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Everything posted by Clare1981

  1. Okay... this maybe long... Im sorry if it is, ill try and keep it short but feel free to ask questions!! The tax credits are telling me that I owe them £4000!!! Apparently in 04 - 05 we only gave an estimate of earnings, apparently that was not allowed so they want everything they gave us that year back.... they also say that for last year and the year before we didnt sign a decleration so they want all that back too.... I dont get it?? I dont remember any declerations?? All I remember is a form saying if any of these circumstances have changed please let us know... do people get declarations every year?? Im so confused... I have to appeal and soon but I dont know where to start, we have moved house and lost all P60 although I have a few of my husbands... 04 - 05 I was self employed so I possibly did give an estimate but not sure about hubby who wasnt s/e... Im just so upset and confused, I have no idea where to start with the whole process... the situation at the mo is.... Two kids, two working parents... I work part time and the youngest child's nursery fees come out of my earnings (in theroy) So I earn £500, nuresery fees are £389 a month... now with no tax credit for 2 months I have been working for about £30 a week.. less than £2's an hour :o( What is the point?? Also I am pregnant, was planning to go back to work with help from tax credit to pay for both sets of nursery fees...... my theory is if I owe them £4000 they are not going to give me a penny until thats paid back which willl probably mean no tax credit for 2 years or more.... how will we ever survive?? This is £280 less each month that we were getting and we are finding it hard to adjust... Sorry I knew this would be long... any ideas on a letter?? What to put in it etc, how to word it, how to get a good response!!! Thanks in advance xxx
  2. Hi there, I wont tell my story just yet... I had some amazing help here last year to win back a huge amount of bank charges, this site was fantastic and I couldnt have done it without the help of the people on here. Now Im in another situation with the inland revenue and was wondering if CAG could help me out?? I cant see any threads to do with this... are there any?? TIA xxxx
  3. Thanks John! I didnt do any 'gentle nudge' letters!! It just came!!
  4. Thanks everyone! And thanks for the letter template, its all ready to go tomorow!!
  5. Full offer recieved today!!!! Can I just ask, I want this paid by cheque, I cannot have it paid into my HSBC account as it will just eat it!! And we're pretty skint at the mo! Last time they paid me by cheque without asking but recently my frined won her case against HSBC and it was put directly into her account. I cannot let this happen!! What shall I do? Ive got to sign and return the slip, should I just write a note on the bottom? What should it say??
  6. Full offer recieved today!! Ha ha ha!!
  7. 300??!! Im really getting nervous now... I think ill just ignore it for a while....
  8. He he he!! Thanks guys!! So today brings another letter..... "Notice of small claims hearing" I have a court date on the 23rd of May at 11 a.m!!!! :eek: Does what you all said still stand???? Should I prepare my court bundle now??? :???:
  9. Thanks everyone, Im still confused but Im getting there! For anyone whos interested in what the letter says its as follows.... Notice of allocation to the small claims track (Hearing) Deputy district Judge Smith has considered the statements of case and AQ filed (?? I havent done one of these ??) and allocated the claim to the small claims track. The hearing of the claim will take place on a date to be fixed at Swindon County Court (Address follows) The court must be informed immedinently if the case is settled by agreement before the hearing date. Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents (including any experts' report) on which he intends to rely at the hearing no later than 14th May 2007. The original documents shall be bought to the hearing. Witness statements must be included in the documents filed and served. If this means Im going to court then Im done!!!
  10. Thanks for the reply! Its not over 5k, my first one was just under 5k, I kept it this way so it stayed within the small claims court, this is the rest of the first claim and its for £1200. Still want more info???
  11. Wow! Brave man!! Ill be looking out for the oucome!!!! Come on!!!!
  12. Anyone heard of the "Notice of allocation to the small claims track (Hearing)" It came after the letter Lats mentions at the start of this thread?
  13. Okay... now I have a letter headed "Notice of Allocation to the small claims track (Hearing)" I am so confused right now, I think Im gonna cave!! This to me is like trying to understand a foreign language!! Im just lost, I dont know what to do or where to go and its scary!! Any ideas?? I can type out what the letter says if need be, just dont want to do it now if I dont need too!! TIA xxx
  14. Sorry, the N1 is the MCOL?! Sorry for being thick!! I blame lack of sleep!!
  15. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Ill try not to worry but I hate it when I dont understand whats happening!! Thanks for the links Lats, ill read it later when I have abit more time!! x
  16. He he he!! Its quite a large amount I belive, £3500, thats including the interest. Hes sent the first letter and its already been 14 days I believe so ill get him to send the LBA then file the MCOL on day 15?? Is that right?? When you say they've made it to court what do you mean? The MCOL or an actual court date? Thanks for your help! x
  17. That sounds so easy!! Have you recieved your settlement recently?! Are Halifax usually better than other banks at paying out, it certainly seems like it from what you've said! My first claim was this easy but the second, more recently, is dragging on!!!
  18. Okay... here I am again! In a major panic!! I have recieved a 'Notice of transfer of proceedings' form but it looks different to last time... attached is something headed 'Northampton county court' It has a case number and it says 'Before District Judge Murdoch' then 'sitting at Northampton county court.... It then says Without hearing IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The filing of an AQ be dispensed with in this case unless the district judge at the court of transfer orders otherwise It then has a note which says 'Any party affected by this order may under Rule 3.3 (5) apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed. Such a party must apply within 14 days of service of order. What does all this mean and why havent I recieved an AQ, I also have a letter to forward breakdown of charges which Id forgotten all about so am faxing that tomorow. Any help would be very much appreciated!! xxxx
  19. Thank you!! Ill let him know and ill keep posting back along the way! Any advice on time scales etc would be greatly appreciated! Whats the pay out from Halifax like? Ive only even dealt with HSBC and things have changed so much in the last few months!
  20. {{{{{Watching with interest!!}}}}} Fingers crossed xxxx
  21. Hi all! Just a quick question for a friend! He has sent his prelim asking for his money back, £3000, they have responded with the usual letter and leaflets but say they have 8 weeks to deal with his 'complaint'?!! But it isnt a complaint is it?! I dont know what advice to give him? Should he stick to the amount of time he stated in the prelim? Think he put 14 days, should it have been 28 days, Ive forgotten!! TIA
  22. Thanks everyone, been offline for a while now but its great to be back and read your responses. I will see if I can find something on the web about the watch dog program, sounds interesting!!! I think I am on about day 15 of the MCOL, defence due on the 29th so should be interesting to see what happens!! Im not really that bothered about them closing my account, just abit worried as to how I am going to pay back my £900 overdraft!! I guess I will have to pay that off if I win this claim! Shame... could really do with a holiday!!!!
  23. Okay... Im back!! Thought i could do it alone and not bother you lot but I cant!! I am so angry at the moment... HSBC wrote to sday they were closing my account as of yesterday... so my wages and hubbys wages have gone into a new account, Direct debits and s/o were being transferred and those that didnt or if it didnt happen in time would just be refused by hsbc and we would be wrote to and then we'd pay them another way!! So yesterday, accounts supposed to be closed, they let 2 direct debits come out, leaving me way o/d and guess what?! Today they returned the d/d and charged me £25!! Anyway... its along old story but basically I started my mcol on saturday for my second lot, its saying 'issued' and i cant remember now what that means! Do they no get 28 days? Or is that after acknowledgement?! Also I now have this charge of £25 to add on plus they are intending to take out charges of £150 on the 17th of Feb!! Havent been able to include that as I havent paid it yet. And how can they take it if the accounts closed?! Been on the phone so many times today and yesterday, they said it hadnt been closed as I was o/d but I emailed them a repayment proposal last week. Im going to send a letter tomorow as there is no way we can afford to pay off our o/d! Maybe when they give us our money back we will!! I need some serious help!!!! Lats where are you??!!! Sorry for any sp's or typos, in a rush, be back soon xxxx
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