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Everything posted by jell_is

  1. The point was that it is an indirect loss to sales and if that is recovered in the price of a product then how do you know the pricing of products does not take into account some statistical analysis of till shortages??? Also, agreed that waste in assets are not a direct loss in cash but however they are a loss to a company as stock, in turn sales and in turn cash. Maybe the analogy of a drip tray was off but the idea was there.
  2. So what happens to drip trays in a bar? should the staff be fined liquidated damages for not pouring pints properly? Simply the answer is no. With every operation in an organisation there is an associated risk, which always results in a loss of income to that organisation. How many times do staff get penalties for being late in the production of documents? You might not get your bonus but you would not have monies deducted from your salary! I have worked for many companies who have tried to instate a "top-up" system and they never get them in or to stick. Its either a case of pay a shortfall and keep any extras, which would generally result in customers getting ripped off the odd coin here and there so staff don't have to worry or a case of the company taking the ups with the downs.
  3. here here nevo, apart from one small point, no banks no economy and we go back to trading pigs and wool for the weekly shop. what we need are banks specifically for personal banking and seperate banks for business. That way each should be able to meet their customer needs. But then they are profit organisations, so will still make money from services somehow. just a thought Jell
  4. Cheers Barty, I've decided, i'm goin for it! from my statements for the past 4 yrs, they've taken just under £1200, as a student in his fifth year, that would be nice to clear some debt. About the retaliation i've heard about, closing accounts etc. Do lloyds extend this to all accounts? i.e. I have a current account and a student account. I'm interested because i simply can not afford to close my student account for two main reasons. 1)I haven't got the funds to clear the student overdraft and 2) I can't open another student account as this illegal (1 student account for 1 student)!
  5. Howdo! This is my first ever post, here goes. I am fed up with Lloyds TSB robbing my money! A few months back they charged me for bouncing two direct debits but i put cash in at 9:01am. Two days later i payed in four cheques, the lady behind the counter said she couldn't pay them in immediately because the computers where down but she said they would be in before the end of the day, so i left them with her. Check my account the next day and they still hadn't been payed in! So phoned and gave someone some stick and basically said drop my charges from the previous week and i would be happy. They refused so i tried to tell them, tit for tat, and that i would be writting a letter telling them they had made a mistake and that this letter would cost £35 an item. This fel on def ears. Anyway back to here and now, i'm just not happy with them, i will be starting to get the ball rolling in the next few days but have some questions first. From what i've read lloyds are quite good at being retaliative when it comes to kicking up a stink, can they retaliate using several accounts or do they just threaten the one thats closed?? Do i have to send off for my particulars or can i download my statements from the net? Would this surfice in court? Is there more of a backlash with the bbc telling people they can do it? Has anyone been to court yet? If someone can help me that would be great. Cheers Jell_is:)
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