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  1. Hi there, I have recently been successful in claiming nearly £6000 in bank charges from First Direct so I want to go after the credit cards now!! I had an Egg card which I paid off this time last year and I want to claim the charges from them. The only thing that I am concerend about is that I have a loan with Egg and I worried if I go after the credit card charges they will close my loan account..........can anyone tell me if they have had any experience with this at all?? I'd be grateful of any advice!! Thanks!
  2. Success...yey!! I have received the full ammount I was claiming £5971.19.....not bad!! It took about 3 months all in all and got to the county court stage. They did make an offer of £1200 less but I stuck out for the full ammont and low and behold...they credited my account before the Court dedline!! Anyone who is thinking about it, do it! All you have to do is send the letters at the correct times and have alot of patients!!! Good luck...you won't need it though!
  3. I decided to open another account as I wanted to switch banks anyway....they haven't closed it as yet but I'd rather get in there before they do
  4. Yup too right harvest...woo hoo!! Got an offer last week but £1200 short so said no thanks and then they offered the full amount!!! Yey!!
  5. Yep you can claim for the recall fees
  6. Hi, I had an offer last week but it was £1200 short so have sent off my rejection letter....hope to hear back from the DG later this week!
  7. Keep going Tiffla....you'll get it all back!
  8. Yeah me too harvest....after this I have got a few other banks etc to go after!!
  9. They must be feeling very frustrated by the whole thing
  10. Do you know how far in advance the court dates are usually set???
  11. Just to keep you up to date......I got my allocation queationnaire yesterday
  12. Thats good news Adamarm....my claim is for nearly £6000 with interest so I didn't really expect them to make an offer too soon to be honest...After this I am going after every one else!!!!
  13. As per ususal....FD have just put in their defense!! Here I go!!!
  14. Thats a bit harsh then....got your hopes up only to be dashed at the last minute
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