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ghost town

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  1. Hi don't know if anyone can help me. We purchased a panasonic 42inch tv from currys along with the whatever happens insurance a year and 7 months ago. Two months ago while trying to put the tv on a wall bracket we had a accident and the tv dropped on to a glass tv stand cracking the the bottom of the tv and screen also damaging the glass table and the case on my pc. We contacted the insurance company, they said it was covered and they would arrange for the tv to be collected to see if they could repair it if not it would be replaced with a new one. The TV was collected the next day and taken away, we heard nothing for two weeks so we contacted them. I was told on the phone that they where still looking at it and for me to contact them in a couple of days. We left it another week and contacted them again. We explained to the woman on the phone that it had been over 21 days and we have had no contact from them. She told my wife on the phone that she was going to write it off and arrange for a voucher to be dipatched. Three days later we recieved a letter saying our tv had been fixed and it would be retuned to us 18/11/09. We waited all day for the tv to come. At 6pm a delivery driver came to my door with a 19 inch lcd tv saying he was returning my tv, i told him mine was a 42inch panasonic he replied they must of loaded the wrong tv and we would need to contact them the next day. My wife contacted them the next day saying how disgusted she was with the service she was told to hold the line and they cut her off. so she contacted them again and was told they would try to re-deliver our tv she said that she was told that the tv was written off how as it been fixed and where was our tv. she was told the he would have to ring us back, nothing happened. We then contacted the claims dept saying how bad the service was. A customer service woman said she would find out what was going on and call us back. Hour later she called us saying there was a problem with our claim saying the lab had looked at the tv and didn't know how it was damaged and needed a full explanation. We asked why had it taken 6 weeks and why did we get a letter saying the tv had been fixed and why did they try to deliver a different tv. They had no answer for that. We where told that they would deliver our old tv back with a letter from head office and a statment sheet we where supposed to fill it in and send it back to them. Delivery was arranged for Satuday, we waited all day and nothing came. i contacted them this morning and no one seems to know where the tv is. can someone advise me what i can do or anywhere i can contact to sort this problem. thanks ghost town
  2. Hi thanks for everyones help just need a bit more advice if someone can help.I followed the advice i was given. I asked about the HSE if my accident had been reported. but know the company are saying i did not fill out the accident report book properly and they need more details about my accident this is 8 weeks later surely they should of queried this before know they have lost the paper with the address where i had my accident not to sure what it is know. what should i do. ghost town
  3. I have just noticed "If there is an accident connected with work (including an act of physical violence) and your employee, or a self-employed person working on your premises, suffers an over-three-day injury. my accident was while i was delivering and not on there premises. Is this still the case. ghost
  4. Hi silver surferr i spoke to the other driver last night he told me that he did not do any damage as he was caught by the transport manager. Nothing was put in the accident book. He is willing to say that the accident happened and also another driver was told by the transport manager when we recieved the new vans that there was a problem with the back of the van and it would have to be sorted before someone had a serious accident. This was five months ago. Ghost
  5. I am not to sure if that is grounds for slander as it as been repoted by two people know and it was said by the same manager. ghost
  6. Hi poppynurse Thanks for your advice. I have contacted my employer as i was contacted by one of my work mates. He informed me that a manager told him that my injury was down to football. They are saying this because i manage a local football team they have put two and two together and made six. I think this is why they are being funny. I have offered them the team sheet for that weekend as proof.
  7. thanks Che would you know.Currently i drive a forklift for the the company but this was a favour to them and not in my contract and i was not paid any extra for doing it. I have obviously do not want to put anymore impact on my knee. at least with a van i can put the seat back. If i say i can't drive the forklift can any disaplinery action be taken against me. ghost
  8. Hi Ali thanks for your responce. I have been at the company for 3 years but since the new transport manager started, in the last year i feel like a outcast. From day 1 he has taken a disliken to me. I am concerned about driving as it is my right leg and that is the accelorator and brake and if that locks who knows what will happen. I didn't know if i went in and said i couldn't drive what they would do if they could suspend me or not its not the fact that i don't want to work it's just that i can't drive. ghost
  9. Hi don't know if anyone can advise me. I am a delivery driver and i recently had a accident. I slipped out of the back of a work van twisting my knee. I reported the accident to my manager and was told this happened two weeks prior to another driver and that he was supposed to get some antislip matting for the van. I carried on working that day because they wouldn't let me go to get it checked out. After finishing work i went to hospital because i was in so much pain. I was told by the doctor that i had knee liggament damage and i had also damaged my knee cap. I contacted my manager and told him and enquired about loss of pay he told me that i would get paid for the rest of the week and they would review it after that. I went to the doctors on friday and was told i shouldn't drive for a while. So i contacted my manager and said i would try to come back to work if i could do light duties. He said to come in on the Monday. When i went he didn't ask if i was ok i was given my keys and told that i had to go out on my round. I explained that i still had problem with my knee bu was told there was no light duties, so i stayed at work for two days but my knee kept swelling up and i had to go back to the doctors and she gave me pain killers and a sick note for a week i was told no heavy lifting or driving and to return a week later so she could get my Xray from the hospital. I contacted my boss and told him and asked if i could come in and just do light duties again he told me he would speak to his boss and ring me back, this did not happen and when i tried to ring him he would no answer the phone. I went back to the doctors nad was told that i need to see a knee specialist as i would need to have a opperation and was advised not to drive has my knee was always locking and it would be dangerous. The company was told but they are saying that it's not there problem and anytime of sick would not be paid and if i can't drive they don't want me back and i won't get paid for any of the time i have had off in the past or in the future. I have told them that i am returning to work on Monday because i have no choice but my knee still locks and it would be dangerous but i have no choice. I anyone coud help it would help me loads as i am worrying about paying my bills.
  10. thanks for the advice my wife is going to get some advice from a solicitor
  11. Hi don't know if anyone can help me. My wife had a accident at work three years ago this july and against my desicion she as decided not to get legal advice as loyalty to the company, she as just retuned to work after damaging her knee. She was told beause she as a problem still with standing she would go back on a trial and start part time and if eveything ok they would increase her hours gradually. After 3 weeks back she was coming home every night with her knee swollen and couldn't do anything but take pain killers and goto bed and rest, she informed her employer and told them she was having problems they suggested dropping one of her days which she did. 4 weeks later they have told her she as to increase her hours double what she is doing. She can't do this as she is still coming home every night with her leg swollen and still can't do anything. I am very worried that her loyalty is going to cause problems it is nearly three years now and they have not offered her any compensation and i know they are going to put more pressure on her to increase her hours. This problem as put a strain on our relationship, i have had change jobs to comply with her needs and just don't know where we stand should she recieve a offer of compensation before three years are up and if she can't go back full time can she be sacked.
  12. hi Gruffle Gaw thanks for you help i have not accepted the debt the first i new of it was when i recieved the letter . I have got no doubt it might of been someone at the rented house because i had a problem with my cash point card going missing but it was used to take £800 pound out of my bank . I sent a letter to mackenzie hall stating that i had not taken a account out with dp and i asked them for a copy of the credit agreement i sent it recorded delivery over a month ago but not had any reply , but it still shows on my credit report.
  13. hi can anyone help me. a couple of month back i applied for credit with ge capital to pay for a boiler with british gas. a week later i recieved a letter from mackenzie hall saying that i owed money to ge capital from a account at dorethy perkins that i had held over 7 years ago from my old address which was a house where i rented a room. i replied to them and told them that i had never held this account as i was not into womens clothes and i asked for a copy of the agreement as i thought it was a [problem]. i never heard anything till i just applied for credit and i was refused so i sent off to equifax to find out why and on my report was mackenzie hall and when i contacted the people whom i applied for credit they told me that was why i was refused and also i was search twice by ge capital a month apart for the same finance which they gave me. so why would they give me credit if i was supposed to of not payed for credit in the past can they do that is there anything i can do are they allowed to leave a mark on my credit record do i need to contact equifax to have them removed. so i can obtain credit.
  14. hi can anyone help me. a couple of month back i applied for credit with ge capital to pay for a boiler with british gas. a week later i recieved a letter from mackenzie hall saying that i owed money to ge capital from a account at dorathy perkins that i had held over 7 years ago from my old address which was a house where i rented a room. i replied to them and told them that i had never held this account as i was not into womens clothes and i asked for a copy of the agreement as i thought it was a [problem]. i never heard anything till i just applied for credit and i was refused so i sent off to equifax to find out why and on my report was mackenzie hall and when i contacted the people whom i applied for credit they told me that was why i was refused and also i was search twice by ge capital a month apart for the same finance which they gave me. so why would they give me credit if i was supposed to of not payed for credit in the past can they do that is there anything i can do are they allowed to leave a mark on my credit record do i need to contact equifax to have them removed. so i can obtain credit.
  15. i need to know how to get them of my credit report do i need to contact equifax. all it says on my report is the record date there is nothing for search reason and nothing for search type but just having that on my report seems to be enough to refuse me credit why.
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