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  1. No i dont have any of my old account details. How do i ask for the charges back? thanks
  2. I last used the account in 2007. i think i took the account out over the internet. I cant really remenber as it will of been opened in 2004. They keep ringing my mothers home. So i rang them, i aksed him to stop phoning my mothers house as i dont live here. He said yes we no you live at xxxxx. I have moved from that address 5 months ago so they dont no where i am... hes said someone will be calling to my address if it is paid within 7 days. They wont go to my mams address will they?
  3. hiya all, ive been getting phone calls for 2 weeks now from srj, littlewoods put a default on my credit in 2008 for £214. i rang srj back yest, and they are saying my debt is £362 and want it all within 7 days... I did go to the CAB a few years back and they sent liitlewoods a letter asking for a copy of my signed aggrement. They sent an aggrement but not signed.. i never signed one. I am on income support and with other debts i am paying off a the mo i cant afford alot. Any help welocme, thankyou
  4. Hiya, my sister put her claim in just before the tast case was opened, and she soon got a letter saying that it is on hold bla bla bla. The thing is i was wondering if she could claim hardship, as she has missed two months mortgage because of halifax taking all her money off as soon as she is payed on charges. she is so scared of losing her house, ive just told her to open another account at a differnt bank shes on her way down to the town to do it now. If she can claim on hardship grownds what do i do now?
  5. hiya all, i have an arrengement with cap 1 i pay £10 a month to them. But i just wanted to no if i can re claim again, i did reclaim over two years ago, and i think im paying off most of the charges?
  6. I CLAIMED MY CHARGES BACK LAST YEAR, I HAD A £50 OVERDRAFT WITH THEM.i changed my bank to another bank,so didnt really use my hsbc account. The next think i no, i owe the£85 £25 pound coz i went overdrawn, but this was dont to them just taking away my overdarft?Can they do this? its gone to detb collecters now
  7. Ive just printed the first letter to get my cc details, i dont have the account number so ive put all the detail they will need to get them.Im just wondering if any1 has reclaimed and won shorty? Or am i wasting my time?
  8. fkelanne


    i cant really afford it till the middle of the month but i dont want them to 4get about me can some please write a letter for me saying this is your last chance to pay up or i will take you to court plus somethink about that case with ltsb? Thanks.
  9. fkelanne


    got this letter this morning, i refer to your letter dated 14th may 2007 which has been passed for my attention. I have noted your comments, however, i feel we have acted fairly in offering to refund the difference between our previous charges, and the OFTs recommended threshold for such charges. the OFT did not find these charges to be unlawful, and as previously stated it is questionable as to whether they apply to mail order. Also in view of the recent case of Berwick-v lloyds tsb, in whivh the court dismissed the claiments claim we are not prepared to issue a refund. What do i do now?
  10. fkelanne

    argos claim

    sent the lba on tuesday, got a reply 2day offering me £92.05 to clear my account, what do i do now? should i accept?
  11. fkelanne


    do i send the cheque back with the LBA
  12. fkelanne

    daipp v Argos

    how have you got on?
  13. fkelanne


    sent first letter on the 24th of april. got a reply today saying " i have to note the comments in your letter however i would point out the under consumer credit legislation we are justified in applying a charge where defualt of our payment terms has occurred. The OFT considered the question of default charges in relation to store cars. it is questionable whether thier findings apply to other forms of credit, including mail order. the oft did NOT state that these charges were unlawful, but that in general terms, should not exceed £12 per charge. I have interrogated out systems and note two default charges of £20. Accordingly,i am enclosing a cheque to the value of £16 which represents the difference between uor prvios charges, and the OFT recommended threshold. What do i do now? I havent sent the second letter yet just the first one?
  14. fkelanne

    argos claim

    hiya all, i sent the letter to get my charges back 2 weeks ago from argos for £145. Today i got a letter from them saying "As stated in your letter, the OFT issued a statement following its review of eight credid card provider. The OFTs statement sets out its view of the principle credit card issuers not store cards issuers should follow in stting default charges. As a store card provider we have not been involved in the discussions between the credit card companies and the OFT. In managing your account, you have failed to make payments, or the correct payment as they fell due on a number of occasions resulting to £145 in charges. As part of having an argos card, you are responsible for making the required payments on time and we have the right to recover from you the cost incurred by us dealing with you default if youfail to make a payment whenit falls due. Had we charged the £12 fee referred to in the OFTs report on credit cards the difference in your fees would be £41 in total. We value our reationship with our customers and always endeavour to resolve queries and complaints as positively as possible. Having reviewed yuor account, for the reasons stated abvove, we are unable to offer you a refund of fees however as a goodwill gesture we are prepared to offer you £70 to be credited to you account(i owe £100) our offer is made without admission of liability and full settlement of all claims you may have against us in relation to the default fees on your account. What should i do? i need it paying off as soon as pos as im on buying a house and dont what any debts when i move.
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