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  1. I have a friend who has signed an IVA with her ex husband. This was signed just before they split and was drawn up with a solicitor, stating that he would maintain the payments agreed with regard to the IVA. He has since stopped paying and all correspondence is dealt with through him. My question is can they still pursue the Consumer credit act law, in relation to stopping payments until such time as the credit companies can deliver the information they are required to provide by law? If I have worded this wrong or if someone could help I can provide more information. I have myself used the consumer credit act but am unsure of the legal complications regarding a signed IVA. All help would be much appreciated.
  2. sorry should have mentioned that Wescot letter stated 'our Client Bank of Scotland' i think...havent got it at work at the moment. So Robinson seem to have passed it back to BOS and then they have employed Wescot!!! Any thoughts on this????
  3. Would you believe it....yes probably!!! Rob Way have passed my info onto Wescot who have sent me a demand or 'may result in court action' etc etc....time to get back to Trading Standards regarding Robinson Way. But has anyone got a nifty little letter/template that I could fire of the Wescot regarding the passing of my details from Robo being illegal etc etc....
  4. any thoughts anyone?? would be really grateful...have been searching and searching but cant get a definitive answer from web anywhere!
  5. can anyone give me a quick answer just to let me know if i can send ex solicitor a DPA request?? would be much appreeciated
  6. Can anyone tell me are solicitors bound by the Data Protection Act?? Solicitors practice I employed to handle my divorce turned out to be a lemon! nearly 5 years down the line and 4 solicitors later within this one practice and no further forward i sacked them. They then sent bill for over £800 before they would release my file to my new solicitor. I have asked for a full itemised breakdown of my bill as it just gave a total but as yet have heard nothing..that was 3 weeks ago. wouldnt care if i never heard from them but fact is i am going back to court to try and get increased custody of my kids and this is holding things up! if i sent of a DPA at least i could give all that to my new solicitor and could get cracking on! Any advice very welcome.
  7. Thanx LB, I just read ur thread and it was the laugh i needed at the start of 4, 12hour nightshifts.....great laugh...they never had my phone number so i never got to have a laugh with them...have had a wee laugh with Fredrickson but they have stopped phoning me now or I would be using some of your lines...good luck for the future!
  8. just thought id update for the people that helped me. Have not heard a word from Robinson way since i sent letter ODC gave me...not a beep!! think it has actually worked. have since done the same with Fredrickson for 2 old MBNA accounts..they have gone over the 12 days and i am patiently awaiting the end of the 30 day countdown. They did send me a statement of account for 1 of the accounts but absolutely nothing else. so i have just filed this for safekeeping. i wold just like to thank everyone who has helped me on this site. i am getting my life back in control and no longer have the stress, panic attacks or down rite depresion brought on by all the debt i was in...i feel normal again thank god and this site...i continue to help people from my own home town who have heard what i have done and this in itself gives me a great deal of satisfaction! as my daughter would say, this site rocks!!!
  9. doing this for a friend. She went out of business nearly 3 years ago and went to an IVA consultancy. Basically they took the money left over for the creditors, £75,000, and have had that money ever since and the IVA is still not sorted out. She had to get all her statements from bank but that took nearly 9 months, even with doing the DPA etc. Finally got all the statements and the IVA people said she had to get the accounts done up from the statements and hen pay for that and an accountant to sign them off out of her own pocket! My questions are these: 1: should she have had to chase the statements herself? 2: should she have had to pay accountants to then do up the books? (surely IVA consultants being regulated by the Institue of Chartered Accountants should have done this) 3: what happens to the interest on her £75000 over nearly 3 years?? If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. Can give more info should anyone need it. Thanks in advance
  10. Thanks ODC thats the letter i was looking for. Am going to send it to make them aware that i know what i am going on about , due to this site, and maybe they'll just stop sending any more letters. If they send more i will just save them and ignore but thought i would try at least. Shall report to TS next week as you suggest. thanks again.
  11. Thanks Siobhan....get that CCA in the post and start the countdown...the sooner the better...allthe best to you to.
  12. Just back on now after a great Xmas and New Year. To update Robinson Way have just sent me another letter after the 30 days were up saying that I have failed to keep up with my £1 repayment plan (this was my £1 for the CCA, as a lot of you will be aware). Not worried about that but am going to report them to TS now. Would be garteful of any help with a template letter for this and a template for the letter to Robo Way to tell them to bog of and stop asking me for money on a debt they cannot prove they have a right to collect and to which they have not supplied the required CCA in the legal time frames. Any help would be great.
  13. Cheers ODC and thanks for keeping an eye on me....will leave now until 30 days are up I think as, you know what, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy Xmas cos last years was ruined by these DCA people:mad: !! This time they are actually making i better lol lol:) So you've got your festive gear on and Im away to get mine ha ha
  14. Thanks Timsta...no fear, I always hang on to everything these days and assign to its own lovely folder!!!
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