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Everything posted by payingonlyencouragesthem

  1. Thanks for looking into it. Sorry newby question whats the best way of pm'ing a moderator? Thanks.
  2. There wasn't any hearing at all - the lender just adjourned with liberty to restore before the hearing due date (back in July) because I handed the car back. They auctioned the car off and are restoring the action to collect the outstanding amount plus collection penalties.
  3. I handed the goods back and offered monthly payments but the finance co didn't take me up at the time on that and had the case adjourned with liberty to restore. This was before any hearing took place so no court orders were made.
  4. I have just been sent a court note (doesn't look like a normal summons) because a lender has reactivated a case that was adjourned when I returned a car on HP to them. It says 10 minutes has been allocated for the hearing. The lender sold the car and is claiming costs due under the HP agreement of about £2,500 plus collection costs of about £1,000. I only borrowed £10,000 in the first place and the finance co. have now had £13,000 back after selling the car so they're just going after their pound of flesh:evil:. Will I likely be CCJ'd into paying the balance? Is the finance co. likely to take enforcement action? All advice greatly appreciated.
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