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  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. it does than you very much i will speak to them about it Cheers
  3. I Was wandering if anyone could offer some advice . i have suspended possesion order on my house. i owe 16,000 in arrears and i have to pay my mortage and £120 a month 9 (£1640) , my mortgage is for £228,000 and my house is worth £300,000 , has anyone heard of a mortgage liftiing the order for like good behaviour i.e i've made all the payments for 12 months and the arrear payments and had it added on the life of the loan? I could probably raise £5k as well, my sitaution has improved greatly good job and wife is well and working again, what i really want is to get off the standard variable rate and onto a fixed deal ,this would save me £600 a month which i could use to pay the arrears. even if they keep the order but offered the deal i could pay the arrears quicker. would they except something like this? any advice would be appreciated. Cheers
  4. Phoned southwestern Magistrates and they said the fine is still outstanding , but drakes normally pay by cheque on a monthly basis , reckon i should pay it now .
  5. Just phoned Drakes for the balance on my account and they refused to tell me as it is in the hands of a bailif , everything must go through her .
  6. Sorry just re red the above it sounds a bit confuisng. the gist is from what what i have been told by the bailif is 1. she has told her bosses i have paid , on Wednesday and all settled 2. They have have then paid the court my fine. i have not paid her the final instalment my only worry is if i withold payment they might ask me to prove i paid. but if the courts have been paid in full surely thats all the proof i need ? if anyone could give me a few ideas it would be really appreciated.
  7. Hi guys , This is a bit of a strange one , i had a court fine which was to Drakes which i was paying of in instalments by postal cheque all went well for 3 months then they didn't receive a cheque that i posted and next minute knock on my door and an extra £300 Added to the fine for a first visit. they agreed to let my pay in instalments and the final Balance was due on Wedenesday but i forgot and rearranged for friday after some pleading . , i borrowed a friends card to make the payment as they couldn't come to get cash , but it was an Electron card and the card had to be registered to the same adress as the debt which obviouslyit isn't I said no problem get the cash on Tuesday , but she was really nervy about that and said she will travel the 2 hrs to get the cash today, and then let slip that she had marked the debt as complete on wednesday and Drakes had paid over the fine to the court, thats why she needed the cash, in the end she said don't worry i'll come on tuesday. now i'm thinking if every one thiinks this is settled do i have to pay the remaining balance ? i no its a bit wrong but what's left is the charges i incurred for one 5 min visit to my house . what do people think on here will it work ?
  8. it was less than a third by £300 , i just didn't think they could get someone out of bed at that time . Cheers any way
  9. if any one can help me plaease, my sister had her car repossed last night at 1am in the morning for unpaid finance areears ( 2months) , she offered to pay by credit card there and then but this was refused as no one was in the office to take the payment , they would except cash or bankers draft only . she also pay the next day but was told it was to late and the car will not be returned. is this legal can bailifs just wake you up at 1am in the morning , is there anything any one can think of that might help ? many thanks in advance
  10. Scan sent from work email any advice as to my response would be appreciated .
  11. don't have a scanner will try and find someone who can do it for me .
  12. Received a response today informing me my statements will be with me shortly and returning my £10 fee. They also said this "As regards to your comments about manual intervention could you please explain what you mean by this term and in consequence which records you believe may be of interst to you " does this warrant a reply or is some sort of delaying tactic surely they must no what this maual intervention is ? any advice much appreciated.
  13. Many thanks for that i'll start tonight .
  14. £10 was sent with request , i've got 28 days to respond to the default . what i was going to do was to wait until the 2oth day and then propose a reayment schedule. i've sent off payment proposals this week to all my card companies and the bank stating my circumstances and enclosing a TRUE financial statement showing my income and expenditure , i'm not sure weather this prompted the default ? as i have received nothing back yet from bank accepting or declinging the propsal . also have a personal loan with them balance £1004.26 no charges have been incurred on this account , but i am expecting a defauilt ! I'm not at all bothered about my credit rating as i no its buggered any way just want me repayment proposals accepted , then to go after them for the charges .
  15. I Have couldn't see anything , reassuring to no that they have paid out though . went home for lunch today and my overdraft has been recalled , obviously put me off my lunch !! is this likely to have any bearing on my case ? i have an overdraft limit of £2500 currently at £3169 looked back on the net form Sep 05 - to march 06 and there is charges of over £600 which was a good quarter ! i'm pretty sure my chargesw ill cover my overdraft any advice well be more than welcomed .
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