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Everything posted by townley8687

  1. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/05/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Keeping you up to date: Got back off holiday yesterday and found two letters - one from the Halifax advising that they would settle in full without admission of liability, and the second from the Courts - Notice of Defence that Amount Claimed has Been Paid. The Halifax have said that if I incur any further charges I will receive 30 days notice and the account will be closed, however, my partner has a bank account with the Nationwide so thats OK. Many thanks for a great and helpful website.
  4. You have the claim ref. no. Amount claiming for is £2202.00, interest of £285.22 and Court costs so far of £120.00.
  5. I claimed via the Money Claim Online, and the claim no given was 6QZ17986. So far it hasn't been allocated to the local Court. Is the info you need?
  6. Here goes nothing. Having sent two letters to the Halifax - one on 3rd Feb and one on 23rd Feb, and having had a general reply to the first and none to the second, I requested in both letters repayment of charges totalling about £2k plus interest, and included a breakdown of the charges - your interest calculator template was great, many thanks for that. I hadn't needed to request statements - being a hoarder I still had them from when the ac opened, but I did ask for a breakdown of how costs were cauculated - needless to say this hasn't arrived. SO: Court action is now beginning - forms have been submitted and payment in respect of court costs made. Can't help feeling that I'll be the one they'll test the waters with and take to Court, but nothing ventured nothing gained. So, fingers crossed. I have to say that without your websit e I would never have taken this action, so all the letters and info have been really helpful. Will keep you posted on progress.
  7. This is a really useful site, I've started corresponding with the Halifax with a view to get about £2k's worth of charges back. Having sent an initial letter with this request, and received a standard letter back stating, amongst other things, 'You have agreed that you have incurred the costs due to numerous reasons where your account has not been conducted properly. The decision stands that we will not refund these as they have been applied in accordance with our advertised charging policy and therefore your account should be maintained in a way as not to incur them'. Enclosed was a leafet and a paragraph in the letter advised me to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service for assistance in resolving my problem. Has anyone gone down the Ombudsman route to get a refund, or is it advisable, assuming that, having sent a further letter with a schedule of charges to the Halifax, if they don't give me my money back, to go straight to the Small Claims Court.
  8. This is a really useful site, I've started corresponding with the Halifax with a view to get about £2k's worth of charges back. Having sent an initial letter with this request, and received a standard letter back stating, amongst other things, 'You have agreed that you have incurred the costs due to numerous reasons where your account has not been conducted properly. The decision stands that we will not refund these as they have been applied in accordance with our advertised charging policy and therefore your account should be maintained in a way as not to incur them'. Enclosed was a leafet and a paragraph in the letter advised me to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service for assistance in resolving my problem. Has anyone gone down the Ombudsman route to get a refund, or is it advisable, assuming that, having sent a further letter with a schedule of charges to the Halifax, if they don't give me my money back, to go straight to the Small Claims Court.
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