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Everything posted by soulman333

  1. Well Done !!!!! Really pleased for you:) WOW your lloyds claim didnt take that long did it. Im just about to hand my n1 claim form into the court on weds 31st. Hopefully my claim will be successfull also. CONGRATULATIONS ANYWAY. REGARDS PAUL.
  2. HI ALL, I would like to claim back my ppi against central capital which was the single payment type added to loan in jan 2006 ( big rip off:mad: ) I have recently paid this loan off and was furious to discover the actual redemption amount. And have been told the refund will be a very small preportion of the 4k the insurance cost. I complained saying that i believed i was mis sold but got the bog standard reply 'tuf luck'. but I believe because im self employed the policy would be useless in any case. I have all the docs from this company does anyone have any advice as to where i should begin seeing as i mentioned i had complained to ( central capital ) and they said i was made aware of me not being covered by any redundancy cover. But I feel I was never fully made aware of many of the policys conditions. Do you think I can make a claim??? And my partner who is on the loan with me has a few medical probs too. regards paul.
  3. HI BARTY, Many thanks for your response, as usual i found it very helpful. Many thanks again paul.
  4. HI, AS u can see from my previous post lloyds offered me £750, after i sent my LBA LETTER. They replied 5 days into the 14 days I gave them. Im now going to send them the rejection letter and only accepting it as a partial offer etc etc But IM UNSURE:confused: IF I Have to start the 14 days again, until I start court action or can I still count for the initial date i sent my LBA Letter as they STILL hadnt offered the FULL AMOUNT??? Anyone who can clarify this point would be a gr8 help. paul.
  5. HI EVERY1, After sending my LBA Letter on the 15/01/07 I recieved a partial offer of £750.00 which seems to be the way that LIoyds deals with things @ the MO!! THEY started there letter saying sorry im still unhappy but these are the charges that apply etc etc, then right on the last paragraph they say on this occasion they are willing to make a one off gesture of £750.And that they and other banks are (now) looking into there charges with the office of fair trading. And this is ONLY A goodwill gesture, ( AND THIS IS THE BEST BIT) BECAUSE they might face this cost anyway in dealing with my complaint if I decided to take it any further :o :o :o wow what an admission:) NOW i will just say im willing to accept the £750.00 as a partial settlement but will still be pursuing them for the remainder + interest!! ANYWAY. WISH ME LUCK!!!! AND GOOD LUCK TO U ALL AS WELL REGARDS PAUL.
  6. HI Every1, just keeping you up to date on a few things with my claim. I have today posted my L.B.A LETTER to LLOYDS. So far i recieved the usual response saying that they req'd 28days to carry out an investigation and sorry Iv found reason 2 complain (blah blah blah) I have just stuck firmly to the 14 days I told them they had, so lets see what follows.......probably not alot!!!!! regards paul.
  7. Cheers Michael again for some really helpfull advice. Thankgod this forum has people like u onboard. paul.
  8. Cheers Michael, Will Do, will keep every1 updated on my progress, Did u use MoneyClaimOnline or go through Local Court??? thanks again paul.
  9. HI ALL, Firstly happy new yr 2 one and all!!! Could some1 confirm that I should stick to my 14 day deadline??? Ive just had the bog standard reply after 8days from our FAV bANK ....LIOYDS Saying sorry Iv had caus 2 complain and their customer service recovery team(joke) will look into it' but they need 28 days!!! I've told them in my PRELIMANARY letter they have 14 days as we are instructed. Do I write 2 them again saying NO they only have 14???? Any Help gratefully recieved regards PAUL.
  10. Many Thanks For Your Reply I Found It Very Helpful. Did I just read that your claim was successful or are you still awaiting a decision??? Anyway Cheers For Replying To My Question. Regards Paul. Happy New Yr 2 U 2
  11. Cheers Michael, Thanks for Confirming What I Thought, But Its Always Nicer To Have Another Persons Views. Regards Paul Happy New Year 2u
  12. Hi every1 hope you had gr8 xmas, quick question On the 20th dec I posted my Prelimanary letter and will allow them the 14 days too respond. I sent my letter 1st class recorded delivery to my actual branch as i had read some1 else had done this so they could keep track of it, but when speaking with some1 from LIoyds today on the phone they said that my branch wouldnt be able to deal with this, But I said they then should be forwarding it on to the relevant department who does......Do you think this will cause me a problem and should i have forwarded it onto the collections centre instead??? ANY ADVICE PLEASE!!!!! Regards paul.
  13. HI Folks, Can some1 just give me a bit of advice on how do i keep all my previous threads together please, prob be a no brainer 2 most but Obviously not for me......Please help:confused: That way once I no i too can keep a proper continuation of my blog threads!!!! Keep it simple 2:-| Good luk 2 every1 in your quests for truth and justice regards paul.
  14. Cool!!!! Cheers again BARTY:) THATS THE 2ND ITEM IN ONE DAY YOU'VE HELPED ME ON....YOUR A STAR!!!!! Now i can put my list of charges im claiming back on the spreadsheet today and post too LIoyds along with my prel letter. Thanks again paul.
  15. HIYA BARTY, Cheers for the advice and thanks for settin me straight. That was the only thing I was slightly unclear about. As my prelimanary letter goes in today. Many Thanks Again hav a gr8 xmas Regards Paul.
  17. HIYA, Many thanks for your gr8 advice. My spreadsheet and prelimanary claim form goes off today once the 14 days has expired I will then be sending my LBA LETTER Do I then send them a copy of my N1 claim also?? And thanks again for advise i will contact my branch about my account opening date!!! Best regards and seasons greetings to you. paul
  18. HI EVERY1, does any 1 no a simple way of finding out the date i opened my account with my bank LIoyds?? Its just Im about to send my claim off to them with details of my claim on a spreadsheet and at the sametime Im going to register the claim with my local court using the N1 FORM and the only info i cant find was my account opened date!!!!!! I thought some1 might no where i can find this. regards paul.
  19. HIYA, Again many thanks for all your help. I now want to register my claim at the local court using the N1 Form but the only info I cant find at the moment to complete it is.......HOW do i find out and from whom is what date i have had my account opened since?????? Many thanks paul
  20. Hi Cillitbanger, many many thanks for your help a few wks ago. sorry for the delay in replying. I have my list of charges now, so im off to send a prelimanary msg now too lloyds tsb. I will keep u posted:) regards Paul
  21. HI All, Well this is my very first day on what i'm sure will be @ times a bumpy road in my Claim upon The every-so fabulous LlOYDS TSB BANK:-x This Worm Has Eventually turned, Thats for sure!!! Enough is Enough of This HUGE BANKING CORPORATION (Wow nearly spelled Banking wrong Almost Started it with A (W) Anyway They Have LEECHED ENOUGH From This customer!!!! So I'm looking forward to speaking with other poor LIOYDS CUSTOMERS WHO Have been a unwilling Financial Donor like myself and swelling the already overflowing silk-lined pockets of the Banks Shareholders etc. So it only leaves me TOO wish every1 inc myself the very best of luck in there INDIVIDUAL pursuits in Claiming back our every so hard earned money. THANK GOD FOR THIS SITES FOUNDERS
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