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  1. Currently at Court Stage the defence has been struck out, we filled in a judgement form ( The one the asks how you want paying). I was basically expecting to receive my money and I rang the court for an update. They said it had been stayed pending the test case and would go back in front of the judge and was told it could take 1 too 2 years. Just wondering what my options are, can i contest the stay and force my claim through as it was so close??
  2. Hello people I'm at court stage. I've made the mistake of claiming for service charges, which I now know you can't. Also I need to can you claim interest on O/D usage fee and O/D excess fee and how do you caculate it , is it different from how you calculate 'account charge' interest? Once I have this information I will ammend my claim, I think its a N244 form to do so. Can anyone help, Many Thanks
  3. Hi and thanks for all your help. I'm now going to send a letter to both parties explaining the mistake on service charges. One other thing, can you claim interest on O/D usage fee and O/D excess fee and how do you caculate it , is it different from how you calculate account charge interest
  4. The letter was from Lloyds TSB Solicitors
  5. opps, just started helping my dad, he's at court stage and had a letter asking for a break down of the charges. He had included service charges. Doh! What will happen now, Will it be struck out or can we alter the figure to not include these service charges. Thanks for your responce so far guys
  6. Hi was wondering if you can claim £5 service charges that lloyds apply to your account? Tanks for helping:D
  7. Sorry point at the dumb ass, they asked for the following information: 1. Each and every individual amount of charge that you are claiming and are disputing 2.The date of each charge that you say was deducted from your account 3.How you calculate any interest 4. How you calculate the sum of £1171.35 5. Confirm your sort code and Account Number Many thanks
  8. Yes, We've done every thing by the book so far.
  9. Hi, received two letters. One from the court saying unless Lloyds file there allocation questionnaire before 12-6-07 then the defence will be struck out. The second is from there solicitors asking for various information (ie How did I calculate the interest, a list of charges etc) within 14 days which is 4-6-07 (Today oops!!) Can some one answer the following for me? 1. Should I have responded to the soliciters letter? 2. Since Lloyds have untill the 12th to file there questionnaire should I start preparing for court near to this date? Hope someone can make sence of this! Many Many thanks in advance
  10. Thanks again for your advise much appretiated
  11. They said we had a interest free zone within the overdraft that wasn't set up and that we payed interest and charges unecessarily. They also stated that they had gone through the account and calculated interest at 5.39% annualy.
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