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  1. Sorry just wondering if i could ask for a bit more help: Have i worked out the CONTRACTUAL interest correctly? i have used the advanced spredsheet from Vampiress i believe. for example: if i had a charge on 04/09/2003 for £30 would i put in the interest date column the date i was next charged interest in this case 30/09/2003 or would i need to do it for the following month? most of the time my charges are for the same day that interest has been debited so would i do these for the same day? sorry maths is really not my strong point. fOR BANK CHARGES of £1,324.00 the Contractual interest is working out at £184.77 Does this sound about right. I really am not sure on the whole interest point of it and im not sure whether i should try and claim it as i'm worried Halifax will think that i dont know what im doing,well as far as the interest side of it goes, they would be right to think that too! Any advice would be great Many thanks
  2. Thanks for your reply Donbracho, Thats cleared up a few points for me,it's really appreciated.
  3. Hi People, I received my statements today, about 5 months worth were missing, have contacted the bank and they are going to send them out . Cant help but feel that this has been done deliberatly. After trawling through them have highligted all my charges and have started my spreadsheet, what im struggling with is actually finding out what the charges are for and therefore what to enter into the spreadsheet. when i have received a charge it just says on my statement " charge as notified" i have received a variety of charges £28/£30/ £20 i have gathered through sifting through that the £28 is for unauthorised overdraft-exeeding the limit. £30 is for every direct debit they have to pay. I cant figure out why i have a few charges of £20 though? Also do i include a copy of the spreadsheet with my prelim letter or do i just print up a list of charges? i know from what i have read that i dont include the 8% interest charges unless it goes to court,but is it ok at this stage to include the interest detailed on the advanced spreadsheet that has incrude because the charges put me over my overdraft? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Brilliant! thanks for the informative advice, much appreciated. Cannot wait to get the statements , im reckoning they owe me about £3,000.
  5. Thanks for your advice chaps. Much appreciated. Thats what i'm going to do thanks Cheddar, i think going to the office in person will hold more weight.I'm going to ask to speak to a senior member of staff. It seems ridiculous to me that they cant find the time to change a few details on a computer,it would literally take 30 seconds,and is potentially the difference between my family and myself keeping or losing our home. I feel a bit more positive anyhow, and i shall look into sending that letter to Nationwide thanks Bottomburp. Pad
  6. Hi people, I sent my S.A.R of to Halifax two weeks ago using the template on this site. I have received a letter from them today saying that the statements have been ordered and i should receive them within the next ten days. However they go on to say: "If you requested information relating to manual intervention on your account,i regret HBOS plc is under no statutory obligation to record this information and therefore, i am unable to assist further with your request." Sorry to sound dense i was wondering if anyone could give me a little insight as to what this means ,and where i go from here, i have read the step by step guide detailed on this site,and am following that,so do i just carry on as i would ,and wait for my statements ,do the calculations and then send the prelim letter, or do i need to do somthing else now because they have said this in their first response to me? Thanks Pad
  7. Hi , Thankyou for the links BottomBurp, there great,many thanks. Chedder, thanks for your response,in answer to your question: the housing benefit had always been paid into my partners Nationwide account, we have been in receipt of it for several years even when i was working as we have three children,when i lost my job and started claiming JSA the amount we received has become more,obviously inline with our income. However what with the Dmp being set up with the CCCS and them requesting that we dont hold current accounts ,we set up a basic bank account on the 15th Jan and took a letter to the housing Benefit office in person on the 20th Jan detailing our new bank details.Our housing benefit gets paid once a fortnight so we are expecting a payment on the 12th feb from what they are indicating they wont have changed our details over for it to be paid into the basic account by then as they have a backlog apparently,and are saying it could take 30 days. they are aware that my partners nationwide account is overdrawn and any money will be swallowed up by my overdraft which Nationwide are demanding back in full at the moment, they are being very unreasonable about us setting up the DMP and am getting daily phone calls asking my partner to make a debit card payment of £1200 immediatly!. Housing Benefit are being very unhelpful as to whats going to happen and alot of passing the buck is happening. i am going to go down there monday morning. we are also going to take a copy of the letter that Bottom burp linked for me to my partners nationwide branch incase its not sorted and the money does get paid into that account.
  8. I would really appreciate some advice if possible. I shall explain the situation as best as i can. Just before xmas i lost my job, and my partner and myself were unable to meet our payments on loan/credit cards/overdrafts etc. We contacted CCCS, and are in the process of setting up a debt managment plan. There first advice was to set up a basic account to have our benifits paid into, this has all gone smoothly apart from housing benifit. This was getting paid into my partners accounty which has an outstanding overdraft of £1200. The housing benifit team have not sorted out paying housing into our new account, and we have been phoning them everyday and they are saying that there computers have been down and it could take up to 30days for them to sort out,and change our details over to our new account.In the mean time they say there is nothing they can do about the benifit being paid into the old account.in fact one woman said "it wasnt her problem" Anyhow Nationwide who my partner holds her account with have been treally snotty and threatening when we topld them we were setting up a DMP and we are worried that if our housing benifit gets paid into that account that they atre just going to swallow it up as we owe them £1200. This will really be the final straw for us if on top of everything else that has happened the last couple of months if we are unable to pay our rent as well. If anyone has any advice as to which way we should turn in all this mess we would be so so grateful
  9. My Partner has a nationwide current account,with an overdraft facility of £1500. A couple of months ago my partner went to draw some money out to find she had no funds available,she phoned nationwide who informed her that they had decided to reduce her overdraft facility from £1500 to £700.They told her they had written to inform her of this ,but we had never recieved any letter about this. Anyhow,she had a whole stack of direct debits coming out which she obviously couldnt pay ,so she phoned nationwide and explained this ,and they agreed to give her a Reducer Overdraft were they reduce the limit by £100 each month.They put the limit back up to £1500 and are reducing it over 15 months. Perhaps you could ask them for this facility?it seems totally unreasonable for you to be expected to pay it all back in one chunk. Good luck any how hope it works out for you Pad
  10. Hi, I am just drawing up my first "subject access request" letter asking for details of all the bank charges that i have received from halifax. I have noted the £10 fee to include ,but am not sure whats the best way to do this as i don't have a cheque book.Could i include a postal order? or cash? Any help would be greatly appreciated. many thanks Padwhar
  11. Hello all, I have recently joined the site,and have been reading up over the last couple of weeks,i am hoping to reclaim bank charges from halifax. Really glad i found this site,really inspiring,its quite overwhelming to see so many other people are in the same situation. padwhar.
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