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Everything posted by sigkap87

  1. The client did not return signed documents. However I have emails proving they agreed to the services and they were provided with terms and conditions upfront. I have been trying to work with client however they are being very difficult and insisting that services were not rendered when they were. Again I have email evidence of this. It's a nearly £400 bill so yes, worth pursuing when small claims costs are £50.
  2. Without going into too much detail... I provide assessment and therapy services to private clients. A client called and requested an assessment of her son which was carried out. Subsequently she agreed to a therapist being placed with her son to work with him. The therapist did three sessions before the parent changed her mind about this particular therapist. She is now refusing to pay for therapy rendered as she says it formed part of the assessment (it didn't). Do I go straight to small claims court regarding this or talk to the legal department of my business insurance first? Anything else I need to do?
  3. All I can do is take the driving test as stated above. Clearly I will be doing that ASAP. I know the US have equally **** (unfair) rules surrounding immigration so am not comparing. But this whole saga (with the ticket) has put me off citizenship (good thing seeing as I can't have it anyway!).
  4. I have 3 points, not 6-8.... Being so pregnant there's little I can do about this right now. My insurance know I have a US license. I can book a 3 day intensive driving course in oct and do the road test on the day 3. Quite where and how I'm going to do a practical with a nursing baby I don't know. I won't be getting a UK passport now, that's completely scuppered and to be honest not even sure I want one anymore!
  5. No. I haven't been told by anyone I have to and that would be virtually impossible as well. If I have to chance it for a few months then that's what I'll do...and not go v far!!!
  6. Well I'm 9 months pregnant now so not much I can do. Ill have to get full license when I can, hopefully before jan. If they want to now get me on loads of technicalities than whatever, I can't stress about this anymore, I have more important things on my plate. Thank you nimrod for the guidance, I will show the immigration lawyer who told me I have no case and have to wait 3 years.
  7. I've been here for 12 years. Too scared to drive but moving and having children has given me no option so started recently.
  8. Yes I think you're right and that's what he meant. Makes sense when you put it that way. I had pictured having to declare myself a "criminal" when going abroad which is apparently not the case. What I fail go understand is why, given the same offence, it makes all the difference to home office whether it was settled by FPN or in court. Both have the same outcome (usually), therefore that part makes no sense to me! Anyway, have contacted an immigration lawyer about that one.
  9. Guilty of a road traffic offense, absolutely. Not a criminal one. I asked a magistrate we know and he said it's not seen as a criminal offense, it's seen as a minor traffic offense. I still can't see any guidance that says otherwise.
  10. It does contain specific Road Traffic Act violations. I can find no list otherwise that states it's a criminal offence. It's come off a government website, can't think it's years old!
  11. This doesn't state anywhere that driving using a mobile is a criminal offence: http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/legal-aid/eligibility/list-of-criminal-offences.pdf Please can I see government documents stating otherwise?
  12. Magistrates didn't fine me. Two people both get a FPN for the same offence on the same day. Both pay their FPN. One mysteriously gets summoned to court and ends up with a criminal record. The other doesn't and has no criminal record. Tell me that's fair. New legislation was put into place in 2011-2012 to enable foreign drivers to get a FPN and not have to be dealt with with the court. Therefore there is no reason why my case had to be summoned and I had to be given a "criminal record" when hundreds of other people who have committed the same offence don't. It unjust.
  13. This is unfair. What type of lawyer do I need to contact? I was given and paid for FPN. Getting "convicted" means I am ineligible for british passport now.
  14. I wrote to the DVLA and they said I need to submit my foreign license so they can create the record. Does this now mean I have been criminally convicted in court rather than by FPN (even though I paid this, they accepted, refunded and I still have their cheque?). Makes a huge difference apparently to a future british passport application
  15. The letter from the court just says "the court has ordered that your driving license be endorsed with the penalty points stated below (3)". No fine, no other details.
  16. Just to check: because I checked guilty by post, even after paying the fixed penalty and having it returned, have I now been criminally convicted and have to declare this? I know I can kiss my british naturalization application goodbye now...
  17. Been driving here for 6 months. 1 when offense occurred. Do I write to DVLA or court or both? I still haven't paid the cheque they sent me in and the letter said nothing about a fine. Should I expect a fine letter next or would this have been all in one?
  18. Both. One from court saying I have 3 points. Another from DVLA asking for license. USA no
  19. Today I have a letter from the DVLA asking for my license and a court order to be given 3 points on my license. I don't have a license as I am international. This was written in the police report and documented that a skeleton profile would be made so when I switch over to a British license the 3 points would automatically apply. Why are they now assuming I have a British license? What do I do?
  20. My DH owns a sunbed shop. With the rain in the winter his basement became flooded, he lost a sunbed (the entire basement destroyed) and lost business as a result of the lost sunbed. He has recently put in a claim with his insurance company for loss of earnings and loss of sunbed (the other damage being claimed through his landlords building insurance). The insurance broker has now responded saying he is 30m from a river and to provide a response to why his policy states he is at least 250m from a river. DH says his broker is the one who sorted his insurance out for him and he signed nothing stating he is more than 250m from a river. In addition to this, the flooding that he incurred was not from the river, but from the excessive amounts of rain. What does he need to do? I have told him to contact an insurance assessor to help him. Is this right?
  21. Thanks Bravot. I know I'm guilty that's why I'm not pleading otherwise or trying to get out of it. Thanks for your help!
  22. No further offenses identified. I was not on my phone, I was lost and using GPS. I told officer this and it's in his witness statement. How large is the fine likely to be? Why was the FPN given then refunded? I don't have access to bank statements before the due date of the paperwork (thurs) so will have to submit what I've out with no bank statements. I'm worried about a large fine.
  23. I was stopped at a red light in jan because I had my mobile phone in my hand. I was given a fixed penalty fine which I paid. That money was refunded to me and I have now received a court summons. I am pleading guilty by post. From what I can see this is because I have a foreign license (USA). Am I likely to get a £1000 fine because of this? Or jail? It is my first offence and I have been entirely compliant with all of this but I'm worried I'll be penalized greater due to my license status even though the police officer said the points will transfer to my uk license when I get it. Please advise!
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