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Everything posted by photoman

  1. Just started my own thread, as about to start my own action. Ant help or advice from you kind experienced people would be much appreciated. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/49379-photoman-lloyds-business.html
  2. Thanks N_R. Just that having read around I gather that the initial request letter for a Business account claim should be modified to exclude reference to Consumer Credit act. I think this is because there are lightly different rules governing business accounts. I'm sure it makes no real difference if you do include the reference, and won't jeopordise your claim or make it void in any way, and you still go through all the same steps. However, I gather that it is better not to refer to it as it gives them an inclination that you are not completely sure of your rights, and this makes them a little more confident in stalling you, in belief that you won't go the whole nine yards?
  3. Hi, been doing an exhaustive reading around on all of this, and got a couple of questions ? I've already got all my statements and read through the step by step guide, so reday to send in my initial request (is this the LBA)? 1/ Is the procedure the same for Business accounts (sole trader) ? Can someone direct me to a Business LBA template? 2/Who do I address any letters to? Directly to my account manager at the Branch I held account, or to a more central department? If so any suggestions as to whom? I noticed on a thread someone posted some details of some senior people at Lloyds, is this a better option, or are they more likely to be too busy, not responsive or muuch more "hard nosed" ?
  4. CONGRATULATIONS MIDGE61. I've only just become aware about the whole business of reclaiming bank charges, and have been excitedly trawling the web all day (and night...note time of my post) !! The Banks have made my life misery for years, and the stress of it all made me very ill, at one time winding me up in Hospital with Shingles brought on by stress. I now feel I have a really strong case for claiming a sum of around £3k back, and it's encouraging to see success stories. I really need all the help I can get from all the experienced people ( both people wh've been through ot all themselves, and Moderators etc......promise to donate upon a win) !! HOW DO I GET HELP ??
  5. I've spent a load of time today surfing around the web, after accidentally stumbling across an article telling me all about how to claim back bank charges........I couldn't believe my eyes at first and thought it was a joke. No wonder this news is not common knowledge, the banks must be terrified that it became common knowledge. I'm now all geared up and ready for a fight, they made me suffer for years, and now I'm getting my own back. I'm even contemplating taking further action in respect of the fact that the financial hardship and stress caused by the banks brought about a stress related illness, the physical and financial effects of which I am still dealing with. Anyone any ideas about this ??
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