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  1. Hi MrShed, They have an assured shorthold tenancy, and thankfully will be moving this weekend, the rent was 720.00 per month, she only found out about a month and a half ago, ethat the scheme id no. supplied in contract was false, and opened under a womans name we did not recognize, and no money was ever deposited.
  2. Thank you kindley Andrew for your reply, I was wondering if somebody could clarify a few things regarding whether or not they're entitled to 3 x they're deposit. My daughter moved in Jan. 08, she was un-aware that she was to recieve confirmation about a scheme within 14 days, nor was she aware she had to ask. Because The landlord had included a scheme identification no. in her contract, she assumed all was well. It was only when she informed him she'd be moving, which will be this coming Sat. Aug, 30th, he informed her he would be keeping part or all of her deposit of 720.00 for a crack in a double glazed door, which I know she did not do. It was at this point, she began to make inquiries, and found out about the scheme. and we are so confused. Upon calling the number for the scheme, she found, that although a scheme had been opened, it was under a womans name, whom we did not recognize, and no money had ever been deposited. Now does this mean she automatically should get her deposit x 3 etc. if she made a claim herself with no solicitor? Unfortunatley, shes only learned these things about a month before her date to move out. She just spoke to a solicitor who is comprising a letter stating that he is in breach, and that her entire deposit shall be returned within 14 days or he shall than be required to pay that plus 3 x over. We could have misunderstood the information we researched, but I thought it was a given, if not registered, however she has no letters of her herself informing landlord. The solicitors letter, which should be before Saturday, the 30th. will be when he realizes she knows. Is the solicitor doing right by her? or is she indeed worthy of the deposit x 3? I would love her to get her deposit x 3, as she lost so much of her own things as well as her baby, due to a mould problem, which would be a seperate issue, and which she cannot afford to persue. Forgive me, if i've posted incorrectly, i'm very new to this. Thank you for any help you might offer. Kindest Regards, D
  3. Hello There, My daughter is presently renting a house, and has been there since Feb. o8, she'll be moving out next weekend, Thank God. There are no agencies involved, as we found it thru the paper. When she first moved in, she was told by the landlord, that his father would occasionally pop around to pick up the mail. Straight away I thought that was strange, At first he'd call to ask if it was convenient. A couple of times he did just show up, they let it go. A few times he'd ring if it was ok to come by, but it was not convenient. but he'd turn up anyway. A little while later, when she'd come in from work, she said she could sware someone had been in there, little things would be moved, etc. and than one day my son had a day off, and was lying on the couch heard keys in the door, by the time got to the door, The father, was just driving off. My daughter rang him and said something to the effect of "I was wondering if I could change the lock, as I think someone has been in my flat while we're at work, and could he get back to her. He made some lame statement, and nothing was done, but at least made whomever, think twice about doing it again. About 3 weeks after moving in, the entire flat, especially the bedroom, was covered in mould, I've never seen anything like it, she called again, and the landlord said he didn't understand, as he'd never had that before. It was gertting worse, so we had to get them a dehumiidifer, which was about 100.00, and a few bottles of mould remover. She didnt ask him for reimbursment at that time. We took loads of photos. We had to throw away a double bed, a chest of drawers, some my grandaughter's clothes, etc. Immediatly upon moving in, they topped up the gas meter, and within a few hours, they'd run out, I can't tell you how many times my husband had to go there in the night so they wouldnt freeze. The landlord would not allow the gas in my son's name, and insisted it stay in his. we' ve since found out that he had left a debt of about 40.oo on it. He doesnt know we know this yet. Then recently,my daughter found a piece of paper, that had fallen behind the drawer into the cupboard, it was about they're boiler, and it said it was to be condemed. I was sick. When theyave him notice they were going to move, he said how sorry he was to see them go, and wrote them a lovely reference. but a few days later, rang and said he saw a crack in the double glazed frnch door, and would be witholding they;re deposit. I know it was there when they moved in, because i had cleaned all the windows and that door, which conveniently had a sticker over the crack. After making some enquiries, my daughter found out that he has not registerd they're deposit. The lady said he opened one up, but to date, has never enterd any money into it. They were not aware they were supposed to recieve something within 14 days of moving in, they got nothing except a very basic short term written agreement. My daughter was very careful, and left a message with him, and shortly after, recieved a text that said"she ought to be very careful, and people like her, should not be tryin it on with someone like him,"and called her a liar, etc. She filled out a police report with the threatning text. what should we do now? should she get a solicitor? She was originally going to leave peacefully, but in lew of all we've found out, she wants him for the lot, mainly because of his lack of concern over they're child, and degrading remarks which added insult to injury. what steps do they take now, and what information should be disclosed to the landlord , if any, and at what point. We only have a week left. Thank you in advance for your help with this matter. Sincerly, D
  4. Hello There, I'm new to this, so please bare with me. The Council (bless them) are taking my husband to court for fraud. What happaned was he had applied for tax credits, he told the gentleman on the phone that he was recieving a partial housing benefit, and inquired how and if it should go thru the books, as we'd never done this, and do I have to call the council. The gentleman said just put it thru as you would end of year etc, and they'll adjust you accordingly than. A few months later, he recieved a an interview under caution letter. What compounds matters, is that they've been hounding us for monies which we have already paid, which has been an ongoing battle for about 2 years now. Im american, so they are a new "experience" for me. I have never dealt with anything like them, We had gone down there with all our receipts, etc. and on a few occasions where we had paid in extra, cause we had it, they actually argued the toss and were trying to tell us that because he couldn't make out some of the numbers on the receipt, for inst. if most of the reciepts were 52.00, and there was 1 in particular that was for 96.00, he looked me straigt in the eye and said sorry, I have to accept that as a 5 not a 9, Now I personally, paid that into the p/o, and my memory is long, It was an insult, anyway, on that day, the woman who we went into the room with, found about 1.000, that HAD NOT been entered into the computer, 500.00 of that was their own payment book. Ok, so you think ,ok sorted, they still got more money than they should, and never will I give xtra again, but no, the figures are still not right, my husband told them I am not paying you another penny till someone sits down, and explains to me where these figures came from shortly after, we had the baliff thing etc. and so it has escalated, we have a standing order for the council, we always pay, but we don't want to give them the extra they say we owe, because we don't owe it, we wrote letters, phoned, had the interview etc. I am exasperrated. So when we got the letter saying they were taking him to court for Fraud, I couldn't believe it. My poor husband who has had 2 heart attacks, and one on the way, went to the interview and explained that because he never claimed for tax credits before, he asked them while he was on the phone, what about the council, how does that work, and that the gentlemen said, just submit it at the end of the year when you turn in your books. Never gave it another thought, but they claim, because he didn't notify them of a "change of circumstance", its fraudulant, he tried explaining to them as nicely as he could, and couldn't believe they thought he was committing fraud, via "the tax man" who would do this?? We don't call them every time a job comes in, or if we're doing a disco, thats ridiculous. He called the tax office the other day, and he has to call a number to see if he can get the conversation, as all calls are supposedly recorded, but they can't guarentee it. He saw a solicitor today, who basically said to plead guilty, after looking at our financial status, said to offer to pay 5.00 a month till its paid, and he'd get off with maybe some kind of community service, not custodial. My husband does more communiity service than anyone I know, he heads a youth club, hes involved in the community, volunteers plenty of time. But mostley, I have a HUGE problem with her telling him to just plead guilty. Should we just eat it, and do like she says? any advice would be greatly appreciated. please forgive me for being so lengthy. Sincerly, D
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