the right hand margins. Any suggestions on how to obtain a full page printout would be very helpful. Thank you Richard414
  11. I joined last night and its taken me some time to figure out how to post a message but here goes. I sent a private message first to Allyxia who has suggested that I modify it and start this thread. I come to this forum having found out about unlawful bank charges via the Money Program. Having worked out that the Nationwide owes me £ 782 for the last five years for which I have full statements I averaged out the sixth year and wrote to them using a template letter from the Money Program website. They have now replied dated 22 December with a standard letter similiar to the ones I read last night on the Nationwide forum. Prior to last night I had prepared form N1 again from details obtained on the Money Program website and was going to lodge a claim at my local county court for £923 being the charges only for five years and the estimate for the sixth year. I now see that you can claim interest on these and in my case I would be happy with the 8%. Now for my questions please. First I am still not clear when the 8% interest charge is added is it at the time I lodge the N1 form, If so do I then have to write again to the Nationwide to notify them of the full extent of my claim or do the court just send them a copy of the N1 with my statements and a schedule I have prepared. Second I note the advice about a parachute account, but with regard to the Nationwide should I begin to close down my flex account and e-savings with them before I lodge the N1 form in anticipation of them closing my flex ( current ) account once they receive notification from the court. If so any suggestions as to another bank to use please. I would like to retain a debit card and internet access. Finally I had already filled in the N1 form along the lines that suggested on the Money Program webstie but having seen your own version of the N1 form I can see it is more comprehensive and would like to use this as a template. However, I am having some difficulty in printing it off as the right hand side margin does not print correctly. Any suggestions on how to make a full print of the page would be much appreciated. Finally and then thats me finished for now. I do intend to read as many threads as I can for the next few days before I move on to the daunting prospect of lodge my claim with the County Court Thanks to All Richard414
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