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Everything posted by JED

  1. Thanks for advice, I'll contact them. Usage during winter months was £50 per month but has just been put up to £72 per month with my own meter reading.
  2. I changed over to NPower from British Gas for Electricity and Gas on 18th April 2006. I was sent a final demand for my electricity bill and paid it 12/6/06. I tried contacting the billing dept. for my gas account but couldn't get through. I heard nothing else from them. Today I received a bill for the billing period 18th Jan. 2006 to 18th April 2006 for £271.63, stating I must pay them by 2nd March 2007, leaving enough time for the payment to reach them! They can take a year to sort out the bill but I have less than a week to pay it. I can't afford to pay so much out of one pay packet. Can they do this?
  3. JED

    Argos Card charges

    Owed Argos just £166 and made offer through Payplan (pro-rata with other debts) They took money for several months, still adding on interest and charges each month. Now they have passed the debt, which has increased to £228.79, to Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd - pre court division who sent me a 'Notice of intended Litigation' dated 28/12/06 stating I have to pay the debt in full by 2/01/07 or phone them immediately, or they take me to court and the debt will rise to £323.79 with solicitors and court fees. I tried phoning - no answer and Payplan don't open til 2/01/07. They have also charged me £12 for the letter! Why are they making such a fuss over £200+ when Bank of Scotland, Egg, GE Money have all accepted monthly payments and stopped all interest/charges indefinately? Sheriff of Nottingham eat yer heart out, Argos beat all for taking from the poor! And a happy Christmas to all.
  4. I took out a loan of £55,000 to 'consolidate' my debts from credit cards, store cards, bank overdraft and other small loans. As this wasn't quite enough to pay off everything, I still had a small amount on a credit card, I soon ran up another debt - and so it goes on. That debt of £55,000 with interest is now £121,000! Please anyone reading this DO NOT be tempted into so called consolidation loans they don't solve the problem just make it bigger. I found a company called Payplan who work out arrangements for you with creditors free of charge. Good luck with getting the interest back.
  5. Thanks alot for your help I will send the first two letters off shortly. You may have just saved my sanity!
  6. Hi, I'm paying off £20,000 of unsecured debt through Payplan but I am also legally responsible for a combined debt of nearly £1000 which my daughter is paying off as she couldn't get credit at the time, to HFC and a debt litigation company they transfered part of the debt to. I get 3-4 phone calls every day from these companies as well as letters. They also keep adding charges on and have just threatened to charge £50 for a default notice. This is all very stressful. Any advice?
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