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Everything posted by Sexyeyes83

  1. Thanks whitecraig, thats exactly how I was thinking. Ive got the operations manager phoning me back tomorrow and i've fired off a complaint to the CEO's office - So will have to wait and see what they say!
  2. Dont really understand your first point. Although its a 24 month contract and im only in month 19, im asking tmobile how much it would cost to buy out the remainder of the contract. I believe all mobile companies allow you to buy out the remainder of the contract.
  3. Its tobacco purchased within the EU, as UKBA only do restoration proceedings on seized tobacco purchased in the EU.
  4. Currently month 19 into a 24 month contact. Pay £12 per month, which is also what my contract states. Phoned T-Mobile to ask how much it would cost to cancel my contract and they said it would be £85. Asked if they could break this down as it was higher then what I thought and they said it was the £17 per month line rental x 5 months. Asked where they got the £17 from as my line rental has always been £12. They said my line rental was £17 minus a £5 discount, so the original cost is £17. Where abouts do I stand as I never knew my line rental was £17. I renewed in store 19 months ago and they said it would be £12 and that was what they wrote on the contract - No mention of any discounts etc. Spoke to a T-Mobile supervisior who was having none of it. Said their system said £17 and that it dosent matter that the contract only states £12.
  5. Many thanks for your reply. Would an audit trail include who within the organisation has accessed/viewed the information? I wasnt sure as it it specify the persons name and as such they might not disclose it.
  6. Hi, Im trying to get some information together for my employment tribunal. In one of the cases, I believe there cold be a conflict of interest. If I apply for all information held about me under the DPA, can I also request logs of who has accessed this information and for what purpose?
  7. Hi, I was employed for 18 months with the company. Currently at ET stage where I have received the bundle of documents through. Currently claiming unfair dismissal and discrimination. Two seperate allegations of theft were made, however they were not investigated properly by work. At each stage I kept asking questions which I thought they would have been able to answer should a thorough investigation of taken place. I was not charged by the police, It was NFA due to lack of evidence. The more I look through the bundle, more things keep popping up. Two meetings I attended at work with the police and managers in the bundle have been classed as investigation meetings, however looking at ACSA is states; Theres also a note in the bundle where work have phoned the police asking for an update and have been told the following: The two allegations of theft are a bra that was stolen from a postal package in a communal hallway to a block of flats and the second allegation is £100 that went missing from a purse of a client in a 24hr period. I was a community carer that attended both properties. In my post above, they mentioned gross misconduct, however in the appeal it states I was dismissed for SOSR. I was then offered another job within the company working in the office rather then out in the community. They stated it would be on the same terms and conditions as my previous employment. I previously had only worked school hours, however they wanted me to work 9-5. As they were aware I could only work school hours I was advised this was discrimination due to my childcare commitments - thus the claim for discrimination as well. Thats just giving an overview of the situation - It went on for 8 months so was extremely long!
  8. Anyone at all? In the letter I received asking me to attend the disciplinary dated the 2nd June it states In the letter I received dated the 19th June it just says I was dismissed stating no actual reason. Its not until I receive a letter dated the 22nd September regarding the outcome of my appeal does it mention -
  9. Hi elpulpo, Im really sorry, I took it the other way! Please accept my apologies. Just goes to show how things can be mis-understood on the internet!
  10. SOSR = Some Other Substantial Reason. Its a way an employer can dismiss a member of staff if it does not fall under gross misconduct, misconduct etc.
  11. Is there really any need for those kind of posts? There obviously not helpful and actually rather rude. For your information I have used google and thats why I came on here to get some opinions. From reading a variety of sites, it appears theft is covered under gross misconduct, which is why I was asking would an employer dismiss someone for SOSR rather then gross misconduct. Edit - Its an extremely long story, and thats why I made the questions specfic.
  12. Hi, Im just getting things together for the ET after receiving the bundle from work. One thing that keeps going around in my head is that suspicion of theft - Wouldnt you dismiss under gross misconduct rather then SOSR? Just after your thoughts please!
  13. Thank you. I sent them a letter and receieved the bundle this morning. Couple of questions - 1) Am I able to ask for additional documents? Time sheets and so forth? 2) There are quite a few documents they have included which are not relevant to my claim. As I did not know they would be doing this, am I able to send additional documents upon which to rely upon or am I now too late?
  14. Hi, Just a quick question. All documents have to be exchanged by the 28th December. I sent mine off special delivery on Monday. If I dont receive anything tomorrow by the employment company acting on behalf of my former company - what do I do? because of xmas if it doesnt arrive in the morning, it wont be here until after the 28th December.
  15. Hi, As my hours varied, I was basing the figure on what I was paid during my 4 month suspension - £620 per month, however on these payslips no tax or NI was shown - Just the take home figure. In relation to my new job, Ive only received one payslip so far. Its a zero hour contract and as I put in a lot of hours to try and make up a bit of money for xmas, I was only able to base future loss of earnings on the hourly rate - but im a bit stumped as to how far in advance I could claim the difference of .55p per hour. So far ive typed up my schedule of loss which looks like this -
  16. Hi, Thanks for your help How would I go about claiming the difference in my hourly rate? I was on £7.05 and now im on £6.50 per hour. How far in advance do I claim, or is it just up until the tribunal?
  17. Aha, Got you! So i'll claim when ive got in the first post, and also an extra £620 (one months salary)
  18. Hi, Thanks for your reply When you say your claiming £1600 comp, whats that comprised of? Is if for the ET to add extra amounts, or do I have to add them in my schedule?
  19. Hi, Ive been given a date for my ET claim and ive got until the 28th December to send to the other party my schedule of loss and documents. I just wondered if anyone could check to make sure ive got this correct! I was suspended for 3 months, during my suspension I was paid £620 per month after tax, so that is what ive based my calculations on. (No tax or NI was shown on my payslips) Dismissed on the 15th June and paid 4 weeks pay, which took me until the 13th July. Started new job on the 28th October. Total time unemployed is 3 months and 1 week. Based on my suspension pay this equates to £2170. Holiday - For every month worked during the year, you gained 2 days annual leave. Holiday accumulated during this period - 7 days which equates to £217. During the period of unemployment I claimed JSA @ £64.30 a week. This equates to £797.32 Adding the basic plus holiday minus JSA = £1589.68 A few months ago I did seek some advice from a soliciator and he said that I could also claim a basic unfair dismissal as well, which equates to one months salary - £620, would that be correct? If so, how would I word that on the schedule of loss? Is there anything else I should be adding or subtracting? Didnt have a pension or a company car etc. Also, My salary of my new job is lower then that of my old job. Difference of 55p per hour. Can that be accommodated into the claim? Hoping to get this done ASAP because of the xmas post and the deadline at the end of December. Any help greatly appreciated.
  20. Thanks for your reply. Its just one thing after another at the moment. Kwick fit are currently repairing it at the moment. So will ask them a few more questions when I go to pick it up. I'll also ask if I can have the old brake pads/discs to keep hold of, as looking at the vosa website, seems I can complain to them about it. Id rather of paid for replacement pads 6 weeks ago,then now having to pay for the discs as well.
  21. Hi, I had my MOT 6 weeks ago and I needed to purchase a replacement tyre. Today when driving I had the most loud grinding noise, so I took the car along to kwik fit. They carried out a free inspection and have said I need to replace both the front brake disc and pads and bot the rear brake discs and pads as there grinding together. I mentioned I had my MOT carried out 6 weeks ago at another well know car center, and he was quite surprised none of this was picked up on. Does anyone know if I have any comeback on the center that carried out the MOT? Maybe if this was picked up 6 weeks ago, I might only needed to have replaced the pads instead of the discs.
  22. Thanks for your reply. I always thought a deadline was a deadline. If you need an extension, you ask prior to the deadline. I could possibly understand if it was my employer submitting the ET3, but as they have a national employment company running the case for them, just makes me mad. Once again, thanks for your reply.
  23. Hi, this is in relation to this thread, but a separate question and didnt want it to get missed. I sent 2 claims to the employment tribunal, one for unfair dismissal and one for discrimination. The ET3 for was submitted for the unfair dismissal claim, however I have just received a letter from the company representing my employer regarding the discrimination case. Will a judge likely give them an extension as they were a week past the deadline? If so, I must say I find it quite shocking that an employment specialists can misplace something like this! What should I do now? Any help appreciated.
  24. Thanks you. I phoned up a local solicitor and explained the situation over the phone and have got a meeting with him on Monday. Its only going to be 30 minutes, but he said this should be enough time to have a look at everything, point me in the right direction and give me a figure to go back to the ACAS conciliators with.
  25. I sent the letter via email to work yesterday. Ive just received a call from ACAS conciliators who state that the offer of employment has now been withdrawn and work are offering me £500 to drop the matter. Needless to say I was pretty speechless and rejected the offer.
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