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Everything posted by fbnts

  1. I can't see how it would make the value less, the banding, if incorrect, has simply shown that it was valued incorrectly in 1991. The value will remain the same as it is now but as you have pointed out, it could be an advantage as its a great selling point to have a lower banding Tom
  2. Hi, firstly can you expand on the origional agreement for them to settle the old loan. Did you have it in writing? Did they say they were going to pay them directly, send you the money or add a discount for the the value of the remaining lease? Tom
  3. Nope, After I said that the account is in dispute because they have failed to provide the signed agreement they back right down. They have never wrote since but I still have the default showing on my file but I'm not bothered as Im taking my time to clear each one individually so as not to get confused between each account. 1 CCJ, 2 Defaults down.... 3 Defaults to go! Tom
  4. Hi, well the last time I spoke to them I told them that my CCA request had not been complied with. They said they would put the account on hold whilst they look into it. I have not heard anything since.... I have my claim waiting to be filed which is for £1200 odd so will get it sorted once and for all soon! Tom
  5. Thanks for the link Moneyhelp, have just spent the last hour reading that thread but unfortunately mine circumstances are different as they have now produced the CCA. Tom
  6. Just subscribing as I am having trouble with RWC but unfortunately they have managed to produce the Halifax CCA, all be it 6 months & 2 weeks too late! My penalty charges outweighs it so im not bothered either way! Tom
  7. Hi, I sent my CCA request to Halifax regarding an old visa card account which was delivered on 5th January 2007. They defaulted and in May I started being contacted by Robinson Way. I told them that Halifax had defaulted on my CCJ request and was not going to enter into any correspondence with them. Yesterday Robinson Way sent me a copy of the signed Credit Agreement. Where do I stand now? Is the debt still statute barred as they failed to produce in the timescale and committed an criminal offence or are they free to harass me for this debt now? Tom
  8. Hi, Our local Council, Chesterfield Borough collect free of charge. Last summer we had a large fridge and sofa to get rid of. They quote £15 for up to 3 items (the sofa and 2 chairs) but the fridge would be free because of the way it has to be disposed of. Tom
  9. Just subscribing. Good luck and I hope that your friend does fight this. MDs need to understand that they are not invincable! Tom
  10. One last question - Does Unfair Terms in a Consumer Contract regulations apply to a lease and if so, would it apply to a term for an 18 month break clause which required all rent and bills to be paid upto date before it can be used? We specifically asked for an 18 month break clause and when we left the property wrote to the landlord informing him that we were wish to terminate at the 18 month break (we provided over 3 months notice as required) yet later he said that we could not use the break clause as we had not paid up rent, utility bills and insurance costs. However, I consider this unfair because the main reason to invoke the break clause was if we were in financial difficulty its a way to terminate the lease early, and that being the case, we would be unable to pay up the rent before the 18 month point. Its really a catch 22 clause is'nt it? Tom
  11. Hi, Thanks for reply, On points 1 & 2 I fully understand now. The sums are around £3000 which is for the council tax for 18 months and non-domestic rates for 18 months. Like I said before, I have no grounds to chase the company directly; I can't say the lease was supposed to be their name as has already been clarified, the intention was, but legally it was in my name. I'm now at the stage where I'm going to have to accept that I have lost. Its sooo anoying as its me that has been left out of pocket after all this and the company is make significant profits. Oh well, lesson learned - NEVER sign a lease which mentions my name personally! Thanks for all your help guys, it has been most appreciated. Tom
  12. I don't think reclaiming from the company directly is an option. They have big financial backing now and would spend more than the claim is worth just in spite. Also, If I can't prove that I signed on behalf of the company then why do I have a right to be indemnified by the company? So just to get it clear in my head, both my copy of the lease and the copy held by the Landlord has been signed in the wrong places. Does this still not matter at all? Tom
  13. Hi, i'm sure someone more knowlegable will along shortly, but my understanding would be that they would have to have had a contractual agreement in place stating the fee which you would have to accept (verbally for example) for it to be enforcable. If they did not mention it in the phone call then they can't tell you afterwards as they are trying to ammend the contract. Did they say anything about the fees in the phone call? You could SAR them for a copy of the phone call. Tom
  14. Haha! I do both of these! I prefer to tear up the application form but conveniently leave my address intact so that they then remove me from their database! (From what I hear the big companies use automatic letter openers and scanners. Tearing up into tiny pieces jams their machines up! HaHa!)
  15. Pls let us know how you proceed and how you get on. Hope everything works out ok. Tom
  16. Also, from re-reading the above, i take it the Counterpart is the copy that I kept? If so, it appears that both my copy and the landlord's copy has been signed incorrectly - (I have a photocopy of the landlords version supplied by the council) Tom
  17. Hi, Thanks for all your replies. I have had the decision - Appeal Dismissed! Grr! Here is the response: So is that it over? Do I have a case regarding the lease being incorrectly signed? Tom
  18. Hi Stevo, Surely that relates to Broadcasting it publically. From what the OP said, the webcam was a one to one session and therefore the above would not apply. It is the other party that is threatening to broadcast it or make it public. Tom
  19. Hi, just subscribing but well done for sticking to your guns and not letting it get brushed under the carpet. I can't help but get angered when I see any kind of post like this when vulnerable people are being abused (Well anyone for that matter) by people who think they are above the law. It looks like you have a great case and hope to see justice very soon! Tom
  20. Really sorry to hear your problem Ignore the comments like its very insensitive - Yes, it is embarrasing but thats no excuse to be treated like that. Regarding Blackmail. I thought criminal blackmail had to involve the request of money? What prompted the other person to take this action? Did you fall out? Chances are it could just be a threat to lash out if you've fallen out and he may not even intend on going through with it. But good luck. Tom
  21. Thank you for your reply which makes it much clearer now. So, in effect hypothetically speaking, If the lease was in my name I could actually have let it to the company for a period of 3 years and not have a signed document to prove it, just simply that the company occupied the premises shows their acceptance? Obviously I still maintain it was intended and was entered into by the company and the landlord but this could be another argument? Tom
  22. Thanks for your comments Aequitas, however, I don't understand your point on the lease does not have to be signed by the tenant. I can understand that ocupancy can show acceptance of a tenancy, however, its my understanding that the lease cannot be enforced if its not signed because who says it wasn't a different lease verbally agreed to. All bills including rates, council tax and rent were paid for the period it was occupied which was 9 months. But surely the contract has not been correctly executed as according to the lease, It was signed by my co-director. Anyhow, it doesn't really matter now as the hearing has taken place and its now a case of waiting for the outcome. Tom
  23. Yes, your help has been very useful. I managed to present a very good case based on your advise including the letter from Companies House confirming my Directorship. I'm just anxiously awaiting the post to see what their decision was! I will let you know how this concludes! Tom
  24. Hi, Just an update. I had the hearing yesterday. All went very well just keeping my fingers crossed and await the decision. At one point the panel started questioning whether the lease is actually executed correctly as when it was signed, I actually signed the side that was for my witness, and my witness signed the side I was supposed to sign. All in all I came out very optimistic and will let you know. Tom
  25. Hmm this is really strange - My credit file appears to have lost the Barclaycard entry!? I hadn't even sent the above letter yet! Tom
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