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Posts posted by spencer1959

  1. wondering if this is wrong the same product but different prices and argos stating web exculusive and half price




    any comments? :jaw:

  2. Simple! there are 1000's of us and only 1 of them.

    They don't give a **** about us paragraph 1 i agree

    Seems the louder you shout the more people are prepared to listen its always been the same - it will never change; unfortunately

  3. Sounds terrible, tell them to sick the vouchers where the sun don't shine. You want a refund of the money you paid for the engineer be firm with them.

    I had a similar experience with their engineers( so called ) there messed us about something rotten. I got a complete refund of the repair Looks like we gonna have to sue them now for the fauly goods Fridge Freezer


    I would advise you to phone Consumer direct 08454040506 they will give you all the advise as to your options and you will get a case number you can refer to every time you phone. btw they answer there phones promptly


    Comet are a bunch of..

    Gook Luck

  4. :( I purchased a Samsung Fridge Freezer from Comet in March 2006 and now the temperature on the fridge is not working and the freezer appears to be going the same way too, this occured after there were loud noises coming from the product which seemed to disappear when the fridge door was closed,

    I have contacted Comet and told them that i am reserving my rights under the sale of goods act and was informed that i had to get an independant engineer out to confirm that the fridge freezer is broken.

    first problem is i have tried to get ones in Glasgow and cant, does anyone know of someone i can contact and if i need to pay the engineer upfront before Comet give me some compensation towards the faulty product?

    Comet have not said how much they will give me as i have had the product for just over 2 years,

    The horrible thing is that after purchasing this product, we then purchased a new kitchen to fit and build around it and if we need to get a new one then i am left with a large space under and around my units, my wife is really upset. Take Care william




    I sincerly hope it wasn't a Moben Kicthen...


    Am having the same problem with my Samsung ( There must be something wrong with this Manufuturer )

    This link may help i saw it on another post somewhere http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2006/mar/25/consumernews.howtocomplain

  5. I have a SAMSUNG AMERICAN FRIDGE/FREEZER ( i wish i had not ) Model RS20CCMS5/XEU that has broken down. Its less than 5 years old. Contacted Comet for a repair got the story defrost it for 48 hours, £99 or £150 spill etc.


    Arranged a visit from one of their engineers said needs a bit haven't got it.. will order it... phone you when we got it... Phoned to say they have the part.. arranged for another engineer to visit with the new part...


    ... Wasn't the right part and even if it was the right part I(the engineer hmmm) couldn't fit it.


    Am in the process of sending a letter for a refund of the 99 quid they scammed me for and gonna try to get someit under the sale of goods act for faulty goods

  6. We bought our Samsung American style side by side fridge freezer from Comet. I have never had such a bad after sales experience as I have with them. My Samsung fridge freezer was great until the warranty ran out! Typical! Comet have visited on several occasions, changing God knows how may parts, and yet they still couldn't fix it. Samsung didn't want to know. The engineers in my area said they didn't work on Samsung fridge freezers, and referred me back to Comet and Samsung! Anyway, as time went on, Comet offered me the usual deal that other people seem to have been given. The deal was they will cancel my insuance, and give me some vouchers to put towards a new fridge freezer (from Comet of course). Unfortunately however, as the prices of a new fridge freezer had gone up since I bought mine, I would now need to pay the extra £435.00 difference!! How reasonable of them!! How do they do it and make a profit?!! Eventually, I decided that even though I had foolishly taken out insurance with Comet and was still insured, I'd try something else. I read how loads of other people have ordered a kit from a website, and fixed it themselves - and its worked. The company is PPLIANACE DIY REPAIRS. I ordered the kit, it arrived quickly, I fitted it and its been great ever since. So what the hell have all the Comet engineers been fitting on my fridge freezer? Needless to say, I won't be taking out any more insurance policies with Comet. From now on, I'll just contact APPLIANCE DIY REPAIRS, and ask their advice. The icing on the cake for me is, that as Comet deemed my fridge freezer as being unrepairable (which we now know to be a load of bull), I accepted the offer to cancel my insurance, and did go into their store to spend the vouchers they gave me. I spent it on a surround sound system!! So, I now have the same fridge, only working, and repaired for a reasonable price, and a nice new surround sound system courtesy of Comet!! So in the end, it was a rather good result all round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    we are having problems with a american style FF ModelR S20CCMS5/XEU. Comet were useless, ordered the wrong part said they could fix it - then in typical comet gfashion ordererd the wrong part and than said even if they they hasd the right part they could fix it ( that took nealy six weeks). Yeah we got extented warranty - not worth the paper its written on.


    Thanks for the tip i'll try APPLIANCE DIY REPAIRS


    I wont be buying from Comet and especially not Samsung Products

  7. Update:

    I just got a call from John Lewis Direct.

    They said that they would send the goods out right away and have offered to refund the cost as a gesture of goodwill.:D


    Think i'll leave it there for now and see if it arrives ( it was promissed before and never turned up ) Guess I should cross something.



    Delivered Monday morning :) phew! ( in fact 2 of them arrived )


    John Lewis Phoned today to say that I could keep both items and that a refund would be issued on my credit card:smile::smile::smile::smile: Thank you Leslie Hardy you have been a great help. REsolved

  8. This is the reply to a letter I sent to John Lewis Directs MD, received from John Lewis and dated 13th January 2009


    Your Letter Addressed to Robin Terrell has arrived in his absence and i hope you do not mind that I have taken the decision to respond to avoid any further delay :cool: .


    I am very sorry to read of your disappointment with the level of service you have been offered. However, as I am sure you will appreciate, our customer service team :evil:are best placed to manage things:cool: and therefore, I have asked one of our Customer Relations Managers to review the concerns raised and to respond to you directly. I will of course be kept informed.


    I hope that in this way we can speedily:cool: resolve matters and restore your confidence in us.


    Yours sincerely


    Assistant to the Managing Director.


    Its now Saturday 17th January and I have heard nothing yet.:-?

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