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Everything posted by stitch05

  1. Hi steven, yes I have the statements showing the payments, which they should have too. I suppose I could photocopy them and send with another letter... thanks for your reply:)
  2. Hi, I had an agreement with M&S to pay reduced payments, and interest charges were stopped on the credit card. I have been making the payments as agreed, but after 4 months M&S wrote to say I have broken the agreement -so they have cancelled the reduced payment plan, demanded payment in full of outstanding arrears, and started adding interest charges and threatened issue of a default notice (and charged me £12 for the letter!):o I wrote to them and explained I have been making the payments, and asked them to check their records. I also said I would complain to my debt advisory service and OFT. They have just written back and basically said... we will wait to hear the outcome of your complaint but meanwhile charges will continue to be added to your account-and again a demand for full payment of arrears. All they had to do was check their records to see I have been making the payments as agreed, so I don’t understand why they haven’t done this. Is this something that has happened to anyone? I feel like I am going mad!
  3. Hi, this happened to me too.....I did'nt notice they had paid me twice as they paid the money in...and took it back out within a few days. They did'nt mention their error, and I was only aware of it when I was checked my bank acccout online a few days after it happened. (I had a nice healthy bank balance for about two days!! ) So they can just take it back out of your account, and without notification, it seems!
  4. hi rory, thanks for your quick repy I will send a LBA off in the post this weekend!
  5. Hi, I sent prelim+schedule for refund of approx £200 charges on my RBS credit card. I received a letter today from cc customer relations offering me £18-they say this is the difference between the original charges of £15/£20 and the £12 recommended charges. Most of the £200 charges are recent, and are £12 late payment/overlimit fee charges. Is this a standard letter, can I still claim the £12 charges? thanks!
  6. I successfully claimed my bank charges a few weeks ago.... and the refund was paid into my account on the 12th April....and AGAIN on the 13th April!! (now that really is a goodwill gesture!!) I did'nt notice they had paid it in twice, or that they took the second payment back on the 18th...
  7. .....just double checked my statements..and they did cash the £10 cheque I sent for the inital SAR request. (a couple of months ago) From reading around I gather the £10 should cover all requests for data/info? Are they correct to ask for another £5? Has anyone else had to pay this? Any advice gratefully received!!...confused!! :?
  8. Hi, I sent my SAR request,(paid £10) was sent statements for the last 6yrs-and have recently received my refund. I am now considering making a new claim for the previous years, and I wrote to ask for the rest of my statements. (I sent them a LBA stating my inital request was incomplete.) I received a letter today (with my LBA stapled to it ) asking for £5, is this a new additional fee? I thought the £10 for the inital request would cover? Also, they have put the wrong name on the letter, well my name and address appears correctly at the head of the letter but then it changes to a 'Dear Mr and Mrs xxxxxxxx' I have no idea who these people are!
  9. Hi, I have a student royalties account. I don't pay any montly charges, but I am charged £10, plus a small amount of interest, each time I go over the free student overdraft limit. The £10/interest charge is deducted the following month, and I usually get a letter entitled CHG to A/C, with my statements to inform me of the charges. I recently claimed all these £10 charges back.
  10. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! oh sorry for that!!-just checked my bank account online (for the 4th time today!) The money is in!!!!!!!!! Wonder if my email did the trick??...or was it going in anyway?? Well who knows for sure..but its worth a try if anyone else is stuck in the system!! hang in there Seahorse!
  11. awww...I had an image of a sailing boat..gliding along on a beautiful blue sea...with lots of sunshine!!! ...well, maybe when your money comes in eh!!
  12. sitting on a boat?...hope its as nice as it sounds!!.... ..sorry to hear you are STILL waiting for your letter ...if its any help, I have read mine and its going spare... heehee...maybe I could post it back to them for you!!!
  13. Just to update.... I had no reply to my email to Mark Douthwaite, ( I think I was spoiled by Sandy's quick response to the emails I sent last week!) I emailed again today and asked for the refund to be in my account by Friday 13th, or I would proceed with my claim to court... I asked that he respond, and he did!-good man! ..just to say.. 'I can confirm that your acceptance has been received and the refund will be processed as soon as possible' Not what I wanted to hear...so looks like they are setting their own time scale...Well I have my LBA ready to go on Friday, no point in contacting them again, it does'nt seem to hurry them on, I feel. Have you had your letter of offer yet Seahorse?
  14. I sent an email to Sandy Watt yesterday, just confirming the above. The thing is I had an auto reply saying she is on holiday until the 16th... There was another contact email..Mr Douthwaite...now is it just me or does that sound a lot like..doth..as in do, and waite...as in.. well you get the idea!! yee doth wait for your money!! oh its not funny thought is it!!!
  15. I just checked online and my second copy of the letter accepting RBS offer has been delivered. I will contact them again on Tuesday, and give them 5 days to refund.
  16. Hi poppytara, There seems to be a few of us in this position at the moment. I posted my agreement letter 23rd March, and they can't find it either. I too was told they were backlogged. Did you send your letter recorded? They sent another copy, and I posted that recorded signed for on 04 April. I just checked the tracking number and its still showing 'out for delivery' With the bank holidays its just a matter of waiting I suppose, fingers crossed it will show as delivered on Tuesday. I will then give RBS 5 days to refund, or continue with the claim. I don't want to be waiting around for RBS to sort themselves out, they must be able to take on more staff or something!!
  17. lol!, ...hope they did'nt 'lose' tommy under a pile of backlog letters!
  18. excellent advice T4ff! ...but who is tommy!!!?
  19. felix, did you send your first acceptance letters by recorded/signed for?
  20. Tf44, you took the words right out of my mouth! I was also thinking they don't seem to have backlogs when it comes to taking our money! I suppose they could just be trying to make things difficult to put some people off? And if we just accept the excuse of backlogs, we could end up waiting months!! I was told to send my acceptance letter back in a pre-addressed envelope, which is a different address to the one written on the acceptance letter-I did'nt realise this until after I had posted it. When I asked about this I was told to send it to the address on the acceptance letter- and not the enclosed envelope-so whats that about!!-time wasting? (and that letter in the pre-addressed envelope has gone missing!) So that has given them an extra week already...now I have to wait until they recieve the copy... So I will be sending yet another letter, recorded (more costs to me!) giving them a deadline.
  21. Hi Seahorse, I had a leaflet with the first letter of offer, but not the second (the copy)which I received today. I had read your post about them waiting for those leaflets and started to panic that my second letter might be put on hold! T4FF kindly informed us Sandy is a girl!!
  22. hi felix24, I just replied to your thread!, but for anyone else who might be interested I sent the emails to Sandy.Watt@rbs.co.uk
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