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Everything posted by MarcXX

  1. Does anybody know whether the House of Fraser director, Jon Asgeir, has now been convicted of financial fraud? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/7734116/Jon-Asgeir-leaves-House-of-Fraser-to-fight-fraud-claims.html Marc
  2. Almost 4 years (yes, four years!) after the incident, I finally got an apology from the Company Secretary of House of Fraser. It is now official: they agree that "[they] have failed [me] as a customer". Still, the idiot thought it would be appropriate to add a sentence to his letter stating that he could not understand that I was still upset about the incident almost 4 years after it had occurred. Some people do value their good reputation very highly and get very upset about any attacks on it. So, the lesson is: if you do not mind taking the risk of ending up being treated like utter sh*t by House of Fraser (i.e. AFC Group, www.afcgroup.co.uk) security guards, then carry on visiting House of Fraser. I certainly will never ever spend a penny in any House of Fraser store! By the way, I love AFC Group's mission statement: "To work collaboratively with our clients and design, construct and implement integrated total solutions **to increase sales and earnings**, safeguard and grow market share and enhance safety and security." In my case, AFC Group has done the opposite of increasing sales for House of Fraser! I also love the term "total solutions". Know whom does that remind me of? Marc
  3. Hello, Yes, please let me have the name of the head of loss prevention at House of Fraser. Thank you, Marc
  4. I'm not a known shoplifter though. I work for a university and if I were to accuse a student of cheating in an exam without having any substantial evidence, I would lose my job on the spot. AFC Group seem to behave like the Gestapo: no wonder as they all wear brown uniforms.
  5. Good luck! It would be good to know who is in charge of security at Morrison's. Maybe it is AFC Group too.
  6. I asked for the tapes about a month later (my mistake) and this is the reply I received from AFC Group: "WITHOUT PREJUDICE 2 November 2005 Dear X Further to your letter dated the 31st October 05, regarding your complaint against our guards whilst visiting Kendals Manchester on the 1st October 05. I confirm that the manager responsible for the Manchester area has investigated your complaint and can find no evidence to substantiate your allegations against our guards. Our guards patrol the store on a regular basis as part of their duties and we are sorry that you have felt harassed by their presence, as it is never our intention to cause upset or embarrassment to members of the public. I can also confirm that there are no recorded images of that day's events, as the tapes are reused and will have been erased by now in accordance with current procedures. Assuring you of my best attention at all times. Yours sincerely Beverley Stephenson Customer Relations Manager Copy: Contract & Client Liaison Manager" This is all a bit cheeky as I reported the incident on the day itself! AFC Group claimed that there was a full investigation of the incident, but they never asked for the exact time or location in the store where the incident occurred. The Manchester House of Fraser store has 7 storeys! I also reported the incident to the British Security Industry Association (BSIA, http://www.bsia.co.uk/). They did not want to investigate further: all they did is to ask AFC Group whether they had investigated the incident. A bit of an old boys network. Marc
  7. The most upsetting thing about the whole incident was that the security guards started following me as soon as I entered the House of Fraser store. One of them was posted at the door and he radioed his colleagues. From then on, it felt like I had stepped on a horniss nest! The other upsetting thing is that I have never ever stolen anything in my life and that I was a (very) good customer at House of Fraser from 1997 to last year.
  8. A bit more than a year ago I visited the Manchester store of House of Fraser. As soon as I entered the store, 5 security guards started following me around. Each time I stopped to look at something, one of them walked past me and stopped in front of me to stare at me in a pretty aggressive way. This went on for about half an hour until I made my purchase and went to the cash till. Needless to say that I complained to the House of Fraser store manager. He passed my complaint onto AFC Group (AFC Group) who provide the House of Fraser security guards. It took AFC Group about a month to get back to me (they never asked me to confirm the exact time and location of the incident!) to tell me that I had made up the entire incident. I wonder whether other people have had similar experiences. AFC Group also provides security guards to Boots and Wooworth's. Marc
  9. A bit more than a year ago I visited the Manchester store of House of Fraser. As soon as I entered the store, 5 security guards started following me around. Each time I stopped to look at something, one of them walked past me and stopped in front of me to stare at me in a pretty aggressive way. This went on for about half an hour until I made my purchase and went to the cash till. Needless to say that I complained to the House of Fraser store manager. He passed my complaint onto AFC Group (AFC Group) who provide the House of Fraser security guards. It took AFC Group about a month to get back to me (they never asked me to confirm the exact time and location of the incident!) to tell me that I had made up the entire incident. I wonder whether other people have had similar experiences. AFC Group also provides security guards to Boots and Wooworth's. Marc
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