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  1. I've WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full amount paid into my account today!!! Thank you for all the help - I will of course be making a donation to keep this site going. Just got to get the £442 charged to my account after I made my claim back now......so here I go again! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Got the letter via email. The total figure doesn't quite add up so I sent an email back - waiting for clarification from the bank. Hopefully hear soon, will keep you posted.
  3. Spoke to Barclays today and apparently they have sent me a letter offering me full and final settlement of the FULL amount!!! I have not got such a letter. However they are emailing it to me and if I accept I need to send it sign and send back. So, a little excited, cause I think I might have won, however I am not going to count chickens until I have letter and money in account. Can't help be a little excited though. Waiting to see what the total sum is to check all monies are being repaid. Will keep you posted!!!
  4. Hi Thanks ORDER The following directions apply to this claim: 1) The Claimant shall file and serve a fully particularised claim by 30 October itemising the charges she considers are diproportionate or unlawful 2) The defendant shall file and serve a reply within 2weeks of receipt of the particularised claim 3) Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents including case authorities, on which he intends to rely at the hearing. 4) The copies shall be delivered no later than fourteen days before the hearing 5) The original documents shall be brought to the hearing 6) Signed statements setting out the evidence of all witnesses (including expert witnesses if permission has been given to use them) on whom each party intends to rely shall be prepared and copies included in the documents mentioned in paragraph 1. This includes the evidence of the parties themselves and of any other witnesses whether or not the witnesses are going to come to court to give evidence. 7) The court must be informed immediately if the case is settled by agreement before the hearing date. ------------------------------------------------------ Is this all you need? The rest of the letter is just telling me that the court date is 3rd January and there is 2hours allocated and what to do if case relisted. I have, as far as I know, complied with point 1 - I sent through a full breakdown of all chages by 30th October. A reply from Barclays (point 2) has not been received by the court or me. Any thoughts? Thanks
  5. Thanks! So apologies if I'm being thick....when I write to court I should ask for Judgement? I will take your advice and put together my bundle - Barclays did leave a message on my phone I notice, not convinced I want to talk to them. Thanks
  6. Hi Sorry to start another thread - Nobody has answered my original thread. Hoping it's because nobody cliked on it as opposed to nobody having an answer. Thanks to all who have replied to me so far. I realise, however, you may not know what progress I have made so I thought I should let you know what is happening from the beginning. Basically I followed instructions on this site step by step, writing to the Woolwich which was then forwarded to Barclays. They gave me £210 back as a goodwill gesture, I thanked them and said I would continue the process to retrieve the rest(£1566.92). A little later they offered me another £600 which I declined or would accept as a part payment. They refused to give me it as a part payment and said they could offer no more! I entered my claim on Money claim 03/08/06. On the 28th day at 16:00 Barcalys entered a defence. On recieving the court application(which took some time to come through)I sent this off (along with another £100) Court date set as 3rd Jan in a, notice of small claims hearing, and with it a list of things to do by certain dates. I filed and served my particulars of claim by 30th October as requested. Barclays had 14days in which to reply. To date they have not replied! I have spoken to the court three times - They tell me my case is with the judge - ( I don't know if it is with the judge because Barcalys haven't replied or because my case is coming up?) One individual tells me I should write to say what I would like to happen next. That is where I am and I need help as to what I should do next? 1. Is it an automatic default and win because Barclays haven't replied? 2. Should I write to the court asking for Jusgement by default? 3. Should I carry on getting my paperwork together which has to be in 14days prior to court date? Please help?!! Thanks
  7. Please can someone help me? What are your thoughts re above message? Thanks
  8. The court asked for particulars of claim by 30th Oct so I sent a list of charges. I have to send any paperwork that I am relying on in court within 14days if the court date. I was going to take bank statements and any docs that I need for ref. so they need to see that before. Re the judgement - To be honest, I don't know - I have posted a question on this forum but so far no one has got back to me other than to say write to request judgement. I called the court to ask about my case and they tell me it is with the judge! I don't know if it would be with the judge anyway or if it is with the judge because Barcalys haven't sent their paperwork. I need some advice on that one, waiting in hope that someone can help. I don't know if it is an automatic win or as you say, just delays things? I will keep you posted.
  9. Hi there I am at the same stage as you. Court date set for 3rd Jan - However I was asked to send in particulars of claim by 30th Oct, which I did. Barclays had 14days in which to reply - they haven't replied! I am sending in a request for Judgement by default. My case is with the judge. Will keep everyone posted as to the outcome. Good Luck
  10. Hi there Worry not and keep going! I know how you feel. I also am at the end stages of the battle! Barclays entered a defence at the last minute so I had to continue with the court process. I am about to send a letter to the court requesting Judgement by default. My court date is set for 3rd January and I had a deadline to submit particulars of claim, which I did - Barclays have not replied! They had 14days after 30th October. So, we are pretty much down to the wire. Good luck
  11. Hi again Thanks to all who have replied to me. I realise you may not know what progress I have made so I thought I should let you know what is happening from the beginning. Basically I followed instructions on this site step by step, writing to the Woolwich which was then forwarded to Barclays. They gave me £210 back as a goodwill gesture, I thanked them and said I would continue the process to retrieve the rest(£1566.92). A little later they offered me another £600 which I declined or would accept as a part payment. They refused to give me it as a part payment and said they could offer no more! I entered my claim on Money claim 03/08/06. On the 28th day at 16:00 Barcalys entered a defence. On recieving the court application (which took some time to come through)I sent this off (along with another £100) Court date set as 3rd Jan and with it a list of things to do by certain dates. I filed and served my particulars of claim by 30th October as requested. Barclays had 14days in which to reply. To date they have not replied! That is where I am and I am about to send a request to Judgement by default to the court.....is this the correct action? I am told my file is with the judge. Thanks
  12. Hi Me too - I didn't send out the spreadsheet of charges until the court asked me to. Barclays had two weeks to reply after I had sent them this info by demand of the court. They haven't done so. Will keep you posted as to what happens next. Don't worry. Good luck
  13. Any suggestions as to how I word letter or is there another template I can use? Can I simply just ask for JUdgement by default? Do I have to do anything else?
  14. Sorry - I've just realised that I should be adding to my original thread! Huge apologise - I've now put "interesting position" in twice because I couldn't find it. Sorry - will now stick to putting everything in here. Sorry again!
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