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  1. I dealt with Dino, he was very helpful and polite asked me to send spreadsheet of charges, I emailed him SOC got offer letter day after, I faxed him acceptance which he confirmed by email and said money would be in account within 5 working days it went in yest 19th a couple of days before the fifth day and he even emailed me when it had gone in account. So yes he was very nice to deal with Red:D
  2. Can a mod please put ****WON****** on my thread/link?????? Thanks
  3. Hi gonna donate to the site, do I just hit the link and follow PAYPAL instructions and put CAG in the payment for section?
  4. Hi just to let you all know,THANKS money IS IN THE BANK!!!!! gonna send letter of discontinuance to court on Fri and copy to barclays YEAHHHHHHH! It such a relief. (got copy of charges from TSB so looks like its gonna all start again only 1300 though?)!
  5. hi caz yeah fingers crossed, when I got my mortgage admin fee back from barclays it went in same day so hopefully this will be just as quick??? I would love it to go in 2moro then I would'nt need to pay a fortune to send bundle of to them! Red
  6. hi all can any body let me know is there a template letter to send to the court to let them know we have settled out of court ( once the monies have been put into my account ) ta Red
  7. Hi all, just to keep u updated, faxed my acceptance letter to Dino today he sent an email to me confirming he got it and said money should take no longer than 5 working days to go into account. I'm still gonna send bundle to them 2moro and take into court, just in case (am I right in doing that?) will let you all know when/if money goes in! fingers crossed Red
  8. Hi am just about ready to post bundle to barclays do I send it to the litigations team churchill place london, I now prob a daft question, but i sent all prev docs to leicester Red
  9. I've got over 200 pages in my court bundle is that normal or too much?? red
  10. sorry saintly I meant your reply not very good with all the jargon, as you may ar may not know, as Im sure it was you who slapped my wrists for starting to many threads??? LOL Red
  11. hi mankind, my court date is 2nd july also, I emailed litigation team yest and then rang dino today, I told him I am sending bundle by end of this week as deadline will be 18th he asked me to email copy of statements which I did straight away,he told me they will be looking to settle for the full amount which is over £4,000 and that he will look into the case 2moro. The numbers you need are in saintlys thread 'lit team good or ugly' give them a cll red Red
  12. Hi dar£n, yes emailed dino kate & krysta yest, then rang dino this aft I was to impatient to wait for them to contact me, he said he got my email but was not ignoring me but that they had a few cases to deal with, he said he would be looking to settle in full, I mentioned that i will b sendng bundle of for end of week deadline, he then asked if I could send him statements, sais I would send him SOC as they are itemised. he emailed be confirmation of my mail and said he will be looking into my case 2moro. fingers xsed just have to wait am taking bundle to court thurs and will send barclays theres, as judge did not give me much time? Red
  13. thanks lthomp the amount of threads I've read with people saying that, sounds really good being said to me, Still don't want to think about it to much till cash in bank! Red
  14. i think i've got everything for court bundle, library tomorrow to copy as i've ran out of ink! Rang Dino today even tho only sent email yest, but i couldnt wait till he contacted me, explained I have to send bundle this week for deadline, he then asked me to send him copy of charges, sent him SOC and he emailed me saying he wil b looking into claim 2moro, will still send bundles, can't wait till this is over, as I am suffering with migraine at moment,must be due to stress Red
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