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Everything posted by mr_pain

  1. Doing this one on behalf of my wife. Ball starts rolling tomorrow with a S.A.R.
  2. Just starting the ball rolling. SAR out tomorrow, will post how it all goes.
  3. Id like to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner immediately if they give me the Microfiche run-around since they've already been told its not on. I need to look into the legalities more but Id have thought that using the microfiche defense at this point would be equivilent to saying "no, we wont comply with your request". Im also going to go right in with my prelim at that stage with estimated amounts (Im only missing about 2 years statements) since it sounds like Barclaycard are intent on dragging things out as long as possible. And yup Mr Chips, I will be going for the contractual rate of interest - lord only knows they sharked us enough with it over the years I was thinking of adding the following onto the SAR request :- "Please note that I am aware of the recent Information Commissioners investigation into Barclaycards microfiche system (please see attached) where it has been ruled that this system is a relevant system as pertains to the Data Protection Act 1998, thus I will consider any refusal to supply the requested data on those grounds as a statement that you intend not to comply with my Subject Access Request and will immediately take the appropriate measures." I struggled as to whether or not I should detail what the appropriate measures should be but decided it was unwarrented. One more question though :- In the SAR what is the prefered wording as to the data being requested? "charges relating to my credit card history" is what Ive used....I couldnt find a template for CC claims (have I overlooked it?)
  4. Im just wondering....can I include a copy of this (including reference) in a SAR?
  5. Doh, silly of me to confuse illegal and unlawful Thanks for the advice peeps - some of it seems straight-forward, some of it a PITA. SARs start going out tomorrow
  6. Im at the start with this and noticed the recent response by the Information Commissioner to JLW61s complaint againt Barclaycard. Im just wondering :- 1) Is it worth incorporating wording mentioning this "judgement" and that I will not accept the microfiche response as valid. 2) If I do get the Microfiche response should I proceed to LBA stage...and should I mention this as my intention in my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)? 3) Should I be mentioning/detailing any interest claim in my LBA and at what interest rate? Ive got a mixed set of statements for Barclaycard already so can probably estimate what they have charged me quite well but obviously its preferable to be accurate with this things. EDIT: After reading a bit more through the forums it seems quite a few court cases are getting stays applied. Are the any details regarding the case/cases that relate to these stays? Any input appreciated Mr P
  7. Hello all So Im currently in shock since I never realised that the charges on my and my wifes bank accounts, credit cards etc. could actually be reclaimed. I never realised that those ******** at First Direct who have had my wife in tears at having been hit with yet another £30+ charge for going 50p overdrawn were acting illegal. I never realised that those ******** at Halifax who drove me into depression after I was made unemployed and could not aford to make my loan repayment after they had taken out their charges, could actually be taken to task and the default notice that has made me a credit paria for the last 5 years could have been dealt with. Im in between contracts again, rapidly dwindling money supply, arguments over money starting again, knowing that in a few months that Id be hitting charge hell again... Finding this site is a godsend! Its payback time One question though : Are there any links to claiming PAST the 6 year limit? We had a rough time in late 2000 so were just outside the limit - we must have been hit with nearly £800 in charges over a 6 month period and I wouldnt mind including that in any claim...tia
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