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Everything posted by donaldtramp

  1. I'm afraid, decriminalised parking is a massive [problem] to raise money and unfortunately the Council are, on the whole, judge and jury. You can see why I got the bit between my teeth and went after them. I went through this time and time again until I learned to play them at their own game. You could try to send a freedom of information request to the Council to see if they did receive the letter from you. This will take time..... I received loads of these sheriff officers (before the Council's considered my appeals) as they are sent out at automatic time periods by computers But the clock is ticking for FOIs and you will build up sheriff officer bills. However, if their is a record on their system. You've got them! You can even claim expenses at an SPAS hearing. I frequently did and for a fair while I was making a profit from every ticket I received!!! If they say they didn't receive the letter and there is no trace of it on their system, I'm afraid it looks bad. You could also try contacting SPAS, but to tell you the truth it aint looking good without trace of the letter:confused: This happens to thousands of people every day. The council rely on threats and people simply paying in order to rake in millions every year.
  2. At first the Council's didn't fight they were far too lazy. That all changed when my stories started hitting the papers..... I refused to pay the faulty PCNs. And teh expenses were due to the Council's failures to answer my queries properly. That'sexactly the route I'd have went down if i were in your shoes. Sounds good. Good luck!!!
  3. I just asked the council. I didn't pay anything. You might, depends on the Councils attitude. Whatever way they should be able to give you the info. I just got the PCN numbers and the status of each PCN. It was basically a print off from their system I didn't get copies of the actual PCNs. Think they might defend a claim at the small claims, although from my experience the law is on your side, case law that is regarding the PCNs having single dates that is. I got my expenses awarded at SPAS hearings. I never actually got to the small claims court on parking offences. I have used small claims on other occasions and found the process dead easy. Worth giving SPAS in Edinburgh a call. Explain what you want to do and ask their advice. You might have to write them a letter. I'd be tempted to have a bash at the small claims process but to be honest I'm not 100% sure if this is the correct way to go about it.
  4. Have a read at this thread on Pepipoo. Someone has been through this exact same scenario at Pittodrie in Aberdeen on the same signs and they dropped the PCN.... OT: Parking Ticket outside football stadium - FightBack Forums
  5. Long time since I've posted on here;) Good grief, I did lose the plot a wee bit! I was in the middle of taking on about 3 Scottish Councils at the time. Relaxed now, all done and dusted. Oh and I won against all three!!! Nearly forgot about all this until I got pinged from the forum saying someone had responded to a thread. Well I did take on Glasgow and had success with the papers at the time..... http://www.heraldscotland.com/council-writes-off-pound-4m-of-parking-tickets-1.885570 Yes it was me;) Think all in all, with pepipoo.com help, I got about £10 million worth highlighted as being non-chaseable, Glasgow, Aderdeen and Dundee Councils. Sort of retired out of doing over Councils regarding parking tickets now. I did my bit I think:D Bigdebtor, if it helps, I got a copy of all the PCNS issued by the Council against my car. I just gave them the reg number and they went back and pulled the status of all tickets issued. It was a lot!!! I think they have to keep the info for 6 years or so. As for Glasgow stating, I can't see how they can write the law. If the Council say 6 months, so what? They don't make the law!!! In my dealings with them, they seemed to think that they did and it was all the nicer when I got the articles in print about them:D Why don't you try to get ALL the various parking tickets together and make one small claim against them? I think the small claims route is worth a bash. You can also write to SPAS in Edinburgh, but beware the responses tale a long, long time..... Good luck whatever you do!!!!! Buzby, good luck with the expenses, I was so successful at one point I was making money on every parking ticket I received from the council. All the best DT;)
  6. Well I used the template letter from Consumerdirect and all I received back from the shop was a letter stating that they couldn't do anything to help me along with the faulty shoes. I've given up! Just glad to be able to warn other folk. So now I'm stuck with a pair of shoes that look cr@p! They were a few weeks old and look years and years old. I've done some digging and it looks like the shoes are made in places like India and South Africa for buttons then sold with a huge mark up in the UK with tags such as "English shoemaker" and "Italian designed" when they are in fact made cheaply on foreign shores. Can you imagine how much these shoes are made for abroad and then they are sold for 250 quid??? Someone's making money:rolleyes: Ah well, you learn as you go along....it would seem that if you buy oliver sweeneys you can't wear them outside or in the rain. Sort of defeats the whole concept of "shoes" really eh?
  7. Thanks Gyzmo! Been in touch with Consumer Direct and have already downloaded and filled in the template letter. I'm off to send recorded delivery now! I have to get in touch with Consumer Direct when they respond/don't respond within 14 days. The guy also said that seeing as I paid with my credit card I also have that avenue open to me. Also small claims if I have to but I am expected to go through all other options first. One thing is though, I paid using an egg money card. I take it I get full protection as I used it as a credit card? I've never been sure of the credit protection offered by EGG money. Thanks again gyzmo!!!
  8. I know, I know I paid a lot for the shoes:rolleyes: Just shows you, expensive names (Oliver Sweeney) doesn't = quality!!!! I also have work shoes that cost far, far less and still working years on. As for the testing, This is where it gets complicated. I happened to be in the same town as where I bought the shoes yesterday, (the shoes were in the boot of my car) So I went in to speak to the manager but he was on his lunch. I then left the shoes for him to look at. He did when I wasn't there. He then called my mobile to inform me that they had "tested" them. Unfortunately, due to work commitments I wasn't able to return to pick the shoes up and had to go home. (125 miles away!) So now the shoes are at the shop (I will have to collect them) and I am 125 miles away. Whats my next step? Consumer direct? Some of my family stay close and should be able to go in and pick up the shoes.
  9. Folks looking for a bit of advice. I recently bought (5 weeks ago) a pair of Oliver Sweeney shoes and they have been absolutely useless. The quality has been absolutely appalling, they leaked water and upon drying the leather has blistered on the toes and there are now water marks(bubbled up) on the side on both shoes. They look terrible. Certainly not the quality I would expect from a pair of £250 shoes!!!! You have been warned! I specifically asked the assistant when buying them Oliver Sweeneys refund policy as this has happened with shoes I bought( from another manufacturer) before. I was assured that this would not happen and if it did Oliver Sweeney would replace them straight away. I have been back to the shop where I bought them and the manager has refused a refund. He said he had spoken to "the technical department" and that they had "water tested" them. He said they did not leak water when he tested them. I can assure you that they did leak when I was wearing them. I was asked how it happened. I said I was walking about at night and I had to walk in the rain as part of my night out. The manager also said he would have to reprimand the sales assistant for telling me what he did when I was sold the shoes!! That is of absolutely no use to me. Surely that is miselling??? Surely the shoes are faulty. I mean you can't sell shoes that can only be worn inside!!! Can I go for the small claims procedure? I stay in a town 120 miles from the shop I bought them in. Would the hearing (if I go for it) be in my local court or theirs? How does it work? Do I have to get a local cobbler to say that there is water damage? The shoes were a treat and I would expect them to look good for more than the first time they go in the rain.
  10. Now now, easy tiger!! We are all on the same side:) and there are a lot of folk who are registered to both sites. It's just that pepipoo is a specialist legal forum for motorists and concentrates purely on motorists. The CPS story has been running for the same length of time on Pepipoo and he also posted on Pepipoo. Can't see why we can't be friends:wink:. After all we're not the bad guys!!! Cheers DT
  11. Firstly, Please go over and visit PePiPoo: Helping the motorist to get justiceThe motorists legal advice forum. You are looking for the Parking and Decriminalised notices forum. They have had long run ins with this company and have won against him many, many times. Here is a thread that shows that these tickets don't stand up in court; Perky/CPS DEFEATED in Court Today - FightBack Forums and a thread where they have already picked up on your case; Perky Demands Insurance Details - FightBack Forums These Pepipoo guys really know what they are doing. It should be your first stop. I'm sure they'll take great pleasure in doing these [problem] artists over again!! P.S. It's free to register and use Pepipoo!!! DT
  12. Balatro, Just noticed your post about Aberdeen parking. At the moment the Council is on hold waiting on a committee meeting to decide what they are going to do. As far as I am concerned they will have to write off all the tickets as Edinburgh did see here: Scotsman.com News - Traffic wardens & parking regulations - Council writes off £6.5m in 'unlawful' parking fines This is exactly the same reason that Aberdeen is having it's arm twisted to drop the fines. If they don't follow Edinburgh there will be an outcry. A way for you to claim your fines back would be to follow the reclaim bank charges technique but with parking fines at small claims and go about it that way. As for paying the rest of your fines off. It's your choice but I'd keep an eye on the local paper. The journo is hot on their heels chasing this story. The story will make the papers once it breaks. Could mean you are paying money for nothing. Cheers DT
  13. You are one of the few not taking sick days then... A single google search provided: icBirmingham - Council staff off sick 'for a month' Edinburgh Evening News - City vow to get tough as staff average 12 days off sick a year 6m Sickie Cost (from York Press) Private sector employers provide sick pay for several weeks I agree. But private sector staff do not take the pi$$ like public sector folk do. I mean the birmingham link with each person averaging a MONTH off. Sorry but you cannot argue against that. I do not argue with the money you pay to a pension but my girlfriends pension was a guaranteed final salary. She paid in a small amount and was guaranteed a final salary, there is NO such luxury in the private sector. My pension is invested at the whims of the stock market, not paid from Council tax. That is my tax!
  14. I am talking about the Council staff in general's benefits not the traffic wardens. No private industry would survive if their staff took 3 weeks off every year on "sickies". My girlfriend used to work for the Council but she left as the unions were strangling the place and squandering money left right and centre. No, I'll think you'll find that's my tax that is funding their retirement. THATS what gets me. Trust me I'm not moaning about how well off people in the Council are. It's their waste of MY tax that gets me. I work in the private sector and am sick of the way this government has encouraged the growth in Public sector jobs and associated wage costs. 1 in every 3 people in this country is in public payroll. That's simply crazy. Roll on the public sector pay freezes that Gordon Brown has finally realised is necessary and is implementing. If he hadn't employed so many folk in the first place the country wouldn't be in the state it's in today... DT
  15. But the key thing here is that the Council is NOT making a repayment. This is money outstanding that they are still chasing:evil: . They can't do this. How can Glasgow follow the law differently from Edinburgh??? Put that to you journalists and see what they think. I can post you up a newspaper article to back this up if you want? All the best DT
  16. "Because its the law?" Ha! The law is a 2 way street and it is there to protect the motorist as well. I was using the law(A High Court no less) to stand up for motorists. The Road Traffic Act was NOT set up to generate money for Councils to spend. It was set up to set out the rules of the road and in the case of parking to keep traffic flowing. Councils have been told time and time again not to treat traffic tickets as a revenue stream. Rob S says; Couldn't agree more. Councils are useless money pits protected by unions who wouldn't be out of place in the 1970s. They get 3 weeks a year sick leave, job for life and a cast iron final salary pension. All of this paid for from your taxes. Almost a third of people in this country are employed by the public sector with benefits the private sector would give a left arm for. This makes the Council lazy and full of wasters that just turn up take their pay slip cos it's easy and switch their brain off at work. Why do you think the taxpayer is getting squeezed on all sides? Why do you think they need to find other sources of income to pay for this? I think you need to look at the big picture and realise that you need to take a look at the Councils, the structure of the public sector and their mismanagment. Oh how wrong you are! These wins are a massive victory for the motorist who is becoming tired of being a cash machine on 4 wheels for the council. And there are more victories on the way;) .....
  17. Relaxed:p.!! I spent months bringing this case together to fight the Councils. I did bring the journo's attention to Aberdeen, Glasgow Dundee etc after winning my case and reading this article; The Scotsman - 200,000 drivers defy parking fines, leaving cities £14m out of pocket So if you read this as I do, Glasgow have actually shirked their responsibilities by only cancelling 300, 000 pounds worth they should actually be cancelling nearly £6 MILLion pounds worth!!! The adjudicator in this case is acting as a judge in this instance. He was not obliged to rubber stamp it but he had to pay his dues to a High Court judge whatever part of Britain that was in. There has been no legal challenge as the Councils would have to challenge it in court. They do not have a hope with the previous decision, therefore they haven't pursued. There is no need for a separate Scottish ruling. My thoughts exactly when I chose to take them on;) I fail to see why Councils should be allowed to merrily go about raising revenue from parking by penalising motorists to fill their coffers. Buzby,I thought you might be interested in the difference between the 300k refunded and the almost 6 million I think they should cancel.:o Just as Edinburgh did. Working on this now;)..... Green and Mean.... To answer your question the money cancelled was from non collected tickets.(see the article above) There are discussions going on about how to deal with reclaiming paid tickets and the legalities. A case would have to be made up and decided at a small claims court and to tell you the truth it probably isn't worth the time investment for most people. I agree that by paying a ticket you have admitted liability but there are ways and means the guys over at Pepipoo are trying out... All the best DT
  18. For once Buzby you might have to listen to me on this one..... I was the one who took this case to adjudication and I was the one who broke the story to the papers. The RTA is EXACTLY the same with regards to this point of law that I brought up. The Road Traffic Act Section 66C(The part that specifies a date of issue must be on the ticket) is EXACTLY the same regardless of which part of Britain you stay in. You are wrong in your thoughts. The adjudicator stated that an English High Court judge is "competant authority" and that he had to take this into consideration. This is similar in a lot of legal cases. When I get home from work I can quote the written adjudication to you. Firstly it is not a commisioner he was an SPAS "adjudicator". The Council in question was Aberdeen and they have decided not to proceed because all of these tickets were issued ILLEGALLY. They did not conform to the RTA and could not justify chasing them. Once the story broke the Council could be taken to the Council ombudsman for malfeance if they were to chase these tickets any further. Your previous post; Incorrect. The parking bod did not declare that this was not legally binding here. (I can quote the written decision when I get home) It was a lawyer the newspaper (Press and Jounal if you would like to check it out)consulted with no parking law knowledge. The reclaimation of parking money paid could be successful. Getting "the correct paperwork" is simplicity itself. (I have got my paperwork.) It is a simple Freedom of information request. The Council can then be taken to small claims court if you so wished. I'm sorry but this really wound me up. Folk having their tuppence worth when they have little or no knowledge of the case in question or the case law.
  19. A High Court judge is a considered enough of an authority that the Adjudicator must take note of is comments. After all the Road traffic Act is the same in England and Scotland. SPAS adjudicators have no authority to tell Councils what to do. They can only decide on individual cases. As for the automatic repayment of fines, that won't happen. You will have to take them to the small claims court in Scotland, following the same procedure as reclaiming bank charges. i can see no reason why this would not be successful.
  20. Sounds good. I'd keep the letter in a safe place and just wait. As for timing of payment, could be anytime eh? But it gives you a great excuse to be continually checking your account for a big lump of cash. Nice to be getting money from the bank rather than them taking it eh? I would enjoy checking the account and waiting on the Banks money!! All the best DT
  21. Congratulations Jaybabes!!! Not been on here for a week or so and it's fantastic to see so many threads I've been following turning out good. Enjoy your cash!! All the best DT
  22. GO ON THE SPEEDY!!! Congratulations.... Let us know when you actually get the cash though!! DT
  23. It's form 1B you need to fill in as well from this section. Summary Cause Forms Beware you can't save your form with your text on it you should print of a copy for yourself if you want to keep one for your records. I take it that you have written to the bank twice already asking for your money? Cheers DT
  24. howdenender. Have you seen this useful sticky by Scotia? It's at the top of the Scotland board. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/scotland/6165-scottish-procedure.html Probably best having a read through this first. Have you sent any letters to the bank yet? The summary Cause action forms are also on the Scottish Courts website. There are also guidance forms on the Courts website. I used the text in Scotias post to fill out my summary action. It's much the same as a small claim with different limits. (£1500 instead of £750) You'll get more info here... Summary Cause Have a read through these then come back at us. Don't worry it's not hard, a lot of folk on here have been through it All the best DT;)
  25. I don't think you can go FOS if you have already at court. But I aint 100% sure on that, just what I've read on other forums. Have you tried calling the FOS to see what they recommend? Apparently they are very helpful. Regardless which way you go, keep posting up on this board. There will always be someone here to lend a hand. All the best DT
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